Chapter 178
Several officials left and took a box of daggers from Li Ye as evidence.

Li Ye sat in the yard thinking silently, he was in no mood to listen to the lecture, although he was going to play for Gao Lishi tomorrow morning, but the fact that he was framed by someone was like a poisonous thorn in his heart, and this The method of planting myself this time is very similar to the method of planting my father last year. If I don't give them a little color, I really think I am easy to deceive!

Li Ye rode to the Anranju Restaurant in Pingkangfang. The restaurant was open for business. The murder case in Pingkangfang caused a sensation in Chang'an, but everyone focused on Sun Jiliang, and the death of the singer Shi Lian in Anranju Restaurant was ignored. .

Of course, this is not surprising, the orchid's status is very low, almost no one will pay attention to the death of an orchid in Chang'an.

Anranju Restaurant was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe and was not affected, but Shanshui Restaurant suffered an indiscriminate disaster. Sun Jiliang died next to his house, and Shanshui Restaurant has not yet opened.

Li Ye rode his horse and got off his horse in front of the restaurant. A bartender rushed to meet him and lead the horse for him.

"Is shopkeeper Cheng here?"

"It's in the store!"

Li Ye handed the horse over to the restaurant and walked into the restaurant. The restaurant hadn't opened yet. Shopkeeper Cheng was arranging for the bartenders to clean the restaurant. When he saw Li Ye when he turned around, shopkeeper Cheng rushed forward to greet him.

"Son, are you alright!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "Don't worry! I'll be fine, I'll ask some questions."

"Young master, please!"

Li Ye followed Shopkeeper Cheng and sat down in the shopkeeper's room, and Shopkeeper Cheng poured him a bowl of sour plum soup.

Li Ye took a sip of sour plum soup and asked, "What about Shi Lian's case?"

"The case has been closed, and the county government determined that it was a suicide."

Shopkeeper Cheng lowered his voice again and said, "I heard from Captain Feng that it's the meaning of the higher-ups!"

It must be what my grandfather meant. How could there be a murder in Li's restaurant?Let's talk about a Hu female singer, the county government is not willing to spend too much energy on her, and it is in the interest of all parties to decide it as suicide.

Li Ye asked again: "Has she picked up any guests? I mean, she was taken out by a man to spend the night."

Shopkeeper Cheng nodded and sighed: "I also just found out that she was taken out by drinkers half a year ago. Sun Jiliang alone took her out twice, and it was all arranged by her sister Shiliu."

As expected, this Shi Lian was bought by someone, deliberately asking for help, framing her, and taking care of her in vain.

Li Ye gritted his teeth with hatred, and asked again: "Is the pomegranate still there?"

"Here I am!"

"Bring her to me!"

There is a small courtyard in the backyard of the restaurant, and there are four or five rooms in it, where more than [-] orchids in the restaurant live.

Not long after, Pomegranate timidly came to Li Ye's room. She could see that her sister's death had hit her hard. She looked very haggard, her eyes were red, and she probably cried for two days.

"Master looking for me?" Shiliu whispered.

"Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Shiliu sat sideways on a bearded stool.

Li Ye didn't bother to ask her about pimping her younger sister. He felt that Shi Lian was young, but these Hu Ji didn't think that they came to the Tang Dynasty to make money, and sooner or later they would sell their bodies. Of course, the sooner they sold their bodies, the sooner they made money .

"How did Sun Jiliang find Sister Ni?"

"This is the third time he's here, and every time he comes to roll call for my sister, he has this hobby!"

"It was also him the first time?"

Shi Liu nodded, "He paid 20 taels of silver for my sister's first night."

Li Ye pondered for a moment and then said: "Is he coming this time on a temporary basis, or by appointment?"

"I made an appointment. I said I would come two days ago. Generally, an appointment is required for elegant rooms."

Li Ye's heart skipped a beat, he began to suspect Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan invited himself to come, and arranged a good time, so that he could meet Sun Jiliang.

As for the meeting on the stairs, it might just be a coincidence, but even if she couldn't see her on the stairs, Shi Lian would ask her for help elsewhere.

"You arranged all your sister's pick-ups?" Li Ye continued to ask.

Shiliu hesitated and said, "It is reasonable to say that I arranged it, but I felt a little strange the night before yesterday."

"What's so strange?"

"I packed Alian's box and found that there was 20 taels of silver in her box."

"It's not normal for her to have some money?"


Shiliu shook her head and said, "I keep her money for her. It's always been like this. The restaurant also gives her money to me, not to her. You said that there are dozens of coins that may be borrowed, but 20 Two taels of silver! Her first time was only 20 taels."

"Is it an ingot of silver, or scattered pieces of silver?"

"It's a whole ingot of silver, 20 taels!"

Li Ye nodded. It should be the 20 taels of silver that bought Shi Lian and asked her to ask him for help, which provoked a conflict between Sun Jiliang and himself.

"Who gave this ingot to her, do you know?"

"I have no idea!"

Shiliu covered her face and cried, "If I knew, I wouldn't let her accept the 20 taels of silver."

She also guessed that her sister died on the 20 taels of silver.

Li Ye stared at Shiliu and said coldly: "If you know, you'd better tell me, I will find a way to protect your safety, if you don't tell, then you will be silenced by them just like your sister."

Shiliu shook her head desperately, "I really don't know, Alian didn't tell me at all!"

"Then who do you think it will be? Who has she been close to recently?"

Li Ye guessed that she must be someone who has a close relationship with Shi Lian before she would agree. Otherwise, if a stranger gave her 20 taels of silver and asked her to pretend to ask for help, she would not dare to agree easily and would tell her sister Pomegranate.

Shiliu thought for a while and said: "She has a very close relationship with her godmother recently. At noon on the day when the incident happened, she went to see her godmother, and asked her what the godmother wanted for her?"

"Who is her godmother?"

"It's the wine head of the Shanshui Restaurant, called Shi Ashui, who is also from our Shi country. She is in her 30s. She brought a group of wine girls from Shi Guo and Ba Khan. Her daughter is the same age as A Lian. , they often played together, so they recognized Mrs. Shi as their godmother."

Li Ye asked again: "Did this godmother come after Alian's death?"

Shiliu shook her head, "No, I'll send someone to tell her, she didn't come, neither did her daughter!"

"I see, you go first! But I remind you, if you want to live a few more days, don't tell anyone about my conversation with you today!"

"I know, I won't talk nonsense!"

Shiliu saluted and left, Li Ye immediately asked the shopkeeper, "Who opened the Shanshui Restaurant?"

Shopkeeper Cheng smiled wryly and said, "everyone in Chang'an knows that Shanshui Restaurant is owned by the servant of the household department, Yang Chen!"

Li Ye couldn't help a sneer in his heart, it really was the Yang family.

In the imperial study room, Li Linfu submitted an application to the emperor Li Longji to resign as Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Li Linfu had many concurrent jobs, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was a more important one. Li Linfu handed over the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, which was actually a compromise with the emperor Li Longji, and he would not interfere with Yang Guozhong's transfer to the court.

This is politics, starting from a small place, but playing a big game.

His grandson Li Ye was suddenly framed by someone. Of course Li Linfu knew it well. He recommended Wei Jiansu for the appointment of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He got the support of most of the court officials. The emperor had no choice but to approve it. .

But Yang Guozhong also lost his most ideal official position.

Obviously, this is the emperor using the case of his grandson Li Ye to take revenge and beat himself.

The Sun Jiliang case was certainly not arranged by the emperor himself, but the emperor must have hinted that this case would happen.

"Your Majesty, I am old, my energy is limited, and I have too many part-time jobs. I am not capable enough, and it is not good for the court. I implore Your Majesty for your permission!"

Li Longji looked at the memorial and squinted his eyes in silence. He also knew that his grandson Li Ye was Li Linfu's sore foot, and the Sun Jiliang case accurately hit Li Linfu's seven inches, so he had no choice but to take the initiative to let the Minister of the Ministry of Officials come out.

Although the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is more of a nominal position, and the real power of the Ministry of Officials is more in the hands of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but the Minister of the Ministry of Officials generally has to be the Minister of State, and this is the key.

Li Longji nodded, "Li Xiangguo is old, and he has to deal with the affairs of state for me every day. I am also very sorry. After much consideration, I decided to restore the multi-phase system of the political affairs hall to reduce Li Xiangguo's burden.

Li Xiangguo is the secretary, Chen Xiangguo is the disciple, and there are ministers on the left and right, and a military representative is considered. There are three deputy ministers in total. What does Li Xiangguo think of my consideration? "

Li Linfu sighed slightly in his heart, the emperor still wanted Yang Guozhong to replace him, but instead of doing it in one step as he was worried about before, he adopted a step-by-step method, setting up multiple ministers, first let Yang Guozhong enter the political affairs hall as deputy prime minister, and then in a few years he can be replaced After retiring by himself, Yang Guozhong took the position logically.

Isn't this also the result Li Linfu expected!

Li Linfu bowed and said: "Your Majesty's plan for the political affairs hall is fully supported by me,"

Li Longji smiled slightly and said: "Xiangguo, let's draft a specific plan! As for the candidates for the three deputy prime ministers, I will give due consideration to them. If Xiangguo has suitable candidates, he can also recommend them!"

"Resignation!" Li Linfu saluted and withdrew.

Li Longji took the indictment written by Sun Mian and requested to file a case against Li Ye, Duke of Jinshan County, with the opinion of the Ministry of Criminal Justice attached below, arguing that the evidence presented by the Sun family did not match the facts, and that the flying knife was not Li Ye's property.

Li Longji immediately replied on it, 'I agree with the Ministry of Punishment! '

(End of this chapter)

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