Chapter 465

After waving off Totaya and Jiro, Kibao rushed into the rainbow light circle.

Huo Ze turned around with a tired face, and slumped directly on the passenger seat of the dining car. Langya brought a cup of black tea and gently placed it on the table.

"Thanks, Wolf Fang."

Two days have passed since the last battle with the overhaul card.

The overhaul card countermeasure was faster than Huo Ze and the others had imagined. After breaking through the overhaul card stronghold in the second world, they rushed to the third world without stopping.

In the third world, the overhaul card sent three major cadres, General Jack, General Shadow, and High Priest Bihume.

The three of them are all very powerful, and Kamen Rider originally had the top combat power of Huo Ze as the spearhead.

But the appearance of three big cadres wiped out this advantage, plus a large number of weird cadres sent to the battlefield through the dimensional wall, the battle situation gradually became disadvantaged.

Huo Ze couldn't do anything about it, and immediately cast a large-scale indiscriminate lightning strike.

After blocking the monster's attack for a short time, he summoned the Raiyao to retreat.

However, in this battle, it is important information to learn that the overhaul card has the ability of the dimensional wall.

At the same time, taking advantage of the diversion of the overhaul card's attention, Hongdu left briefly, and obtained information about Apollo Geist by sneaking into the world controlled by other overhaul cards.

According to Hongdu's findings, Apollo Geist had already encountered Monyashi and the others, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

So Hong Du asked Huo Ze to rush to join Men Yashi and the others, and overhaul the card to other major cadres, and he would arrange the combat power to delay.

At present, the key to accelerating the integration of the world is found to be Apollo Geist.

Huo Ze removed the task of guiding the monks, and also killed Apollo Geist, so that their plan would have enough time to proceed.

As soon as Huo Ze took a breath, he immediately drove the Kibao to the world where Monyashi and the others were currently in.

"A world has already disappeared..."

Huo Ze frowned slightly, drank the lipstick tea, and felt quite heavy.

The current plan has reached a state where it cannot be changed, and every step must be carefully considered.

And the next thing to do is not very friendly to Men Yashi.

Calculating the time, we must find a suitable time for Kenzaki Kazuma to make a move.

In the later stage of the plan, Hong Du and others discussed to make Men Yashi's mentality collapse, and make it clear that he is the source of the destruction of the world.

Then force it to enter the identity of the destroyer, and then kill a large number of other parallel world Kamen Riders until it completely collapses and voluntarily gives up its life.

Whether this last step can be successful, Hozer and others are not sure.

But this was the last hope they gave Menyashi, otherwise...they would have to kill him.

Amidst the crisp sound of the teacup colliding with the saucer, Huo Ze's eyes gradually darkened, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

This battle is not about justice, but there is nothing to be done.


The Kibaou roared past, and Huo Ze looked around, not far away was a hospital.

In perception, Guang Xiahai is inside.

"That's... Monyashi?"

Monyashi rushed into the hospital with Onodera Yusuke anxiously, Huo Ze frowned slightly, and immediately followed quickly.

Outside the ward, through the window, Huo Ze saw Guang Xiahai lying on the hospital bed, dying.

"Scholar, Xia Hai has been calling your name before, telling you not to leave."

"Xia Hai..."

Huo Ze was about to push the door to enter, when he suddenly paused and turned to look to the side.

"It's you, the annoying guy."

"Haidong Dashu, you also make me very upset."

"Huo Jun, Mr. Haidong?!"

The conversation between the two alarmed Monyashi and Onodera Yusuke in the ward, and they came out to check.


Men Yashi looked at Haidong Dashu angrily.

Seeing this, Haidong Dashu clicked his tongue.

"Huo Ze, I don't want to fight with you today, I'm here to find a taxi."

Speaking of which, Haidong Dashu took out the double-sided energy mirror and handed it to Men Yashi.

"It seems that your most precious treasure is that woman, and your companion is a treasure or something...Scholar, this is for you, but you have to face me in the future."

What Kaidong Dashu said made Menyashi confused, but now is not the time to talk about it.

Grabbing the double-sided energy mirror, Mon Yashi rushed into the ward.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

"Since this thing can absorb life energy, it should be able to release it."

Yusuke Onodera's expression changed upon hearing this.

"Master... you will die."

"Don't tell Xia Hai."

Seeing this scene, Haidong Dashu turned around with a complicated expression, and Huo Ze opened the door to enter.

He could send life energy to Guang Xiahai, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

Let Men Yashi send part of his life energy to Guang Xiahai, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the future plan.

Now their bond needs to be deepened.

Monyashi's life energy was extracted, and then sent to Guang Xiahai, giving her new life.

With a cry, Guang Xiahai woke up quietly.

"Shi... Xiongsuke... Mr. Huo, you are back."

"Well, the scholar risked his life to save you."

Men Yashi glared at Huo Ze, but he didn't continue to say anything, and just looked away.

Guang Xiahai looked at Mon Yashi with emotion.


Men Yashi turned his head in embarrassment, and said firmly: "Although you are violent and annoying, if you die like this, grandpa will be sad."

"You bastard, the secret skill of the Guang family, you can point to Zen with a smile."

Men Yashi's laugh point was hit, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This is a hospital, please keep quiet."

The nurse who rushed over after hearing the sound was very angry, and stared at Mon Yashi blankly.

Guang Xiahai quickly covered Monyashi's mouth to apologize, and the previous sad atmosphere was swept away.

After that, Huo Ze met the Kamen Rider RX who came over, and the handsome uncle Nan Kotaro from the age to middle age.

The source of Kotaro Minami's power is the Emperor Stone in his body, which is a powerful Kamen Rider warrior.

In this world, he still has to fight against the Klexis Empire alone, and after a few words of encouragement, Monyashi took a picture of Minami Kotaro, said goodbye and left.

Back in the photo studio, the curtain fell, and in the center of the portrait was a wild creature.

Monyashi stared intently for a few seconds and said, "Amazon's world..."

Looking at Amazon's wild posture, Huo Ze knew that this was the reincarnated Kamen Rider.

For these remodeled Kamen Riders, Huo Ze, including Hongdu, they are not very familiar with them.

I only know that these reformed Kamen Riders all come from the same world and have their own legends of Kamen Riders.

Rather than legends of Kamen Riders who belong to different worlds like them.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the top combat capabilities of the two sides are evenly matched, which also makes their enemies very powerful.

Just like the Drass that Huo Ze killed before, this was originally a weirdo in the world of Kamen Rider X. After being killed by Kamen Rider X, he was resurrected by Dashuka with the wreckage, and his strength became stronger.

And Amazon's enemies are not much weaker if they think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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