I'm really not doing business

Chapter 275 The Japanese pirates must die

Chapter 275 The Japanese pirates must die

Politicians should have political ability. For example, in the Xishan Driving Case in Xishan, the little emperor faced an emergency and led his troops to rescue Zhang Juzheng without hesitation, thus ruining the conspiracy of the chain of suspicion between the emperor and his ministers arranged by the enemy. Political ability is to adapt to changes and deal with them. Decision-making ability on various emergency matters.

They should be politically responsible. Any decree has its price. If something needs to be done, a sufficient price must be paid. For example, Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng turned themselves into cold political machines for the New Deal, and they were always ruthless. are making various choices.

They should also have political acumen, and have keen observation of political trends, public opinion, and world trends. For example, Sanniangzi was keenly aware of the changes in combat power between the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Lu. Under the influence, it has been transformed into combat power, and Beilu must be aware of this change.

You should also have political credibility. If your words don't count, no one will trust you again. Zhu Yijun has only failed to make one appointment so far, and that was to be the head of the Taxation Bureau. When Zhang Juzheng left the court, Zhu Yijun did not Let civil servants intervene in the tax inspection.

Promises must be fulfilled.

For example, when Wang Chonggu entered the cabinet, his promise was the [-]-word book "The Placement of Rogues", and Wang Chonggu has been fulfilling his promises. Whether sincerely or forced, he has been fulfilling his promises. , Zhu Yijun cut off a lock of Wang Chonggu's hair. This was a contract. As long as Wang Chonggu still fulfilled his promise, Zhu Yijun would also fulfill his promise.

They should also have a clear political stance. The political stance of Wan Shihe and Wang Chonggu is the imperialist party, while the political stance of Lu Tiaoyang, Shen Shixing and others is the political stance of the Zhang party. Wang Guoguang’s stance is the most interesting. What he wants is to make the country rich and the people strong. , is not to enrich the country and strengthen the army, which partially overlaps with Zhang Juzheng's position, but is not exactly the same. Hai Rui's position is to protect the integrity of the Ming Dynasty and allow the Ming Dynasty's error correction mechanism to operate normally.

Your political stance is your butt. If your butt is crooked, everything you do will be crooked.

Political ability, political responsibility, political acumen, political credibility and political stance all require political talent. There is no doubt that Zhu Yijun's political talent far exceeds his military talent.

At the same time, under Zhang Juzheng's training, Zhu Yijun maximized his political talents by listening to politics at the imperial gate, meeting with court officials, responding to approval, giving banquets and discussions, etc.

Zhang Juzheng has never wanted to cultivate an extremely outstanding emperor. It is enough to cultivate an emperor who is a middle-class person and can protect the country and the country.

In the original historical line, the Wanli Emperor trained by Zhang Juzheng was an extreme failure, because Zhang Juzheng ignored that Emperor Wanli was a born nobleman, and he was also the supreme nobleman between me and Fanshu.

Sanniangzi is undoubtedly a political figure, and even her own belly is not impossible when it is beneficial to her.

She aimed at Qi Jiguang, but Qi Jiguang refused. Qi Jiguang was not a political figure, he was just a military commander, and he was a man of temperament. For a politician, feelings are superfluous.

Qi Jiguang is not so much henpecked as he is respectful. After all, Qi Jiguang's wife, Wang, can set up an empty city in Taizhou to scare away Japanese pirates. Wang's biggest problem is that she has no children, but Qi Jiguang has solved this problem by taking concubines. question.

Sanniangzi looked at the emperor. The little emperor was a ruthless politician. The emperor who could receive envoys on the ground was an extremely explosive existence throughout the history of the Central Plains dynasty. This ruthlessness and Sanniangzi's ruthlessness can be said to be Like each other, cats look for cats, dogs look for dogs, and turtles look for bastards.

Birds of a feather flock together.

As for Zhu Zaiyu, the imperial uncle of the Ming Dynasty, Sanniangzi did not consider it at all. He was not a political figure and she had no chance to meet Dr. Gewu of the Gewu Academy. He was heavily guarded and had the same security as the Ming Dynasty Palace.

"I just don't know if the emperor will dislike my age." The reason why Sanniangzi refused to find the emperor was not because she didn't want to, but because she was an old cow when it came to the emperor, but she was a young grass when it came to Qi Jiguang.

Sanniangzi originally planned to go to Huining Guard immediately, but before she could set off, snowflakes started to fall in the sky. When the snowflakes started to rise, it was the day when the Ming Army attacked. Attacking on a snowy day was not the path formed by the Ming Army's outbound operations. Dependence is a pursuit of the right time, place and people, in order to reduce one's own casualties.

Sanniangzi's trip was delayed. During this delay, she got to see Qi Jiguang's terrifying commanding ability of a large-scale army.

Under normal circumstances, the stronger a general is at commanding small-scale legion operations, he will be in trouble when commanding large-scale legion operations. That is to apply the experience and command of small-scale legion combat to large-scale legion operations. , often the effect is extremely poor, and the performance can be called a devastating disaster.

Generals are easy to come by, but handsome talents are hard to find.

But Qi Jiguang is not like that at all. When he leads a 3000-man infantry camp, he can win every battle. When he leads a 1-person Beijing camp, everyone must avoid his edge. But when he leads a [-]-strong Beijing camp, he can win every battle. time, it can make the world look at you.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Sanniangzi became more and more sure of her idea. The strength of the Ming Dynasty's capital camp was due to Qi Jiguang himself being really strong.

When Qi Jiguang was in the 10-man team, he always did everything himself and had to personally deal with everything. Because the affairs of the [-]-man team and the three regiments and battalions were not so heavy that he needed to choose to deal with them, but when it reached [-] people, such an order of magnitude After that, Qi Jiguang's military talent was demonstrated again. He was able to understand priorities and make choices.

To find useful information in the sea of ​​complicated information and to use the information to gain an advantage, you must prioritize the information. For example, on November 24, a newspaper from Duntai Yuanhou was sent to Qi Jiguang's case as usual. Qi Jiguang's keen Sensing that the opponent's main force was gathering nearby, Qi Jiguang set up an ambush. Sure enough, he fought an ambush the next day, killed more than [-] enemies, and completely occupied the No. [-] Manglong Mountain highland.

Just because the iron hoof prints were mentioned in the Tang newspaper, it means that the footprints left by the opponent's scouts were nailed with horseshoes. The northern captives are short of iron. The third lady likes iron pots for her trade demands, so horses with horseshoes must be good horses, which is more clear. If someone says they are back-mountain horses, they must be elites.

This kind of talent is a passive talent. Qi Jiguang can always find such information and then give the enemy a fatal blow.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the ability to adapt to changes is an essential talent for military commanders. Qi Jiguang's generals can always be one step ahead. This is due to the sacrifice of the Marquis Yuan of Duntai who does not close his sentry at night. On the grassland, not closing his sentry at night represents the representative of Faced with great dangers, jackals, tigers and leopards, bandits and bandits, enemy scouts, etc., Ye Busuo provided sufficient information to allow Qi Jiguang to make a decision faster.

Knowing how to make choices, being able to filter out effective information from the sea of ​​information, and being able to make correct decisions ultimately creates a terrifying military talent that can predict the enemy first.

Before the enemy took action, Qi Jiguang had already guessed the opponent's attack, retreat, food and troop deployment, etc. through various information.

When fighting Qi Jiguang, there is always a feeling of being seen through. Every step seems to be walking on the pace that Qi Jiguang has set, and you can only follow Qi Jiguang's footsteps.

To activate the military talent of predicting the enemy first, it is necessary to remove the shackles. For example, if a general is wandering around in the central army's tent and cannot get out, the governor of military affairs has an idea, the deputy general has an idea, the staff generals also have an idea, and the eunuch who supervises the army also has an idea. , then this talent is a disabled military talent.

But the emperor removed the last shackles from Qi Jiguang. Without enough heavyweights to restrain him, Qi Jiguang's terrifying talent began to show its power.

Qi Jiguang's performance in commanding large corps was overwhelming.

After the snow started, several battles ended in Qi Jiguang's victory. The battle line began to advance rapidly, and soon reached within ten miles of Huining Guard.

Li Chengliang set out from Zhangwu and marched westward, continuously attacking the five major battalions of Chaohua. Li Chengliang even personally shot and killed the enemy general Er Deng. Er Deng's surname was Bo'er Jijin, and he was Otok of the Guzarut tribe. It was the leader and the head of the tribe. The death of Yi Er Deng greatly shocked thousands of households, causing the entire eastern front battlefield to completely collapse.

A giant bag with three sides missing and one missing has been completely secured.

Qi Jiguang still commanded thirty regiments and battalions to advance in an orderly manner. The continuous offensive made the Tuman Khan complain incessantly. It was okay if he couldn't defeat him. Sometimes he clearly won the battle, but he didn't dare to pursue, for fear that it was set up by Qi Jiguang. trap.

This is the intimidating power of Qi Jiguang himself. As long as he is in the army, Tuman Khan has to consider, have I really won?Is this a trap deliberately set by Qi Jiguang?

Qi Jiguang stopped when he advanced within five miles of Huiningwei. His goal was to drive the Tuman Khan out of Liaodong. Now the Tuman Khan had only one way, and fled back to the west of the Daxianbei Mountain in embarrassment through the Daxianbei Mountain Pass.

Qi Jiguang was not in a hurry, and divided the thirty regiments and battalions into ten waves, using combat as training, and pressed Tuman Khan's head to use it as an experience book.

"The general is awesome, Li admires him." Li Chengliang came from afar, turned over and dismounted, exhaled Qilong, and said hurriedly to Qi Jiguang before he could stand firmly.

Li Chengliang and Qi Jiguang were both hereditary earls of the Ming Dynasty. They were equal in rank, and the titles of Southern Qi and Northern Li were resounding throughout the Ming Dynasty. As the conditions were almost the same and the status was equal, Li Chengliang's powerful words were extremely high praise.

When Qi Jiguang heard this sentence, he remembered that in the first year of Wanli, when the generals were selected in the Beijing camp, His Majesty asked the civil servants to line up in front of him and say this: The general is awesome, so and so admires him.

Li Chengliang had a complete Tang Bao. He put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If he was a Tuman Khan, how should he deal with it? After thinking for a long time, he finally came to the conclusion: Can't deal with it, deal with it?What a crap to deal with!Surrendering directly would not be such a shame.

"Uncle Ning Yuan is still great. It's not that Uncle Ning Yuan traveled a long distance from Liaodong. The pressure on my side is extremely great. I might not be able to win. Please come in quickly and warm yourself up." Qi Jiguang led Li Chengliang into the Chinese army's tent.

The most capable Liaodong Army was Li Chengliang's [-] guest soldiers. As for the remaining [-] guardsmen, they stood still. However, these [-] guest soldiers fought for [-] miles without any defeat. They quickly wiped out the [-] households on the eastern front. This broke Hai's courage and allowed Qi Jiguang's main attack direction to go so smoothly.

"In the past, Si Bahai would come to Pinglubao to call for battle and humiliate our Liaodong soldiers. If I didn't chase him, it would appear that I was cowardly. If I chased him out, he would run away without a trace, and he would even fight with Dong. The foxes made pockets to ambush me, and I was in a dilemma. Even the old men in the mountains said that Li Pifu was not a husband." Li Chengliang entered the Chinese army tent, sat down, took a sip of hot tea, and talked about the past with great emotion. .

Li Pifu, no husband, is a widely circulated proverb in Liaodong. It says that Li Chengliang is timid and cowardly. Faced with the provocation of Su Banghai, Li Pifu is weak and incompetent and unable to deal with this provocation like a man.

Now that he is here, Li Chengliang is full of anger. He wants to see who is not his husband!

In this campaign, the Liaodong region cooperated with the Ming Dynasty's Beijing army. Li Chengliang's original responsibility was to involve the five battalions of the Huahua battalions on the western front, and then the Beijing army could complete the attack on Huining Wei, and wait until the Tuman Khan escaped, or Encirclement and suppression, or persuading surrender, or driving away, but Li Chengliang fought very well, with 3000 people chasing a team of [-] people.

"Where's General Ma?" Li Chengliang looked around. There were only two generals in the Chinese army's tent, one was Chen Dacheng and the other was Daning's general Wang Rulong. The other generals and deputy generals were not in the tent.

"Went to Huiningwei." Qi Jiguang said with a smile.

Ma Fang went to the front line to supervise the army. Ma Fang went to the battlefield to prove that he was still the powerful Lord Ma with three heads and nine eyes and eyes in the back of his head.

Now that the Ming Army has taken the initiative on the battlefield, the enemy's will to resist has become weak and has reached the final stage. "The fire has subsided. Tomorrow we should force the Tuman Khan to march westward. If he refuses to march westward, then let's fight decisively." Qi Jiguang and Li Chengliang discussed military affairs. Launching a general offensive was not Qi Jiguang's shout, "One, two, three, general attack." , it can be activated.

The purpose of his fire harvest is not to swarm him, but to use shock and awe to further weaken the enemy's will to resist.

After the fire was over, instead of pulling out the Ming Dynasty's [-] troops and swarming them, they sent an infantry battalion to the pass of the Daxianbei Mountain with great fanfare, forcing Tuman Khan to make the final decision.

The pass of Daxianbei Mountain is the only mountain pass where Tuman Khan can escape now. Once the Ming army blocks this gap surrounded by three and one, Tuman Khan will fall into a fight between trapped beasts.

Sun Tzu's Art of War says: Don't press the enemy when you are poor. This is the way to use the army. It also says: Don't contain the enemy when you return to the enemy. Surround the army and leave the enemy behind. Don't press the enemy when the enemy is poor.

Qi Jiguang was using this infantry camp dispatch to test the strength of the resistance will of the Tuman Khan tribes, and then formulate a battle plan.

At this step, Tuman Khan felt that he had to consider whether the Ming army wanted to block his retreat, or not?
After Tuman Khan finished this battle, I am afraid that in his dreams the words Qi Jiguang will always be mentioned.

"Qi Shuai, I have always had a doubt. Why do you always show mercy to Beilu? Just like this time, why did you let Tuman Khan live when you could send sharp soldiers to block Tuman Khan's retreat? But Ping Ping Japanese, but never spare any effort." Li Chengliang has always been curious about this question.

The Ming army was fully capable of completely surrounding the opponent and then finally destroying it, but Qi Jiguang chose to surround three but lack one.

Qi Jiguang thought for a moment and said: "After I came to the north, I found that the situation of the Northern barbarians is similar to that of the Central Plains. You have me among you, and you have me among you. These Northern barbarians, even Anda Khan and Tuman Khan, don't know how to use Mongolian. We have been punished, but the Japanese pirates are different, the Japanese pirates must die."

Qi Jiguang appointed Tartar officials, but he would never appoint Japanese officials.

Tartar officials are an appointment that the Ming Dynasty has had since Emperor Taizu Gao. They are to recruit and resettle the tribes of the northern captives. Similarly, there are cases of people fleeing to the northern captives in the Ming Dynasty. For example, Sai Yinbuhua in the 14th year of Zhengtong, during the Jiajing period Zhao Quan, the leader of the White Lotus Sect in the Yanbei region, and so on.

The method mentioned by Sanniang Zi is also a way of reconciliation.

They have been fighting for more than 200 years, and everyone has their own advantages. It is better to refer to the affairs of the Yunnan Guizhou Government and create a local government that is highly subject to the political, military, economic, and cultural constraints of the court, and give each other a step forward.

But Japanese pirates are different. Japanese pirates must die. Qi Jiguang has spent his whole life fighting Japanese officials. If someone wants to use Japanese officials, Qi Jiguang will definitely come to ask for advice and ask what the reason is. If he cannot explain the reason, Qi Jiguang will definitely tie him up. Go to His Majesty and tell him for the crime of treason with Japanese invaders.

Qi Jiguang's sword is directed outwards, and he can only appeal to the emperor internally. This is what he has always done, not allowing any humble Confucian to have the opportunity to alienate the emperor and his ministers.

The answer has been given to how the emperor should respond. He would personally kill people. The man who wrote Zheng Zheng Chen Youren and slandered Qi Jiguang's Eastern Expedition to Pingwo was directly chopped into pieces by the emperor himself.

"The Japanese pirates must die." Qi Jiguang repeated his words again.

Qi Jiguang can actually discuss this conclusion from many angles, such as morale cohesion.

In August of the 33rd year of Jiajing, the Japanese invaders invaded Jiading. General Li Fengshi and military supervisor Xu Guo led 6000 people to quell the Japanese and won a great victory. Yin Fenglin, the magistrate of Jiading, stopped Li Fengshi from killing the Japanese because it was unlucky to kill the prisoners. 230-[-] The famous Japanese pirate prisoners escaped and cooperated inside and outside, which led to the great defeat of the Ming Dynasty in the Battle of Luodian. More than [-] people were trampled, drowned, assassinated and killed. All the food and equipment belonged to the thieves. They cried all night long. Because of the defeat, more than [-] people were left. The people had no food, so they killed many civilians and the few were captured at risk, and plundered the countryside. The people were in an uproar, and they were eventually defeated.

From then on, all Japanese captives were killed. This was a lesson learned in blood. This was to build up the morale of the soldiers. If you lead the troops in a war and do not kill the captured Japanese, nor send them to the Jiecu Hospital in the capital to contribute to medicine, then the guest The soldiers lost their morale. To put it more metaphysically, they lost their military spirit.

For another example, from the perspective of popular support, killing the Japanese pirates has a broad public opinion base in the southeast. When the Japanese pirates were killed, the son returned home with widespread support for killing the Japanese. The guest soldiers also had fathers and mothers, even the wolves from Guangxi. Soldiers were also the main force in pacifying the Japanese, and the public support for killing the Japanese was broad and solid in the Ming Dynasty.

For example, when discussing the progress of the battlefield and the end of the war, Qi Jiguang can tell a lot of truths. In the final analysis, he can say one sentence: the Japanese pirates must die.

During the stalemate stage, Sanniangzi finally went to Huiningwei. Sanniangzi would not spend the night in Huiningwei. After meeting Tuman Khan, she would immediately go to Yingchang and then return to her hometown Bansheng.

Compared with the high morale of the Ming army, the morale of Tuman Khan's soldiers was extremely low. They were all dejected, but they also had a strange sense of relief. Being beaten by Qi Jiguang, it seemed that maybe it was possible, but not What a shame.

It’s not like he was beaten for a day or two by Qi Jiguang, but he was beaten by Qi Jiguang for ten years.

The third wife met Dong Fox first. Dong Fox’s nephew Bu Ha Chu had already been beheaded in public. The last time Dong Fox killed Tang Kekuan in Beigukou, the Ming Emperor immediately ordered Bu Ha Chu to be killed. This was reciprocal revenge. .

Dong Hushu said with a sad face: "Well, to tell you the truth, madam, in October this year, I had a collision with the Ming Dynasty's capital camp and suffered a huge defeat. Li Rusong, the forward of the Ming army, and Li Chengliang's extremely reckless son, originally thought that Li Rusong I was greedy for success, so I set up a dragnet, and as a result, Li Rusong also changed his gender for some reason, so he was a difficult person to deal with."

"He grabbed my head, swung it from side to side, and forcefully pulled my dragnet into a trap that leaked air from all sides. In the first battle, I lost three hundred cavalrymen, and he suffered seven casualties."


Li Rusong is famous for his recklessness. In the early years, he was the boss of heaven, the second boss of the earth, the second boss of the earth, and the third boss. He refused to obey anyone, so he quickly went to Pinglubao to call for battle. He couldn't call out the old fox Li Chengliang, but he could definitely call out the reckless man. Li Rusong came. Li Rusong relied on his own force and was always bold. It was common for him to disobey the general's orders.

But this time Dong Hushu prepared carefully, but was severely humiliated by Li Rusong. Three thousand against three thousand, he lost 300 people, and the vanguard infantry camp led by Li Rusong suffered seven casualties.

Dong Fox originally thought he could kill Miyun general Tang Kekuan at Beigukou, but Li Rusong refused to kill him and won the battle. A victory would boost his morale. However, he returned with a heavy defeat. It was not because Dong Fox didn't work hard that Li Rusong entered the Beijing camp for five years. Years are really impressive.

"Li Rusong, he was beaten by the Great Sima Tan Lun of the Ming Dynasty, and he became much more honest after that. In the past few years, he has been very well-behaved under Qi Shuai. Qi Shuai is famous for his strict military discipline. He does not obey the general's orders. Qi Shuai Li Chengliang can only accept killing him." Sanniangzi was very impressed with Li Rusong and had heard about the fact that Li Rusong was stabbed by Tan Lun.

Li Rusong was in the prime of life, while Tan Lun was old and frail, and suffered from many illnesses. In the eyes of the emperor, Tan Lun was more brittle than a porcelain doll. As a result, Li Rusong was beaten up by the literati he despised for underestimating the enemy, and he naturally became cautious.

Li Rusong is now able to stand alone. In a small-scale battle, it is surprising that Dong Fox can defeat Li Rusong.

Farewell for three days, and treat each other with admiration.

"What is Tuman Khan thinking now?" Sanniangzi asked about the purpose of this trip. Before meeting Tuman Khan, it would be better to see Tuman Khan's attitude first and then meet him.

"He wanted to go west from the pass of Daxianbei Mountain, but Anda Khan wouldn't let him. He sent a team of [-] people to block the pass in Yingchang." Dong Fox expressed Tuman Khan's concerns, and Qi Jiguang Apparently he was driving the Tuman Khan westwards like a sheep, but the Tuman Khan also had concerns and simply fled. As a result, Anda Khan did not care at all that they were all Tatars, and a team of [-] people blocked the mountain pass.

Looking at a problem from different standpoints will lead to different answers. Anda Khan sent these two [-]-person troops to block the mountain pass. In Anda Khan's view, he was taking advantage of the opportunity to see if he could make some money. Benefits: help whoever has the advantage;

Tuman Khan, on the other hand, believed that Anda Khan was a traitor in the grassland, and came here in response to the call of the Ming Dynasty to block his way to the west, and even let Tuman Khan and Qi Jiguang fight in a decisive battle, consuming each other's strength;
Qi Jiguang believed that Anda Khan was here to help and was a threat to the Ming Dynasty army. He must always inquire about the situation of the captives, shoot rabbits in the grass, and treat them as enemies.

"It depends on Tuman Khan's thoughts, whether to face Qi Jiguang's 10 people or Ying Chang's [-] people." Sanniangzi grasped the core of the problem keenly.

"Madam, if you don't fight, you probably don't know. Fighting on two fronts is a taboo for military strategists. This side should deal with Ying Chang, and that side should deal with Qi Shuai. The Tuman Khan gave such an order. As soon as the order is given to ten thousand households, it will be taken away by ten thousand households. What I object to is difficult, difficult, difficult." Dong Fox did not mean to ridicule Sanniangzi's military talent. Sanniangzi has never liked fighting in her life and does not understand battle formations. This kind of two-pronged fighting is the way to death.

Tuman Khan didn't have many choices, he just didn't have them at all.

It has to be said that Anda Khan sent these two [-]-person troops, even if they were not fighting, they could disgust the Tuman Khan just by standing there.

Dong Hu, who is known as a wise man, is at a loss what to do.

Anda Khan is not a simple person, and this skill of his can be said to have taken advantage of him.

"I can't make any promises." Sanniangzi shook her head. Anda Khan has always been in control of the army. In Anda Khan's view, no matter how hard Sanniang escapes, she can't escape from the palm of his Anda. Sanniang has no control over the army. His influence is limited, but here, Sanniangzi just refuses to help.

The Ming Dynasty is completely different from the grassland. The division of labor in the Ming Dynasty is more clear. The army is the army, the soldiers are soldiers, and the people are the people. The grassland is the army, civilians and bandits. It is true that Sanniangzi does not have a high influence on the army, but she is extremely influential on the right wing. If the third lady is willing to intercede, Tuman Khan can still escape the disaster.

If she doesn't give you any benefits, she won't do anything.

Get some from the Ming Dynasty, get some from the Tuman Khan, and return to Bansheng. Sanniangzi can announce that she is on an envoy. It is a perfect success. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty gave the iron pot, salt and tea leaves, and even gave up part of the price, and then from the Tuman If Manhan can get some benefits from him, then this trip will be worthwhile.

"What does Madam want?" Dong Fox didn't hide it and asked directly.

"Wool." Sanniangzi showed a successful smile, looked at the horizon and said: "At sunset, if Tuman Khan is still hesitant, then I will leave."

"This year?" Dong Fox frowned, and Sanniangzi really opened her mouth like a lion.

"Everything in the future." Sanniangzi's smile became brighter and brighter. She looked at Dong Fox and said: "In the past, the Tuman Khan tribes didn't need those smelly felts, right? Just give them to me, just pretend that the Ming Dynasty doesn't have them In this wool business, the annual wool supply cannot be less than what was provided to the Ming court last year.”

Dong Fox's eyes suddenly widened, this is the real lion's mouth!This is taking advantage of the situation!
 Still the same sentence: Japanese pirates must die.Please give me a monthly ticket, wow! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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