I'm really not doing business

Chapter 295: Monarch and minister?Conjugate Master and Disciple

Chapter 295: Monarch and minister?Conjugate Master and Disciple

"Can you stay?" Zhu Yijun leaned back on the chair again, as if he was used to such dirty things.

Over the years, Zhu Yijun has seen too much evil. From the initial assassination of the king, to the Jin party who constantly tried to overstep and even hoped to completely control the capital camp in their own hands, he saw Zhang Siwei burning the palace, and saw the lowly The Confucians confuse right and wrong. They have seen that even Qi Jiguang's achievements in pacifying the Japanese can be talked nonsense. They have seen that they have doubled the amount and acted arbitrarily in the name of the power of the master. They have seen evil spirits causing chaos and natural and man-made disasters. of human suffering.

He has seen too much evil. Zhu Yijun should have been disappointed by these things, but Zhang Juzheng told Zhu Yijun that this is the purpose of the cheap Confucians, to let disappointment continue to accumulate and finally turn into despair. He was constantly being wiped out, and in complete despair, he resorted to Huang Lao's learning and ruled from the ground up.

The reason why Zhu Yijun was not disappointed was that he also saw the virtuous people who tried to save the Ming Dynasty, and met Zhang Juzheng, Zhu Zaiyu, Qi Jiguang, Tan Lun, Wang Guoguang, Yin Zhengmao, Ling Yunyi, Pan Jixun, etc., and even Hou Yuzhao, Zhou Liangyin, etc. I saw the loyalty of the emperor and the country. I saw the Yuanhou of Duntai who stayed up all night, the bravery and fearlessness of flying on the sea during coastal defense patrols. I saw the Beijing camp that was victorious in every battle and reported to the emperor to rescue the head of Guizhou. The military discipline was strict and there was no violation in autumn. I saw Yongding. Official factories rose from the ground, witnessing the Ming Dynasty's exploration of science, and seeing the hardworking people farming on the desert land.

The bad ones are the Ming Dynasty, and the good ones are the Ming Dynasty. These are all the Ming Dynasties.

Disappointment and hope are constantly intertwined, and spears and shields are constantly colliding and sparking.

As Zhang Juzheng said, the world situation is changing, the public opinion of Chongxin is changing, and people's morals are also changing. If the New Deal is implemented today, after the country has been revitalized, why continue the New Deal?The development of all things in the world is a situation in which contradictions are solved one after another, and it is an upward spiral.

"You can keep it." Zhang Juzheng washed his hands in the newly thawed pool and said with a smile: "Your Majesty once said that one is one, and two is two. After coming, this Ming Dynasty will eventually be different, and everyone will I know that I can still live like this, and even if there is a counterattack and overcorrection in the future, I will remember that I can still live like this."

"No, no, no, sir, you are too optimistic." Zhu Yijun leaned back in his chair. He was completely different from Zhang Juzheng's optimistic attitude. He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Sir, you still underestimate these monsters."

"Sir is a gentleman. It is difficult to imagine the evil of despicable people. Even if you speculate on them with the greatest malice, you will still overestimate their lower limit. I, the great emperor, do not believe in the wisdom of future generations."

Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng had differences, and they had completely different attitudes on whether they could leave things behind.

Zhu Yijun was more negative, so he was more radical. Zhang Juzheng was more optimistic. He chose Ding You to become an official. He chose to return to politics. He is more optimistic now. His optimism is entirely because the emperor he trained became a talent. If the emperor was ineffective, Zhang Juzheng was probably Will be more negative and pessimistic.

People are going to change.

"Your Majesty, you still have to be wary of Wang Chonggu." Zhang Juzheng was sitting on the other side. He was not interested in who wanted to kill him. There were so many people who wanted to kill him. He was not interested in the slanderous Confucianism slandering him and scolding him. His life is endless, and he is very concerned about His Majesty's safety.

In his opinion, Wang Chonggu was in danger of overstepping his authority.

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, which was completely accountable to the superiors, the only people who could truly threaten the safety of the emperor were the courtiers. No matter what kind of conspiracy or plot against the emperor, only people with the status of courtiers were a substantial threat.

The Xishan attack and murder case may seem dangerous, but in fact the emperor only needs to be protected by Tiqi and does not lead the charge, and his right arm will never be injured.

Wang Chonggu has committed the crime of transgression. Zhang Juzheng is not above the court. Lu Tiaoyang is definitely not Wang Chonggu's opponent. If His Majesty really trusts Wang Chonggu too much and Wang Chonggu transgresses again, the world may be in danger of overthrow. King Lu is obviously not the right one. The emperor's piece of information once again raised the suspicion of the young country, and the Ming Dynasty was bound to be in turmoil.

Zhu Yijun also said very solemnly: "After Mr. Ding You, the only time you spoke about national affairs was the last time you asked for mercy, but Wang Chonggu encouraged him to go to the palace. Why are you so afraid of Wang Chonggu?"

Zhang Juzheng said with great certainty: "He made a noise about Guan Fukue and used the sword of your Majesty, which is transgression in itself."

"Sir, what you said makes sense." Zhu Yijun understood that the starting point of Zhang Juzheng's memorial was Wang Chonggu's behavior of making noises about Guan Fugu and killing people with a borrowed knife, which in itself was a crime of transgression.

The political fights between courtiers should not involve the emperor. In the past five years, Zhang Juzheng has never used the emperor to deal with anyone. Not long after Wang Chonggu entered the cabinet, he used the emperor to kill people.

Zhu Yijun thought over and over again and sorted out the whole thing again before he said: "I think I can lend him the knife. He is different from Mr. He has skills but no morals. If he doesn't lend me the knife, , on the contrary, it arouses my fear."

Wang Chonggu also needs to create an atmosphere. All his power comes from the emperor, which can also make the emperor himself feel at ease. Wang Chonggu is completely different from Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng is your majesty's tutor. Wang Chonggu has done meritorious service for his crimes, and that strand of hair is still in the palace. , just like he couldn't invest in Nanya's maritime affairs and could only borrow the emperor Zhu Yijun, Wang Chonggu couldn't show any power without relying on the emperor's prestige.

Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng each have their own positions and naturally have different attitudes towards one thing.

This is just a disagreement, not a dispute over lines. Differences are very common among people, but in a dispute over lines, people will agree on different paths and not work together.

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true." Zhang Juzheng also agreed with His Majesty's thoughts. After all, Wang Chonggu was doing something, and he was doing it very well. The emperor was also very thoughtful. Zhang Juzheng asked for leniency, so that the emperor could deal with Wang Chonggu when he needed to deal with him. It’s not like you don’t know where to start.

When the emperor stalled, Zhang Juzheng was about to apply the brakes.

"Sir, you are so worried about me. Why don't you just go back to the court? Why go around in such a big circle?" Zhu Yijun started to clamor for Zhang Juzheng to return to the court to serve. Zhang Juzheng was not in the court, and Zhu Yijun didn't have much time to neglect his duties and spend all day busy. in state affairs.

Zhang Juzheng smiled and did not discuss this issue further. He was good to everyone in Xishan. When Ding You is over, His Majesty takes charge, and the monarch and his ministers return to their respective positions, it is the best thing in the world.

"Sir, I don't plan to move the palace. After the wedding, I will still live in Xiyuan." Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng communicated about a major matter. It is impossible to move the palace.

The courtiers were all waiting for the emperor to return to Qianqing Palace for his wedding, but the courtiers were completely wrong. The little emperor had no intention of going back at all.

"This..." Zhang Juzheng's expression changed. He had a psychological shadow on Xiyuan. After Master Dao lived there, the Ming Dynasty was in chaos, and the country became even more decadent after a slight improvement.

"Your Majesty, why don't you move back to the Qianqing Palace?" Zhang Juzheng tried to advise, and he said sincerely: "When you return to the Qianqing Palace, the two empress dowagers of the two palaces can often see your majesty. When your majesty went to Xiyuan, the two empress dowagers were the only ones in the palace. I won’t be able to see His Majesty until the 15th day of the lunar month.”

Zhang Juzheng didn't think there would be any danger in the Qianqing Palace after the fire burned the palace. Wang Chonggu tried his best to build the palace. Even if the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother Huode Zhenjun came down to earth together, they couldn't burn down the Qianqing Palace.

"I won't come back!" Zhu Yijun said very stubbornly: "I will live in Xiyuan. This guy Zhang Siwei will never expect anyone to reverse his case for eternity."

Zhang Juzheng must retaliate. The little emperor is more narrow-minded than a needle. Zhu Yijun has really lived in Xiyuan all his life. Zhang Siwei has never been able to overturn the verdict in his life. For forcing the young emperor to this point, Zhang Siwei is an iron man. The sycophant.

"Then live in Xiyuan." Zhang Juzheng chose to compromise and stopped admonishing. It would be good to live in Xiyuan. Your Majesty does not ignore the government's affairs by living in Xiyuan.

Zhu Yijun rolled down his sleeves and took out a civilian newspaper. There was an article on it, which was a new edition of Journey to the West. It was written by Wang Qian, the supervisory censor. Wang Qian used the new edition of Journey to the West to satirize some things.

"Wang Qian's pen is still very strong." Zhang Juzheng said with admiration after reading the newly compiled "Three Strikes of White Bone Demons" in Journey to the West.

Yan Song's son Yan Shifan was also very smart, and his wisdom was almost like that of a demon. However, as he walked, Yan Shifan thought that he was the one holding the bright future, and even went so far as to ask for bribes and went to Prince Yu's Mansion. How could he not be angry after knowing this?

Wang Qian is very similar to Yan Shifan, but different. Wang Qian dare not commit the crime of transgression because his father has already committed it.

The protagonists of this new version of Journey to the West are not the masters and apprentices, nor the white-bone demons who were beaten, but the evil ghosts and tree demons watching the show.

The hundred-year-old evil ghost is called Ling Niang, and the thousand-year-old tree demon is called mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law and Ling Niang heard the news that day that Tang Monk came to Baihu Ridge with a scripture-seeking group.

The mother-in-law said to Ling Niang: "These days, be sure to take some time off. Don't go out if you can, otherwise you will lose your soul."

Ling Niang was surprised: "If you eat Tang Monk's meat, you can live forever. Why should you stop and not go out?"

The mother-in-law told Ling Niang how powerful it was.

Who is this Tang Monk?Jin Chanzi was reincarnated and became the second disciple of Tathagata Buddha. They were the disciples of the Buddha. Sun Wukong was the master who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago. His rampant skills were taught by Patriarch Bodhi, and this Patriarch Bodhi taught him Who is he?In the three realms, only the name is heard, but no one has ever seen his true appearance.

This trip to obtain Buddhist scriptures was arranged by the Buddha, presided over by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and protected by the four levels of merit, the Five Directions, and the Six Soldiers and Six Armors Protector Jialan. Who can be provoked at will?

Grandma said meaningfully: "My mother-in-law told you how powerful this is, you must know it."

"Wherever Tang Monk and that hairy-faced monk with a thunderous mouth go, the City God's Temple is crazy busy. There are five hundred miles around Baihu Ridge. Those who deserve to be seriously ill should die early, those who deserve to be seduced in advance, mountain bandits and bandits, Everyone he knew or didn't know was sent away by the bull-headed horse-faced man, and even the weasel who had stolen two eggs was split in half vertically."

"Just wait until the golden cicada and the great disciple under the Bodhi Seat meditate and see peace and tranquility in the world and the happiness of the people. After they go to heaven and say a few good things, that will be a great merit."

The actress was still unconvinced and said: "Isn't Mrs. Baigu of Baihuling Baigu Cave still fine? Her swagger is annoying."

"That was a training that had been prepared a long time ago. They were just waiting for Jin Chanzi and Sun Wukong to surrender the demons. The stage was set up and people who didn't sing, how could they do it and say some stupid things? If there wasn't Madam Bones, what would we be like here? It's not difficult to plant seeds. Wouldn't that be a waste of Jin Chanzi and the Great Sage's time? This Bone Lady is just right." The mother-in-law of the thousand-year-old tree demon has seen strong winds and waves, and she knows the ways here very well.

"Ling Niang, your little face is very handsome, with a bit of peach color. When a few nobles pass by here, use the water shipped from the South China Sea and the rice sent by the daughter country to carefully steady a pot of rice. , when the noble man is meditating, you pretend to be your daughter, and I pretend to be the old mother who is sick in bed. When the noble man comes to ask for alms, you send the rice and ask Elder Tang to say auspicious words. I will climb out of bed and give some auspicious words to Tang. If the elder kowtows, it will be considered accomplished."

Ling Niang was doubtful again and asked: "Why is that? Doesn't it mean that Liu Ding Liujia is guarding you and is not allowed to go out?"

Grandma slapped Ling Niang on the head and sneered: "Stupid, you think that if Elder Tang eats our bowl of rice, Elder Tang will become a Buddha and let us do such things in this barren mountain. Lonely souls and wild ghosts? Even if Elder Tang forgets, our City God's Temple and the monks in the temple will still come to us to practice magic to exorcise evil spirits? If we make a local book, we can get some light."

"We are not above the disaster, so the Great Sage is too lazy to use his magical powers."

On the third day of August, the White Bone Lady was indeed beaten by the Great Sage three times, five divided by two, and Ling Niang did send rice to Elder Tang who was begging for alms, but she did not see Sun Wukong. It turned out that it was Wukong who beat the White Bone Demon three times. , was written a letter of derogation by Elder Tang and was sent back to Huaguo Mountain to become the Mountain King.

This calamity was not caused by the monster Madam Bones, but by the gap between master and apprentice because of this incident.

This Ling Niang was beautiful and lovable, so she was attracted by the second senior brother Bajie. When Bajie became the envoy of the Purification Altar, he called Ling Niang to be a maidservant under the altar. After all, she got the poison. God's good fortune, this Ling Niang has great fortune, no longer recognizes the tree demon grandma who has protected her for many years.Grandma doesn't blame Ling Niang. After all, the tree demon has also received some favors. At least the local Taoist priests and monks no longer seek trouble from Grandma, and they have become much quieter.

As the saying goes: Bajie met Mrs. Ling by chance. It was fate.

"The story is very well written. Don't write it again in the future. He is so yin and yang. That's what happened. Alas." Zhang Juzheng found that this young man Wang Qian was really a young man.

He was laughing and scolding the governors and governors of the Ming Dynasty, especially those who went to the local areas with gold-plated goals to gain experience.

There are also people like this under Zhang Juzheng, such as Wang Xiyuan who went to Yunnan, and Li Le who is still serving as Fu Cheng in Yingtian.

With a big shot behind you, you will indeed get special preferential treatment, and the local government will also deliberately leave some minor problems that are not so eye-catching so that the gold-plated people can make meritorious deeds. The criticism is very reasonable. Don't criticize in the future.

This is the normal state of officialdom. Officialdom is not all about fighting and killing, but there are also human beings and sophistication, right?
Zhang Juzheng, who advocated using exams to eliminate the disadvantages of appeasement, also asked Wang Shizhen, the leader of the seven retro-religious sons and the leader of the literary world of the main alliance, to go to Yunyang as governor. The governor of Yunyang was in charge of Zhang Juzheng's hometown, but Wang Shizhen forced himself to be dismissed. Go back to your hometown and live leisurely.

Things like human relationships are unavoidable. Zhang Juzheng's success in the examination was to break the disadvantages of appeasement and make the rules fair and make the world clear and clear, which Zhang Juzheng could not do.

Zhang Juzheng is becoming more and more moderate now. If the country were not worried about the danger of the country, he would just travel around. Why did he return to the country to serve in the 35th year of Jiajing?
Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng chatted for a long time, traveling far and wide.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Yijun got up early. The first batch of wealthy Jiangnan gentry families who moved to Xitucheng arrived in Xitucheng today.

Xitucheng itself was a military fortress built during the Jingtai period. Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty created a civil fort and entered the imperial capital from Zijin Pass. He then set up camp less than ten miles outside the Xizhi Gate of the capital in an extremely arrogant manner. Call the door.

Ming Yingzong was called the Son of Heaven, and he called the gate once in Xuanfu, once in Datong, and once in the capital, a total of three times.

During the Jingtai period, Emperor Jingtai began to build Xitucheng outside Xizhimen. This was also a renovation. This military stronghold was built on the old site of Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty. After the Ming Yingzong disbanded the Beijing camp in the first year of Tianshun, it fell into disrepair again and was now given over to Wang Chonggu. Pick them up and build a place for the wealthy migrant families to live.

Zhang Juzheng is also going there. The first thing is to meet his old friends. Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng are all former friends of Prince Yu's Mansion. The three of them advanced and retreated together in Prince Yu's Mansion, and later each had a different fate. .

Xu Jie embarked on the road of corruption, Gao Gong embarked on the road of conditional anti-corruption, and Zhang Juzheng embarked on the road of shouldering the resurgence of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone will leave their names in history. As for who gets scolded, it is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

Zhu Yijun actually didn't want to see Xu Jie. He had resentment against Xu Jie. Why didn't this old guy get involved in evil spirits and get involved in Heyi Zhong's affairs? Xu Jie would never end up like Luo Rufang. Luo Rufang had another one in the end. Decent, it is suicide, Xu Jie will definitely be beheaded by Zhu Yijun in public.

Zhu Yijun can take back the corruption matter by returning the land. How can the bad impact caused by Hu Zongxian's death and humiliation be restored?

"Your Majesty, Xu Jie, pays homage to your Majesty. Long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty." Xu Jie's car was stopped by Tiqi. Xu Jie was dazzled, but he could see Tiqi's bright red belt and knew that the emperor was here.

The Ti of the Tiqi means the yellow color of silk and red, which is the virtue of the Great Ming Fire. The waistband of the Tiqi is red, which means that the emperor is here personally.

Xu Jie had not reached the place where he was three feet away from the jade chariot, so he hurriedly took his son to salute together. He was afraid that he would lose etiquette. When he arrived in the capital, he would no longer be the place where he could run wild in Songjiang Mansion. This place would be like a brick. , all are high-ranking officials.

"You came from Huating in Songjiang. I don't ask you to show your enthusiasm for the country and your loyalty to the emperor. I just want to tell you how many people are waiting to make a fuss about you, the former chief minister, so that you can take care of yourself." Zhu Yijun's tone was extremely cold, and he even He didn't meet Xu Jie, and he didn't let Xu Jie get away with it. He didn't recognize that he was Xu Jie's disciple again, and he warned him as soon as he spoke, and it was a stern warning.

Take care of yourself, don't seek death, don't be a monster.

The reason why Zhu Yijun wanted to see Xu Jie was to tell Xu Jie that he should be more honest in the capital. He sent Tiqi to keep an eye on him. If there was any slight movement, he would die without a burial place.

Zhu Yijun's warning was not without purpose. It was groundless. Gao Gong was almost blamed for the assassination of the king and the driving case, and Gao Gong was almost blamed for the palace burning case. If something happened again, Xu Jie would definitely have his head full of pain. shit basin.

Feng Bao saw that His Majesty did not want the majority, so he shook his fly whisk and shouted loudly: "Get up and go back to the palace!"

Zhu Yijun opened the carriage on the other side and said to Zhang Juzheng with a smile: "Sir, I am taking the girl back to the palace first, and I will see you next month."

"I respectfully send you off to your Majesty." Zhang Juzheng hurriedly bowed his head in greeting.

"Let's go." Zhu Yijun waved his hand, and Feng Baocai signaled that he would drive towards the capital in a jade chariot. After leaving the Yicheng residence in Xishan, His Majesty once again became the king who rules the world, is not angry and has authority, instead of a lazy bastard. No matter what, His Majesty is most relaxed when he is at the Yicheng Mansion in Xishan.

When Xu Jie looked at the emperor's appearance, he knew that the emperor was a political figure. The first element of a political figure is that he has a dog face. What is this if it's not a dog face?
Only when the car was completely gone did Xu Jie dare to get up from the ground. This trip was not very tiring, the road surface was smooth, and the new car had a 'bun' structure for shock absorption. The spring steel inside made Xu Jie Jie's migration was far less strenuous than he thought.

"Mr. Huating." Zhang Juzheng stepped forward to greet him. Xu Jie actually taught Zhang Juzheng when he was in the Hanlin Academy.

"I have met Uncle Yicheng. This is the dog Xu Ying, Xingsan." Xu Jie's official rank is the first rank, but Zhang Juzheng is a super-rank earl, and he is also a civil servant, so Xu Jie also needs to be honored.

The eldest son of the family, Xu Fan, was traveling in Thailand and the West, the second son, Xu Kun, was disposing of property in Songjiang, and the third son, Xu Ying, came to Beijing with him.

After the two of them saw each other, they looked at each other without saying anything. Ten years have passed since Xu Jie ruled the country, and the Ming Dynasty has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

"In the first year of Longqing, the Tuman Khan invaded the capital. You and I both failed Emperor Shizong's trust." The first sentence Zhang Juzheng said was to blame. It was to talk about the real reason for Xu Jie's downfall. There were three people in Prince Yu's palace, and Xu Jie , Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, Gao Gong did protect the Jin Party, but at that time he had to do that to reconcile with An Da Khan. At that time, the Ming Dynasty was simply unable to fight on two fronts. One was An Da Khan and the other was Tuman Khan.

Xu Jie's real crime was to live up to the Taoist entrustment. Xu Jie's corruption was not a problem. Yan Song was also corrupt, and Xu Jie was also corrupt. The clear and turbulent streams lead to the same destination by different routes.

But Xu Jie is incompetent.

Emperor Longqing was an emperor who didn't care about anything. As the chief minister of the country, Xu Jie allowed Tuman Khan to invade because of his incompetence.

"Now, Qi Jiguang and the Beijing camp have successively captured Daningwei, Huiningwei, and Yingchang. The Daxianbei Mountain Road is completely occupied by the Ming Dynasty. Shanxi merchants cannot use this road to sell Dongyi slaves." Zhang Juzheng added The second sentence was said, the specific significance of Qi Jiguang's occupation of the Great Xianbei Pass.

The mountain roads of the Daxianbei Mountains are in the hands of the barbarians. The Jin Party in the northwest, the Mongolians in the east and the northeast, and the slaves in the northeast are in danger of collaborating to cause harm. This is what Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng all saw when they were in Prince Yu's Mansion. Crisis, the real crisis that overthrew the Ming Dynasty.

However, when Xu Jie was in charge of the country, not only did he fail to prevent this crisis, but the barbarian Khan invaded the capital and the country was shaken.

Failure to defend the country was entrusted to him, which was Xu Jie's biggest crime as the chief minister. Yan Song defeated Xia Yan in the 27th year of Jiajing, and Anda Khan joined the invaders in the 29th year of Jiajing. Therefore, Yan Song was a treacherous minister, a sycophantic minister, an incompetent minister, and no one Overturn his verdict.

Yan Song was treacherous and incompetent, so Xu Jie was loyal and virtuous?

"I know, I know you are powerful! Come on!" Xu Jie shook his sleeves and said angrily.

Xu Fan knew his father best and knew what Xu Jie's heart ailment was. That was that Zhang Juzheng was stronger than him, and several times stronger than him. This was one of the fundamental reasons why Xu Jie could not accept it the most and was always unconvinced. one.

"You taught your disciples well, and you taught them the masters of the ZTE; you were great in governing the country, and the Ming Dynasty had the hope of the ZTE; you were great in making the country rich, and in just five years the Ming Dynasty had six annual expenditures; you were powerful in strengthening the army, and Qi Jiguang led it The Hulu people from the capital camp ran to fight outside the fortress and fell on their backs. You are powerful, you are powerful, why did you come down and sit on it yourself!" Xu Jie's face was red, he pointed at Zhang Juzheng and roared fiercely, his facial features were twisted together, extremely ferocious.

This was the biggest anger Xu Jie had ever had since he became an official. He was reprimanded by his disciples in front of his face, and he became angry from embarrassment.

The little emperor wanted to kill him. Xu Jie knew this before he came, but Zhang Juzheng's scolding in front of him was completely unacceptable to Xu Jie, especially saying that he was incompetent instead of saying that he killed Hu Zongxian or that he was corrupt because of corruption. If the party collapses despite being united and opposed by others, it can still be attributed to the enemy being too strong and incompetent. This is a denial of a person's life.

Zhu Yijun and Zhang Juzheng can be said to be of the same strain when it comes to killing people and punishing the heart. It's hard to say who taught whom, but they are probably the same type of people.

Lord and minister?It’s just a master-disciple conjugation.

"Your Majesty is wise, why should I sit on it?" Zhang Juzheng clearly explained why he spoke like this.

Zhang Juzheng told Xu Jie that he returned to power confidently and boldly because the emperor was very ambitious and powerful. If he really wanted to die, he would consider the emperor's thunderous wrath.

Xu Jie understood immediately that Zhang Juzheng actually meant well and was reminding him that the emperor was not to be trifled with.

As for sitting on and stepping down, of course it refers to the throne of the Ming Emperor. Zhang Juzheng really served as regent for five years. It was Zhang Juzheng's own choice to step down. The little emperor was sincerely trying to retain him, not a temptation to play hard to get. In order to stay, Mr. Xia, Zhu Yijun even gave Zhang Juzheng the title of Yichengbo, and stayed in Xishan Dingyou in the capital.

This was the emperor's decision, and it was also the only foreign ministers the emperor trusted, Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang.

The emperor visited Zhang Juzheng every month and wrote to Qi Jiguang every month. Wang Chonggu, Wang Guangguang, Wan Shihe, and even Hai Rui did not have this honor.

"These officials in the court are no longer good. The emperor goes to the homes of his ministers to visit him. He comes once a month, and these officials don't scold you to death. They are really trash." Xu Jie is still tough, but his anger has subsided. , Zhang Juzheng is several times stronger than him, this is an indisputable fact, and Xu Jie cannot accept it.

Zhang Juzheng said with a smile: "If I didn't protect these officials, these officials would have been beaten to death by His Majesty before Hua Ting came to the capital. But you are right, they are indeed trash and a bunch of idiots." , Wang Chonggu laid a trap for them so obviously, and they also got into it."

Zhang Juzheng was indeed protecting the ministers. He was responsible for putting the brakes on the emperor.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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