Love begins with inheriting father's inheritance

Chapter 118 You were very disobedient just now, how do you think I should punish you?

Chapter 118 You were very disobedient just now, how do you think I should punish you?

"Mr. Seto, it's already hot."

About 15 minutes later, the little maid came back with heated eel rice.

Se Junichi was just about to reach out to take it, but suddenly seemed to think of something, and said in a low voice: "Mrs. Qianhe, can you promise me a request?"

Miryuin Chizuru was scrutinizing, not knowing what kind of trick Se Junichi was trying to play.

"Here are all our own people. If you have anything to say, you can just say it."

But in front of her girlfriends, she can only squeeze out a gentle smile, trying to appear as approachable as possible.

Se Junichi took a deep breath, looking a little nervous: "Can you let Miss Zhuanzhu sit down and eat together? I think she has been standing all day."

But who would have thought that as soon as Se Junichi said the words, the little maid who was someone's confidant knelt down and sat down in fear: "No... no need, how can Nagi have dinner with Madam."

Seeing this, Sejun stood up and went to help the other party.

But who knows, Nagi, who was going to sleep, was stubborn Dogeza, and seemed to dare not get up without Chizuru Miryuin's permission.

Obviously, for Teacher Zaojian, who upholds equality for everyone, he does not want to see this scene very much.

Even if the culture of her own country is like this, as an outsider, she is a bit overstepped, but she still tried to ask her best friend: "We are all out to play, can't we make an exception?"

On the contrary, as the young lady, Izuhiro Miryuin chose to stand on the sidelines.

Nagi is her personal maid in name, but it is the other party who really obeys her orders, and she knows better than anyone else whose words are effective.

"Of course." Under everyone's gaze, Miryuin Chizuru nodded with a smile, as if she didn't care about it at all.

But if anyone noticed, she would see that she had folded her hands on her chest.

For example, Junichi Seto, who has studied psychology, would know if he saw it. In psychology, this is considered a manifestation of resistance, and it usually means that the other party is in a state of alert or defense.

But in fact, Nagi turned to sleep respectfully and still didn't get up, and didn't even change her movements a bit.

Seeing this, Miryuin Chizuru also retracted her gaze without a trace, and then she really put her hand back on the barley tea and gently rubbed the teacup with her palm: "Get up, I didn't hear Mr. Seto and Mr. Hayami both spoke. ?"

At the same time, Se Junichi also felt signs of relaxation in the arm he was holding on to, and Nagi, who turned to bed, also stood up respectfully.

But until Se Junichi sat back in his seat, the other party still stood where he was.

Se Junichi's eyes changed, and he glanced at Miruin Chizuru secretly from the corner of his eye, and the other party seemed to know what Se Junichi was thinking, raised his clean chin, and looked up.

There is quite a taste of dismounting Mawei.

It seems to have been seen through!
Although it was a pity, I had to admit that the opponent won this round.

He wanted to buy people's hearts, but he still underestimated the Gu played by someone in the little maid's heart.

Grandmaster Qianhe, with just a few glances and movements, completely controlled the little maid.

It's still fun to play against the grandmaster!

It's not a unilateral crush, this feeling of coming and going makes Se Junichi inexplicably excited.

The pleasure of wanting to conquer but not being conquered stimulated him to meet the next round of challenges!

"It's just right. I'm not used to sitting and lying down today. I can hardly stretch my spine. It's good to stand up and relax."

As he said that, Se Junichi stood up with the eel rice in his hand, and started to eat it without paying attention to everyone's eyes.

This guy!

Yuryuin Chizuru's eyelids raised slightly, and her pupils also became deeper and deeper.

She couldn't hear the meaning of the other party's words.

What sitting, lying down, it's clearly satirizing her overpowering others, and at the same time emphasizing that she is not the kind of person who is easily tamed!

"I'm tired from sitting too, there's nothing wrong with standing for a while."

At this time, Mikyou, who had been maintaining an irrelevant attitude, suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up.

This clear stance of standing in line is more like a slap from the air.

The stepdaughter's hostile attitude towards him is not a day or two, and Chizuru of Yuryuin would not care too much about it in normal times.

But if she did this in front of her best friend today, once this kind of quarrel was formed, it would undoubtedly set off her helplessness too unkindly.

Such a sudden attack was really unexpected by Chizuru Goryuin.

"Little Nagi, are you going to ask me to invite you in person?" She couldn't help but began to exert force with the hand holding the barley tea cup tightly, and her voice was full of strong dissatisfaction.

Tracing back to the source, the problem still returned to Nagi.

After all, she has served the other party for many years, Nagi immediately understood what the other party meant when she turned to bed, pursed her lips and bowed to each of them: "I'm sorry, Nagi was rude."

And until he faced Seto Junichi, the other party's waist was bent at 90 degrees, and he didn't get up again.

Grandmaster Tea is Grandmaster Tea, and with this effort, it successfully disintegrated the coercive force formed by the joint efforts of Se Junichi and the two of them.

It was obvious that she herself was obstructing it, but she used other people's little maid as a shield.

But even if he knew it was Yangmou, the "kind" Junyi-kun would make it difficult for the little maid, so he exchanged a glance with Izunkaki Miryuin, pretended to step on the ground, and sat back down while complaining. : "The swimming pool is too slippery, it's better to be careful."

Seeing this, it seemed that Nagi had made a mistake when she turned to sleep, she lowered her head and obediently followed her.

Out of courtesy, she should keep an empty distance from the host and guests.

However, how could Seto Junichi, who was dissatisfied, let her get her wish, and pretended to joke: "What's the matter, do I have lice on my body, so far away from me?"

Miryuin Chizuru knew that if the battle continued today, in a one-on-two situation, especially considering the feelings of her girlfriends, she would definitely not be able to take advantage of it, so she followed suit: "Little Nagi, don't lose your manners. .”

Turning to bed Nagi looked bitter, and obediently sat beside Se Junichi.

In fact, she was naturally eager.

But being caught between Miss Qianzuru and Se-san really made her suffer too much.

On one side is Miss Qianhe whom I respect the most, and on the other side is my favorite...

No matter how she chooses, she will inevitably disappoint the other person.

But is she really stupid?

On the contrary, she knows someone's personality better than anyone else, just like the situation just now, it is impossible for her to disobey Miss Qianhe.

Doing so will only make the other party feel more hostile towards Seto-san, and even lose trust in her.

The final result was to completely irritate Miss Chizuru and do some terrible things, especially hurting Se-san.

The matter of Huafei is not groundless.

She has seen with her own eyes that a blind guy was really turned into a flower fertilizer.

Of course, that guy deserved his death, and used dirty words to despise Miss Qianhe at the banquet.

But no matter what, she didn't want any accidents to happen to Se-san, otherwise she would be sad.

Even if you are misunderstood, you can't!
With such a mood, Nagi turned to bed and sat beside Junichi Seo in fear.

And it turned out that the other party was indeed very angry.

And boldly put his hand between her skirts, his deep voice was slightly suppressed: "You were very disobedient just now, tell me, how should I punish you?"

(End of this chapter)

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