I'm really not doing business

Chapter 252 People in Heaven Don't Yearn for Hell

Chapter 252 People in Heaven Don't Yearn for Hell
In the war between the Wa Kingdom and Ming Dynasty, it took advantage of the right time and place, and now, the Wa Kingdom is gradually moving towards harmony.

The right time and place are very easy to understand, that is, the geographical advantage. On this point, Qi Jiguang and Tan Lun have discussed this many times. When people are harmonious, the Wa Kingdom is moving towards unification.

Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang felt that there would be a war between the Ming Dynasty and the Wa Kingdom because the Wa Kingdom had been in civil strife for more than 150 years and finally had an opportunity to end the troubled times. The appearance of Oda Nobunaga with military talent made the Wa Kingdom more and more obvious.

Once the Wa Kingdom moves towards unification, there will be no way to settle so many samurai and ashigaru who are licking blood on the tip of their swords. They can only continue to expand and consume these soldiers hovering on the verge of death.

This is exactly the same as Daming's plight in dealing with guest soldiers.

The Wa country was caught in civil strife before, so all kinds of monsters and ghosts emerged one after another, and the world was full of military disasters. It was a messy world. Once the Wa country entered a formal unification, it would be very difficult for Ming to intervene. Whether it's silver, sulfur, or a Japanese woman, Daming has to pay a heavier price.

And Xu Wenchang didn't want the Japanese country to settle down, so he found the Muromachi shogun of the Japanese country, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, hoping to raise a banner against Oda Nobunaga. This was also Zhang Juzheng's poisonous plan when the first court decided to destroy the Japanese. Pout inside and out.

Everything is easier said than done, but Xu Wei still took advantage of various contradictions to find Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

But to get Daming's sponsorship, it needs real money in exchange. Ashikaga Yoshiaki has nothing, but he has the title of General Pingyi, and he can't give Daming anything. Why does Daming support him for nothing?
"Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to go to Luo with a knife. If he can go to Luo smoothly and regain the king's real power, he promises to return all the silver mountains to my Ming Dynasty, and promises to allow the Ming Dynasty to station troops in Kyoto, Nagasaki and other places in Japan." Zhu Yijun replied. To solve Tan Lun's problem, this is Ashikaga Yoshiaki's promise.

Give him support, if Daming can really help him sit back on the Iron Throne, he will naturally reciprocate and let Daming increase his supervision, military, political, economic and other fields, and cultural fields do not need to be aggravated. They are all Chinese characters, and even the flag seal of Oda Nobunaga is Yongle Tongbao.

The hegemony of Ming Dynasty can be seen. Yongle Tongbao 200 years ago still has a strong influence in the country of Japan. Similarly, it is also very sad. Yongle Tongbao is already a copper coin 200 years ago, which means that Daming has lost its maritime hegemony. , 200 years long.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Japanese have two ends, treachery, and should not be trusted. He has nothing now, so he is naturally willing to promise anything, but once he gains power, we still need to be careful that he will bite back." Tan Lun sent an envoy to Ashikaga Yoshiaki Daming didn't quite agree with the matter of coming to make a statement.

Zhu Yijun smiled and asked, "Are Da Sima and Xu Wenchang relatives?"

Tan Lun said helplessly: "When he was working under Hu Butang's tent, I met him a few times, and we were familiar with each other. We also had a good chat over wine. In the twelfth month of the sixth year of Longqing, after Xu Wei came out of prison, I could not complain. If you are willing to rescue Hu Butang and let Hu Butang die in Tianlao, then you have broken off all relations with me."

"At that time, I was the governor of Sichuan, quelling the civil unrest in Dazu, appeasing the people, but unable to rescue them."

Although Tan Lun didn't know why His Majesty said that, he still made his relationship with Xu Wei very clear. Xu Wei was very, very dissatisfied with the court. Hu Zongxian's staff, including Mao Kun, Xu Wei, and Shen Mingchen, were also very dissatisfied with the court.

Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang had rebellious bones in the back of his head in the novel. The seven-star lantern was destroyed by Wei Yan, and the prime minister died in Wuzhangyuan. Whether Wei Yan was a loyal minister or a traitor was always quarreling, but Xu Wei was an out-and-out traitor.

Xu Wei can even be said to hate the Ming Dynasty. Hu Zongxian had the merit of setting the tripod, but he was imprisoned. It is said that all good birds are hidden in the bows. The Japanese invasion of Guangdong and Guangxi was not put down until the fifth year of Longqing. If Hu Zongxian was imprisoned, he would not be afraid of the extreme south. To show respect for the bandits, open a blood tank for the court and let them bleed properly?

"Xu Wenchang and Da Sima have the same idea. He thinks that Ashikaga Yoshiaki has no use value, and there is only a name left. It doesn't matter whether he dies or not. Just borrow the name. Xu Wenchang contacted a person through Ashikaga Yoshiaki , Akechi Mitsuhide of the Toki clan." Zhu Yijun said a name.

Tan Lun's eyes widened suddenly. This Mitsuhide Akechi was a person who had already appeared in the information. This person was a loyal dog under Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga came from the Owari country. When he was young, everyone called him the big fool of Owari. When it came to the martial arts in the world, the daimyos of the Wa country also called him the Sixth Heaven Demon King. Eliminate Oda Nobunaga, but failed in the end.

The reason why Oda Nobunaga was able to deploy martial arts all over the world has to mention the wife of Minong Kingdom who was breached, Saito Guidie, also known as Nohime, a woman from Minong Country.

And the person Xu Wenchang contacted, Mitsuhide Akechi, according to Daming's intelligence, Mitsuhide Akechi and Oda Nobunaga's first wife are cousins.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was expelled after falling out with Oda Nobunaga, and now through the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshiaki contacted this wise Mitsuhide, Tan Lun had some strange feelings.

Tan Lun can only say that it is worthy of the Wa country, and the traditional culture of Xia Ke Shang is really very classic in the Wa country.

Zhu Yijun knew more about this wise Mitsuhide. This man was the mastermind of the Honnoji Temple, a loyal supporter of the Japanese traditional culture, and the Japanese daimyo organized Nobunaga's siege network twice, but was broken by Oda Nobunaga. Mitsuhide used more than 100 people to kill Oda Nobunaga at Honnoji Temple.

"Your Majesty, could this be a bait deliberately set by Oda Nobunaga? I don't quite believe that Akechi Mitsuhide is going to rebel." Tan Lun has no objection to picking inside and outside, whether it is Toyotomi Hideyoshi from Ashgaru or the old fox Tokugawa Ieyasu can pick from the inside out.

This wise Mitsuhide wants to turn against?Tan Lun was somewhat in disbelief.

"Don't say that Da Sima doesn't believe it, even if you tell Oda Nobunaga now, he won't believe it." Zhu Yijun is actually very curious about why Akechi Mitsuhide launched the Honnoji Change.

Oda Nobunaga gave Akechi Mitsuhide the position of Kinki Governor.

The road to the rise of Oda Demon King is full of military adventures and military victories.

The Owari country is not considered strong. Among the many famous names in the Wa country, it is not ranked at all. The slightly powerful Wa country daimyo seems to be able to crush the Owari country with just one finger.

The Tōkaidō daimyo Imakawa Yoshimoto also thought so, dispatched troops, formed 4000 troops, attacked Owari country, and was defeated by Oda Nobunaga with [-] men.

Oda Nobunaga's terrifying military capabilities began to show constantly.

After Oda Nobunaga quelled the opposition forces within the Owari country, defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto, and broke through the Mino country, he supported Ashikaga Yoshiaki and began to go to Luo to attack the Kinki area.

During this process, Oda Nobunaga's power grew violently and brutally like a snowball, and he never refused to come to the daimyo and aristocratic families in the near Gyeonggi area. As long as they were willing to surrender, Oda Nobunaga was willing to take it.

Bessho Choharu, Araki Murashige, Matsunaga Hide, Akechi Mitsuhide, etc. are all the results of Oda Nobunaga's acceptance of all comers.

The reason why Oda Nobunaga always comes is because the strength of Owari country is very weak. If it does not expand its strength quickly, it will be eliminated. This is a decision with great hidden dangers, but it has to be such a decision.

The daimyos of the Japanese country organized Nobunaga to encircle the net twice. These daimyos who surrendered near the Gyeonggi area often made trouble for Oda Nobunaga. They attacked outside and internal strife made Oda Nobunaga sweat profusely. , but Oda Nobunaga relied on his extremely high military talent to break through the encirclement.

After breaking through the siege twice, the daimyo in the Kinki area finally began to act honestly, and Oda Nobunaga gave the position of commander of Kinki to Akechi Mitsuhide, which shows his trust in him.

This is the fat that Oda Nobunaga spent more than half of his life on and digested with great difficulty. This piece of fat fell into the hands of Mitsuhide Akechi.

Now tell Oda Nobunaga that your Kinki governor wants to kill you. Oda Nobunaga, a demon king who has been dealing with betrayal all his life, will not believe it.

If Zhu Yijun didn't know about the changes at Honnoji Temple, he would have thought that Mitsuhide Akechi would never turn against him anyway, but the fact happened, Mitsuhide Akechi really killed Oda Nobunaga at Honnoji Temple.

"Anyway, Daming won't suffer." Tan Lun still agrees with Xu Wei's actions in Nagasaki. It doesn't cost money to try.

What posture to use, isn't that what posture Da Ming wants to use?
"That's it." Zhu Yijun ended the match between the emperor and his ministers this time. Daming would support Xu Wei to use the former shogunate general Ashikaga Yoshiaki to instigate Oda Nobunaga's trusted subordinates to rebel. Similarly, Oda Nobunaga was not canonized to ensure Ashikaga Yoshiaki The Zhao flag is still available.

This is the final resolution formed by Xuan Dui.

The sky in June is the face of a baby, and it changes as soon as it changes. This sentence is especially obvious in Songjiang Mansion, the rainy capital. Throughout June, Songjiang Mansion was shrouded in continuous rain. In Guanchao Building, he looked towards the sea with a solemn expression.

Songjiang General Soldier Chen Lin, Admiral Zhang Cheng, Governor of Haiphong Luo Gongchen, General Manager of the Shipyard Guo Rulin, Zhao Shizhen, Caojiang Admiral Xiao Chongye, etc., Songjiang officials, big and small, stood in the Guanchao Building and looked at the sea. Anxiously waiting for the big ship from Taixi to arrive at the port.

The big ship comes to the port once a year. According to past experience, Luo Gongchen and Zhang Cheng usually receive it. If there is a letter of credence from King Felipe II of Spain, it will be sent to the capital.

This time there was such a big battle, the officials of Songjiang Mansion almost came out in full force. If Wa Kingdom knew the news and went straight to Guanchao Tower with all their strength, or launched an attack, they would directly put the heads of Songjiang Mansion in a pot.

The reason for this is that the officials of the Ming Dynasty were waiting for the ship of the Ming Dynasty. They were waiting for the five-masted transoceanic ship that the Ming Dynasty sold to the Thai and Western merchant Antonio.

Whether the five-masted ocean-going ship can cross the ocean or not can only be tested by practicing it. After all, practice is the test of all truth. Antonio led the five-masted ocean-going ship built by Daming and arrived in Manila in mid-May. , the five boats sailed towards Songjiang Mansion after passing the customs in Manila.

Although I already knew that one of the five boats was not missing, seeing is believing.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the ship appeared in the rain curtain. In the drizzle, the appearance of a ship was looming. Under the guidance of the barge, it slowly approached the port. Wang Daokun beamed with joy, stretched his finger to the sea and said :"came back!"

The sailors on these five ships were trained by Daming Songjiang Maritime Academy, and most of the sailors were recruited by Antonio in Xingang, Songjiang Prefecture, Manila.

The five boats returned to Hong Kong smoothly, which made Wang Daokun, who had become unhappy in his high position, feel happy.

This means that Daming already possesses ocean-going capabilities, it means that Daming's sea rights have been restored, and it also means that the efforts of all colleagues in the Songjiang Mansion have not been in vain. No matter from which point of view, this has an inspiring effect on Daming's development of the sea.

After the big ship docked, Antonio was stunned.

Because of the rain, there were not many people on the pier, but all of them were sailors and soldiers in coir raincoats. They were wearing broad-brimmed bamboo hats, coir raincoats and cloaks, standing motionless in the rain.

At the moment the drum beat, these soldiers began to rush towards the five large ships, which reminded Antonio of some painful memories. Sometimes, some natives would rush towards the ships parked in the port, but compared to the mob The natives, the orderly and fast pace of these Ming soldiers, is really too impactful!

It was basically a charge of two worlds, the sharpness of the Ming army's charge seemed to smash the ship.

Antonio was really full of thoughts in less than a quarter of an hour.

Could it be that there was a palace change in Daming, and some major changes occurred?Or was the Ming court short of money, and the greedy little emperor directly robbed it?
But Antonio still owed a large amount of shipping fare, so wouldn't it be faster to do business than to rob?
Out of his trust in the Ming court, Antonio chose to be captured without a fight, but he did not wait for the shackles, but a warm welcome. All the crew members were taken off the ship, and hot water was available for use when they got off the ship, as well as the barbers. , waiting to give haircuts to the sailors of the Ming Dynasty who had returned from a long journey, and there were even Japanese girls waiting around.

These Japanese women were naturally arranged by Sun Kehong, the business owner of the painting boat business. Sun Keyi ran to Nagasaki, and he could only let Sun Kehong, who could never stand up, be the director.

Sun Kehong's opposition to Sun Keyi's going to Nagasaki does not mean that Sun Kehong wants to tear himself apart from the imperial court. The Sun family still maintains a good and close relationship with the Yamen of Songjiang Prefecture and the imperial court.

The reason why Japanese girls are used is not because the Weaving Bureau needs too many female workers. Although weavers do not earn much, there are many left. At least in Songjiang Prefecture, the number of prostitutes is declining like a cliff. There are Japanese women to supplement.

Antonio was rubbed violently by a scrub master from Liaodong, and he turned red, so he changed into a silk robe and prepared to go to Guanchao Tower.

"It's like coming home, this is home. Marcus, what do you think?" Antonio said involuntarily after finishing his grooming.

Marcus was the first mate on the ship, and he had already become Antonio's right-hand man when he sailed for the first time.

Marcus said with certainty: "Yes, this is our home port."

The owner of the ship is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, the master of the boat is a bachelor of the Ming Dynasty Maritime Academy, the sailors are hardworking people of Ming Dynasty, the ship is designed and manufactured by Ming Dynasty, and the home port of the five-masted oceangoing ship is Daming.

"Those stupid, lazy guys, really should see, the port services provided by Daming Port, from Daming to the Governor-General of Peru, you will never see a mouse, but when you return from the Governor-General of Peru, there are all rats on board. A mouse with as long an arm! It's like a nightmare!" Antonio couldn't help complaining about the mice on the boat.

The port services provided by Daming Port, the cleaning of the ships is clean and thorough, but as soon as they approach the port of the New World, the number of rats on board begins to increase, and Antonio hates these rats to death.

Antonio was in his worst mood when he woke up in the bumps and the mouse with long arms greeted him with big eyes.

Rats often represent diseases and plagues. Once these rats cause a plague, it will be a devastating disaster for a ship. The ship is wealth, and the goods on board are Antonio's life!
Marcus smiled brightly and said: "Dear Captain, I feel the same as you. There is a proverb in the Ming Dynasty that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult for people to accept it from luxury to frugality. These Damn rats, if it weren’t for the rat traps created by the sailors, this nightmare would always be with us.”

Effective things like mouse traps require spring steel, which is strong enough to burst a mouse's head, and it is also a product specially developed by Daming for the production of egg watches.

Antonio walked out of the washroom, drew a cross and muttered: "Praise our investors, praise the Emperor Ming, the supreme Emperor Ming, may the Lord bless you with all the best."

"Captain, I have to remind you, Lord, you can't control the land in the east." Marcus was in a good mood, and even joked.

"You are right. When we get here, we should believe in His Majesty. May Your Majesty bless my business with prosperity, even if I am nailed to the wall of unbelief, please bless my business with prosperity." Antonio changed an interesting prayer.

Wang Daokun led a group of officials to cleanse Antonio, which made Antonio flattered. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Wang Daokun finally explained his words clearly.

The sailors accompanying the ship will be recruited back to the Daming Maritime Academy, and the same is true for the sailors. Only some of the sailors and sailors will be left for Antonio to continue to employ.

After hearing what Wang Daokun said, Antonio understood why the Daming Navy was dispatched. He put down his wine glass and said with certainty: "The generous and generous Emperor of Ming gave me an investment. This is the moment of return. If only the investment has no return , then who is willing to invest in me? Experienced boat masters and sailors, it is also my honor to summarize these experiences and write them into books as knowledge."

"These are all conditions that have been negotiated long ago."

"Emperor Ming paid great attention to promises and kept them. As the abbot of the monastery who was exiled into exile, for me, Antonio Morga, the trust of Emperor Ming is more precious than gold."

"To be more frank, I am more worried about losing His Majesty's trust than losing ships and cargo."

The emperor of Ming Dynasty lent money to Antonio to buy a ship. Sailors and sailors with ocean experience were also one of the rewards. Antonio didn’t say anything empty. Now he can do ocean trade in Taixi and Ming Dynasty, earning so much money that even King Felipe II To the point of jealousy, the approval of the Ming Emperor is indispensable.

Once the Ming emperor no longer cares about Antonio, Antonio will lose everything.

Obviously, the Emperor Ming did not intend to take back these trusts, which was very good news for Antonio.

"This time, I want to order five more five-masted oceangoing ships, and the full price!" Antonio waved his hand, indicating that he still wanted to buy a boat.

In this way, Antonio owned ten five-masted oceangoing ships, and he paid the full price this time instead of borrowing the emperor's money.

"I can only give one to the captain this year, and the Daming Navy will also deploy it." Wang Daokun replied very clearly.

Antonio is a red-haired fan. Da Ming has only one attitude towards barbarians. is a safe measure.

Daming won't give any more.

"That's really regrettable." After Antonio understood the reason, he expressed his understanding. He has red hair and looks different from Daming people. How could he gain Daming's complete trust?
"When the captain comes back next year, he will be allocated five." Wang Daokun said with a smile when he saw Antonio was very disappointed.

Antonio's face cleared instantly, and he said with great joy: "Really? Thank you so much!"

Similarly, Antonio understands that Daming's production capacity is still climbing, and the speed is fast, which represents the rapid and vigorous development of Daming's shipbuilding industry.

This time, it can be said that the guests and the host had a good time, and they drank a lot of wine, and the matter was done.

"The East is very strange. I like to talk about many things at the dinner table." Marcus walked to the post with Antonio by his arm, and said a little strangely.

Antonio patted Marcus with a long smile and said, "In Tessie, we always talk on the bed. If we don't talk on the bed, we also talk at the reception. There is no difference, it's all human."

"In the strangest place in the East, there are actually officials who don't take money. What are these people doing if they don't take money?"

Antonio travels between the East and the West. He is used to the ugly faces of those tax officials. After passing a pass, he loses a layer of skin. But when he arrives in Manila, these tax officials refuse to accept the money.

This is the scariest place. Corruption is a bad deed in the East, but it is legal in Taixi. In the East, because Antonio can face the Holy Spirit, if anyone in Manila, Yuegang, and Songjiang Mansion beat him to the bone, he would Where can he go to the emperor to sue, in the world controlled by Taixi, he doesn't even have a place to sue.

"Yes, I'm also very confused about what their purpose is." Marcus didn't understand this even more. He said with some confusion: "Why didn't the Ming Dynasty refuse to open the sea? 200 years ago, they were Nanyang and Overlord of the West.”

"People in heaven don't yearn for hell." Antonio looked at the first mate and shook his head and said, "Here, it's like a kingdom of gods on earth. If you're from Daming, you'll think of the sea, bad weather, and vicious natives." Do we fight?"

"For Daming, Kaihai is the last branch and leaf."

Antonio's understanding of why Daming banned the sea and refused to open the sea is that it is not necessary or important.

When Antonio was drunk, Sun Kehong was still in Guanchao Building. He was still waiting for the Japanese boat full of Japanese women to arrive at the post. I saw the seven-star flag of Ming Dynasty appearing on the sea.

Sun Kehong saw his shopkeeper and couldn't wait to ask about Sun Keyi's situation.

"Everything is fine with Mr. Shang in Nagasaki." The shopkeeper said with a slightly evasive look.

"Sun Keyi told you to say that! What's the matter? I'm now the Songjiang merchant boss. If I don't tell the truth, I'll let you go as the shopkeeper." Sun Kehong showed a bit of anger. I don't believe it.

"It's actually not good." The shopkeeper still told the truth, it was really not good.

The shopkeeper babbled a lot, and Sun Kehong's face turned paler and his anger became more and more intense, and finally turned into a sigh.

When Sun Keyi went out to sea, his wrist was injured, and it became festered when he got to the sea, and he started to have a fever within two days. After walking around the ghost gate, he almost died. After blowing the sea breeze, he started to have a fever again. This has been kept for half a month Only time can be considered a complete recovery.

When I arrived in Nagasaki, I was not acclimatized to the environment, and I almost pulled out my intestines due to diarrhea.

These are still diseases. In the Japanese country, the conflict between the Ming Dynasty and the Taixi Church is a white knife in and a red knife out. These days, the missionaries are preaching with firecrackers, and everyone has launched round after round of battles in the parish. , assassination is naturally an indispensable link.

And there are many Japanese who have sold their souls, just like crazy.

Sun Keyi was injured three times in just two months.

But people have already gone, even for the Sun family, Sun Keyi has no way of turning back, so he can only continue on.

"It's hard for him." Sun Kehong leaned on the swivel chair and stared blankly at the sea. The Sun family has a great career, especially after Sun Keyi took over, it is even more prosperous. Sun Kehong has a son, and Sun Keyi also has a son. Who is the position of the general manager?

As the elder brother, Sun Kehong is of course willing to pass it on to his younger brother. It is Sun Keyi who is struggling to maintain the Sun family today. If Sun Kehong really seeks the family property, he will not prevent Sun Keyi from going to Japan.

The last Wang Zhi, who believed Hu Zongxian's rhetoric and went to Japan to make contributions, was beheaded for public display.

But the problem is that Sun Kehong gave the son to his younger brother's family. His wife and children were not satisfied, and the shopkeepers who followed Sun Kehong were not satisfied either.

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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