I'm really not doing business

Chapter 143 A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass

Chapter 143 A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass

In Antonio's view, this kind of flying ship is as miraculous as the first glazed pagoda of the Dabaoen Temple, a product of Ming Dynasty, but Daming seems to have no intention of selling this kind of ship to him, and even the court has been denying its existence.

Antonio actually has no right to accuse Daming of being a thief, because in Taixi, they also like to steal, no, it should be said: cultural exchange under the Great Travel Movement.

Italian mathematician Bombelli's highest achievement "Algebra" is a further improvement on the wisdom of Arab mathematicians 500 years ago.

For example, 500 years ago, Al Karshi solved the root of the quadratic equation, which was included by Kayum in his book "Algebra" on the systematic study of cubic equations, which was quite popular in Italy.

For example, the French mathematician Veda gave the relationship between the root and the coefficient in the quadratic equation of one variable, and he also stood on the shoulders of Al Calci.

This is the nature of scientific progress, and no one can build castles in the air.

Therefore, Antonio can't accuse Da Ming of plagiarizing their shipbuilding design, because Da Ming really has the ability to protect its own sea area from being violated.

Looking at the hydrofoil sailing boat, Gao Qiyu was also full of emotions. This thing is not a complete wooden boat. It is made of all steel from the keel to the mast. The boat is not resistant to wind and waves. Its only function is to be fast. Use the fastest Its mission is to quickly patrol the sea and border of Daming, suppress smuggling and send messages.

"Prince, when we come next time, we will see this ocean-going ship go into the sea." Gao Qiyu led Antonio to board the ship.

"I really want to say, take my silver and leave my ship, but I don't have the strength." Antonio left the dock and started to board the ship.

As the prince's investor, Daming naturally had to show his strength and tell the prince that as long as you have money, you can get all the weapons you want from Da Ming.

The reason why the court is willing to sell this item is entirely because it can increase the speed of iteration.

The old ship is definitely not perfect. When it walks out of the dock, the craftsmen of the shipyard will make targeted modifications to address the old problems of the past, sell the old ship, and continue to supervise the building of bigger ships after clearing the old accounts. , faster, and more powerful warships.

There is no doubt that faster iterative products can iterate technology.

After Gao Qiyu boarded the boat, he saw a lot of black fans. Although he had read countless voyage notes, Gao Qiyu still felt that the morality of red-haired fans was really low.

There will inevitably be a large number of casualties on ocean-going ships, so this loss is black.

In a notebook of sailing, Gao Qiyu clearly saw cruelty.

Encountered a violent storm, threw Hei Fan into the sea, and sacrificed to those devils in exchange for a safe passage;
When the fresh water on the boat is not enough, part of the black rice is discarded to make the boat sail more smoothly;
In the event of a water seepage incident on the ship, Hei Fan must block the water seepage place;
When there is a conflict with the local aborigines, the Heifan will charge forward;

The supply of food and water is even less, but Hei Fan does the heaviest and most exhausting work on the boat, but can only eat the least water and food. Death can happen at any time, and being thrown into the sea is the best end. In time, it will become part of the food.

The reason why the Thai and Westerners like Antonio did this is because in their eyes, Hei Fan is more like a tool with a working life. The reason why they can do it is because Antonio holds a firecracker in his hand, while Hei Fan is unarmed.

As for morality, there is no need to discuss it.

If the navy of Daming cannot protect the safety of Daming's sea area, the people of Daming may also fall into such a situation. I am always amazed at the miracles created by Chinese craftsmen because the Ming army was able to protect the Ming Dynasty.

Hongmaofan invaded Daming before, and was completely defeated by Ming.

If the Ming army can't protect Daming, Hongmao Fan will be unscrupulous. This is inevitable. When they faced the Liuli Pagoda, they didn't marvel at it, but tried every means to snatch it away.

There are three decks in the galleon. The bottom floor is where the ballast stones and black pans live. Hey pans are only released when they are working. The second deck is where the goods are piled up. Where the crew rests, hammocks are arranged neatly one by one.

The captain's cabin is at the stern, the largest and most comfortable place on the entire ship, and in the captain's cabin, there is also a huge jewel box, which is filled with rare treasures collected.

At the stern there is a ship's light, which is used to drive away the fear of darkness when it is dark at night.

"Oh, my dear friend, is this still my boat? Thanks to the hospitable Daming people, I cleaned my boat inside and out, and I can't see those damn rats and fleas. This is my whole life The most enjoyable sailing journey. It's wonderful." Antonio expressed his sincere admiration as soon as he boarded the boat.

"Diplomats may not be aware that even in the most spacious captain's cabin, when you open your eyes and see a big mouse right in front of you, the joy of making money is nothing but damn curses."

Gao Qiyu said rather indifferently: "It's just that your ship is too dirty. Rats and fleas may infect the plague. The imperial court absolutely does not allow any overseas rats and fleas to go ashore."

When the ship was moored at the Shipping Department of Songjiang Prefecture, a comprehensive cleaning was carried out. The Daming people were in charge. The water storage tanks were cleaned, and the ballast stones at the bottom of the ship were removed. A comprehensive cleaning was carried out, including the bottom of the ship. The barnacles were all removed one by one, and they were dragged into the dock, repainted with tung oil, and some damaged ship boards were replaced.

Boat bugs are the enemy of all wooden boats.

Even those black people who didn't know how long hadn't bathed were thrown into the pool soaked in sulfur and rinsed again.

Of course, this is not free. Any project in the harbor is charged, and it is not expensive. Each ship only costs 1000 taels of silver, and it takes [-] boatmen to complete it in half a month.

The biggest enemies on board are rats and fleas. Rats will steal food and water, making it harder to preserve perishable food. If there are more than a thousand rats on a ship, it will be difficult for the ship to reach its destination smoothly. Rats will eat everything that can be eaten, including the sails in the storage room.

The galleon's method of targeting is to let Hei Pan catch rats and reward Hei Pan with the meat of the rats. This doesn't always work, because there are no tools for Hei Pan to cook on board.

But after this cleaning, the boat will be free from rat infestation and of course fleas for at least a year.

Galleons have been given a new lease of life, and sailing experiences have gone straight from abysmal to pretty good.

The reason why Daming provided this service was because the people of Ming wanted to study the layout of the four-masted galleon and make a plan for the design of the next generation of merchant ships. The despicable Ming people once again plagiarized the design of the galleon.

To be ahead is to lead, to be behind is to be behind, and to be behind is to find ways to change the situation of being behind, instead of closing your eyes and shouting that you are a kingdom of heaven, in order to be safe for a while.

Obviously, Daming has made a lot of efforts to learn from the Taixi shipping method.

After Antonio's three large ships left Matsue Prefecture, the first stop arrived at Naha Port in the Kingdom of Ryukyu.

Ryukyu, Wanguo Hailiang, Ryukyu, Japanese keyhole.Whoever controls the Ryukyu controls the country of Wa.

Ryukyu is also one of the tributary states of Ming Dynasty, although at the moment the Ryukyu's Hongmaofan, Japanese, and Ming desperadoes live here mixed together.

Gao Qiyu led more than 30 members of the mission, wandered around Naha Port for a long time before returning to the ship. There was a very eye-catching person in the mission, Xu Jie's eldest son Xu Fan, Xu Fan was the second official and deputy of the sea trip. make.

And the two of them wrote vigorously, recording what they saw and heard along the way.

Gao Qiyu wrote: "The crew were rationed a pound of biscuits for four or two or five dollars a day. Biscuits are a kind of chewy food, far inferior to Ming's light cakes. Each person was rationed for two or three dollars for dried fish. The source of these dried fish A lot of them are hung on the side of the boat to dry, and it is a good story to harvest fish in the rain.”

"Meat is eaten after being soaked in salt water. It is better to say that it is sea water than salt water. It tastes worse than wax."

"Fresh water is one liter per crew member per day. Fresh water will deteriorate during long-term voyages, so it must be mixed with spirits, and some lemon juice or lime juice to prevent blood corruption and prevent scurvy."

"The treatment of the black people is very bad, the ration is only about one-third, so the black people often fight for water and food at the bottom of the boat, this is also one of the methods used by the captain to control the black people. If there is not enough water and food, the black people are in love with each other. Fight each other."

"There are often fights on the boat. After all, they are always drinking. It is strange not to fight, so now a tacit understanding has been formed on the boat. After drinking, the red-haired fans will pull out the black fans and beat them violently."

"All the crew members are gamblers. Their daily pastime is to gamble non-stop. The reward for fighting their lives at sea for a month has become chips on the poker table, and then they lose everything."

"I can be sure that the captain is the banker."

Gao Qiyu recorded every detail of his life. This is his job. He collects the ugliness and beauty of people from various countries, the similarities and differences of local customs, the differences in local products, the system of territory, and compiles them into a book for the court's reference. In fact, this place in Ryukyu , Daming is very familiar with it, even the king of Ryukyu was conferred by Daming.

In the 13th year of Jiajing and the 40th year of Jiajing, the imperial court twice supervised the construction of a boat to sail across the ocean and canonized the Ryukyu Shang family as king.

Xu Fan wrote in his notes: "The sea water is shallow and green, and the sea water is dark blue, and it is black water. It is because the sea is deep and there are ditches. It is a common practice to cross the ditches to worship the sea. The speed of the big sailboat is very slow. It took a full seven days. , just rushed to Naha Port from Matsue Prefecture, and the hydrofoil sailing ship needs a day, or even less."

"The crew said that they only need to drift with the current, and after six months, they can reach their destination, relying on the Kuroshio Current."

"The Kuroshio, the river in the sea, starts from Ryukyu, goes to the country of Wa, and then goes all the way east from the country of Wa. The voyage is tens of thousands of miles away, and it arrives at a port called Acapulco. The crew said that this section will be very hard. , because there will be countless challenges.”

"The strange thing is that it only takes three months to go from Acapulco to Manila, passing through the equatorial calm zone, which is a very calm voyage. You don't even need to raise the sails, just follow the black Just go ahead.”

"I will do my best to observe and find answers to questions."

Xu Fan wrote down the date, recorded the weather and the speed of the wind pill, and then closed the navigation notes.

"Chen Zongbing said: There have been changes in Ryukyu, and the Japanese pirates are ambitious, that's true." Xu Fan said solemnly.

There are Japanese pirates everywhere in Ryukyu, and Ryukyu suffers greatly from it. Ryukyu can pay tribute every year. Occupied Yaraza Mori Castle near Naha Port, and committed crimes and reckless deeds.

And the purpose of this Wuliangzuo Sencheng was to prevent the Japanese pirates from causing chaos, but at this time the Japanese pirates have already occupied the magpie's nest.

Chen Lin sailed to Ryukyu on a hydrofoil sailboat. After many inquiries, he was convinced that King Shang Yuan, the king of Ryukyu, had been expelled because King Shang Yuan moved to the Yuzhao Hall of Yuanjue Temple in the fifth year of Longqing, saying that he was recuperating from his illness. He has never shown his face, and the affairs of the Ryukyu court are controlled by all parties.

"Let's record it truthfully. The remaining [-] members of our mission can't do anything?" Gao Qiyu also saw the problem, but they couldn't solve it. They were passing through Naha Port, not Ryukyu.

After replenishing the fresh water, the galleon set off again and headed for the country of Wa.

And Nanya’s tax collection has also come to an end. The total of gold flowers and silver is more than 160 million taels, the three galleons are allocated 42 taels of silver, and Nanjing weaves and sells 1203 million taels of silk, totaling 3205 million taels. The masted plywood ship was transported from Songjiang Prefecture to Tianjin Wei. This time, there were a total of twelve hydrofoil sailboats around it to prevent the sailboat from capsizing.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 3205th, Zhu Yijun received a message from Tianjin Wei that 160 million taels of silver had arrived in Hong Kong. According to the accounting method of state money and domestic money, the domestic money was divided into 5000 million taels.

On the way to the Wenhua Palace, Zhu Yijun said to Zhang Hong: "We are rich now! People can't get rich without windfalls, and horses can't get fat without night grass. It's true. The money came at the right time!"

The official wool factory needs money, and the investment this time is also injected by the state and domestic funds separately. Everything is ready, and now the money is in place.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is a regular rest and bathing, but the court discussion is as usual, because of the 300 million taels of silver, how many pairs of eyes are staring at it, and the news from Tianjin Weiyi knows that there must be no rest for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"I'm waiting to pay my respects to Your Majesty, is Your Majesty safe?" The ministers were mostly beaming when they saw the ceremony.

Zhu Yijun waved his small hand and said, "Excuse me, let's discuss with the court."

After everyone sat down, Zhang Juzheng turned out a memorial and said: "325 million taels of silver entered Tongzhou yesterday, and was escorted by Chen Lin, the deputy general of Songjiang Town."

Wang Chonggu almost jumped up from his chair!

One million taels of silver!

Wang Chonggu knew the embarrassing situation of the imperial court being poor and begging for food from each other. It has only been more than two years since he returned to Beijing, and the imperial court directly put 325 million into the treasury!
This is money other than Duzhi. Taking Liaodong's attack on Gulezhai as an example, a total of 15 silver was spent to make up for the arrears. This money can be used for at least 21 Liaodong victories.

In addition to expenditure, it means additional income in addition to the original budget.

Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant, probably has to eat more than half of it!Yuanfu is really good at making money!
Zhang Juzheng said with a full smile: "The national treasury is 162.5 million taels, and the internal treasury is put into the treasury. Your Majesty's order will be issued by the Ministry of Rites in the next chapter."

"Where's Yuanfu's?" Wang Chonggu frowned. This sums up just right. Where's Zhang Juzheng's?

All the courtiers looked at Wang Chonggu, Wan Shihe coughed lightly and said, "Wang Sikou be careful."

"It's a slip of the tongue, it's a slip of the tongue." Only then did Wang Chonggu realize that this is the Wenhua Palace, not his Xuanda Governor's Mansion, and it's not that anyone can say anything, and it's not that whoever is the chief assistant needs to take every money. Take more than half of them to support their cronies.

Zhang Juzheng didn't blame Wang Chonggu for his slip of the tongue, so Wang Chonggu is not the only one who thinks so?
Except for the courtiers who have been in the court for a long time, no one in the whole world thinks that the Wenhua Palace is Zhang Juzheng's one-word hall. He said one, but the little emperor dared not say two. He took 325% of the [-] million taels, and who dared to say a word? ?But the fact is that the little emperor said one thing, but Zhang Juzheng couldn't say two.

The monarchs and ministers all have a tacit understanding, and the rejuvenation of the Ming Dynasty is the duty.

Zhu Yijun said with a smile: "Mr. has a good way of making money. After three years in the country, the national treasury has finally got rid of the situation of begging each other and scratching each other's hair for a tael of silver. I think Mr. has made great contributions to governing the country, so I should be promoted to Taifu."

Zhang Juzheng hurriedly stood up and bowed his head when he heard this, and said: "Your Majesty is generous, and if you reward him, you must have a meritorious deed beyond the world, and then you can be rewarded by the world. The minister is superficial, and he can imitate the editor, write the pen and use the gu. If you have a permanent job, what hard work can be rewarded? I can't accept it."

"Sir." This is not the first time that Zhu Yijun has been tempted to read Zhang Juzheng's tutor. It has been two years, and Zhang Juzheng refuses to accept it.

Zhang Juzheng bowed his head again and said, "Your Majesty."

Zhu Yijun continued: "Everyone wants to be promoted to rank, but sir, I confer meritorious service on the basis of the Guangdong and Guangxi wars, the Duzhangman war, the Lusong war, and the Liaodong war. Isn't that justified? If it is a fate, it is advisable to accept it immediately, and there is no need to resign."

Zhang Juzheng thought for a while, and directly brought the words to the bright spot and said: "Your Majesty Fu Wang has taught you sincerity, without any pretense, and you will take it back to your fate. You will be able to imitate the diligence of dogs and horses, and you will not be blamed for speeding up."

If His Majesty wants Zhang Juzheng to work hard for a few more years, it is better not to give him a tutor.

How can a master be so good?For a living person to be a tutor, it must be at the forefront of the storm and be condemned by the public. Now this assistant is quite good, and it will not be quickly overturned.

The little emperor is not confused, so there is no need for Zhang Juzheng to yell out, I am not a prime minister, but I am a photographer.

Zhu Yijun didn't mind Zhang Juzheng yelling like that, but Zhang Juzheng also saw the situation clearly. The little emperor was not someone who could be fooled by just a few words. If Zhang Juzheng took one step forward to be the tutor, the people under him would move ten steps forward. However, what Gao Qiyu did in Yingtian Mansion will only recur.

That's fine now.

Seeing that Zhang Juzheng understood what he said directly, Zhu Yijun nodded and said, "That's fine, let's continue the court discussion."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En." Zhang Juzheng stood up straight and sat down again.

Ge Shouli did not activate the special skill of "respecting the master's power of prestige and blessing", because Zhang Juzheng refused to be a tutor, and he was honoring the master's power of prestige and blessing.

Wang Chonggu was concerned, Zhang Juzheng was not greedy for money, he was not greedy for position!What does Zhang Juzheng want?He wants Daming to make a comeback!There is no way to deal with this kind of person alive!
Zhang Juzheng continued: "Nanjing Huguang and other Taoist censors Chen Guan and others said: Heaven and earth generate wealth. If it is not in the government, it is in the people. There is no saying that it will not hinder the government and the bank. Impeach Zhang Jin, the eunuch of Nanjing's military preparations, and the eunuch of the inner carrier. Cui Min and others are in charge of weaving in the southern yamen and competing for profit with the people."

"Since last year, Zhang Jin, Zhang Cheng, Cui Min and others have been involved in the business of satin and horses. The Ministry of Industry has discussed that it is appropriate. Since August last year, Nanya has weaved a total of 97960 pieces of silk, and one piece of silk is worth twelve silver. Five cents and five cents, a total profit of 123 million taels."

Of the 325 million taels of silver shipped into Beijing this time, 123 million was the silver obtained from Nanjing Weaving Bureau's trade with Hongmaofan.

Zhang Juzheng continued: "The theory of no hindrance originated from the corrupt officials who searched and collected public funds to fill them up. Fishing and hunting must be added to the search, fishing and hunting must be added to the scientific school, and the scientific school must be added to Chu. Is this what your majesty likes to hear? Say: Stop weaving in Nanjing." Sea goods, silk, etc."

"Your Majesty's commentary said: The court meeting has been decided, and it will not be changed for the time being."

Da Situ Wang Guoguang was full of anger when he heard it, and shook his head and said: "Nanjing Weaving Bureau weaves seafood silk, why is it a fishing and hunting department?"

"Is it because the raw silk is purchased at a low price or the money is not given at all? Or is it that the weavers in the Weaving Bureau haven't received their pay? Or did Zhang Jin and Zhang Cheng urge them to take the officials to the streets to rob them? If there is It’s all right if the officials of the Nanya Branch speak up, if not, why impeach this matter?”

"Is it because the business of the imperial court delayed their business? They themselves defaulted on paying the Weaver Girl, and the Weaver Girl went to the Weaving Bureau to work, relying on the court to pay the Weaver Girl? The Nanya weaving bought it at a low price, but they couldn't buy raw silk, so blame the imperial court for buying silk at a low price?"

Wang Guoguang pointed out the core issue of this memorandum, which may happen, and then created a storm of public opinion, carrying the banner of competing with the people for profit, and criticizing the people.

"It is indeed competing for profit with the people." Wang Chonggu still said something fair to Chen Guan, the Taoist official of the Nanya Branch.
Wan Shihe hurriedly said: "What Wang Sikou said is not the reason."

"The Weaving Bureau of the imperial court has no special privileges. There is no order that raw silk must be sold to the Weaving Bureau, nor is it ordered to be recruited. There are [-] weavers in the Nanjing Weaving Bureau, and they are all women. There are too many people, and they have to be selected. Sergeant Ding is an adult male, and the imperial court did not withhold remuneration, nor did it directly prohibit other people from coming to Songjiang Mansion to do business with Hongmao Fan just because the Shibo Department is a government office."

"Their own business is messed up. The imperial court can't be blamed. Last year, if Captain Antonio hadn't stayed in the capital for a long time, our Daming couldn't even weave the silk for Haimao, and we couldn't supply it. It was the Nanya Weaving Bureau. A part of the satin is used by His Majesty, so that the friendly countries will not be surprised and despise China."

"The rich and powerful gentry in the Nanya, the rich merchants and rich merchants, can't weave by themselves, and they can't even satisfy a boat. That's why the imperial court expanded the weaving in the Nanya."

The translation of the words of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites means that the end of the world is kaobian.

Nanya Weaving Bureau, this is the only women's weaving bureau in Ming Dynasty. The people who signed up can be described as a sea of ​​people, rubbing shoulders, and Zhang Jin was stunned. How could the imperial court still have such appeal in Nanya?

Wan Shihe knew why Wang Chonggu said that. Wang Chonggu didn't want to run an official wool factory. Once it started, it would be to weaken the northern captives. How could the clan party engage in a privileged economy for profit?But the imperial court is a bright card.

"Also, the rich merchants and rich merchants, their silk is so rough that it is not worth one-third of the original price. They don't care about the importance. It is also the court's fault that Hong Maofan buys silk from the weaving bureau instead of buying silk from the merchant's home. Is it?" Wan Shihe added his own opinion before concluding: "Wang Sikou, be careful with your words."

"What Wan Shangshu said is reasonable." Wang Chonggu thought it over carefully, and could only say helplessly.

Wan Shihe can be called a wind vane. Wherever the wind and public opinion go, Wan Shihe will go there?

"What do you guys think?" Zhang Juzheng didn't say a word, after seeing Wan Shihe explain the matter, he looked at everyone and asked.

Ge Shouli said suspiciously: "The three galleons draw 42 taels of silver. How do I remember that the first time they drew 24 taels of silver? That's all for these three ships?"

Wang Guoguang said with a smile: "Hongmaofan doesn't have unlimited silver, as much as you want. They also brought palm oil, sugar cubes, cocoa and other things on board this time, not just silver."

"So that's the case. I saw that they spent a lot of money, and I thought they were sitting on a mountain of silver. The three ships were all silver. It doesn't seem to be the case." Only then did Ge Shouli understand.

Hai Rui smiled and said, "Even if you are sitting on a mountain of silver, you have to pick it up and refine it into silver, right?"

After Zhang Juzheng saw that no one agreed with the first item of abolishing the Nanya Weaving Bureau to supervise the production of sea trade silk, he said: "Chen Guan also said that the tax collection is too hasty, and the people's livelihood is full of grievances. Please forgive me for a time limit."

When Wang Guoguang heard this, he said unhappily: "Is this urgent? Since the officials feel that the innocent people of the Nanya Weaving Bureau are not as good as the stubborn people who pay taxes! That's good, after investigations in Nanya, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places owe a total of more than 234 million taels of Jinhuayin, so it is better to let Ji Shui Tiqi pay the debt directly."

Super double, if you think it hurts to pay taxes to thousands of households, don’t you, then just super double and pay back!

Pursue the dues owed before, anyway, if the Tiqi can understand it, then do it.

"Then pay back the debt?" Zhang Juzheng felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He owed it before and was not escorted to Beijing. Now that he had the tools in hand, it was only natural to pay back the debt.

As soon as Tan Lun heard it, he immediately said: "Chasing debts! Anyway, the tax office does not ask ordinary people to collect taxes, but it must be stopped. When you kill one by one, if you kill too many, no one will dare to impersonate you."

Tan Lun, as always, felt that the excitement was not big enough.

 I've made money, I've made money, I don't know how to spend it! ! !Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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