Kamen Rider: Flesh Monster No.1

Chapter 602: Riding Chapter

Chapter 602: Riding (23)
"Knight Kick"

"Knight's Slash"

In the rising state, Mezel and Ur took action together and defeated the guardian's body.

In the explosion, the guard's core flew out, and was then tied up with colorful short ropes, dragged into the dimensional wall, and disappeared.


The heart roared loudly, a large amount of golden energy arcs jumped on the surface of the body, and a golden energy shock wave of Peng Bai spread around.

Tomari Shinosuke and others were heavily blown away when they came into contact with this shock wave.

"Anger increases the strength of the heart."

Mechanical mutants need to learn a human emotion and then develop it to an extremely strong level, so that they can obtain a super-evolved form.

And that's just the power of a single emotion.

In Barbarian Tenjuro's plan for mechanical mutants, there is no more information about super evolution. He just speculates that the super evolution form is not the limit.

Because the mechanical mutants can learn a variety of emotions, each of which reaches the point of extreme exuberance, their power will continue to rise.

It has to be said that the Mercedes-Benz core technology developed by Kurim Steinbelt has extremely high growth potential.

But this power is too uncontrollable for today's humans.

The dimensional wall appeared, and the guard's core was sent over. Huo Ze immediately began to clean up the malicious data in the core.

Compared to other mechanical variants, Guardian has the most malicious data and is the most complex.

After the filth was stripped away, Huo Ze was surprised to find that he actually saw the memories that were hidden by these filthy data and that even the guardian himself had forgotten.

In this memory, the nurse is still the image in white, the goddess who saves all mechanical mutants in the heart.

At the same time, there is another identical girl in this memory, which is the prototype of nursing mimicry. She is holding a golden retriever in her arms.

“Turns out that’s where the healing power and emotional eros of nursing come from, pure love.”

Huo Ze originally thought that the caregiver's love for the heart was the love between a man and a woman, but after reading the deep memory, he realized that it turned out that the caregiver had this kind of love for the heart.

The heart is not a nursing lover, but her master.

On this point, Freeze was wrong.

But in this case, if the brain is jealous and caressing, isn't it equivalent to the heart being the master and two pets competing for favor?

Huo Ze quickly shook off the images in his mind, and Huo Ze felt that it was weird to recall the scene of the nurse and the heart being tired at this time.

The battle is still going on, and the freezing ability has no effect on the current Tomari Nosuke, and he immediately falls into a disadvantage.

Compared with the heart, the frozen evolved form is more of a auxiliary ability, and its direct combat power is far inferior.

Therefore, even if it is frozen in the super evolved state, its strength is far inferior to that of the heart.

At this time, Tomari Shinnosuke possesses a Cetron form that is as powerful as the super-evolved form, so it is only a matter of time before he is frozen and defeated.

As for freezing, Huo Ze doesn't care whether he should give him a chance or not. It depends on luck.

If the core of his brain had just been shattered by Stalkers and Shidao before, he wouldn't have felt anything.

So when the freeze was shattered by a tow truck cannon shot from Toshinosuke and the core exploded, Huo Ze immediately moved his sight to the heart.

The intensity of the battle between Qi Wen Jie Dou and Xin Xin was at least one level higher than that of the others. The two were fighting each other passionately. Neither of them had any defense. They were just punching each other one after another to see who could withstand it first.

I don’t know if his fighting style was affected by his heart, as Qi Wen Jiedou was not like this before.

boom boom boom...

The continuous fighting finally ended with the two of them flying upside down. Xun Wen Jiedou and Heart rolled on the ground, and each turned back into human form.

The naked eye could see the scars on both men's bodies.

The heart was unable to fight anymore at this time, and the colorful short ropes flew over and wrapped around the heart to tie up the arms of the heart. "This is... haha, it seems that I have become a prisoner."

Smiling miserably, golden energy arcs erupted from the surface of his heart again. He would not be willing to be caught by humans again.

But at this moment, the colorful short rope suddenly flashed with light, suppressing the energy in the heart.

The heart immediately realized that this colorful short rope was Huo Ze's trick.

"It's you! Mr. Huo..."

"Well, it's me."

Huo Ze's voice rang in his heart.

"Heart, it seems that after that day, you did not choose to listen to my advice and stay dormant, but chose to swim against the current."

"Oh, going against the current...choosing to fight against Mr. Huo is the so-called going against the current?"

"Of course not. I am not going against the current, but the potential of human beings in this world is downstream. Your potential is too small, so...how about living in another world?"

Xin Xin's expression changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "Another world?"

"Well, it's a world dominated by mechanical life forms. You mechanical mutants are also mechanical life forms. It's a good place to go."

His heart fell silent upon hearing this, and he fell into deep thought.

Upon seeing this, Huo Ze unfolded the dimensional wall and sent the cores of the mechanical mutants that had cleared the malicious data to the heart.

"This is already my greatest appreciation for you. If you don't want to, then I will choose to end my journey in this world. If you and Bo and the others are fighting so hard, I won't care about it anymore."


The heart did not give an answer and was still thinking.

Huo Ze was not in a hurry and said that his heart was worthy of a king.

As a king, Huo Ze believed that his heart would make the right choice, instead of leading his few companions to destruction together.

After a long time, Xinxin raised his head and looked forward, as if he was looking at Huo Ze in the riding base, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promise you, I will leave this world with the remaining mechanical mutants."

You can see the unwillingness in the heart's eyes.

He hasn't had time to take revenge on the wild Tenjuro, he hasn't realized his original ideal, and he hasn't been able to protect his brain, nurse, and more of his mechanical mutant companions.

His departure was tantamount to a desperate escape.

But compromise is also part of being king.

The dimensional wall appeared, and in an instant, Toriyashinosuke and others on the battlefield all returned to the riding base.

"Hey! I'm back."

Everyone released their transformations, and then Huo Ze asked Dimoli to communicate with the heart to explain their current situation to the brain and reassure them.

Then Huo Ze waved his hand, and the tablet computer containing the consciousness data of Barbarian Tenjuro flew from Go Shishima's hand and landed on his hand.

"give me back!"

"Gang, calm down."

Huo Ze snapped his fingers, sealed Shishima Tsuyoshi's mouth, and then looked at the consciousness of Barbarian Tenjuro on the tablet.

"This is our first official meeting, Barbarian Tenjuro."

"Are you...Mr. Huo?"

"Well, it seems that you have heard about me from just now, so without further ado, please disappear."


(End of this chapter)

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