Eternal Calamity: From Naruto.

Chapter 310 Liberating the World

Chapter 310 Liberating the World
Uruk Palace

In Geyue's small courtyard, Gilgamesh and Enkidu looked at Geyue who had 'disappeared' silently for ten years with emotion on their faces. Where to ask.

"Ask what you want to ask."

Ge Yue leaned back on the chair, looking at the pair of lovers quite interestingly.

After giving Enkidu his exact gender, the two finally crossed that line and transformed from a good pair of gay friends into a good couple.

"First of all, I would like to thank you, Master, for your kindness in reincarnating me twice."

Enkidu stood up after hearing this, knelt down with one hand on his chest, and expressed his most admiring gratitude to Ge Yue. Then, she raised her head and asked very seriously: "Master, who are you?" There is absolutely no being as great as you among the gods.”

"Just think of me as a monster flying from outside the world."

Geyue smiled mysteriously, and said, "It's the real 'outside the world', not some parallel world that this world calls."

"Outside the world. No wonder I haven't seen any 'destiny' about you, Master!"

Gilgamesh was moved when he heard this, and his demonic eye that could see through all things flickered for a moment: "Then Master, what is the reason why you came to this world?"


"The root, that's right. The root is probably the only thing in this world that is qualified to attract your attention, Master."

Gilgamesh showed a thoughtful expression and asked: "So, master, how do you plan to get the root? Those two inhibitory powers will not let you succeed easily."

"I know that it was precisely because of these two inhibitory forces that my last chance to enter the root failed. This is why we formed such a karmic bond."

Ge Yue squinted her eyes and said with a cold expression: "Learn from the lessons learned last time. This time I will act steadily and eliminate the two foundations of inhibition."


Gilgamesh suddenly became interested and asked with stern eyes: "Master, what are you going to do?"

"Parallel world, you should know this concept."

Geyue looked at Gilgamesh and asked.

"Of course I know."

Gilgamesh nodded. This kind of thing is not a secret to the gods of this world, and he is naturally no exception.

"This kind of thing is a complete joke. The false world created by dividing the whole world is a disaster that weakens the foundation of the world."

Geyue had a sneer on her face, quite scornful of what the two restraints had done.

"Because of those two idiots' tricks, this world has been 'downgraded' from a single entity to a pseudo-multiple world. Although these parallel worlds are numerous, they are not infinite after all."

"Because unlimited possibilities will only excessively consume the world's energy and consume the world's lifespan, so those two idiots created a screening mechanism for countless parallel worlds."

Every world in Xingyue is a sad world.

From the moment the world line was born, its future has been bound by the quantum fixed recording tape.

Every important historical node made the right choice, making technology and civilization too advanced?Clipping matters.

Every important historical node made a wrong choice, making technology and civilization too backward?Clipping matters.

Only a certain world recognized by the quantum fixed recording tape and a large number of parallel worlds similar to it are qualified to become tampering matters and can survive.In order to ensure that the parallel worlds proceed as planned, an anchor point is set in history every once in a while, so that the key history of the era fixed by the anchor point is solidified-the foundation of human nature.

"Did you know that in the established destiny, Enkidu's death is inevitable."

Geyue looked at Enkidu and said calmly: "Based on the anchor point of Enkidu's death, no matter what measures you take, even if you kill all the gods before they curse, it will still be enough." Enkidu's death cannot be changed, for everything is fixed."

"Once this fixed fate is exceeded, the quantum fixed recording tape will be activated, and this world will be decomposed into 'nutrients' as a cut-off event to support the existence of other parallel worlds."

Ge Yue turned her gaze to Gilgamesh whose expression had become extremely ugly, and asked, "Do you accept this result?"

"Unacceptable! Never accept it!"

Gilgamesh held Enkidu's hand tightly with a ferocious expression: "My life is definitely not controlled by this so-called 'fate'. I am definitely not a puppet on strings!"

"Indeed, you are not a marionette manipulated by fate. Your whole life is indeed your own experience without any external interference."

A mocking smile appeared on Geyue's face and she said: "But all this is just because your choice 'just conforms' to the basic principles of human nature, so time can move forward."

Gilgamesh took a deep breath, stared at Songyue closely, and asked: "Master, you saved Enkidu, so our destiny has been changed, right?"

"Yes, in fact, your destiny has been completely changed when I came to this world, but it is not permanent."

Geyue stretched out her palm, and a white mist surrounded his fingertips: "But the reason why you can rewrite your fate is all because of me. Once I leave, this world will be immediately detected by human beings." The Word will then be cut and the whole world will disappear.”

"I can't understand, I can't understand!"

Gilgamesh showed a cold expression and growled: "I can't understand at all, why can history with a fixed basis of human theory be history? Why can the future planned by the fixed quantum recording tape be the only future? "

"How arrogant must one be to think that this nonsense screening mechanism is 'correct'?"

Gilgamesh was already out of anger at this moment, and was completely disgusted by the two settings of "the foundation of human logic" and "the world will be cut if it deviates from the official history".

This made him feel like the world was a farce with a predetermined beginning and end, making him feel like a clown making people laugh.

"So what do you think?"

"I, I have decided - I want to liberate this world, the future of this world, and the future of mankind, liberate this world from the curse called 'The Foundation of Human Theory', and liberate the future from the arrogance of those two bastards, liberation!

"That's a good realization, so what are you going to do?"

"Everything is according to the master's order."

"very good!"

Geyue smiled with satisfaction and showed a wild smile: "Next, I will use the 'Jedi Tiantong' to kill all the gods and two willpowers in this world, and then gather all the magic power of this planet and even the galaxy, Liberate this world from the 'Foundation of Human Law' and completely cut off all traces left by the two willpowers in this world."

"Then take this world as the foundation, close all parallel worlds, and return the world to its integrity."

Gilgamesh and Enkidu opened their mouths slightly and said in unison: "Can this be done?"


Ge Yue smiled softly, and the golden crown of thorns on her head disintegrated in a trembling sound, and then formed an extremely bright golden wheel on top of Ge Yue's head.

"Nothing in this world can stop me."

(End of this chapter)

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