Chapter 107 Science Frontiers
Along the way, Zhang Yang only looked at his computer, and Wang Miao looked at the surroundings outside the car.

Suddenly Zhang Yang asked, "Professor Wang, I've heard of you. You study nanomaterials. I wonder if you are familiar with computer artificial intelligence?"

Wang Miao said: "With our current technology, there is no way to develop real artificial intelligence."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Then what do you think this is?" Then he handed the computer to Professor Wang Miao.

Last night, Zhang Yang already let Jarvis bind his iris, body shape, appearance, fingerprints, voiceprint, etc. Now no one else can steal this technology.

Wang Miao looked at the code on the computer and muttered: Impossible, impossible.

Shi Qiang took Zhang Yu and Wang Miao to a large courtyard in the suburbs.

Looking at the place without any signs outside, you can tell that this place belongs to the military.

The meeting was held in a hall, and Wang Miao was quite surprised by the chaos as soon as he entered.Around the hall is a circle of randomly placed computer equipment. Some tables are placed on the floor if they cannot fit on the table. Wires and network cables are entangled and scattered on the ground; a large stack of network switches is not installed in the rack, but piled up on the server. ; There are several large projector screens standing randomly at different angles in the corner of the hall, like a gypsy tent; the smoke floats in mid-air like morning fog...Wang Miao doesn't know if this is the one The combat center mentioned by a military officer, he can be sure of one thing: the things being dealt with here have already made people forget about other things.

The impromptu meeting table was also full of documents and sundries. Most of the participants looked tired, their clothes were wrinkled, and those with ties were torn apart, as if they had stayed up all night.The meeting was chaired by a major general named Chang Weisi, and half of the participants were soldiers.After a brief introduction, he knew that there were still a small number of police officers, and the others were experts and scholars who attended the meeting like him, and some of them were well-known scientists who studied basic science.

What surprised him was that there were four foreigners whose identities surprised him: two of them were also soldiers, namely a colonel in the U.S. Air Force and a colonel in the British Army, and their positions were NATO liaison officers; A CIA officer, what is the role of an observer here.

From everyone's faces, Wang Miao read a sentence: We have tried our best, let's fucking end it!

Only then did Wang Miao recover from the code on the computer, looked at Zhang Yang beside him and said, "You did it by yourself?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I just don't know what's wrong, my mind suddenly wants to open up."

At this time, the mean Shi Qiang came over to Wang Miao and said, "Professor Wang heard that you are studying nanomaterials?"


"Then nanomaterials won't be used in crimes?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Heh, I heard that that thing is as thick as a hair can lift a big truck, if criminals steal some to make a knife, that knife can cut a car in half."

"Hmph, you don't need to make a knife at all, use that kind of material to make a thread that is only one percent thicker than a human hair, and when you stop on the road, you can cut passing cars in half like cutting cheese... What can't be used For crime? A knife for scraping fish scales will do it!"

Shi Qiang took half of the document in front of him out of his pocket and stuffed it back, apparently losing interest. "That's right, fish can do crimes! I did a murder case where a bitch cut off her husband's. Know what? Tilapia from the freezer! The fish was frozen hard Finally, the row of thorns on the back is like a sharp knife..."

"I'm not interested. Why, that's why you asked me to come to the meeting?"

"Fish? Nanomaterials? No, no, it has nothing to do with those." Shi Qiang put his mouth next to Wang Miao's ear, "Don't give these guys a good face, they discriminate against us and only want to get information from us, but what? Don’t even tell us. Like me, I have been here for more than a month, and I still don’t know anything like you.”

At this time, a majestic man in military uniform walked in, looked at the crowd, and then focused on Zhang Yang and Wang Miao, then said, "Comrades, let's start the meeting now."

"Among the various theaters around the world, our place has now become the focus. First of all, I will brief you on the situation and explain the situation to the comrades attending the meeting."

Zhang Yang looked at the man who looked like a general, thinking thoughtfully. After the TV series version of the novel "Three-Body Problem" was aired, Zhang Yang also watched it, but he watched the TV series version of "Three-Body Problem" first, and was deeply impressed by Lin Yongjian, who played the role of General Chang Weisi.

Looking at the man in front of the table, Zhang Yang felt that this man was very similar to that actor, Lin Yongjian.

But Wang Miao was thinking about the word 'war zone', which hadn't appeared for a long time in this peaceful era.He looked at the people around him, and the general didn't seem to have introduced the situation to newcomers like himself and Zhang Yang. It was just like what Shi Qiang said, and indeed many people didn't know the situation.

During the general's brief remarks, Zhang Yang noticed that he mentioned the word 'comrades', twice.Looking at the two American soldiers and CIA officials not far away, it seems that they are also 'comrades'.

Seeing Zhang Yang's confusion, Shi Qiang bowed his head and said, "They are also comrades, anyway, people here call them that."

Zhang Yang nodded and didn't say anything else. His previous career as an agent let him know that in an unfamiliar environment, keeping silent would reduce his sense of existence, so that he could better obtain information.

General Chang Weisi lowered his head, flashed the documents, and said, "Da Shi, you put out the cigarette, the smell of smoke here is already strong enough."

Shi Qiang took the cigarette he had just lit and looked around, but couldn't find the ashtray, so he threw it into the teacup with a "squeak".He seized this opportunity to raise his hand to ask for a speech, and before Chang Weisi could make a statement, he said loudly: "Chief, I have a request, as I mentioned before - the information is equal!"

General Chang Weisi raised his head and said, "There is no equal information in any military operation. Experts and scholars present at the meeting please understand that we cannot give you more background information."

"But we are different." Shi Qiang said, "The police have been involved in the combat center since its establishment, but until now, we don't even know what this agency does. Moreover, you are pushing the police out. Get acquainted with our work first, and then drive us away one by one."

Several other police officers at the meeting stopped Shi Qiang in low voices.

Wang Miao was a little surprised that Shi Qiang dared to say such a thing to a chief at Chang Weisi's level, and the latter's counterattack was even sharper.

"I'm talking about Da Shi. Now it seems that your old problems in the army have not changed. Can you represent the police? You have been suspended for several months because of your bad behavior, and you will soon be cleared from the police force. I transferred you because I value your experience in urban policing, and you should cherish this opportunity."

Da Shi said in a rough voice: "Then I have committed crimes and meritorious deeds? Didn't you say that those were all crooked experiences?"

"But it's useful." Chang Weisi nodded to Shi Qiang, "As long as it's useful, I don't care so much now. This is a time of war."

"We can't take care of anything," a CIA intelligence officer said in standard Mandarin, "We can no longer use conventional thinking."

The British colonel obviously could understand Chinese, he nodded, "To be or not to be..."

"What did he say?" Shi Qiang asked Wang Miao.

"Nothing." Wang Miao replied mechanically.These people seem to be talking in their dreams, during the war?Where is the war?

He turned his head and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall, through which he could see the city outside the compound in the distance: under the spring sunshine, the streets were full of traffic; there were people walking their dogs on the lawn, and several children were playing...

Which is more real, the world inside or outside?

General Chang said: "Recently, the enemy's attacks have obviously intensified, and the target is still high-level scientific circles. Please take a look at the list in the document first."

Wang Miao took out the top sheet of paper, which was typed in large characters. The list was obviously drafted hastily, with both Chinese and English names.

"Professor Wang, what impression do you have when you see this list?" Chang Weisi looked at Wang Miao and asked.

"I know that three of them are famous scholars at the forefront of physics." Wang Miao replied, a little absent-minded, his eyes locked on the last name. The above lines are different.How can I see her name here?What's up with her?
"Know?" Da Shi asked, pointing at the name on the document with a thick smoky yellow finger, but Wang Miao didn't respond. "Oh, I don't know you well. Want to know?"

Now, Wang Miao knew that it was reasonable for Chang Weisi to transfer his former soldier, this vulgar-looking guy with eyes like knives.He may not be a good cop, but he is a tough one.

Shi Qiang turned to look at Zhang Yang again and said, "Do you know any of the people on the list?"

Zhang Yang looked at the list on the projection and said, "Yang Dong, I know you."

Chang Weisi said: "The experts and scholars on the list committed suicide one after another in less than two months."

Zhang Yang stood up and said, "Yang Dong is also dead?"

Shi Qiang said: "The day before yesterday, she took sleeping pills, but she was saved in time because she found out, but she didn't say a word after waking up."

Zhang Yang said, "Sir, I need to see Yang Dong."

Ding Yi looked at Zhang Yang and said, "I know you, but now Yang Dong doesn't want to see anyone." He also took out Yang Dong's suicide note and said, "Here is what she wants to say to you."

Wang Miao also recovered from the memory, looked at the tall man, and remembered that he had seen Ding Yi at the high-energy accelerator site in Liangxiang. He was a member of the theory team. This physicist was famous for his discovery of macro atoms in the study of ball lightning.

Zhang Yang took the suicide note and saw it said: Everything leads to such a result: physics has never existed, and it will not exist in the future.I know it's irresponsible for me to do this, but I have no choice.

Ding Yi said: "There is also a piece of paper inside, which is reserved for you, and only I have seen it."

Zhang Yang whispered, "Thank you."

【Zhang Yang, don't come here without any problems.I know I'm irresponsible for doing this, physics doesn't exist anymore, it doesn't seem like it has always existed, and it frustrates me.I also thought about following your advice and changing my life. I am engaged to Ding Yi.However, the meaning of physics in my life is different.

My faith has collapsed, Zhang Yang, I believe you can do it, I know you will be able to fulfill your dream, Yang Dong. 】

Looking at the words in the letter, Zhang Yang didn't know what to say.

He said to Ding Yi, "Can I take this letter?"

Ding Yi nodded.

Of course Ding Yi knew that the person in front of him was Bai Yueguang in Yang Dong's heart, but at that time the two of them were intoxicated with physics in their hearts.One is obsessed with artificial intelligence and struggling to support himself, the paths of the two are parallel lines.

Unexpectedly, one day in the library, the parallel lines of the two people crossed.

On that day, it rained heavily.

Yang Dong was reading in the library until it was closed. After Zhang Yang finished packing, he found that it was pouring rain outside. Looking at Yang Dong who was standing at the door, he handed over his umbrella and said, "I see you off, let's go back early." Not allowing Yang Dong to speak, Zhang Yang put his backpack on his chest and ran all the way.

Yang Dong held the umbrella in his hand and looked at the boy running in the heavy rain. She knew this boy.A top student in the School of Computer Science, he did not expect that the lives of the two would intersect from this day on.

When Zhang Yang was working in the library, Yang Dong would silently accompany him until the end of get off work. The two of them walked in silence. Zhang Yang would first go downstairs to the girls' dormitory, wait for Yang Dong to go upstairs, and then return to the dormitory by himself.

While recalling, Shi Qiang patted Zhang Yang and said, "Why don't you talk anymore?"

Zhang Yang raised his head and found that the memory was over, and Zhang Yang didn't know what happened afterwards.

Shi Qiang asked: "Are you familiar with the boundaries of science?"

Zhang Yang shook his head. General Chang Weisi brought Wang Miao over and said, "We will arrange someone to accompany you to the hospital."

Zhang Yang said, "Thank you."

General Chang Weisi said: "Professor Wang, we heard that you had contact with the scientific frontier, and those scientists who committed suicide used to be members of that organization, that's why we asked you to come here today and talk about the scientific frontier."

Wang Miao said: "My contact with 'Science Frontier' began when I met Shen Yufei. She is a Chinese-Japanese physicist who now works for a Japanese-funded company and lives in this city. She used to work in a laboratory of Mitsubishi Electric for nanomaterials research. We met at a technical seminar earlier this year.

Through her, I met several physics majors, all of whom are members of 'Science Frontier', both at home and abroad.When interacting with them, we always talk about some very... How should I put it, very ultimate issues, mainly the bottom line of science mentioned by Dr. Ding just now. "

Zhang Yang looked at Ding Yi. He was lost in memory just now and did not hear Ding Yi's speech.

Wang Miao went on to say: "I didn't have much interest in these issues at the beginning, just as a pastime. I was engaged in applied research, and my level in this area is not high. I mainly listened to their discussions and arguments. These people have deep thoughts and novel viewpoints. I feel that communicating with them has broadened my thinking and gradually become very involved.

But the topic of discussion is limited to this, and they are all pure theories, nothing special.They had invited me to join Frontiers of Science, but then attending such seminars would have become an obligation, and I declined due to limited energy. "

"Professor Wang, we hope that you will accept the invitation to join the 'Boundary of Science' Society, which is also the main purpose of our invitation today." General Chang said, "We hope to obtain some internal information about this organization through your channel. "

"Are you telling me to go undercover?" Wang Miao asked uneasily.

"Wahhaha, undercover agent!" Da Shi laughed loudly.

Chang Weisi glanced at Da Shi reproachfully, and said to Wang Miao: "Just to provide some information, we have no other channels."

Wang Miao shook her head: "I'm sorry, Chief. I can't do this."

At this moment, Zhang Yang said, "I'll go."

The people present were taken aback, Shi Qiang said: "Are you sure? This is dangerous."

Zhang Yang said: "This is not a place for conversation, let's go to the meeting room."

Chang Weisi nodded, and Shi Qiang began to lead the way.

All the way to the conference room, Zhang Yang said: "I've heard of this 'Boundary of Science' society before, and Yang Dong probably has also been in touch with this society. They sent me an invitation last night. The time for this invitation is very special." As he spoke, he showed the email on the computer to everyone.

Those present included Shi Qiang, General Chang Weisi, Wang Miao, and Ding Yi.

Zhang Yang opened another software on the computer and said, "This is an intelligent voice assistant I was researching. I received this email just ten seconds before I was about to succeed in my research. This made me wonder if this organization has the ability to monitor people."

Shi Qiang shouted: "Impossible."

General Chang Weisi looked at Shi Qiang and said, "Listen to what he has to say first."

Zhang Yang continued: "I'm just an undergraduate graduate. I've only published some articles in some professional journals. I'm not very famous in the industry. I'm not a scientist like Dr. Ding Yi or Professor Wang Miao. They don't need to invite me. The only thing that makes me doubt is that they want my software."

General Chang Weisi said: "Can this software really control everything with voice like in movies?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I hope you can keep what I'm going to say next or don't be too surprised."

Then he called, "Jarvis."

"Boss, I'm here."

When they heard the sound from the computer, everyone was taken aback. Wang Miao and Ding Yi both stood up in surprise. Zhang Yang continued, "Control all the networked devices in this room, and project your appearance on the screen."

"It's done, Boss."

The moment he finished speaking, an anime version of Iron Man appeared on the screen.

General Chang Weisi said, "Is this the artificial intelligence you're talking about?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said: "This is the artificial intelligence I developed. He is omnipotent. As long as the world still needs to be connected to the Internet, he can complete all tasks."

"The 'Frog Frog Assistant' was developed by him."

General Chang Weisi said: "Let them go back, I will prepare a confidential document for all of you."

Shi Qiang seems to have forgotten to light up his cigarette.

Looking at Zhang Yang, he said, "Brother, you are too good."

Soon, after signing the confidential document, General Chang Weisi said: "Our military needs a copy of the same artificial intelligence. In exchange, we can customize a supercomputer for you for your personal use."

Zhang Yang nodded and said: "I know, I will prepare a backdoor-free software for you in a month, and then you can debug and install it yourself."

General Chang Weisi nodded and said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he began to send everyone downstairs.

Zhang Yang got into the car, plugged in the network card and said, "Give me the best search for Shen Yufei's address."

"Good boss."

Looking at the suicide note in my hand, since no one cherished you before, I will cherish you.

Zhang Yang didn't care about the conversation between Luo Ji and Ye Wenjie at the grave after Yang Dong's death. Humans with strong artificial intelligence, plus a few hundred years, couldn't kill a Trisolaran who couldn't tell lies?

(End of this chapter)

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