
Chapter 837 Bystanders understand

Chapter 837 Bystanders understand

Dugu Lie sat down slumped, and after a while, he sighed and said to Dugu Ming, "Am I too cold-hearted?"

Dugu Ming shook his head, "The prince gave up on himself and actually took chronic Dugu to kill himself. To be honest, his immature character is not worth the support of the elder brother. To say the least, even if the elder brother persuades the Dugu nobles to support the prince, will it be useful? The emperor has already He promised to enthrone the Crown Prince Yong's brother to stabilize the Supreme Emperor and King Yong. The prince also agreed to resign due to illness. If the court had not been supporting him, he would have abdicated long ago. But now the political hall has agreed to accept the prince's temporary abdication to recuperate. Brother, it is irreversible. , at this time, the noble Guanlong comes out and says that he does not agree with the crown prince's abdication, which will make everyone laugh!"

Dugu Lie nodded silently and said for a while: "To be honest, I can oppose the prince's abdication in the name of the Dugu family alone, or I can ask the Dou family, the eldest grandson family, and the Helan family. The four of us will jointly make a statement of objection, and the three of them will also give it. I save face, but I feel that even the prince himself has given up, who can help him?"

Dugu Ming thought for a moment and said, "Why don't eldest brother discuss it with Aye? He can see more clearly than us!"

Dugu Lie nodded, "Go and invite him for me!"

Dugu Ming stood up and walked away quickly, while Dugu Lie paced around the room with his hands behind his back, feeling very sad in his heart.

At this time, Li Ye was no longer in the lobby. He and Yuan Yuan were walking on a nearby path.

"How is Yuan Xiao now?"

Li Ye asked with a smile: "I haven't heard from him for a long time."

"He was originally the magistrate of Xingyang County. Shi Siming's army came to kill him and Zhengzhou fell. He fled to Huaizhou and currently serves as a military officer in Cangcao under Li Guangbi's tent."

"Being able to be recognized by Li Guangbi shows that Ling Sun has real abilities, especially in managing Cang Cao. That is a myriad of things."

"I am also willing if he can go to the military to train, but I am more optimistic about Long You."

Li Ye understood. This was because Yuan Yuan wanted to bet on himself. Although Yuan Yuan was not Dugulie and would not bet all his chips on himself, he already valued Long You by allowing his eldest grandson to join Longyou.

Of course, Li Ye also values ​​the Yuan family very much. Although he and the Yuan family did not get along well in the past because of the Yuwen family, that is a thing of the past. Everyone must look forward to the future, especially behind the Yuan family there are the Doulu family, Li Ye must capture the Hou Mochen family, Daxi family and Yuchi family, this heavyweight force.

"Your Majesty is willing to come to Longyou. I will welcome him. I wonder if the general wants him to take any position?"

Yuan Yuan said with a smile: "It would be best if he could serve in the Jiedushi Mansion, and he is very good at financial management. Wu Qi thinks highly of him."

Of course, Li Ye is not without principles. He wants to win over the Yuan family, but he cannot violate the principles of employment.

Li Ye nodded and said: "Helong Jiedu Mansion is currently preparing for the Salt and Iron Department. If the general does not object, Ling Sun can serve as deputy director for three years and then be promoted to director. This is Helong's rule. Officials cannot take up official positions immediately, or they can choose to serve as governor of Min, or go to Hexi to serve as governor of the governor's office."

These three job elements were all a bit tempting. He smiled and said, "Let me think about it!"

"General, just think about it slowly and just answer me before I leave."

At this time, Dugu Ming hurried over and said with a smile: "Aye, I'm looking for you everywhere!"

"What does Third Uncle want from me?"

"Your father-in-law wants to talk to you."

Yuan Yuan smiled and said: "You go ahead! I just want to talk to my eldest grandson about the Horse Classics."

Li Ye clasped his fists in a salute and followed Dugu Ming quickly.

Not long after, the two came to the study outside the back house and walked into the room. Li Ye quickly saluted, "My son-in-law meets my father-in-law!"

Li Ye had already formally talked to Dugu Lie before, and had also met with Mrs. Dugu. The family affairs had almost been discussed. He knew that his father-in-law must be looking for him now, and there must be something important.

Dugu Lie nodded, waved his hand and said, "Sit down!"

Li Ye sat down, and Dugu Lie sighed: "I had another quarrel with your uncle Dugu just now. You should know why!" Li Ye nodded. Now that the Guanlong nobles are gathering, Dugujun will definitely not let go. Of course, I didn't succeed in taking this opportunity. It is estimated that the negotiation was not concluded and they broke up on bad terms. The person has left.

"Uncle San told me at noon."

"I want to hear your opinion about the prince's matter!"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "It is obviously inappropriate to oppose the abolition of the crown prince in the collective name of the Guanlong nobles. I suggest that the Dugu family stand up and oppose the abolition of the crown prince as a family. This is justified both emotionally and rationally, and it also works for the second uncle. After all, the prince is also the son-in-law of the Dugu family, so he will be criticized if he refuses to save him!"

Dugu Lie suddenly became enlightened, and Dugu Ming also gave a thumbs up and praised: "What a person who is both emotional and reasonable! Brother, Aye is right, we must stand up and oppose it. No matter whether it is successful or not, at least we must maintain our friendship. ”

Dugu Lie said happily: "It's decided. Tomorrow morning, I will write a letter to the emperor, strongly opposing the prince's abdication!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "I will also assist my father-in-law from the side!"

Dugulie's eyes lit up and he smiled: "What are you going to do?"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "I will personally write a letter against the title of crown prince, and suggest that the title of crown prince should be changed!"

This is actually Li Ye's official stance on the deposed crown prince. He does not interfere with the crown prince's dethroning, and he cannot interfere. After all, the prince is not deposed, but abdicates on his own initiative. However, he can flank King Yong and oppose King Yong's attempt to do so. The emperor's younger brother suggested that he should only be crowned the emperor's heir.

The imperial heir was created by Wu Zetian back then. After Wu Zetian ascended the throne, Prince Li Dan was demoted to the imperial heir.

The emperor's heir is one level lower than the emperor's younger brother. If you add the sentence that the ceremonial guard is the same as the east palace, then the emperor's heir is the emperor's younger brother. But if you don't add this sentence, then it means the emperor's younger brother is a candidate. He can become a full-time official, but he can also The most important thing about canceling is that canceling the emperor's heir does not shake the country as much as deposing the prince. The emperor can solve it with an edict.

Li Ye's intention is to leave the seat of the East Palace vacant. Who will occupy the East Palace will be discussed later. This is actually helping the court, because the emperor has promised to canonize the emperor's younger brother before, and it is difficult for him to go back on his words. So Li Ye, as an independent Helong power, as a royal clan, could oppose the canonization of the crown prince, and Li Heng could use Po Xialu to push the matter onto Li Ye.

The banquet did not break up until nightfall. Before closing the gate, everyone said goodbye and went home. Li Ye also took a carriage to Chongrenfang.

In fact, Li Ye had a gold medal for entry and exit granted by the emperor, and was not restricted by closing the gates or city gates. He could leave Chang'an even in the middle of the night.

Not long after, the carriage arrived at Jinzouyuan, Li Ye went directly into the back hall, and Liu Yan hurried to see him.

Li Ye took a sip of hot tea and asked, "How was the conversation today?"

Liu Yan took out the memo and handed it to Li Ye. Li Ye smiled and said, "You tell me! I'll listen!"

"Today all the five prime ministers have arrived. It can be seen that they are very anxious, but their position is also very clear. They cannot afford our military salaries or provide food. The most they can do is provide us with manpower and carts. In addition to Except for money and food, they can consider all our requests, so I put forward Shuofang's conditions, and the five prime ministers unanimously agreed. Your Highness, I feel that they are really eager, so we can put forward the request directly."

"Then what?" Li Ye asked quietly.

"Then Wei Xiangguo asked us how many troops we could send and how many goals we could accomplish?"

"Then what do you say?"

"The humble position told them clearly that Longyou is still fighting against Tubo and can only temporarily assist the court. We promise to recover Luoyang for the court, and we will also be responsible for fighting the Uighur army going south. We don't care about the rest. As for how many troops we will send, then It depends on the need.”

In terms of sending troops, Li Ye had his own principles and could not help the court uncontrollably. He could only push the court at critical moments.

Li Ye nodded, "We must adhere to the principle. Now the imperial court is asking us. We can make our request frankly. Tomorrow we will directly request to take over the Anxi Army. In addition, I will add a thousand craftsmen."

(End of this chapter)

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