Chapter 76
Back home, I saw my mother Pei Sanniang cooking in the kitchen, but I didn't see Aunt Mu, it was always Aunt Mu who was cooking.

"Mom, what's the matter, aunt?"

Pei Sanniang pointed to the inner courtyard and whispered: "She is crying, you can persuade her!"


"It's not your bad idea. I told her that the family wanted to hire a cook, and she cried, saying that she was useless."

Li Ye scratched his head, how could this happen?He hurriedly ran to Aunt Mu's room, and ran to Aunt Mu's room in one breath, but saw Aunt Mu sitting by the bed wiping tears.

"Mother, why are you crying?"

Li Ye squatted in front of Aunt Mu, held her skinny hand, and persuaded her softly: "My aunt has been too tired these years, and Ye'er has earned money, so I want to hire a cook to lighten my burden."

"I know Ye'er is kind, but I just feel that I didn't take good care of your mother and child, and I'm sorry for Madam's entrustment."

Li Ye's eyes were also red, "Auntie is Ye'er's grandmother, I don't recognize anyone else."

Aunt Mu gently stroked Li Ye's head, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Ma'am has not been around for a few years, but I just want to see the day when my Ye'er will be promising."

"How old is Auntie?"

Aunt Mu thought about it: "I happened to be the same age as you when Niang was born."

Li Ye smiled and said: "That's it, the aunt is only 46 years old! It's still early."

Speaking of this, a chill suddenly rose up Li Ye's back. He forgot that this was the Tang Dynasty, and the life expectancy of ordinary people at the bottom was only 50 to 60 years old.

That's why Du Fu has a poem saying, "Life at seventy is rare since ancient times." '

Like Grandma Liu in "A Dream of Red Mansions", she can live to be 75 years old and still have a strong body, which is simply rare.

Aunt Mu is only 46 years old now, but she looks like a woman in her [-]s, so she said that she is not a few years old.

Generally, the age of 50 is a hell gate, and most of the low-level people die around the age of 50, and Aunt Mu will soon reach this threshold.

Li Ye felt sore, and quickly comforted her: "When Ye'er grows up, it's time for my aunt to endure hardships. My first goal is to let my aunt live for another 20 years. My second goal is to let my aunt live a long life with me by my side." , Auntie lived to be more than 70 years old, there is no problem at all!"

Aunt Mu smiled through tears, "Where can I live to be more than 70 years old, I will be satisfied if I can live to be 60 years old!"

"It's too easy to be 60 years old. My mother runs a medical clinic, and she will definitely keep her safe from illness and disaster!"

"You have this kind of heart, the aunt is the happiest, I will cook for you, your mother's cooking, hey! It's a waste of food."

Aunt Mu wiped away her tears, got up and went out.

Li Ye returned to his room, but silently considered the matter of lifespan in his heart.

Why can the old people of his time live to be seven or eighty years old, or even eighty or ninety years old?
But the ancients, and even most of the low-level people in the Republic of China, could only live to be 50 or [-] years old?
Dietary habits are an important reason. Drinking raw water for a long time will lead to serious water pollution, many germs, and easy to get sick.

Underdeveloped medical care is another reason. Minor ailments can lead to serious illnesses. Without antibiotics, one pneumonia will kill people.

But the most important reason is nutrition. The increase in life expectancy is not just eating habits and medical conditions, but nutrition.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, it was good for the lower class people to have enough to eat. How dare they expect extravagant oil, water and meat, let alone think about the various nourishing and nutritious supplements eaten by high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

A person is like a battery, only with sufficient energy can his life last.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of money and power. Money is to get more energy, and power is to get enough money and keep it.

Li Ye already had his first goal in the Tang Dynasty in his heart, a very realistic and simple goal, so that the aunt could live to be more than 60 years old.

At this time, Pei Sanniang walked into the room and said, "Ma'am, don't let me find the cook!"

"Then find a poor servant girl to share the heavy work for the aunt!"

Pei Sanniang's eyes lit up, "This is a good way!"

"Mother, my aunt is too thin, I need to give her nutrition, otherwise she won't live for a few years, it's better to let her eat more meat, oil and water, but I'm worried that she believes in Buddhism and won't touch meat dishes."

Pei Sanniang shook her head, "That's not a problem, my aunt has not received precepts, she doesn't taboo, and she likes to eat fatty meat, she doesn't eat it because she is afraid of poverty."

Li Ye immediately sat up, "That's easy, we must not be frugal in terms of food, I will earn the money!"

In the night, Li Ye flipped in the courtyard, and shot two flying knives in the air at the same time, two cold lights flashed, and three feet away, two little strongs were accurately nailed to the pillars of the stable by the flying knives.

Although Li Ye practiced Suzaku Mind Technique hard in the water, he was also practicing other martial arts at the same time, and flying knife was one of them. To him, flying knife was simply child's play.

He can accurately hit the flying birds in the sky with stones, and can accurately swing into the hole from 150 steps away. Naturally, he can practice throwing knives at his fingertips.

The key is that he has to develop to the depths, shooting silk threads five feet away from stationary objects, extinguishing incense and head fire, shooting rats and flying birds with moving objects, including himself shooting in the air with changing postures.

It is also necessary to ensure the success rate. After practicing for a few months, I can almost hit every shot.

At this time, Aunt Mu's angry reprimand came from the inner courtyard, "Aye, I told you, you are not allowed to kill!"

"There is no killing!"

Li Ye threw away the two Xiaoqiangs in a hurry, it was enough for the aunt to love the ants, even Xiaoqiang was not allowed to kill, it was too much.

He put away the dagger and put it in the stable.

"Ma'am, I'm leaving!"

"come back earlier!"

Li Ye picked up the polo club, climbed up the city wall, and climbed towards the top of the city like a gecko.Soon it disappeared into the dark night.

Early the next morning, Li Ye came to Si Ning Palace. Yesterday Qiao Bin sent him a message, saying that the prince was looking for him. I don't know what it is?
There are still more than ten days before the next competition. Could it be that you let yourself participate in training?
Qiao Xingzhong led Li Ye all the way to Si Ning Wang Li Lin's outer study.

"Uncle Shi, didn't Mr. Leng Yue see me?"

Qiao Xingzhong shook his head, "It's not this time, it's the prince who saw you in person, I don't know what's going on!"

When he came to the door of the study, Qiao Xingzhong reported: "My lord, Li Ye is here!"

"Please come in!"

Qiao Xingzhong waved his hand, and Li Ye walked into the outer study.

The incense burner in the room was lit with sandalwood, which was particularly refreshing. Li Lin sat on a large soft couch with a somewhat melancholy expression.

Li Ye quickly clasped his fists in salute, "Flying shark sees the prince!"

Li Lin smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Li, you're welcome. I'm afraid I have to apologize to you today!"

Li Ye was startled, "Why did the lord make such a statement?"

"You may not be able to play for me!"

Li Ye was silent, King Si Ning meant to get out of here.

Li Lin quickly waved her hand, "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want you, it's that I don't dare to keep you, so let me just say it straight! Gao Weng has taken a fancy to you and invited you to his Tianpeng team."

Li Ye was silent for a moment and asked: "Is polo also related to power?"

Li Lin nodded, "The polo league is a game played by the rich and powerful. The polo team never finished in the top ten again.

The reason is that the status of Prince Ning's Mansion has declined, and many top players are unwilling to play for the King Ning team. Top players such as Thunderbolt, Fengxuejian, and Xiaoliang Wugou used to play for the King Ning team, but they all left later. No, I can't give them a future.

And the Yang family, the right-back polo team voluntarily withdrew, and the Yang family polo team made up the top ten. This favor was given by the right-back general Guo Yingyi. Naturally, what did the Yang family promise him? "

Li Ye nodded slowly, "So Gao Lishi is interested in me, is this my chance?"

"Of course, ordinary people still don't get this opportunity!"

Li Lin pondered for a moment and asked, "I want to ask you a question, do you have any relationship with Li Xiangguo?"

Li Ye's heart skipped a beat, "Why would the prince think of asking this question?"

"Because Li Xiangguo guaranteed that you will play for the Tianpeng polo team!"

This question is not easy to answer!
(End of this chapter)

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