Chapter 111 Noah's Plan

What if you get married in the future and use this trick if something goes wrong?
After a while, Jingji really couldn't help interrupting: "Ah, we are here to save you, come with us!"

Shaking his head, Chen Shi refused, "If we can't let the people behind the scenes be hit this time, then no matter where we go in the future, we will be slaughtered lambs.

After you leave here, go to the headquarters of the Martial Arts Association in Chinatown, find my master Chen Shouze, and help him prevent others from becoming the new champion. "

"Is that all right?" Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously.

"Well, I won't talk about the specifics, and I won't be able to explain it for a while. In short, as long as you find my master, you will understand the reason!"

After leaving the cell, the two climbed out of the wall again, took two steps and passed a fat man.

Feeling a little familiar, Kyogoku stopped and looked at the back of this person.

The fat man walked into the security room of the prison, and when he came out a few seconds later, the electronic door blocked by the prison opened.

"Let's go~, classmate Chen asked us to find his master!" Suzuki Sonoko's urging made Hei Pi temporarily put down his doubts in his heart, and happily left behind the goddess.

In the hidden bushes, Pusi Qinglan pulled the bolt of the gun, turned to the side and asked the woman who had subdued her after Chen Shi, "Shall we start now?"

"No!" Rumi Wakasa pushed the glasses and gave instructions, "Keep waiting for that fat man to come out."

"That fat man is also the boss?" Takahashi Ryoichi asked suspiciously, "I haven't seen it~"

Kicking this dishonest guy over, Pusi Qinglan curled her lips and said, "Don't tell me you have to meet everyone around the boss?"

Entering through the gate openly, Miyano Akemi used a wireless headset to talk to Noah, "I have successfully entered, what should I do next?"

"Using the device I made, the red button is to release a directional emp shock wave, which can destroy the camera; the blue button is to crack, which can open all remote electronic doors." Noah's cold mechanical voice came from the headset, "The prison's The location of Chen Shi's detention has not been found in the online system, and it is up to you to complete it."

He took out the device and pressed a camera that was about to enter the field of view, and smoke and dust from burnt electronic components came out, which greatly boosted Miyano Akemi's confidence and entered the cell area to look for traces of Chen Shi.

After knocking out several prison guards who had just woken up after being knocked out by Heipi, Miyano Akemi asked, "Has anyone been here before me?"

Noah: "Since a road camera outside is linked to the network storage room of the Transportation Bureau, I found a video of Kyogoku Makoto and Suzuki Sonoko walking by 5 minutes ago, and it can be speculated that they have a 99% chance to look for it. Chen Shi."

"Then the path I'm looking for is right!"

Miyano Akemi continued to move forward, opened up the road opened by Kyogoku for the second time, and destroyed all the cameras along the way, and then found Chen Shi who continued to read the newspaper.

Taking a light look, Chen Shi asked, "Miyano Akemi?"

After acquiring Kidd's face-changing technique, he taught it to Akemi Miyano in addition to learning it himself.

Obviously that guy Kidd would not be so kind to rescue him, so this good housekeeper is the only one left.

"It's me." Fatty nodded, took off the earphones and handed them out, "and Noah."

After taking the headset and putting it on, Chen Shi said, "It seems that you have absorbed a lot of data. If you still need a server, you can tell me."

Noah: "Not for now, but I need some metal parts to make the body, or an on-call and knowledgeable physicist as an assistant."

"Do you think it's realistic to find a physicist?" Chen Shi asked rhetorically.

Noah: "Dr. Ali who made props for Conan is very good, but judging from all aspects, the other party is not a good choice."

"Just tell Mingmei the materials you need, and she will get them for you," Chen Shi said.

In fact, even if Noah didn't inquire and gave the list of materials directly, he would arrange it.

But this kind of behavior is undoubtedly showing the primary and secondary relationship between them.

Agreeing to the other party's conditions, Chen Shi also made a request, "By the way, you can use the Internet to help me collect scandals about high-level Japanese officials, any form is fine."

Noah: "Okay, but the information on the Internet is not comprehensive. I will make a self-intrusive device, and when the time comes, people will have to bring it near the target."

"Okay, you can just mention it to Mingmei if you have any requirements, and she will let me know if she can't do it."

At the end of the conversation, Chen Shi returned the headset and asked Miyano Akemi to complete Noah's request as much as possible and then continued: "If you go out and see other people who are going to come in, let them go back. It won't be long before the Japanese officials will come to ask I'm leaving, don't worry."

"it is good!"

After agreeing, Akemi Miyano left the cell, went to the information room where the prison stores and monitors, and removed the hard drive and took it away.

Then, using Noah's guessing ability, he successfully found the person in the bush.

"Okay, I understand." Rumi Wakasa obeyed the order obediently, and led her staff to leave.

Since squatting here for a long time, these little brothers who have been in the rivers and lakes will inevitably complain. One of the frivolous-looking yellow-haired chattered, and suddenly shouted angrily: "What kind of bullshit boss, you know we are going to save him outside! , even if you don’t appreciate it, there is no reward at all!!?”

With someone taking the lead, a few more jumped out to follow, which meant to stir up emotions and separate families.

"Let's solve it!" Rumi Wakasa glanced at Pusi Qinglan and Takahashi Ryoichi and left without looking back.

Some of the old gangsters who had been recruited as subordinates before, who had heard about and witnessed the massacre in the garage by Chen Shi, looked at the young men as if they were looking at a corpse.

Following Pusi Qinglan's order, the group led by Huang Mao were surrounded and beaten, and then dragged to the desolate outskirts to become nourishment for plants.

In the evening, the number of people who went to the headquarters of the Martial Arts Association to get the title of champion and become famous not only did not decrease under the fierce attack of Shiliang Zhenchun, but gathered more and more.

Some came from neighboring cities overnight, and some flew from neighboring countries immediately after watching the live broadcast. They looked at Shiliang Zhenchun like hungry beasts staring at their prey.

It's just because Chen Shouze has set the rules, as long as there are still people challenging, he will not stop, never rest, and use his strength to convince people!
Up to now, Sera Masumi has kept using martial arts at a high frequency for nine hours, and his attacks are no longer as fast as when he was physically strong. Every time he hits a person, he will find a chance to rest as much as possible.

The one who was most anxious was the blond Xiaoai Akai Marie. She knocked on Chen Shouze's body with her two small fists, gritted her teeth and said angrily, "If this goes on, Zhenchun won't be able to stand it anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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