Kamen Rider: Flesh Monster No.1

Chapter 320 Completely Finished

Still staying at the hotel, Huo Ze also figured out why Nagata Yuka was crying in the morning, because he was afraid that he would leave her alone.

So Huo Ze specifically told him that he might come back later, and call him if there is anything to do.

Seeing that Nagata Yuka was relieved, he was also relieved, and then went back to Nagata's house at night, took the 5000 million back without anyone noticing, and returned it to the place that borrowed the money at that time.

Because it was a specially selected lending point, no one found out that the money had been lent out in just one day.

Then the next day, Huozett took Nagata Yuka to have breakfast to reassure himself.

Concerned about campus bullying, Huo Ze asked Nagata Yuka to take another three days off, and took the pawn money to the stock exchange.

There is no need to regret the financial investment ability that has been trained.

It's still a short-term gain, and the longest payback period is one month, and he doesn't want to make a lot of money, as long as he has enough for now.

When the work is over, there is only one day left for Yuka Nagata's vacation.

At this time, Sonoda Mari and the others hadn't sent a message, and they didn't know if they had arrived in Tokyo, so Huo Ze sent a message, and didn't care if he didn't receive a reply immediately, and turned to look at Nagata Yuka who was sitting on the opposite side. .

On the table in front of her was the future life plan revised by Nagata Yuka.

Huo Ze picked it up and looked at it, with a delicate expression.

Very formulaic, official plan, this is obviously not the life Nagata Yuka wants, or she doesn't know the life she wants at all.

Fortunately, Huo Ze's move was just to reverse her character and let her use it to pass some time.

To be honest, he himself doesn't know what life he wants.

During the few years he lived with Minoru Wudai, he lived a peaceful life. He didn't have the hobby of playing superheroes. Every day was ordinary, warm and warm, but he always missed the days of fighting in the past.

It's strange to say that the previous battles had the risk of death at every turn, but he was content with it.

Huo Ze knew his ambition, and he traveled through the world later. During the battle, he regained his previous passion, conflicted in his heart, but couldn't give up.

After chatting for a few words about the plan, seeing that Nagata Yuka was not so nervous, Huo Ze finally got to the point.

"Yuka, do you still want to go to school?"

"... Huo Jun wants me to go?"

Nagata Yuka's body tensed up, and she became nervous again.

Huo Ze had no choice but to sit over and pat her head, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, go if you want, if you don't want to, you can change schools or do other things, I won't force you."

Perhaps it was the gentle head stroking that gave Nagata Yuka courage. She raised her head, looked at Huo Ze seriously, and shook her head firmly.

"I do not want to go."

"Okay, but books still have to be read, so I'll teach you at home."

Nagata Yuka:! ! !
Huo Ze continued: "I plan to open a shop in Tokyo. Do you think it would be a flower shop, a restaurant, or a pet shop?"

Nagata Yuka thought for a while, bit her lips unconsciously, and said softly, "What kind of store does Huo Jun want to open?"

Well, there is a long way to go to correct this uninitiated character.

"I can do both. For restaurants, I'm the chef. You have to help me. For flower shops and pet shops, you have to spend a lot of time taking care of them."

Needless to say, restaurants, Chef Huo Ze's old line of business, flower shops and pet shops are essentially the same, but pet shops will be more troublesome.

After all, the flowers are not good, Huo Ze gives some life energy, and it is fine to grow calla lilies in the sand (the breeding environment is half soil and half water, and the ornamental plants that need to be watered a lot in any season).

The same is true for pets. With Huo Ze, physical illness is basically eliminated, but cats, cats and dogs have to accompany them to play, bathe, and deal with excrement and other complicated tasks.

So Huo Ze felt that the pet store was the most troublesome, both in reality and in psychology.

As a girl, Nagata Yuka is inherently sensitive, not to mention that her childhood environment made her more sensitive than ordinary people.

In addition, Huo Ze did not deliberately cover up, so Nagata Yuka keenly captured his psychological tendency.

"Restaurant, what Huo Jun cooks must be delicious."

Huo Ze raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had noticed something, he smiled.

"Okay, then we'll go to the school tomorrow to drop out, and then go to the store, but before that, I'll take you to meet some of my new friends."

"it is good."

Early the next morning, Huo Ze took Nagata Yuka to Sakurabayashi Girls High School where she was studying.

As a result, they met Nagata Michiko who also came to school at the school gate.

When Nagata Michiko saw Huo Ze and Nagata Yuka, his facial features were all distorted by anger and jealousy, making his appearance hideous.

"Yuka, and you liar!"

Nagata Yuka subconsciously hid behind Huo Ze.

As soon as Huo Ze heard it, he knew that it was the sequelae of 5000 million disappearances. He held Nagada Yuka's hand, stepped forward and said, "Miss Nagada, don't talk nonsense, or be careful and I will sue you for defamation."

Nagata Michiko wanted to say something else, Huo Ze's eyes turned cold, and he immediately froze with fright, unable to speak.

With a cold snort, Huo Ze pulled Nagata Yuka and walked past him.

After the figures of Huo Ze and Nagata Yuka gradually disappeared, Nagata Michiko came back to his senses, stomped his feet in anger and fear, and ran into the school quickly.

"Huo Jun, Daozi, why did she call you a liar?"

After getting along for a few days, Nagata Yuka became more courageous, and asked in a low voice.

"Because I got the 5000 million back. People who abused Jiehua have no right to take this money."

"But if they call the police..."

"It's okay, Yuka, in this world, money can solve many problems."

Nagata Yuka was thoughtful upon hearing the words.

Regarding the ending of this matter, Huo Ze spent a lot of money to hire someone to solve his identity problem and the possible follow-up troubles of the Nagata family.

In the eyes of professionals, this matter is simply a piece of cake, not to mention that Huo Ze paid twice the normal price, which was properly resolved by working overtime.

It's just that there's no need to explain these things to Yuka Nagata, unless she asks.

In addition, he also specially spent money to entrust the underworld organization to trouble the Nagata family, of course it is the kind of trouble that does not touch the law.

After all, there are too many ways to make people feel intimidated, and those gangsters are very good at this.

As for Nagata Michiko, he didn't deliberately target him.

Michiko Nagata has a bad personality. Yuka Nagata was there before, so naturally all the anger was borne by him under his preference.

Now that Nagata Yuka has left without a shield, with Nagata Michiko's character, life will not be easy in the future.

This is revenge for the Changtian family, yes, it is revenge.

Huo Ze did not deny at all that he did all this because of Nagata Yuka. He is not that hypocritical, disgust is disgust, and he will not stand on the moral high ground to condemn anything, that is meaningless to him.

The withdrawal procedure went smoothly. Nagata Yuka was originally a little transparent in the school, and her grades were not good, so the office stamped it very neatly.

Thus ended Yuka Nagata's high school career.

Huo Ze took out his mobile phone, and Mari Sonoda replied with more than one message.

They have arrived in Tokyo, accompanied by their new companion Keitaro Kikuchi, who also knows about Orfienuo and the belt.

Then during this period, he cleverly solved the three Orpheus, and at the same time, the mobile Pegasus turned into a combat robot to assist in the battle.

In addition, Sonoda Mari spent half of the text, denouncing how bad Qianqiao is.

Inconsiderate of others' feelings, irresponsible, timid, unable to speak, cat tongue, clumsy in doing things, etc.

They are now living in Kikuchi Keitaro's home.

Keitaro Kikuchi’s family has opened a laundromat for generations. This store in Tokyo was left to him by his parents. Now it has reopened.

"Very well, everything is on track, Yuhua, let's go and meet our future neighbors and partners."

"it is good."

After checking out of the room, Yuka Nagata sat on the back seat of the mobile pegasus, and the two set off for the Western Laundry Shop. (end of this chapter)

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