Chapter 102
In the morning, Yushi Zhongcheng Yang Guozhong and Shi Yushi Jiwen came to Yang Shenjin's house in Xuanyangfang.

The cause was that Yang Guozhong added a new charge to Yang Shenjin, the servant of the household department. Someone accused Yang Shenjin of manipulating the prophecy, and was Yang Shenjin's former concubine.

After Yang Guozhong reported to the emperor, Li Longji specially approved the search of Yang Shenjin's mansion to find evidence.

At this time, Li Dai's re-interrogation has not yet started, so his previous testimony has not been overturned and is still valid.

Yang Shenjin is still in a state of being suspended, between guilt and innocence.

However, the concubine Mingzhu's denunciation was very lethal to him. If the content was detailed and other people's circumstantial evidence was added, Yang Shenjin could be directly convicted without evidence.

However, the crime can be lighter. After all, the various witchcrafts reported by the concubine Mingzhu do not involve treason, but are absurd and undignified.

But if the prophecy is found, the nature is different. The prophecy generally contains the content of rebelling against the king, and the crime will be much heavier.

"Yang Zhongcheng, I always feel that there is something strange going on here!"

Shi Jiwen, the censor, has always been Li Linfu's confidant. In the early days of Tianbao, he was the magistrate of Xinfeng County. Li Linfu favored him and promoted him step by step.

Li Linfu took a fancy to him for his treachery, cunning and cruelty. Once the ministers who were targeted by Ji Wen, all their families were ruined and their wives were separated.

The court has always ranked him with another cruel official, Luo Xishi, and called him Luo Jiaji Wang.

Yang Guozhong also attaches great importance to Ji Yushi. On the one hand, Ji Wen is naturally capable, so he can sit back and relax when he is entrusted with anything.

On the other hand, Ji Wen's own family has no background and is completely dependent on power. He is dependent on Li Linfu today, and he can depend on himself tomorrow.

More importantly, Ji Wen is very smart and has good eyesight. He never opposes the Yang family. Who doesn't like smart people?

Yang Guozhong smiled and said, "What does Yushi Ji think is strange?"

Ji Wen said slowly: "In Li Dai's case, Jinlong entered the cabinet, and Yang Shenjin's case involved Chen Wei, but no alchemist involved in the case was found. If this important link is missing in the whole case, there will be loopholes."

Yang Guozhong felt that Ji Wen was reminding himself, so he tentatively asked: "If this alchemist has escaped, can Ji Yushi do anything?"

Ji Wen chuckled, "It's just a matter of escaping and arresting him. It's up to him, as long as this loophole is closed, the case will be settled."

Yang Guozhong immediately understood and nodded, "Thank you Ji Yushi for reminding me, I will send someone to arrest him right away!"

Ji Wen smiled and said nothing. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the emperor was going to attack Li Linfu, so why should he be tied to a dead tree that was dying.

When the two arrived in front of Yang Shenjin's mansion, [-] search soldiers had already lined up. They were temporarily drawn from Qianniuwei, and even General Qianniuwei couldn't confess in secret.

Five hundred soldiers had already bathed and changed their clothes, and they were strictly searched. This kind of home search system has been strictly followed, even the murderous and cunning Ji Wen must abide by it. Maybe someday his home will be searched.

"Yang Zhongcheng, let me tell you, the Soujia has a system, we can't go in, only special Sojia soldiers can enter the mansion."

He lowered his voice and whispered to Yang Guozhong again: "Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that the house search will not fall on him, so everyone must abide by the system!"

Yang Guozhong also felt that it made sense, so he nodded and said: "The point is to search his study, where confidential things are usually hidden!"

"The humble job thinks so too!"

Five hundred soldiers began to search the mansion, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and digging three feet. More than a dozen soldiers were responsible for searching the study room. All the letters were put into special letter bags, and the books were carefully checked.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted: "There is a problem here!"

Soldiers gathered around one after another, and saw a thin strip of strange wood color behind the bookcase. They moved the wooden cabinet away, and saw a wooden box hanging behind the cabinet.

The soldier opened the wooden box, and there was a book inside. The soldier immediately registered the number and put it in a red search bag, indicating important and suspicious items.

Outside the mansion, Ji Wen was still chatting with Yang Guozhong. At this time, the leading general came out, clasped his fists and said, "Report to Yang Zhongcheng, and report to Ji Yushi. The soldiers found a dark box in the study room. There is a book in it. It is said that it is a bit like a prophecy. , has been numbered and checked."

Yang Guozhong was secretly happy, he laughed and said: "Everyone has worked hard, and strive to end the search before noon!"

Li Dai is no longer in the Tianlao underground prison, but transferred to a separate courtyard in Dali Temple, which belongs to the house arrest prison. It is not that Li Dai is treated preferentially, but the emperor agrees to a retrial. Then Li Dai will be turned into a suspect. He will not be convicted, but he needs to control his life. free.

In the afternoon, Yushitai held the first interrogation. Yushi Zhongcheng Wang Gong personally tried the case. Wang Gong was a child of the famous Wang family in Hedong and was highly regarded by the emperor Li Longji.

Although he was recommended by Li Linfu as Yushi Zhongcheng, Wang Gong is not Li Linfu's partisan, but Li Linfu's ally. However, today Li Linfu does not expect him to favor his son, but at least hopes that Wang Gong can be fair and prevent his son from falling into illusion again.

Sure enough, without the interference of the illusion, Li Dai firmly denied that he set fire to the library of the household department, and also firmly denied that he had any relationship with Yang Shenjin, and at the same time denied that the paper dragon found under the desk case was related to him.

It is normal for the defendant to deny everything. No one has ever voluntarily admitted his guilt. For ordinary people, they are directly tortured. Under torture, they have to admit their guilt.

But Li Dai is an official of the court, but he is only suspended, not to mention that he is still the son of Li Linfu, the Prime Minister, and it is impossible to use torture, so evidence must be found to prove that Li Dai is involved in the case.

The first is the personal witness. Before that, the guards proved that Li Dai was in the library of the household department at that time, but this personal certificate was rejected by Wang Gong. It is normal for a member of the household department to appear in the warehouse of the household department. There is a reason to believe that the fire in the barracks was caused by soldiers.

Only when the soldiers saw Li Dai holding up the torch to light the fire with their own eyes could they be called witnesses.

The second is evidence. The fire dragon controller must be caught, and then the fire dragon controller will produce evidence to prove that Li Dai is involved in the case.

In the end, Wang Gong found that the only thing that could prove that Li Dai was the suspect was the illusion paper dragon under his table case.

Yang Shenjin was also under house arrest in the official room of Dali Temple. For two days in a row, he didn't get a good night's sleep, and he paced back and forth in the room restlessly.

Especially when he learned that the imperial court had switched to prophecy to accuse him, it made him even more terrified. He was not afraid of any deficit in the household department, and he didn't have such a thing at all.

But he was afraid of prophecy. He really liked prophecy, and was even a little addicted to it. He often discussed celestial phenomena with Shi Jingzhong to determine the political direction of the Tang Dynasty.

He even once believed that the Sui Dynasty would re-emerge, but now the court actually seized his prophecy to accuse him, which made Yang Shenjin terrified all day long.

At this time, the door opened, and an old jailer came in to bring him food.

The old jailer put the food boxes on the table and took away the old food boxes. He gave Yang Shenjin a meaningful look, knocked on one of the food boxes, turned and left.

Yang Shenjin saw the jailer's wink, and when he closed the door and left, Yang Shenjin quickly stepped forward to open the food box, which was full of rice, he picked it up with chopsticks, and sure enough picked up a note from the bottom .

He took the note and went to the window and opened it, and there was only one sentence in it, "Search the study, there is no prophecy, only the almanac." '

Yang Shenjin swallowed the note, thought for a while, and gradually understood.

It must be that his home was searched, and someone put a book of prophecy in advance, but the soldiers did not find the book of prophecy, only an almanac. Yang Shenjin remembered that in his bookcase was a Northern Dynasty almanac.

It was the almanac copied by Zhao Wenyuan, a calligrapher of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and he kept it in his collection. Could it be that someone secretly helped him to replace the prophecy with the almanac?

(End of this chapter)

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