Kamen Rider: Flesh Monster No.1

Chapter 396 The third one?The second strange demon god?

Chapter 396 The third one?The second strange demon god?

Not long after Putaros possessed Ryotaro Nogami and went out, Ye Nai called to ask about his situation, but was told by Naomi that he and Putaros had gone out.

Immediately, Ye Nai was furious, and when asked the reason, Taotaros said all the words that Putaros said.

Ye Nai felt that the anger in his heart was about to be uncontrollable.

"Stupid Taozi! Isn't it a recent event that you different demon gods came to [-]? Why did you wander year after year? And before it met Ryotaro, it didn't even have a body, and it bit lips that smelled like sand?"

Momotaros and Naomi were stunned for a moment.

Ye Nai took a deep breath and asked, "Is Huo Ze not here?"

Taotaros was already jumping in the passenger compartment with anger, and Naomi was also flushed with anger. She took the phone and glanced at Huo Ze who was sitting leisurely drinking tea.

"He's in the car."

Ye Nai shook her head vigorously. Huo Ze's favor for her knight card box fell to the bottom in an instant.

"Everyone...is an idiot!"

Ye Nai didn't believe that Huo Ze was so easy to deceive, he definitely did it on purpose.

"I'm furious!"

Putaros shielded Taotaros so that he could not regain the right to possess, so Ye Nai could only call Nogami Ryotaro to inform the meeting location, and took Saito Daiki to leave the hospital by himself.

And after Putaros cleverly used Ye Nai to say bad and despicable lies, let Saito Daihui admit that he was a contractor, and made Ye Nai realize that his way of speaking was inappropriate, the two encountered the crab and strange demon god.

After the Crab Yimoshen attacked all the starting players of Saito Daiki's football team, he bluntly said that the contract was completed and he entered the gate of the past.

Ryotaro Nogami and the others immediately returned to the Den-oh, heading to the time "October [-], [-]" indicated on the ticket.

But before the past, there is one more thing to be resolved, and that is the issue of Putaros' fate.

Momotaros was furious and wanted to teach Putaros a lesson on the spot, but was stopped by Ryotaro Nogami, who didn't think violence could solve the problem.

Naomi quietly invited the driver over to stop the quarrel.

"The key is whether there is a pass and a ticket, Ryotaro, as long as you say you don't share the pass with this strange demon god, I will drive him out immediately."

Tao Talos was the first to respond and asked Pu Talos to get off the car.

"Captain, what will happen if you get out of the car?"

The driver smiled slightly, like a big villain, and said slowly: "Wandering in time...forever."

Ryotaro Nogami's pupils narrowed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Putaros who was standing aside with his head bowed. At this time, Momotaros, Naomi, and Ye Nai were all staring at him, completely isolated him.

The scene of Putaros crying before and the scene of deliberate lying in front of Ye Nai appeared in his mind again, and he made a decision in his heart.

Although Ye Nai and the others thought that Putaros was lying before, he must really not want to wander in time. He was willing to believe him and believe that the tear was true.

"... I see, Putaros... just stay here."


Momotaros, Putaros, Ye Nai and Naomi all looked at Ryotaro Nogami in surprise.

"Putaros, Dahui told the truth because he saw that Putaros deliberately provoked Ye Nai, but you know everything, so you deliberately lied in front of Dahui to let him tell it himself. "

Putaros stared blankly at Ryotaro Nogami, speechless.

Ryotaro Nogami smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Momotaros and the others, and said seriously: "It's not good to lie, but he can lie for others, so he shouldn't be a bad demon god."

Behind everyone, the driver smiled at Huo Ze and turned to leave.

At this time, the Den-oh also arrived at the station, and Ryotaro Nogami got off immediately to fight.

Ye Nai also got out of the car because she had a blank body knight card box. She wanted to try to practice her hands, so she asked Nogami Ryotaro or Momotaros to sweep the battle.

He brought a small mirror with him, and Ye Nai used it to summon the belt, then threw it away and inserted it into the knight card box.


Because Ye Nai is a woman, the armor of the knight is more feminine. The most prominent thing is that the chest armor is no longer flat.

"Arms Come"

With the saber in hand, Ye Nai immediately slashed at the crab and demon god.

Ye Nai is born with amazing wrist strength, not weak in combat power, and also has a strong will to fight. He just fought back and forth with the crab and different demon gods.

But Taotaros saw that the battle would not be over for a while, and was anxious in his heart. He simply forgot the request for Luezhen that he had agreed to before, and rushed forward with a slash, severely wounding the crab and strange demon god.

"what are you doing?"

Ye Nai was very dissatisfied, but she didn't know how to play her temper in battle, but seeing that Taotaros had the upper hand, she felt that she would not be needed, so she untransformed and stepped aside.

However, with such a big advantage, Tao Taros accidentally ran away.

Then Momotaros went after him and was dragged into the water. Because he didn't know how to fight in water, he was directly submerged into a coma. Fortunately, Putaros rescued the field, and Nogami Ryotaro switched to the holy pole mode and successfully killed him.

As for the Giant Death Beast that the Crab God turned into out of control, Putaros also summoned the exclusive trolley to come out and use the weapons on it to destroy it.

Huo Ze got out of the car at some point, looked at Putaros who jumped out of the water and carried a fishing rod and weapon, and quickly drew a portrait.

Blue in place...

However, just now the Crab God escaped. Although it seemed reasonable, Huo Ze always felt a little unreasonable.

Is it psychological?

Suddenly, Huo Ze thought of a sentence he heard when talking with the driver before.

"The past cannot be changed, otherwise there will be serious consequences"

If the time he is in is the past of the future, and he is an outsider who does not belong to this world, it stands to reason that he will not exist in the time of this world.

The past cannot be changed. He, an outsider who should not be in the timeline, gave Ye Nai a knight card box that also does not belong to this world. Does this count as changing the past?
But why didn't the captain, who seemed to know everything, stop him?

Is it because Ye Nai is a singularity and is not affected by time?

It seems that it is not that simple for Ryotaro Nogami to become the King of Den.

Huo Ze suppressed his doubts in his heart, and looked at the passenger compartment where Taotaros and Putaros confronted each other, refusing to give in to each other.

But in the end, the possible battle was resolved by Naomi's creamy coffee.

By the way, there is also the third demon god in Ryotaro Nogami's body.

"Ryotaro, come here."


Huo Ze put his hand on Ryotaro Nogami's shoulder and checked his body.

Sure enough, there is a third strange demon god, when did it possess him?
Forget it, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that each possessed demon god will increase the burden on Ryotaro Nogami's body. Three of them came at once, and with his weak physical fitness, it is a bit overwhelming.

So Huo Ze looked at Ryotaro Nogami seriously, and said: "Ryotaro, stop the exercise you have been insisting on recently. Your health is too weak. I will make you a medicinal diet to supplement it. You see that you have lost all your strength in fighting today."

"Eh? Thank you."

Looking at the puzzled Ryotaro Nogami, Huo Ze didn't explain too much, and continued to sit quietly in the corner and write.

(End of this chapter)

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