Perfect control begins with the Peerless Tang Sect

Chapter 141 Bit Passing and Locking

Chapter 141 Bit Passing and Locking

Snow Emperor's solo dance lasted for half an hour before slowly falling from the sky and landing back at Lu Yishan's side.

Xuedi, who was panting slightly, his eyes were completely occupied by relaxation and happiness.

Before Snow Emperor could open his mouth, Lu Yishan had already hugged him by the waist, and strode into the ice and snow palace.

Even in the coldest place on the mainland, it still can't resist the spread of the spring breath.The restless low voice faintly came from the Ice and Snow Palace.

Three days later, when the sun rose, the extreme northern ice field, which had always lacked the breath of life, showed a rare and magnificent scene of thousands of beasts galloping.

These spirit beasts come in all forms, even the rare flying spirit beasts in the extreme north keep coming in an endless stream.There are ice bears, ice wolves, and ice jade scorpions, which are at the top of the food chain in the extreme arctic ice field, and some bottom-level soul beasts that are reduced to food, but at this time, all the soul beasts have no offense against each other, and are moving towards a common goal. Running towards the direction, every soul beast is very excited, wishing to be the first to reach the target location with the fastest speed.

In this extreme northern land, on the vast ice sheet that stretches as far as the eye can see, Snow Emperor is the emperor and ruler of this place.Even if he is as strong as Ditian, he dare not say that he can completely control the Star Dou Forest, like the rebellious Xiong Jun who has always obeyed Ditian's orders.But on the Extreme Northern Ice Field, after all the domineering soul beasts who dared to disobey the Snow Emperor's orders died under the Snow Emperor's Three Jue, no one in the entire Extreme Northern Ice Field dared to violate the majesty of the Snow Emperor.

Under the rule of the Snow Emperor, the entire Arctic Ice Field has become a paradise for all soul beasts, and the disputes in the entire Arctic Land have almost disappeared, because where there is ice and snow, there are tentacles of her perception, whoever dares to offend the Snow Emperor If you are majestic, you will be attacked by groups, and you will not be able to survive in the extreme arctic ice sheet.

It had been too long since the Snow Empress had appeared, but even so, no one in this extreme north dared to forget her majesty.When they learned that the Snow Emperor had summoned the spirit beasts from the extreme northern ice field, all the spirit beasts rushed to Xuedi Peak to worship their common emperor.For the vast majority of soul beasts, being able to see the Snow Emperor with their own eyes is the greatest honor in their lives.

When every soul beast from the extreme north reaches the foot of Xuedi Peak, they will slowly crawl on the ground, facing the ice and snow palace on Xuedi Peak with their most respectful attitude.Because they have already sensed that the breath of Snow Empress is in the palace.

Gradually, the distant soul beast gradually formed a circle, a circle with a diameter of 2000 meters.The thickness of this circle is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of soul beasts is also increasing.Since most of them are white, it seems that there are countless small hills around Xuedi Peak, only some particularly large soul beasts are very conspicuous.

"It's all your fault!"

At this time in the Snow Emperor Palace, the body of the Snow Emperor who had just landed trembled slightly, obviously touching a certain wound in her body, so she couldn't help turning her head and complaining to Lu Yishan who was sitting by the bed.

"Okay, it's all my fault."

Lu Yishan smiled slightly, his eyes full of affection.


Xue Di pouted arrogantly, turned around again, the remaining spring on his face gradually faded, and the expression on his pretty face became cold again, and he changed into the emperor of the extreme northern ice field again.

A soul beast at the front accidentally raised its head, and found a figure standing alone on the ice and snow palace.

With the appearance of the Snow Emperor, the soul beasts who were originally extremely calm cheered in unison, and the roaring sound waves forcibly tore apart the gale wind on the extreme northern ice sheet.The emotions of every soul beast instantly became excited, as if they had been used by a group to be bloodthirsty.

Xue Di slowly raised his right hand, making a virtual pressing motion.Immediately, the high-pitched sound of the beasts stopped instantly, and everything became quiet again.

The most prominent ones in the entire soul beast circle are naturally the Ice Emperor and her race, the Ice Jade Scorpion, the Titan Snow Demon headed by the Titan Snow Demon King, and the Ice Bear Clan led by the Ice Bear King Xiaobai.

"You three, come to me."

Under Snow Emperor's greeting, Ice Emperor, Titan Snow Demon King and Xiaobai all happily came to Snow Emperor and sat side by side at Snow Emperor's feet.

"There are two main reasons for calling everyone this time. First, I want to tell everyone that after this meeting, I will temporarily leave the Arctic Ice Field, so I called everyone to meet. Second, I want to make sure My chosen heir."

As soon as the Snow Emperor said this, the surrounding soul beasts in the extreme northern ice field were in an uproar.

For them, the Snow Empress is the patron saint of the entire Arctic Ice Field!If the Snow Empress leaves the Extreme North Ice Field, will it bring the Extreme North Ice Field back to the old era full of strife?


As the Ice Emperor, Titan Snow Demon King, and Ice Bear King erupted at the same time, a tyrannical aura mixed with endless murderous intent suddenly spread, and the spirit beasts who had just started to make noise quickly quieted down.

"I declare that from this moment on, the Ice Empress will inherit my position and become the lord of the Arctic Ice Field. You must respect it as you respect me, obey its orders, and assist it in maintaining the peace of the Extreme Arctic Ice Field."

This time, the soul beasts on the extreme northern ice field seemed very calm.After all, all the soul beasts in the extreme northern ice field know that the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor are connected in one vein and have a very good relationship.If the master of the ice field is succeeded by the ice emperor, he would be the most suitable candidate.

"Snow Empress, I..."

Bingdi raised her long tail suddenly, and was about to speak, but when Xuedi raised her hand, she could only take back the words she wanted to refuse.

"Remember, my departure is only temporary. My soul is in the extreme north, and I will always guard you. Any existence that violates the rules of the extreme north ice field will be my enemy."

As the succession ceremony began to proceed in an orderly manner, all the soul beasts of the Extreme Arctic Ice Field screamed hysterically, expressing their inner emotions at this time, witnessing the change of power of the Lord of the Extreme Arctic Ice Field.

As the Snow Empress floated up, suspended in mid-air, many soul beasts of the Extreme North Ice Field turned their heads three times at a step, looking at their former Lord of the Extreme North Ice Field with reluctance.From this moment on, the Arctic Ice Field began to enter the era of the Ice Emperor.

Soon, only Bingdi remained beside Xuedi, and even the Titan Snow Demon King and Ice Bear King who had been reluctant to part with each other were driven away by Xuedi hardened his heart.

"Bing'er, I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, all of this is only temporary. If he can become a god as he wishes, I will definitely come back to pick you up. Besides, Xiaobai and Artest are incompatible, and only You can put me at ease."

After being persuaded by Xuedi holding hands and warm words, Bingdi nodded reluctantly.

At this time, Lu Yishan was sitting on a chair, playing with the purple diamond-shaped crystal in his hand.

"I found you, Tang Hao. The master of the face has too much to do with it. You, a blacksmith, can't handle it. You'd better leave it to me."

As Lu Yishan slightly crushed the crystal, the gray air flow rushed out, but it was sealed into a talisman by Lu Yishan, who had been prepared for a long time.

The trace-finding talisman, the ends of the earth, nowhere to escape!
(End of this chapter)

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