Chapter 60 Not Enough
In the room temporarily rented by Huo Ze in Tokyo.

"Hawthorne, what are you doing?"

Wudai Ren trotted all the way and threw himself into Huo Ze's arms, looking curiously at the water glass in his hand.

At this moment, the water in the water glass was spinning at a high speed, forming a vortex.

A look of surprise flashed across Wudai Minoru's face, obviously seeing Huo Ze's hand not moving just now.

"Hawthorne, this is?"

Huo Ze put the water glass on the table in front of him, and the whirlpool gradually subsided.

"I'm controlling the flow."

Gently kissed Wudai Minoru on the forehead, watched him blushing quickly, and smiled lightly: "This is the result of these days, wind, water, fire, and earth, it turns out that they are close to the ultimate strength, and these things can be manipulated .”

Wudai Ren's heart tightened, and he hugged Huo Ze.


Knowing the fear in Wudai Min's heart, Huo Ze hugged the girl and comforted him softly over and over again.

This is the last time he came to find Minoru Godai before defeating Da Cuba, and after that he will hide Minoru Godai, including Samutama Saburo and Nana Asahina of the cafe, as well as friends such as Sakurako Sawatari.

Thinking back to the behavior of the vulture Gurangji coming to see Kidron off by himself, Huo Ze was afraid for a while.

Since Da Cuba can promote him to incur the ultimate darkness in this way, will his relatives and friends with Wudai Yusuke also become victims.

The answer is almost yes, unless Dacuba doesn't know the information.

Otherwise, according to the inscription, the stern warrior who caused the ultimate darkness would dry up the sacred spring.

And what is more hateful than the killing of relatives and friends around you.

As for whether it can be hidden, Huo Ze is not sure, but it seems that the Gulangi family has been collecting information from the outside world by Rose Gulangi.

As for whether Da Cuba will massacre other ordinary citizens to stimulate him and Yusuke Godai, Huo Ze also thinks that he will definitely, and therefore reminds Kaoru.

Kaoru also immediately reported this guess to the high-level police department, and Matsukura Sadao even returned to the position of head of the unknown life body search department because of this incident.

In recent days, the entire Metropolitan Police Department has been very busy. Almost all the idle police forces have been dispatched to search for traces of Dacuba, but nothing has been found.

It seemed that this behavior annoyed Dacuba, who showed himself.

But this time, he came on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Hozer, Shinjuku District, Dacuba has appeared, come quickly!"

Huo Ze seldom saw such an anxious Xun, his face changed slightly, and he immediately stepped on BTRS-2000 and rushed to the scene.

Three days ago, he persuaded Minoru Godai and others to go to a foreign country to seek refuge together. Saburo Shitama and Asahina Nana didn't know about it, so they used it as an excuse to travel.

But Sawatari Sakurako, Godai Minoru and others all refused.

"Mr. Huo Ze, I don't want to be a deserter."

Sawatari Sakurako's eyes were firm.

"Hawthorne, I'm not leaving."

Wudai Ren hugged Huo Ze's arm, and refused to let go no matter how much he persuaded him.

Shidama Saburo and Asahina Nana learned that the others would not leave, so they did not leave. Yusuke Godai even revealed his identity as Kuuga, and stated the stakes in it, but after thinking about it, the two still insisted on not leaving.

"Mr. Huo Ze, thank you for your kindness, but I can't go, let Nana go."

When Asahina Nana heard the words, she hugged Godai Yusuke and cried, "I don't want to be a deserter either."

In the cafe, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Seeing this, Huo Ze exchanged a glance with Yi Yi Xun, both seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

And this communication three days later verified the worst guess.

Not a short distance away from the designated location, Huo Ze saw the flames soaring into the sky, covering the entire Shinjuku area.

"Mr. Hozer!"

"Fifth Generation, let's go in together, Da Cuba should be inside."

With flames in sight, Huo Ze and Yusuke Goshiro rode BTRS-2000 directly into the Shinjuku area.

And not long after entering, Huo Ze found a faint cry for help from a shop that had just passed by.

Huo Ze stopped suddenly, jumped out of the car, and rushed into the nearby shop. In the corner, he saw a young couple hugging each other, as if they were protecting something, and there was a cry for help.

As soon as he touched it, Huo Ze knew that the couple was dead, so he pulled it away, and sure enough there was a little girl who was almost unconscious, about three years old.

Picking up the little girl, Huo Ze rushed out of the shop.

Suddenly a strong sense of oppression hit, Huo Ze and Godai Yusuke looked to the left in an instant.

I saw a white body, a golden beast card on the waist, and four golden horns on the top of the head, Gu Langji was standing there and staring, the sight made people shudder.

"Da Cuba..."

Although the appearance has changed, this feeling will not change. He is Da Cuba, this terrifying murderous aura, this terrifying sense of oppression, other than him, no one else thinks about it.

At this moment Dacuba suddenly raised his hand at Huo Ze.

In an instant, Huo Ze felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. Just as he was about to dodge, the little girl in his arms suddenly became extremely hot.

The terrifying high temperature instantly ignited everything around him, Huo Ze became a man of fire in an instant, because Yusuke Godai got too close, his clothes suddenly caught fire, and he immediately rolled on the ground to put it out.

Huo Ze was worried about the safety of the little girl, so he immediately used his own ability to put out the fire, and subconsciously clenched his hands.

But suddenly a look of surprise flashed in Huo Ze's eyes.

He hugged empty...

The next moment, the flame disappeared, and Huo Ze's arms were empty, and the front of his body was covered with scars from the high temperature.

The little girl...was directly vaporized by the high temperature.

"Da... Gu... Ba!"

Huo Ze and Wudian Yusuke rushed directly to Da Cuba, only thinking of killing him.

That child... the people who died here have no future...

Wudai Yusuke was in pain, and he didn't want to be overwhelmed by hatred.

But...but...but he couldn't restrain the anger in his heart!
Wudai Yusuke transformed into a sublimated black form while running, with golden lightning shining all over his body.

Huo Ze was covered in gold and black double-colored lightning, and his right eye was ignited with a black flame, like a ball of black fire burning in the eye socket, dragging out a long tail flame while running.

The two rushed in front of Da Cuba and punched him in the chest together.

He only heard two dull roars, attacks like battering rams, but Da Cuba only took a step back.

"Not yet..."

Daguba stretched out his hands like lightning, directly grabbed Huo Ze and Godai Yusuke by the necks, and then threw them casually into the burning ruins.

In the next moment, Huo Ze and Godai Yusuke rushed out of the ruins almost at the same time, and rushed towards Da Cuba.

However, the gap in absolute power made this battle a one-sided situation.

Da Cuba seemed to be playing with the two of them, he kept throwing them out and smashing them into the ruins, and pulled out the people hiding in the edge area from time to time, and set them on fire in front of the two, watching them being killed in fear. Little by little it burns into coke.

"Da Cuban!"

"Hahaha...not enough...not enough...hahaha..."

Laughter was especially piercing in the flames.


Outside Shinjuku, a large number of police officers were evacuating surrounding residents, and fire trucks arrived one after another, trying to control the fire.

"One, you can't go in!"


"Trust Huo Ze and Wudai, I believe they will be able to do it!"

Sugita Morimichi and Sakurai just stubbornly stopped Kaoru who was holding a rifle and wanted to charge into the fire.

At this time, Golem flew from the sky and rushed straight to the fire, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's Golem, they are fighting Dacuba..."

In the fire scene, the Golem flew towards him quickly, and Yusuke Godai jumped directly onto the Golem's back and stood still. The firepower was fully fired, the golden lightning flashed, and the Golem under his feet gradually turned into pitch black.

From top to bottom, Golem pointed straight at Daguba and fell straight down.

At this moment, Wudai Yusuke couldn't care about how much damage it would cause, he just wanted to kill Da Cuba as soon as possible.

The two sides hit each other, and the shock wave spread to the surroundings, and the burning wreckage around them flew out to the surroundings, and the center shone with dazzling light.

Even Huo Ze had to bend over and half kneel on the ground, sinking his hands deep into the ground to stabilize his figure.

The surrounding flames were extinguished by the shock wave, but they were also razed to the ground, and the ground in the center was unable to withstand the huge force, and sank into a deep pit.

(End of this chapter)

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