Love begins with inheriting father's inheritance

Chapter 190 The Kind You and the Me Who Pretended to Sleep

Chapter 190 The Kind You and the Me Who Pretended to Sleep

Relying on her extraordinary wisdom, Ms. Meiya finally managed to catch the red rope on Se Junichi's wrist with her hands and mouth.

But trouble always seemed to follow.

Now the rope is knotted, but my purpose is to let Chunyi-kun not be dragged down, and go to sleep in his own bed.

Not to mention that the other party is so big that he can't handle it by himself, and the idiot Mei Ji is entangled with the other party like an octopus, so what should I do.

My sister doesn't have to worry, once she falls asleep, she won't wake up, otherwise she wouldn't just sleep foolishly all night outside someone's house.

But Junichi-kun is different, if he moves a little bigger, he will definitely be woken up.

That would be against your original intention.

Thinking of this, Mia Hayakawa felt troubled for a while.

On the other hand, Seto Junichi felt dizzy when he saw that the other party was not moving.

Isn't the rope untied?
You just need to obediently tie it on your wrist and fall asleep.

He will naturally find a chance to return to his bed.

For example, when you get up to go to the toilet, you suddenly want to drink milk... no, it's water.

Isn't this able to avoid embarrassment gracefully and politely?

Sure enough, people who are too kind will always embarrass themselves, and Tase Junichi also has the same quality.

Suddenly, Mime Hayakawa seemed to have some idea again, Sejun only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and a itchy feeling came from her neck.

It seems to be hair, with a unique fragrance, Se Junichi is no stranger to it.

So, what did the other party do?

Se Junichi's inner curiosity was suddenly aroused.

Immediately afterwards, Seto Junichi noticed that there seemed to be movement near his pillow.

The opponent seems to have moved behind his head.

With a supporting force coming from the shoulder and neck, the opponent seemed to want to push his upper body up first.

But if that's the case, it's better to just wake yourself up.

Don't worry, Meiya, I'll pretend like I don't know anything!
Obviously, Hayakawa Mime couldn't hear Se Junichi's voice at all, and clumsily gritted her teeth and pushed Se Junichi's shoulders up.

Seeing this, Se Junichi secretly sighed, and calmly pushed aside the white and tender thigh on the lower abdomen, so as not to let Mime Hayakawa behind him waste his efforts.

However, Mia Hayakawa still overestimated her own strength, and underestimated Junichi Seto's size. She was able to prop up the opponent's upper body at a 45-degree angle, and when she was exhausted, she dropped her palm.

Mihime Hayakawa suddenly turned pale with fright, she didn't care about being reserved, her legs together acted as pads to prevent the back of Se Junichi's head from falling heavily.

With a ripple coming from the back of his head, Sejun felt his upper body was completely immersed in the soft sponge, and he lost all sleepiness for a while.

Good job!
Just now, Seto Junichi almost thought he was going to have a concussion?

It's not a joke to just fall back and fall to the ground.

But even so, I didn't do anything, just the full trust in Meiya.

No, Meiya chose to use her two legs to avoid the dangerous reward, allowing him to escape safely.

This is a woman who can totally make you trust your back.


Seeing a crisis averted, Mia Hayakawa also let out a sigh of relief.

She looked down guiltily, but the light was so poor that she couldn't see anything clearly.

But after what happened just now, she didn't dare to make any more movements, so she let the other party pillow on her lap, and wanted to wait for the other party to sleep soundly before leaving.

In this way, it made Seto Junichi a little embarrassed.

Should I take the initiative to move away, or not move away?
No, don't move around.

What if it is exposed and pretends to be asleep?How could I embarrass the considerate and kind Meiya!

Then pretend to sleep for a while.

Meiya, you should go back early!
I promise, there will be no movement.

There is nothing between us.

Such a kind-hearted person who wants to sleep well, how can he make things difficult for him?
No, absolutely not!
Thinking of this, Se Junichi tried his best to calm down his mind, and his breathing gradually became even.

Like a child lying on his mother's lap, sleeping so sweetly.


Early the next morning, Seto Junichi was woken up by the crying of the silly girl.

Because the other party found that the red rope on his wrist was not tied to Se Junichi's wrist, but tied to his sister's wrist, he felt deceitful in his heart.

How could the rope that was tightly tied around Ose-kun's wrist end up on my sister?

Facing her sister's questioning, Hayakawa Miya hesitated and couldn't answer, and kept begging her sister to keep her voice down.

Of course, the result was unsatisfactory. The treble who wiped out the world directly woke up Junichi Seo.

"Ah~ woo... what's wrong?"

Seto Junyi yawned tiredly, wondering what this ancestor was tossing about.


Hayakawa Mihime raised Se Junichi's wrist aggrievedly, there was nothing there except a strangle mark.

"Hey, where did you go?"

Seto Junichi followed suit.

"Stolen by my sister!"

Mihime Hayakawa pouted, her face full of anger.

Se Junyi raised his head and glanced at Miya Hayakawa, and the latter turned his face to the side unnaturally, and explained softly: "Meiji comes to pester me to sleep at night, I am afraid she will wake you up, so I will untie the rope for you." gone."

Good guy!
I'm straight guy!

When did Meiya learn to lie?
Sure enough, it's really too easy for a person to learn to be bad.

In order to coax the silly girl, Seto Chunyi said against his will: "Meiya, you too, this kind of thing must be approved by my aunt."

Mihime Hayakawa's eyes lit up, and she became more confident in her heart: "That's right, that's right!"

Hayakawa Mime looked at the former in confusion, and Se Junichi gave him a sneaky wink, which made the other person blush.

Now Miya Hayakawa also understood, and bowed to apologize: "I'm sorry, my sister apologizes to you."

Sure enough, Mihime Hayakawa felt a little embarrassed when she saw her sister who had always suppressed her blood actually apologize to her, but it was a rare win, so she snorted arrogantly: "I will forgive you magnanimously!" Oh, who asked me to put up with a sister like you, hey~"


Seeing Mihime Hayakawa's appearance as a big kid, the other two couldn't help laughing at the same time.

"Don't laugh, be serious!"

Miki Hayakawa's face flushed red.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, don't laugh!"

"Then you still laugh!"

"Have it?"

"You've been laughing all the time and never stopped!!!"

Seeing that this farce was about to stop, the doorknob behind them was turned.

The three of them looked together, just in time to see the sleepy Hayakawa Sakura rubbing her eyes and walking in: "It's early in the morning, auntie, you...! You three?"

Immediately afterwards, Hayakawa Sakura looked at the messy floor again, and the expression on her face froze immediately.

Her sky is falling!


(End of this chapter)

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