
Chapter 470 4 Kings’ Meeting

Chapter 470 The Four Kings’ Meeting
The palace of King Qing Li Cong is located in Yongfufang in the northeast of Chang'an, also called the Sixteenth Prince's Palace. More than a dozen princes live here, including the brothers of Emperor Li Longji and his son. The palace of Sining is also here. In fact, the palace of Sining It's Prince Ning's Mansion.

Opposite the Prince Sining's Mansion is the Prince Qing's Mansion. Eight years before Tianbao, the gates of Prince Qing's Mansion were closed all day long. Prince Qing Li Cong would not leave the mansion all year round. He was closely monitored by eunuchs, and every word and deed was very cautious.

Of course, he also has his own business. For example, he has eight shops for rent in the East Market and many shops in the West Market. Li Cong lets his staff take care of these businesses. Tang Yu, a man in Tsing Yi, is responsible for taking care of the East Market for him. 's store.

Eight years after Tianbao, the emperor Li Longji finally relaxed the restraints on the princes and grandsons. The monitoring eunuchs were withdrawn, allowing them to go out, allowing them to communicate with ministers, allowing them to go out of the city to hunt or play, and allowing them to support warriors. Of course, warriors There is an upper limit on the number of people, no more than a hundred people are allowed.

But a hundred people are enough. No matter how many people there are, they can't support them. Since King Qing, King Di, King Rong and King Yong formed the alliance of the four kings, they can use only 400 warriors. This number can launch a small war. There was a coup.

In the morning, Di Wang Li Yan, Rong Wang Li Wan and Yong Wang Li Lin all gathered in Prince Qing's Mansion.

In the past two days, major incidents occurred in the imperial court, which shocked them.

"Brother, is it true? Li Ye is appointed as the governor of Anxi?"

The three princes couldn't believe it. Li Ye was already appointed as the governor of Hezhong Prefecture. It was already an extraordinary promotion. It had only been a year and a half!Now he is going to serve as Anxi Jiedushi again.

King Yong Li Lin asked in surprise: "He is only 20 years old at most, but he can actually command nearly [-] troops in Anxi and Hezhong. How did he do it?"

Qing Wang Li Cong sneered and said: "If you can donate 300 million gold coins to my father, then you can also be granted the title of military envoy to Anxi."

Li Lin smiled bitterly and said: "Brother is joking. At most, we can lead military envoys from afar. My father will not give me the opportunity to lead troops."

Prince Rong Li Wan frowned and said, "I heard that his father Li Dai's appointment as Minister of Household Affairs is also related to the 300 million gold coins he donated?"

Li Cong smiled meaningfully and said: "It should be that Li Ye presented the trophies that should be handed over to the court to his father. The court must be dissatisfied. I heard that the man in the East Palace was so angry that he threw the cup, so Li Ye did this too much. Going too far will please the emperor but offend everyone else.

Father is also embarrassed, he must spend money to appease the court, what should I say? 'Li Ye, bring another 200 million gold coins to the court! 'Father certainly wouldn't say that, so he promoted Li Dai to be the servant of the household department and asked Li Dai to force his son to pay. "

Di Wang Li Yan nodded, "Brother is right, the key is that the river is too far away, if it is the Hexi Corridor, send troops directly to transport the money, so you won't ask Li Ye for alms."

Li Lin thought for a moment and said: "Brother said just now that the people in the East Palace were so angry that they threw the cup. Is that true?"

Li Cong smiled and said: "It was Li Fuguo who told Yuan Siyi. I heard it from Yuan Siyi. The news should be accurate."

All three of them knew that Li Cong had the support of the eunuch Yuan Siyi. Since the information was obtained from Yuan Siyi, the information should be reliable.

"That's the problem!"

Li Lin said to everyone: "Since Li Dai is recognized as the prince's faction, when Li Ye came back this time, he did not show any sign to the prince. The father allowed foreign vassals to donate money to the East Palace. Could it be that the father and son each burned their own incense? Or maybe Li Dai is not from the prince faction at all?"

Di Wang Li Yan curled his lips and said: "I think you are all thinking too much. How can a young boy who is not even 20 years old think so carefully? He must be trying to please the emperor. He will not care about the feelings of the court and the prince. If it were me, I would be the same, we don't have to think too complicated about him."

Li Wan smiled and said: "Second brother is right. We do think things are complicated sometimes."

Li Cong did not say anything. He walked a few steps in the lobby with his hands behind his back and sighed softly: "Although this Li Ye is young, he is very mature. He is smarter than his father and has vicious tactics. He is known as the Ksitigarbha Demon. His grandfather Li Linfu has always regarded him as his successor.

After Li Linfu's death, the Yang family did not suppress his father Li Dai. It is said that it was Li Ye who took the path of Guo Guo's wife. This man actually dared to ignore the court and dedicated 300 million gold coins to the emperor. His courage was so great that any Jiedu envoy Not even compared to An Lushan. I feel deeply about him. We must not underestimate him, otherwise we will fall into his hands sooner or later. "The three of them looked at each other in surprise, and asked together: "Brother is deeply touched, has something happened? "

Li Cong nodded, "I brought you here just to tell you something. The case of Prince Consort Zhang Bian has been solved. It was solved ten days ago."

The three of them were taken aback, and Li Yan said urgently: "How is it possible, the elder brother's deployment is so secretive, and Tang An also silenced it, who can find out that the elder brother planned it?"

Li Cong sighed: "My father didn't summon me. I thought this case was a fatal case. But my father told Mrs. Guo Guo, and Mrs. Guo Guo told Yuan Siyi, and I realized that the case had been solved. You know Who solved the case?"

Li Lin blurted out, "Could it be Li Ye?"

Li Cong nodded, "That's him. He found out Tang Yu's identity."

"But he has no evidence!"

"But as far as Father is concerned, do you need evidence? Father knows that I did it, and he will only blame me for being incompetent. I can't even do this little thing well, and I was caught by others when I showed my flaws."

The three of them were silent. They all realized that the 300 million gold coins that their father appointed Li Ye as the governor of Anxi was not necessarily the result of [-] million gold coins. They wanted to seize the legitimate son, and Li Ye and his son must not take it lightly.

At this time, the housekeeper reported in the hall, "Your Majesty, Yan Zhuang needs to see you for something urgent!"

Li Cong nodded, "Invite him in!"

After a while, Yan Zhuang hurried in. Seeing that the four princes were all there, he quickly bowed and saluted, "Greetings to all the princes!"

"Mr. Yan, please sit down!"

Yan Zhuang sat down and said: "Don't waste the time of the lords, I will make a long story short. Something happened last night, which caused us a lot of losses. Our martial arts gym in Shengdaofang was attacked by someone. , shot and killed 110 and four of our elite warriors, and we estimate that there are as many as four to five hundred people on the other side."

The four of them were shocked. There were four to five hundred warriors. Could there be such a powerful force in Chang'an City?
Li Cong asked: "Do you know why you were attacked?"

Yan Zhuang nodded, "The night before yesterday, we attacked Wude Restaurant and killed the shopkeeper and several bartenders. We were attacked last night, and it must be related to the Wude Restaurant case."

"You suspect that the Wang family is attacking you? But Wang Xuanhai is not that capable. He gathered 500 people to attack you with military crossbows. If he dares to use military crossbows, it is tantamount to rebellion."

Yan Zhuang sighed, "I also think that if I give the Wang family a hundred courages, they don't dare to confront our princes, so we suspect that it is the Wang family's backstage. Do the four princes know who the Wang family's backstage is?"

The four princes had been restricted for many years and had no information. They really didn't know the inside story of Chang'an. However, Li Cong was very cunning. He found that this was an opportunity, a perfect opportunity to drive a wedge between An Lushan and the prince.

Li Cong said slowly: "Being able to tangle four to five hundred warriors and also use military crossbows is not something ordinary forces can do. There are only five hundred warriors in the Qingshan Tower of the Yang family in Chang'an. Could it be that Yang Guozhong took revenge on you for killing him?" His son? But I think it’s more likely that it’s the prince’s power, or the prince thinks you assassinated the son-in-law Zhang Jie, and he’s taking revenge?”

"What about Li Ye?"

Yan Zhuang asked again: "Could it be him?"

(End of this chapter)

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