Chapter 198
Tiandao Souji and Kaga Meixin stayed away from the X area, and just released the transformation.

For this reason, they had been in the accelerated state for so long, and both of them had exhausted a lot of physical strength, so they walked out slowly.

"Heaven, why do you think there is my name on it, but not Yingshan and the others?"

"Who is the head of Kusakabe? Could it be your previous name? You used to be called Kusakabe... Hey, this surname is the same as Xiaoxi..."


The head of heaven turned around and shouted angrily to interrupt Kaga Meixin's chattering questions.

Kaga Meixin looked at Tiandao Souji, who was obviously in a bad mood, and shut his mouth in embarrassment, not daring to say more.

The director of Tiandao turned around, quickly combining the known information in his mind, thinking about various possibilities.

At present, his belt was given to him by the future director general of Tiandao seven years ago. Since he can go back to seven years ago, it seems that it is not impossible to go back to the more distant 35 years.

The person who formulated the Kamen Rider plan probably had contact with the future director general of Tiandao.

This shows that the makers of the Kamen Rider plan, or those who participated in the development of the Kamen Rider system and have considerable power, have trustworthy allies.

Could this be Kaga Miru?That mysterious old man who always speaks with reservations, Kagami Shin's father.

The fact that Kagami's new father made Tiandao Chief Director very suspicious of that trustworthy ally was Kagamilu.

It's just that the Tiandao Director-General is missing key information, and the guesses in his mind are just guesses, without evidence to confirm.

He clearly felt that he was close to the truth, but he fell short. In addition, the documents were lost, which made the always calm Director of Heavenly Dao feel depressed. After all, he was only a young man in his twenties.

Kaga Meixin was still talking to himself, but the head of Tiandao didn't want to pay attention to him. After leaving the Shibuya ruins area, he turned and left.

Kaga Meixin sighed, returned to Tian Suoxiu's small team in great disappointment, and continued to execute the order to destroy the Zerg.

When Huo Ze came back in the evening, he immediately saw the Director of Tiandao who was sitting on the sofa waiting for him, and there were two cups of steaming tea on the coffee table in front of him.

"Not smooth?"

Director of Heavenly Dao nodded and told everything he had seen and heard.

"35 years ago... I agree with your guess. It was so long ago that neither Kagami Shin nor you were born."

"Temporarily put Kaga Miru on the side of the ally. Take Kaga Meixin as an example. Now I doubt whether your parents were involved in it, or whether they participated in the Kamen Rider project."

"According to what you said, your parents were killed by protozoa when you were three years old, that is, 18 years ago... What do your parents do?"

The Director of Heavenly Dao recalled: "My mother seems to be working in general, but my father... I seem to remember my mother said that he is a scientific research worker."

"Scientists... If you put it this way, these nodes seem to be connected."

Huo Ze got up and found two pieces of paper and a pen, and handed one to the Director of Heaven and Dao, and then wrote and drew on it.

"God, let's sort out our thinking now."

"First of all, let's assume that both Kagamiru and your father participated in the Kamen Rider project, and you in the future go back to the past and explain to them what happened in the future, so you and Kagamixin are named on the file."

Before the words finished, the Director of Heavenly Dao immediately picked up.

"Then the future me went to the ruins of Shibuya seven years ago, and gave me the belt, so that I have the qualifications to become a Koto."

"But why didn't you choose to save your parents in the future?"

The Director of Heavenly Dao's eyes darkened.

"Maybe...for Xiaoxi."

"Protozoa are enemies. If they find out that my father has tampered with the Kamen Rider project, they will kill them with a high probability. In the future, my travel time should also be limited. If I can save it once, I won't be able to save it a second time, and I may be exposed exist by itself."

"No, protozoan mimicry will also inherit memory. If your parents have seen you in the future, wouldn't it be useless to do so."

The two fell silent for a moment.

But shortly afterwards, the director of Tiandao thought of something, and said in a deep voice: "So this assumption is wrong, my father should have never seen me in the future, and he didn't hide anything, just because he participated in the Kamen Rider project In order to ensure that the plan is under their control, the protozoa killed all human researchers."

This assumption sounds simple, but it may well be the truth.

The protozoan mimicry will inherit the memory, and the loss of the package will not cause any loss. In order to ensure that the Kamen Rider plan is under his control, why not do it.

Huo Ze sighed secretly, and wrote down this assumption.

"Then confirm this hypothesis for the time being. Could it be that Kaga Milu has seen you in the future? He is not a scientific researcher, will not be purged, and now he is also a high-level ZECT, and he is still a human being. Thinking about it this way, as a cooperative Or, it couldn’t be more appropriate.”

Huo Ze tapped the paper with a pen, and said in a low voice: "According to this assumption, the context of the whole matter is probably clear now, so there is still a question, when will you get the power to travel through time, and is there anything else in ZECT?" After the production is complete, we must get that thing."

"That's right, the future is not static. Although I got that thing in the future, it doesn't mean that the future will not change. I must always keep an eye on ZECT."

The two combined the existing information to formulate some more feasible plans, and they did not rest until late at night.

As for the incident of forcibly breaking into Area X, Kaga Meixin was still busy investigating, and was even severely reprimanded by Tian Suoxiuichi, so he joined forces with Misaki Yuzuki to secretly investigate the matter.

Director Tiandao and Huo Ze felt that they should keep a low profile now and stop provoking ZECT for the time being.

So Tiandao General Director helped to run the ramen stall again, and returned at night when the stall was closed. After Huo Ze taught Shendaijian in the morning, he went to the ramen stall to help in the afternoon, and then picked up Tiandao Shuhua home and prepared cooking.

And the gourmet family banquet that was agreed not long ago was also held as usual, and Kaga Meixin, Kazama Daisuke, Yan, Jindai Ken, Yasha Somo, Kusakabe Hei and others were invited.

During the New Year before, Director Tiandao and Tiandao Shuhua went to their grandma's house for a reunion. Although Huo Ze was invited to join him, he refused.

Others also reunited with their relatives, and even Daisuke Kazama, who had been living in no fixed place, went back to reunite with his family.

Huo Ze was guarding the huge house at that time, eating small dishes and drinking sake on the roof, watching the moon alone, and missing his wife and friends from another world.

This is the first New Year in a different world, and Huo Ze is very uncomfortable with the loneliness he has not experienced for a long time.

But there is one person who is similar to Huo Ze, and that is Kusakabe Hee.

She did not go back to the orphanage, but stayed at home alone.

For some reason, Tiandao Director-General did not take her to spend the New Year with her, please take care of Huo Ze.

Huo Ze naturally came to the door with the ingredients and accompanied Kusakabe Hee for a day. Of course, at night, he must go back and cannot stay overnight.

Although there seems to be some strangeness between him and Kusakabe Hee, Minoru Godai is still waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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