
Chapter 713 Key clues

Chapter 713 Key clues
"Your Highness, all the land deeds in Dengzhou have been burned by the Yan army. So on the government side, only one copy remains in the Shannan Dongdao Document Library. Now that the document library has been burned, it means that none of us know about the land in Dengzhou. Condition.

But there are hundreds of thousands of acres of land in Dengzhou that are official lands. But as far as I know, there are disputes over the property rights of some of the official lands, mainly because they overlap with the land of several major families. Now the government does not have any official land records. For example, the Huang family can prove that Guantian is owned by them. Does your Highness understand? "

Li Ye walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "Why are there disputes over land property rights?"

"This is related to a case during the Kaiyuan period. Wang Xiantong, the uncle of King Xue Li Ye, was from Xinye County, Dengzhou. His family occupied [-] acres of fertile land in his hometown. Later, Wang Xiantong was overthrown by Yao Chong, and all the occupied land was taken over by officials. field.

But Wang Xiantong discovered that the court was going to deal with him, so he sold [-] acres of fertile land in his hometown to the three major families of Du, Huang, and Cai at a low price. Later, Wang Xiantong was investigated and the court confiscated all his property, including the land.

Because the court did not recognize the land transaction between Wang Xiantong and the three major families, it took over [-] acres of land as official land. The three major families lost their money and land, and everything was in vain.

They have been complaining about this to the court for 20 years, but to no avail. "

Li Ye nodded, "So they think that as long as they burn the official records, they can openly occupy one hundred thousand acres of fertile land? But all the local farmers know that it is official land, and the officials also know that it is official land. What are they? What do you mean? Do you mean referring to a deer as a horse?"

Li Bi said calmly: "Your Highness, burning the document warehouse is useless. They actually know the facts of Guantian very well, and they will not change just because the documents are burned. Burning the warehouse is an attitude expressed by them. In fact, they are I am posing a question to His Highness, hoping that His Highness can overturn the court’s decision and return the land to them.”

After a pause, Li Mi continued: "But I think there is almost no possibility that His Highness will return them to them."

"Why?" Li Ye was puzzled.

"Your Highness, those [-] acres of official land are in Xinye County!"

"and many more!"

Li Ye suddenly realized, "Isn't that [-] acres of land the military fields on the east bank of Feishui River?"

Li Mi nodded, "It's the 30 acres of military land on the east bank of the Feishui River. That's right, it's part of the [-] acres of military land that His Highness used to settle military families in the river. So this case is very complicated."

In order to accommodate the families of the soldiers in Hezhong, Li Ye allocated part of the official land in Xiangzhou, Dengzhou, and Suizhou as military fields, and then gave this part of the fertile land to the families of the soldiers.

Li Ye only felt a headache. Ever since he first seized the military power of the militia, he had always had a bad relationship with the Xiangzhou family.

In particular, the family of Chang Lian, the regimental envoy of Xiangzhou, was killed. You must know that Chang Lian himself was the son-in-law of Prime Minister Du Xian, and several of his sons married daughters of Xiangzhou aristocratic families. They were married to each other, and the relationship was intricate. Killing Chang Lian would actually offend him. The Xiangyang family.

Coupled with the Liu Xun incident, Liu Xun was incompetent and was boycotted by the Xiangzhou family. The situation could not be solved, so he held poetry gatherings every month in an attempt to win over the literati, but it turned out to be his failure.

Because of the invasion of the Yan army, he had eased relations with the Xiangzhou families and joined forces to fight against the enemy. However, once the external threat disappeared, the conflicts between them would arise again. Now it seems that the [-] acres of military land will intensify their conflicts. the trigger.

Li Ye thought for a long time and asked, "How much did they spend to buy the land from Wang Xiantong?"

"In the beginning, Wang Xiantong sold fertile land at a low price, selling it to three major families at the same price per mu."

"What's the current market price?"

"In the Tianbao period, the market price per mu was eight guan, but now you can buy it for only five guan."

Li Ye nodded and said: "Sir, please go and talk to them. I have already allocated the land to the families of the soldiers. It is impossible to return it to them, but I can compensate them at the price of three guans per mu."

Li Mi said happily: "Your Highness is willing to pay compensation, which can be regarded as the most benevolent thing. I will go and talk to them, but will the warehouse burning case just go away?"

Li Ye sneered, "Their attitude of burning the warehouse is to provoke and warn me. I must find out who is responsible and never compromise or condone it. This is two different things from land compensation!"

In Dayun Temple, Li Chenghua quickly found out where the assassin Yuan Hui was hiding. He had been hiding in a private house near Dayun Temple. He happened to see a brigade of cavalry escorting the princess's carriage coming to Dayun Temple today, so he He immediately found his junior brother Yuan Kang, allowing him to sneak into the heavily guarded temple and hide on the roof at the gate of the temple.

From Yuan Kang, Li Chenghua found Yuan Hui's rented apartment, a very dilapidated small courtyard. The internal guard soldiers surrounded the house, kicked open the door and rushed in.The room was dimly lit, things were messy, a few coins were scattered on the earthen bed, and the whole room exuded a sour smell.

"Search for me!"

Li Chenghua ordered: "Dig three feet into the ground to search for clues!"

Soldiers began searching the rooms and courtyards, even the well.

Li Chenghua looked around the room. She was a bounty hunter, had rich experience in searching, and had very good eyesight.

She stared at the roof. It was a thatched house with a beam on it, but whether there was anything on the beam could be seen at a glance.

But Li Chenghua still found clues. The other beams were covered with dust, but there was only one beam that was very clean without any dust.

She looked around and found a broken cupboard at the right height. Li Chenghua immediately ordered: "Move the cupboard over!"

Several soldiers moved the cupboard over. Li Chenghua jumped onto the cupboard and groped around the clean beam. Sure enough, there was a big crack above the beam, and there was a small cloth bag hidden inside. Looking up, he could see nothing. No, you can only touch it by reaching into the cracks.

Li Chenghua took off the cloth bag, opened it and took out a piece of paper. It turned out to be the counter ticket of Xiangyang Baoji Cabinet Shop. With this, he could withdraw 500 taels of silver, and half a copper coin was the basis for withdrawing the money.

Li Chenghua sneered. With this counter ticket, she could find the person who issued the ticket.

No clues were found except for the counter ticket.

Li Chenghua immediately took his men to Baoji Cabinet Shop on Hanshui Street.

When the shopkeeper saw that the head of the inner guard was coming, he was so frightened that he quickly invited Li Chenghua into the guest room.

Li Chenghua sat down and waved his hand, "No need to serve tea, we'll leave right away!"

She took out the counter ticket and handed it to the shopkeeper, "We want to check all the information behind this counter ticket. It is of great importance. Please tell the shopkeeper everything and don't keep it!"

The shopkeeper took the counter ticket and hurried away.

Not long after, a young steward with a goatee came out with a ledger and said to Li Chenghua: "Reporting to Commander Li, this counter ticket was issued five months ago by a businessman named Luo. He deposited 2000 taels of gold with us, exchanged it for 2 taels of silver, and issued 500 counter checks, all of which were 27 taels of silver each. Now [-] of them have been cashed and [-] are still outside."

"Who will redeem it?"

"Actually, there were only two people who came to exchange. One was the former chief Shi Liuxun. He exchanged three copies, one thousand, five hundred taels of silver, and the rest was exchanged by shopkeeper Qiu of Fuman Restaurant."

Li Chenghua's eyes lit up, "Are you sure you are the shopkeeper Qiu of Fuman Restaurant?"

"Of course! Fuman Restaurant is one of the five major restaurants in Xiangyang. I have been there several times and know their shopkeeper Qiu."

Li Chenghua knew who his target was. Qiu Ming, the boss of Fuman Restaurant and Yan Jun's intelligence chief in Xiangyang, must be him.

"let's go!"

After Li Chenghua warned the shopkeeper, he quickly left the cabinet shop with his men and rushed to the government office to report.

(End of this chapter)

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