Kamen Rider: Flesh Monster No.1

Chapter 349 The road destined to be full of sin

Huo Ze stood at the door of Tiandao's kitchen, looking at the cloudy and gloomy sky, frowning slightly.

"It's going to rain."

After a while, it rained cats and dogs, just like Yuji Kiba's mood at this time.

Not far from the door, Yoshita Morishita came to brave the rain, staring at Yuji Kiba who was drenched in water after walking a few steps.

"Kiba, tell me who killed Chie, is it you?"

The eyes of hatred pierced straight, Kiba Yuji's heart jumped, he already knew that Morishita Yoshima knew the truth.

When he killed Chie Morishita, there was no one around... except Smart Lady...

He knew where Yoshita Morishita knew it from.

He has no way out.

Silence is the best answer. Gray and white stripes appeared on Morishita Yoshimasa's face, and then he transformed into the armadillo Orfi Enoch.

"Ah, kill you!"

Morishita Yoshimasa summoned a large sword and shield in his hand, and rushed towards Kiba Yuji.

Huo Ze stood at the door watching, and closed the door to block Nagata Yuka's sight.

Huo Ze is ready to make a move for Yuji Kiba.

But Kiba did better than he expected.

Yuji Kiba did not transform into the Emperor, but showed the form of Maofi Enoch, summoned a long sword, and greeted him.

But he was only defending, not actively attacking.

Morishita Yoshimasa hit more and more madly, and began to keep saying in his mouth.

"Kill you, kill you!"

Even though Yoshita Morishita attacked crazily, there was a gap in strength between the two sides. Yuji Kiba, as the original body, was naturally much stronger than the individual transformed by the energy of Orfi Enoch.

After a while, Kiba Yuji seized the opportunity and broke the shield in Morishita Yoshimasa's hand with a sword.

Then he finally took the initiative to attack for the first time in battle, slashing Morishita Yoshimasa's chest with a sword, knocking him to the ground, and turning him back into human form.

The long sword was pointed at Morishita Yoshimasa, but Kiba Yuji did not continue to attack.

"Morishita, I'm sorry, Qianhui...I won't escape the crimes I committed, but I can't do it now. When I fulfill my dream, I won't escape whatever you want to do to me."

After all, Kiba Yuji changed back to human form, Morishita Yoshima got up, turned and fled.

Morishita Yoshimasa didn't know the direction, and followed his instinct to run for a long, long time, and finally found himself downstairs in a familiar building.

It was the downstairs of Qianhui's former friend's apartment.

What the yellow-haired man said before suddenly sounded in his mind.

"That woman can play, and likes to show off..."

"No, that's not the case, you all deserve to die, Kiba Yuji deserves to die, and so do you!"

Yoshita Morishita rushed upstairs, and shortly thereafter, there was a scream from inside the building.

On the other side, Kiba Yuji returned to Tiandao Kitchen dripping wet, changed into dry clothes, and sat down in the shop, opposite Huo Ze and Nagata Yuka who looked worried.

Huo Ze originally didn't want Nagata Yuka to get in touch with these things, but she couldn't hold back her pleading softly, so he reluctantly agreed.

"Mr. Huo, I think I'm shameless. I killed Qianhui, and Morishita should seek revenge from me..."

Huo Ze looked at the painful Kiba Yuji, sighed, and even had the idea of ​​going back in time for a moment, but he was cut off immediately.

"No, Kiba, you are in pain too, no one wants such a thing to happen..."

Nagata Yuka held Kiba Yuji's hand, with tears dripping from the corners of her eyes. She wanted to say "it's not your fault", but it was Kiba Yuji who killed Morishita Chie out of anger.

Whatever the reason, he did.

Kiba Yuji took a deep breath, looked up at Huo Ze firmly.

"Mr. Huo, I'm going to find him."

"……you want?"

"I've thought about it. If he does this, he will definitely be used by Zhinao. If he kills someone, there will be no turning back."

Huo Ze secretly sighed, Kiba Yuji was undoubtedly thankless for doing so, he understood that he wanted to atone for his sins.

"You go, remember to put on your belt."

"...Thank you, Mr. Huo, Yuhua."

Kiba Yuji took the Emperor's belt and left.

Looking at Yuji Kiba in the distance, Yuka Nagata supported the door frame, with a lingering sadness on his brows.

"Huo Jun..."

"I don't understand why it became like this, Yongzhi is such a gentle person."


"It's not that good people don't do bad things, so before doing anything, think about whether you should do it, whether you will regret it, or you will become like Yongzhi, and you will never get out of this shadow for the rest of your life."

"I don't think you're in the mood to cook any more. Close the shop. I plan to follow him and see what he's going to do. Are you going?"

"...Well, I'll go too."

Tiandao Kitchen, which was closed for half a month, closed again. Huo Ze took out the sword and scorpion transformation device to transform, and exploded his armor.

Then, holding Nagata Yuka in his arms, he turned on the ascension state, and followed Kiba Yuji.

Ten minutes later, Morishita Yoshi is killing two former friends of Morishita Chie on the street.

Pedestrians around fled in panic. Yuji Kiba came a step late, and could only watch the two corpses on the ground disintegrate and collapse.

"Morishita, why did you kill them?"

The two people, Yuji Kiba, also knew each other and were friends with Chie Morishita.

"Damn you all."

Morishita Yoshimasa has completely fallen into madness, turned into the armadillo Orfi Enoch, summoned the sword and shield, and walked towards Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji gradually calmed down.

"Morishita, I'm sorry for you and Qianhui, but other people are innocent, you shouldn't do this, since the road I'm walking is destined to be full of crimes, then I can only carry these crimes forward."


The golden light shines, and Yuji Kiba transforms into Kamen Rider Jiou.

In the previous battle, Yoshita Morishita was the sufferer. He couldn't use the power of the Emperor, so he turned into Ophelia.

But now, Yuji Kiba turned into the emperor because of the power of the belt, which is used to protect human beings.

In the rain, Kiba Yuji and Morishita Yoshima fought to the death.

And Huo Ze, who followed Yuji Kiba to the scene, blocked the rain with his thoughts, hugged Nagata Yuka, and stunned the two spirited guys who dared to take photos around him, and destroyed the photos they took .

Purely physical destruction, even the mobile phone is turned into dust invisible to the naked eye, eliminating all possibility of recovery.

"Huo Jun, is this the battle with Orfienuo..."

Standing on a high place, Nagata Yuka held Huo Ze's arm and looked down at Kiba Yuji and Morishita Yoshima who were fighting below.

"Yes, this is the battle between humans and Orfienuo, it's cruel."

Before the words fell, Yuji Kiba had already punched Morishita Yoshizawa in the chest. Pale flames appeared from the latter's body, and he collapsed in the next moment.

Kiba Yuji looked at the pool of gravel that was quickly soaked by the rain, knelt down on the ground, and did not get up for a long time.

Originally, you would also suffer so much, but Yuji Kiba and Nao Kaido also chose to let them bear your share.

Touching Nagata Yuka's head, Huo Ze said softly: "Let's go back."


When Kiba Yuji returned to Tiandao Kitchen in a daze, what he saw was that Huo Ze had prepared dinner and was waiting for him to come back for dinner with Nagata Yuka.

"Are you hungry?"

Yuji Kiba sat down, picked up the bowl, took a mouthful of rice and put it in his mouth, tears fell silently from the corners of his eyes. (end of this chapter)

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