I'm really not doing business

Chapter 127 Super Double, Armed Taxation

Chapter 127 Super Double, Armed Taxation
Wan Shihe described Yin Zhengmao's conquest of Luzon as a misunderstanding. This is an extremely shameless approach, but with a little twist, it is extremely reasonable.

Is the result important or the process important?In fact, the impact and feedback after the result are the most important.

"Wang Daokun and others appealed to the dispute over the Songjiang Shipyard." Zhang Juzheng took out another memorial. The main content of this court discussion focused on the opening of the sea. If you want to open the sea, you must have a ship.

There have been some disturbances in the matter of Daming Shipbuilding.

There are mainly three ideas, the first one is to follow the law of the ancestors and fully imitate the ships of the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty; .

The first way of thinking is difficult to realize. The wood used in shipbuilding was built with the strength of the world. It is really difficult to restore the glory of the ancestors in a short time. Moreover, the shipbuilding experience and ideas of 160 years ago are now , is indeed a little behind.Ming lost its commodity advantage in shipbuilding.

The second way of thinking is what Songjiang Mansion is doing now, which is why Hongmaofan wants to set up a shipyard in Luzon. There is no such wood suitable for shipbuilding in the area controlled by Hongmaofan.

It is only distributed in Myanmar, Siam, Annan and other places in Luchuan. It is also very convenient to build materials nearby. There are teak in Wanli Haitang. This kind of hardwood is the most suitable for shipbuilding. Moreover, Luchuan’s teak industry chain is extremely stable and the supply is large enough. Able to build ships instantly.

That's why there is a copy of the three-masted merchant ship. The movement is extremely fast, and the ship has already been launched. This is a kind of assembly, and it is also the restoration of Daming's shipbuilding capabilities. The southeast shipbuilding industry of Daming is not without it, but is limited by the long-term sea ban. , the scale is limited, and the court is doing business, so it is natural to clenched fists to do big things.

And the third is the opinion of the Maritime Hall, and the improvement is also the consistent practice of the Ming Dynasty.

On the Taixi ships, the Daming navy also found some shortcomings, and has made improvements. For example, the hard sails used by Daming are far more practical than the soft sails, and can handle all directions of wind, and the speed is faster. No watertight compartment design.

The design of the watertight cabin during the Yongle period was still ahead of Taixi, and the structure was simple and easy to improve.

"It turns out that the reason why Fuchuan is called Fuchuan is that it is a blessed boat." After reading Wang Daokun's memorabilia, Zhu Yijun knew that the origin of the word "Fuchuan" was because of the watertight cabin. The probability of accidental shipwreck has been reduced from [-]% to [-]%. Blessed ship.

In the watertight compartment, there is a water eye hole located at the bottom of the bulkhead, when the bulkhead enters the water, it will quickly block the water eye hole under the pressure of the water to prevent the ship from sinking due to water penetration.

Once a Taixi ship is flooded, it is almost certain to sink. However, Daming's watertight cabin idea is to divide the ship into individual airtight rooms. Once there is water seepage, one compartment is closed to prevent the ship from sinking, so it is called a blessing ship.

These ancient and modern ideas, combining Chinese and Western ideas, immediately became a mainstream voice, and even the court heard their shouts.

Zhang Juzheng pondered for a moment and said: "It is great to be tolerant of all rivers and rivers, learn from each other's strengths and make up for weaknesses, and save the chaff."

Daming lost the advantage of goods on ships. It was Daming who lost 140 years and lost the supply chain of ships, including the supply of wood, bamboo, iron, oil, hemp, rattan, etc. There are more than 40 kinds of materials alone. To build a sea-going ship, these naturally have to be connected.

The loss of product advantages does not mean that Daming's design ideas have completely fallen behind.

Building a ship is by no means so easy and simple. For example, the iron alone includes cutting iron, steel, building iron, new nails, yellow nails, nail blanks, iron wire, anvil, iron bars, poles, scales, etc. There are several types, all of which require work.

Songjiang Prefecture Shipyard recruited a total of 260 shipwrights from Qingjiang Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture, Huai’an Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture and other places, more than 6000 hard laborers, and 310 and seven southern soldiers who were responsible for the defense, Inspection of laws and other things.

This is a huge system project, and if it is to be realized, it must be dispatched by an efficient court. Obviously, Daming, who has passed the examination, can do it.

From the very beginning of its establishment, Songjiang Shipyard also fell into a brief period of confusion. Money was spent, people arrived, and expectations were expected. What kind of ship is more suitable to build?Yin Zhengmao came down to Luzon and sent all the information from the Manila shipyard to Songjiang Mansion. Since Hongmao Fan used this kind of boat to travel across the ocean, let's build this kind of boat to make do with it first. Then solve the problem of good or bad.

Apparently both Songjiang Shipyard and Maritime Academy are very concerned about whether the solution is good or not. The combination of ancient and modern, the combination of Chinese and Western has become a mainstream.

This kind of combination of ancient and modern forces, the combination of Chinese and Western is not only the first one proposed by the little emperor, the improvement of the bird gun and the Franco cannon in the Ming Dynasty are all based on this kind of thinking, and this kind of improvement idea has a long history.

This matter really needs to be decided by the imperial court, and it needs decisive power, otherwise the quarrel will be endless, and no one can bear the burden of violating the family law of the ancestors. Do you want to do it?Songjiang Shipyard certainly knows what to do, but such political pressure cannot be decided by a shipyard.

This is a concrete manifestation of the political rigidity of the Ming Dynasty. When a new thing appears, the first consideration is political influence.

This sentence itself is Zhu Yijun's instructions for foreign exchanges, and there is nothing to refute. If you want to scold, you are scolding the old Taoist priest of Jiajing. He first started to improve the matchlock gun and the Franco machine gun. This is the law of the ancestors. The four characters of Qianqing Palace.

The court discussion is still going on, and the noisy thing is still the issue of receiving the official tax. The country is not rich, and the people are poor, and the issue of returning the land is also a huge issue on the table.

"How to collect the regular tax after returning the land? The former grain chief has been abolished due to long-term mergers, and now the official tax of Ming Dynasty is simply robbed. The powerful and powerful can't receive it, so they can only search it from the small people, and the small people don't have it. It is really difficult to fight the two taxes in summer and autumn every year." Wan Shihe talked about the common phenomenon in Ming Dynasty.

Hai Rui also said with some emotion: "It's indeed common. When I was in Yingtian Mansion, I also discovered this vicious cycle."

"So Yin Butang is in the extreme south, demolishing the door and moving the bed, and the court knows that it is a fish, meat, gentry and powerful man, but what can it do? Is this bandit suppressed? Is this Japanese bandit fair or not? We can only let Yin Butang do evil. It's gone." Ge Shouli also said with emotion.

Hai Rui's fish and meat gentry was impeached and went home to stay idle and could not sign papers for official business, but Yin Zhengmao had already set foot in the house, and the court ignored him.

The Ming Dukes of the Great Ming Dynasty Hall are the courtiers that His Majesty has appraised and can bring to the Taimiao to show the ancestors.

In fact, what they were discussing involved a common phenomenon both inside and outside the Ming Dynasty, and it was also a topic that could not be touched. The small people's armed resistance to taxes, or civil unrest.

Power tycoons are extremely good at a kingly method to create civil chaos.

That is to transfer the pressure of the court to collect taxes downwards, forcing the court not to raise taxes, or even to collect taxes.

This was also the main contradiction of the Japanese invasion back then. The imperial court wanted to collect taxes and set up a money gate like the Yuegang Metropolitan Salary Office to collect points.

This is what Gu Shaofang, a talented scholar, did when facing the order to return the fields from the imperial court. The powerful people have already formed a path dependence, forcing the people to have no way out, turning grass into bandits, and entering the sea as bandits, forcing the court to be unable to accept it. Tax.

The pessimistic Wang Zhigao said with a little helplessness: "The great evil of appeasement and bribery has already been accomplished, and it is hard to get back."

"Difficult, difficult, difficult, the difficulty of the road to Shu, it is difficult to go to the blue sky!" Wang Xijue, who is in charge of the Imperial Academy, was also full of emotion.

A knot.

Local officials, if they want to complete the taxes distributed by the imperial court, they must appease the local big households. Otherwise, if the big households don’t pay, they have to go to the countryside to search. There is no respect for the imperial court, because there are too many. The local big households have embezzled most of the means of production, but they are not willing to pay. The small people have to bear these taxes.

The fish scale book of the imperial court is there, and there are as many lands as there are in a county, and how many official gifts it should have.

The specific expression of this terrible vicious circle in taxation is: if local officials want to collect taxes, they must appease the powerful who occupy the vast majority of the means of production. Including the people themselves, it is not uncommon to use land for strong personal attachment.

The more arrogant Quan Hao is, the more arrogant he is to rely on the self-respect of the land and the people, and he does not take the court seriously, and the local officials will indulge Quan Hao even more.

Once the imperial court forces the powerful to return to the fields, the powerful who followed the imperial court to strip the common people before will use the people who are personally attached to them to resist, armed to resist taxes, and all the chicken feathers.

Is it just taxes?Corvettes, bandit suppression, bridge and road repairs, school buildings, etc., all local activities, and all government orders of the imperial court are caught in this kind of predicament, but there is no way out.

This is what Zhang Juzheng repeatedly mentioned about the New Deal. Power is both top-down and bottom-up.

"Continue with the court discussion." Zhang Juzheng did not give a specific solution.

After the court discussion, Zhang Juzheng still had a sad face, he thought of a way, and this way was effective.

I just don't know if His Majesty the Emperor is willing or not. Once this matter is done, not only Zhang Juzheng will be scolded, but the little emperor will also be scolded.

"Sir, speak directly." Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Juzheng's constipated face, and even considered asking Chen Shigong to come over with a third-rank gun to open Zhang Juzheng's eyes, and he would speak whenever he had something to say, hesitating.

Zhang Juzheng took out a book of memorials, handed it to Zhang Hong, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have a book of memorials."

"Mister seems to have violated the rules." Zhu Yijun held the memorial, but did not open it. Zhang Juzheng bypassed the cabinet and the inspector of ceremonies, and submitted the memorial directly to the little emperor, indicating that this matter is of great importance.

Zhang Juzheng bowed his head and said, "It's a great achievement."

Zhu Yijun finished reading Zhang Juzheng's memorial in a calm manner, closed the memorial very peacefully, handed the memorial back and said, "Sir, this infamous gentleman can't afford it, so let me do it. I'm still young, and I don't know what to do. It's time to make a fuss, and when it's too loud, I'll bow my head, admit my mistake, write a note on my guilt, and read it in front of the Taimiao, and everyone will act as if nothing happened."

"Your Majesty, how can there be any mistakes." Zhang Juzheng held the memorial and said: "It is the greatest disrespect for a subject to let the emperor get a bad name."

Zhu Yijun shook his head and said, "Sir, why can't we use all the people and things that can be used to exchange for Daming's resurgence? Isn't the Edict of Guilt and Self used in these places, and where are they used? Besides, Wanfang sins against me, or I It’s not certain that there are many ways to sin, but it’s another matter whether I read this book of sins or not.”

Zhang Juzheng said with a face of embarrassment: "Your Majesty."

"Sir." Zhu Yijun said softly.

Zhu Yijun continued: "You can't play this memorial. If you do it, you will be convicted of Fu Yingzhen's accusation, and you will be convicted of trespassing. Ge Shuli, Zhang Siwei, Wan Shihe, and Fu Yingzhen are all waiting for this day, waiting for Mr. to be confirmed. On the day of usurping the imperial power, those disciples who followed Mr. will also leave him, and then use my great banner to knock Mr. to the ground, step on the soil, and trample fiercely."

"The students promoted by the master and the new policies implemented by the master will all disappear with the departure of the master, and the government will die."

"Forbearance will give Dongliu his long-cherished wish?"

Zhang Juzheng found out that he could no longer treat His Majesty as a child. Gan Luo was 12 years old as prime minister, and Yue Yun was 12 years old when he fought on the battlefield. His Majesty said that young people are brave and brave.

"I'll make an order." Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Juzheng without speaking, thinking that he had agreed to make a decision.

Zhang Juzheng still refused to say: "It's better for me to come and play. This minister is loyal to His Majesty's duty to report to the late Emperor. Your Majesty is a sage, with meritorious deeds and wisdom without dirt."

Zhang Juzheng still insisted on his own political ideas, respecting the power of the Lord, the rituals and music, conquests, celebrations, rewards and punishments come from the emperor, and he refused to agree to put this sewage on the head of the little emperor. It is more appropriate for him to bear the infamy. The emperor's prestige cannot be lost when he is in power.

This is what a loyal minister should do.

Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng are not always on the same page on certain matters, and there is no conflict of ideas. There are also some minor conflicts between the monarch and his ministers. If the general goal is the same, the conflict can be put aside.

Zhu Yijun found that he couldn't refute, so he could only shake his head and say, "All right."

"Then let's talk about your method specifically, sir. I'm still not harsh enough, so let me tell you what I think." Zhu Yijun sat up straight, and when he was reporting his duties at the Taimiao, he also thought of a method.

Coincidentally!Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng thought of a place to go.

Zhu Yijun thought about his words and said, "Why did Yin Butang suppress the gentry and powerful men in Nanya so much that they couldn't lift their heads, and they didn't even dare to speak out? If they were bullied, they could only hand over the door." , because they dare not, dare not transfer Yin Butang's oppression to them downwards, causing a civil uprising, and Yin Butang really wants to kill them."

"Yin Butang can really kill them."

"Song Yangshan, Zhang Jin, Yu Dayou, Chen Lin, Wang Daokun, Zhang Cheng and others presided over the affairs of the Songjiang City Shipbuilding Department and the return of land in Nanya. Why were so many cases arrested? Even Xu Fan had a murder case. He was still in Jizhen, but after Luo Bingliang arrived, he copied the Gu family and made an example of others, so he didn’t dare to do so right away? Because Luo Bingliang would really rob his family and destroy his family because of the people’s upheaval.”

"Because Luo Bingliang can really steal the house."

"Yin Butang is a villain, and Luo Bingliang is an eagle dog. Isn't it within their purview to suppress Japanese bandits and ransack their homes?"

"Currently the world tolerates the evils, the main reason why the local government tolerates the powerful, or the main reason why the local government can't fight the powerful: we don't have a knife in our hands. What we have to do is to pass this knife to the local officials."

Zhang Juzheng bowed his head and said, "It's true."

This is the content of Zhang Juzheng's memorial, how to hand the knife to the local officials and let them fight.

Zhu Yijun continued: "We must first ensure one thing with this knife, that it will not hurt the foundation of the court, so we need to draw a boundary and formulate good rules. My husband also said that the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the state is peaceful, so it should be How to do it? You can’t give too much power to the localities to prevent the danger of feudal towns, and you want the localities to be able to fight against the powerful, it all depends on ingenuity, and it can’t replace the criticism of weapons.”

"This knife should be handed over."

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhang Juzheng bowed his head again and said.

Zhu Yijun said with a smile: "Mr. Gao Qiyu is determined to die. I sent Gao Qiyu to Suzhou to investigate the encroachment of Ma Yilong's reclaimed land. He found that he couldn't figure it out, so he went to invite Luo Bingliang. He pretended to be a tiger and settled the matter."

"A fox pretending to be a tiger can solve a fearful situation in which local finances are used independently and the court's power is completely lost."

"Sir's method is the same as mine's method. Beizhen Fusi opened a tax office, and the provincial roads sent Beizhen Fusi to guard thousands of households, each prefecture to punish a hundred households, and each county sent Tiqi. It is a tax audit, and it is only responsible for tax audits.”

"But sir, Beizhen Fusi is a criminal department. There are only 600 people in total. There are not that many people, so there is still a selection."

Zhu Yijun refused to let Zhang Juzheng play, because of this, he called a department that Zhang Juzheng couldn't touch, Jinyiwei.

How to keep Zhang Juzheng's reputation, the little emperor also has his own tricks, he continued: "This matter of tax inspection is related to the great wealth of the country, how can we give full power to Jin Yiwei? In a few days, this yamen, this system It will rot in a muddle."

"Contradiction exists among all things, and balance exists among all things."

"I thought it would be a good idea to set up a special tax bureau, and select Jinshi Juren who are proficient in mathematics from all over the country to serve as affairs officers, and Tiqi will specialize in tax collection, and the provinces and highways will send internal officials to monitor it."

When Zhang Juzheng heard this, his complexion finally changed a little. Once this tax bureau is established, it will inevitably attract criticism from scholars. After all, a gentleman is ashamed of his words. The tax bureau, together with the public opinion, can Zhang Juzheng withstand it?
"It should be so." In Zhang Juzheng's memorial, it is to send Tiqi to watch the spot, which is a temporary emergency. If there is any dissatisfaction, he will kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, copy every family, and the court law can be enforced.

As a result, the majesty doubled down. Not only did Tiqi go, but also the chief officer of the household department, and the internal supervisor.

Daming used such checks and balances, only conquests were the only thing. Obviously, the emperor had equated taxation and conquest in his heart, as if there was no difference, conquest and taxation were both a levy.

Zhang Juzheng asked himself if he could withstand this wind and public opinion.

Zhu Yijun continued: "This system is solved, what about manpower? Manpower is a big problem. Every county only pays taxes for one Tiqi. That's forcing Tiqi to a dead end. We need to allocate some manpower to Tiqi."

"The people have their own hands."

"I thought that when the tax stamps were issued, each household should fill in the number of acres of land they own and file their own tax returns. If they dare to steal or miss out, let the Tiqis recruit Jianghu heroes and knights to make up the difference. , set a fixed share, and give them [-]% for those who escaped."

"These gangsters, Quan Hao can use them to bully the people, why can't they be used by the court to bully Quan Hao?"

The imperial power franchises eat big households, and the bandits all over the world should be very interested.

In the little emperor's words, Zhang Juzheng understood the meaning of the little emperor, armed to collect taxes, make full use of folk loafers and bandits, of course they can be called heroes and rangers, and carry out force expropriation against powerful and powerful households.

Zhu Yijun's method was copied from the third largest armed force in the world in later generations, the tax police of the United States, from the West Factory and Expert Factory of the Ming Dynasty, and from the tax inspector of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty.

During the 30 years of Emperor Wanli's long-term failure, he was extremely concerned about one thing, which was making money. Zhang Juzheng taught Emperor Wanli so many things, and Emperor Wanli remembered one thing, making money.

The mine tax supervisor of Emperor Wanwanli is notorious, and it is even known as: one income from internal funds, nineteen income from private pockets.

The method proposed by Zhu Yijun is also after careful consideration. While the tax bureau is directly subordinate to the emperor, civil servants are also involved.

Zhang Juzheng was dumbfounded after hearing this, His Majesty not only doubled, he also super doubled, this method is too vicious!
He also understood why His Majesty didn't let him bear this infamy. He really couldn't bear it. Can he bear this infamy?
Zhang Juzheng was silent for a long time, and said with difficulty: "Your Majesty ordered to supervise it? My minister, I won't be playing."

Look at how many vicious thoughts this sunny and cheerful little emperor hides in his heart!

Zhang Juzheng discovered more and more that he was protecting the courtiers, the nobles, gentry and powerful men in the world!

Zhu Yijun showed a smile, and continued: "Okay, but the implementation of a decree cannot be accomplished overnight, so let's try it out in Nanya first, and Luo Bingliang will supervise the matter, and try it out in the Fourteenth Mansion of Nanya first. Summarize the experience and lessons, improve the law, similarly, the emperor's uncle was in Beijing, and he also asked him to train internal officials, tiqi, and household tax clerks to learn arithmetic and cultivate talents together."

Zhang Juzheng blinked, and finally understood why His Majesty insisted on Zhao Mengyou as the commander-in-chief, instead of letting Luo Bingliang, Luo Sigong is the little emperor who beats every day in the palace. In fact, it is more suitable to be Ti Shuai.

Feelings, waiting here!

Grass snake gray line, volts thousands of miles, one drink and one peck, could it be pre-determined, the little emperor is probably already planning this matter, pushing it little by little!

"Sir?" Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Juzheng and asked suspiciously, "Do you disagree, sir?"

Zhang Juzheng came back to his senses, bowed his head and said: "I'm guilty, I'm distracted."

"Then let's talk about the banquet." Zhu Yijun opened the textbook and was about to attend class. Zhang Juzheng began to explain the direct interpretation of the private school. Last year he studied Mencius, and this year he started to talk about the doctrine of the mean.

The collection of currency tax must be accompanied by fierce social conflicts, so super doubling and armed tax collection have become an inevitable means. There are far more yamen servants, and even the yamen servants raised by local officials are mostly powerful people.

The imperial court does not have so much money right now, and to support so many people, it needs to actively mobilize the enthusiasm of social vitality groups to collect taxes.

The tax bureau is only responsible for collecting taxes, and does not care about others, even if it is a brothel, it has to pay taxes.

Zhu Yijun drew up the decree, and did not mention the tax office, nor the tax bureau. The organizational structure was not achieved overnight. Luo Bingliang first worked in Nanya, and then set up the Fusi tax office in Beizhen after some results were achieved. And the tax bureau that is independent of the six ministries.

Zhu Yijun got a set of tax invoices and tax payment certificates. The tax invoices were issued to powerful households, and he filled in the number of acres of land and the amount of taxes. half each.

The tax payment certificate, stitched together and then torn apart, is an anti-counterfeiting method that cannot be copied.

Nothing in the world can be accomplished overnight, Zhu Yijun just told Zhang Juzheng his thoughts, and didn't come up with a big move.

When this decree was promulgated, the impact was minimal.

The courtiers, courtiers, Beijing officials, and foreign officials were completely unaware of the terrifying power of this memorial, and countless people were still ridiculing that His Majesty the Emperor was too young and inexperienced. Like a joke.

With the next tax receipt, do you want the rich and powerful to pay their own taxes?
Ge Shouli finished reading the mansion newspaper, looked at the edict above, and said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty is still too young, and he is a little whimsical. Now, the next tax stamp, a tax payment certificate with a seam, can collect taxes. Is it? If the great powers of the Ming Dynasty were all loyal to the monarch and the country, how could there be such a big loss of money today?"

Hai Rui frowned. He smelled a conspiracy, but he didn't think about what happened for a moment. He just instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

Hai Rui said seriously: "So let Luo Qianhu keep an eye on it. Whoever refuses to pay the tax will ransack the house, and if they do not pay the tax? Ge Zongxian, do you really think that His Majesty is aimlessly targeting you? Your Majesty talks about daily life." Note, we have all seen it, His Majesty scolded the courtiers, we can all vividly remember it, do you think His Majesty will really do such useless work?"

"There's a problem here."

 Mr. Zhang is still too gentle in doing things, and he will be scolded anyway, why not double it after doubling it?Armed Taxation Bureau, established today!Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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