Longevity begins with a proud smile

Chapter 110 Four Orders Disappeared

Ren Woxing's words were as cold as ice, and everyone's hearts trembled in response, and their eyes fell on Zhuo Lingfeng.

Everyone knows that with the strength of the Sun Moon Sect, it is easy to destroy the Huashan faction with two or three big and small cats, the difference is just a long journey.

With the momentum of the Sun Moon God Sect today, no matter how many arrangements the Huashan Sect makes and how they prepare for it, it will be futile.Even if Feng Qingyang is still alive, the Sun Moon God Sect will definitely be able to kill him completely.

After all, no matter how high a person's martial arts is, how can he fight against crowd tactics?

In the past, the Wuyue Sword Sect and the Sun Moon Sect were enemies, and the five factions supported each other. When one faction was in trouble, the four factions came together.

If this is the case, for more than a hundred years, it can only maintain an invincible and undefeated situation.

This is also the reason why the Sun Moon Sect was afraid of Shaolin, Wudang, Beggars' Gang, Emei, Kunlun, Kongtong, Qingcheng and other major sects, for fear of being stolen, they did not attack with all their strength.

At present, all the internal and external troubles of the Wuyue Sword School have been exposed, and the most powerful Songshan School has lost many masters, and its strength has been greatly reduced.

Ren Woxing said that he wanted to kill the Huashan faction, no matter whether Zhuo Lingfeng went or not, the result would be the same.

However, some people with outstanding insight understand that his question is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

This represents the position, attitude and so on.

"Huashan Jade Girl Peak" came out of Ren Woxing's mouth, and Zhuo Lingfeng stood there blankly with a very dazed expression.

He really didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly.

What is Ren Woxing going to Huashan for?
Are you going to dinner?

Also let yourself go!

People far away couldn't see Zhuo Lingfeng's expression, but the people on the Fengchan Stage could see it clearly. Seeing his dumbfounded look, some people sneered and thought: "Now you have to suffer, look at you." what to do?"

Chongxu shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity, it's a pity..." At this point, he couldn't continue.

Only he understood how much panic Zhuo Lingfeng was in, who was full of ambition.

Grandmaster Fangzheng clasped his hands together and said, "Maybe Zhuo Daxia didn't understand that Master Ren wants to wipe out the Huashan faction, and asked if you would go with him."

Chongxu looked at Ren Woxing again, and sighed: "Master Ren, why is this, why do you threaten your son-in-law so much, what do you want him to do in the future?"

Ren Woxing's face was as cold as ice, and he said, "Why did I force him?
Firstly, he and my daughter are in love with each other, and everyone in the world knows that I promised Yingying to marry him as my wife. He is the one who takes care of powerful enemies for the sect, shouldn't it be.

Second, Yue Buqun and the Huashan faction have repeatedly looked down upon me and him, and my husband and I, Weng and my son-in-law, fought back, which is reasonable and reasonable, why is it difficult? "

The congregation of the Sun Moon God Sect immediately echoed.

The leader of the beggar gang, Xie Feng, raised his voice loudly and said: "Ren Jiaozhu, this statement is wrong!

Zhuo Daxia was born in Quanzhen, and the seven disciples of Chongyang Zhenren, the leader of Quanzhen, established the Seven Branches of Quanzhen respectively.

That is, the Yuxian School of the ancestor Ma Yu, the Nanwu School of the ancestor Tan Chuduan, the Suishan School of the ancestor Liu Chuxuan, the Longmen School of the ancestor Qiu Chuji, the Yushan School of the ancestor Wang Chuyi, the Huashan School of the ancestor Hao Datong, and the Bubu School of the ancestors. The second is the quiet sect and the other seven sects.

You let him go to Mount Huashan with you, and watch you destroy the Huashan faction, how can it not be embarrassing?

What kind of face do you want him to go to see his teacher and ancestors? "

These martial arts anecdotes are not well known to everyone, many people are shocked when they hear it for the first time.

At this time, everyone on the field also understood why Yue Buqun was so kind.

Some people had thought that Yue Buqun would be confronting Zhuo Lingfeng and Ren Woxing here. Although his reputation had greatly increased, wouldn't he be afraid that the Huashan faction would be the first cannon fodder to sacrifice?
It turns out that the roots are here!

Yue Buqun was sure that the orthodox martial arts would not turn against him, so how afraid could he be if the Demon Cult turned against him, with Zhuo Lingfeng blocking it?
On the contrary, what he was afraid of was Shaolin, Wudang and other orthodox sects who abandoned him from the Huashan sect. He was not afraid of the Demon Sect at all!
After all, as long as Zhuo Lingfeng doesn't want to become a bully and destroy his ancestors, he can't ignore it!

Ren Woxing said coldly: "Master Xie, do you think I don't know the origin of my son-in-law and the Huashan School?

But they belong to the same origin and different schools. After more than 200 years of development, the Huashan School has long since lost its relationship with the former Quanzhen Sect.

To make a break today, what kind of disobedience? "

Yue Buqun smiled, and said: "Master Ren, someone Yue opposed you, and didn't think of relying on Zhuo Lingfeng to let our Huashan faction survive the disaster, so that you and your son-in-law were at odds, rebelled against human relations, and the world despises you. I, Yue Buqun, disdain it!
But some of your words are wrong! "

Ren Woxing frowned: "Oh?"

Yue Buqun said sternly: "You know that Quanzhen Sect advocates the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, that is, the purpose of "harmonization of the three religions, understanding of the mind and nature, and independence of the truth".

Although the Seven Masters of Quanzhen created their own sects, their thoughts and cultivation methods are generally similar, but they are divided into internal cultivation and external cultivation.

That is to say, the so-called quietness and inaction, eliminating emotions and desires, cultivating mind and nature, nourishing energy and refining alchemy, bearing shame and bearing humiliation are the "true skills" of internal cultivation.

Taking preaching, helping the world, and saving people as external practice.

Both merit and deeds are perfect, and the sage becomes true, which is called "full truth".

However, although my Huashan School has developed for more than 200 years, it is different from the skills taught by Datong Daoist at the beginning, but the fundamentals have never changed.

For example, the fundamental characteristics of my Huashan school's internal strength are to cultivate my mind and refine my nature, and to accumulate and develop steadily. And my Huashan school's upholding thinking is to raise my righteousness and the idea of ​​helping the world and saving others, so I don't hesitate to bear the shame , this is the true doctrine.

It's nothing more than that my Huashan School is now practicing external cultivation, which is just different from the way of internal cultivation practiced by other six channels such as Matsu and Qiuzu today!

And my Huashan faction closed the door and sealed the sword today, and turned to internal cultivation, which does not violate the teachings of Quanzhen!
You said that the Quanzhen Sect has nothing to do with my Huashan Sect, so the word "slightly" can be returned to you intact. "

Yue Buqun is confident.

For hundreds of years, the Huashan faction has survived countless dangers and waves, but what is the basis for it?
It's not that the martial arts are extraordinary, but that the roots are too deep!

Not to mention internal disputes in Huashan, they are all from our own family!

But no matter how powerful the foreign enemies are, no matter how dangerous the Huashan faction is, no one dares to attack them.

Why did he know that Zuo Lengchan was ambitious, he also recruited few disciples, and the other party only dared to do small tricks secretly, such as sending spies and using the sword sect to seize the throne, but he didn't dare to wipe out his Huashan sect and re-support a sect.

Although the Songshan School pays attention to influence, why not be afraid of the roots of the Huashan School.

You must know that a hundred years ago, the six major schools of martial arts were Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, Huashan, and Kongtong, and the other four schools were all unknown!
And Shaolin, Kunlun, and Kongtong are all established schools with a long history.

Wudang rose to fame in the past few decades, and was able to stand against Shaolin Temple because of Zhang Sanfeng, the "No.

Emei is because Guo Xiang is the youngest daughter of the hero Guo Jing, and everyone in the martial arts respects her father, so at the beginning of the establishment of the school, it overwhelmed the Qingcheng School, which is also a time-honored school in Sichuan.

As for his Huashan sect, it is because the Quanzhen sect still has a lot of prestige, even if there is a despicable and shameless master, it is still a famous sect.

Because although the Quanzhen Sect has declined, it has been divided into seven branches, and almost all of them have been turned into inner cultivation.But those people just ignore the affairs of the rivers and lakes. It doesn't mean they only practice Taoism, they don't know martial arts, and it doesn't mean they disappear forever.

If the Huashan School's orthodoxy is really in danger of being destroyed, even if they have no feelings for each other, for the sake of filial piety, they will not stand idly by, nor can they just sit idly by!
The reason why people are human is that they have ethics and morality. If they don't talk about filial piety, how can they be human?
This is the truth that everyone understands!

Ren Woxing was so angry that his eyebrows trembled, and he froze for a moment, without saying a word.

Are Yue Buqun's words wrong?

With the knowledge of what to do, he knew that he was right, which really made him feel aggrieved and embarrassed.

Ren Woxing's face was as cold as ice, he turned his head abruptly, looked at Zhuo Lingfeng, and asked sharply: "Should Yue Buqun, a hypocrite, be killed?"

At this time, the heroes watched quietly how Zhuo Lingfeng would handle the matter.Although there were nearly ten thousand people, they were completely silent.

Zhuo Lingfeng's face was as cold as iron, his eyes were like two sharp swords with cold light, he looked straight at Dingyue Buqun, silent and gloomy, without saying a word.

Everyone also listened to his answer, because they all understood that this sentence was related to the structure of martial arts.

This kind of waiting is equivalent to a year or ten years in an instant!
Finally, Zhuo Lingfeng said slowly: "It's time to kill!"

Everyone waited for a long time, and it turned out to be these two words, and they all let out a sound of surprise.

Yue Buqun stared at Zhuo Lingfeng even more, in astonishment.

Zhuo Lingfeng naturally understood what everyone else wanted to understand.

Yue Buqun is unscrupulous here, the fundamental reason is here.

The Huashan School is famous and upright, and the "Gentleman's Sword" has a good reputation. Even if some people think he is a hypocrite, he has no evil deeds, right?

Don't you care about your mind?

He was born with righteous martial arts as his arm, and he himself is a Quanzhen sect, and he has a close relationship with the Demon Sect.

What is he afraid of?
Will the Huashan faction be wiped out?

Hehe, if others don't tell you, you, Zhuo Lingfeng, will be poked in the back from now on, and you won't be able to get away with the title of Quanzhen sinner.

Of course, it was precisely because Zhuo Lingfeng thought of this that he felt that this person should be killed!

With a confident attitude, Yue Buqun is acting recklessly to gain fame in the martial arts world. This kind of person is really hateful!
But he can't kill yet!

Ren Woxing calmed down and said: "According to what you said, then you will go to Huashan with me?"

Yingying heard Xiefeng talk about the origin of Quanzhen Sect and Huashan School, but she didn't understand what this matter meant to Zhuo Lingfeng, she couldn't help her heart beat, and she turned her head to look at him.

Zhuo Lingfeng also happened to look at her, Yingying's heart felt sore, her eyes turned red, and she said in a shy voice, "You, you..."

Zhuo Lingfeng shook his head, cut off her words, and said, "No matter what happens, there is a solution, so you can't mess it up first."

Then he strode up to Ren Woxing, bowed deeply, and said, "Father-in-law, you are so talented and magnificent, which is rare in the world.

This is the world's most invincible book "Sunflower Treasure", you can tear it up in public, just because you don't want the greedy and foolish people to be hurt again.
You must understand that Yue Buqun is duplicity, and his heart is not righteous, of course he deserves to die, but the Huashan family is innocent..."

Ren Woxing waved his hand suddenly, laughed loudly, suddenly stopped laughing, and said coldly: "You don't need to put a high hat on me, I can understand what you want to say?"

He said again: "Then let me ask you, is it okay to kill Yue Buqun alone? Look at his behavior, this sect is obedient!"

He gave instructions to Hu Chong, and said: "This kid learned Feng Qingyang's swordsmanship, he should be a delicate and clear person, but in the end he was used as a swordsman by Yue Buqun, and he was happy with it.

You said, if he killed Yue Buqun, would he take revenge?
His current martial arts practice is still shallow, but in another ten or twenty years, he will combine the Zixia magic skill and the Dugu Nine Swords into one body. You and I may not be afraid, but what about others?
This kid looked heroic and righteous, but judging from his performance just now, he was actually full of ghosts, just like Yue Buqun.

In order to get revenge, he can use any despicable means to us, can you believe it? "

Zhuo Lingfeng recognized this, if Linghu Chong wanted to avenge Yue Buqun, he would use any means!

He is not a traditional gentleman.

Ren Woxing once again pointed at the disciples of the Huashan School: "Look at these people again, their eyes are as wide-eyed as black-eyed chickens, it might as well be done once and for all!"

These words are not bad, but Zhuo Lingfeng is unwilling to keep silent, and immediately raised his sword eyebrows and said: "But it is also because of this, why not just let Yue Buqun go once?"

Ren Woxing stared and said, "Let him go? Are you out of your mind?"

Zhuo Lingfeng shook his head and said: "Yue Zhang, Master Fang Zheng and Daoist Chongxu took a step back, Yue Buqun is no longer a direct invitation, he also said that the Huashan School closed the mountain and closed its doors, and no longer participate in the affairs of the Jianghu , you want to destroy Huashan because of a moment of anger, and other sects of Zhengdao martial arts, wouldn't everyone be in danger?

Will there really be a winner in this battle? "

After hearing this, everyone nodded in unison.

If you can destroy Huashan today, can you destroy me tomorrow?

Who doesn't understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold?

Can An sit idly by?

Ren Woxing was furious, and scolded: "It's a bunch of nonsense! Could it be that I have to endure Yue Laoer's disrespectful words to me for this?"

Zhuo Lingfeng said: "Yue Zhang is a senior who is on the same level as senior Feng Qingyang, Master Fang Zheng, and Daoist Chongxu, so why not let Yue Buqun be an ignorant kid?
Others will only praise you for being open-minded. In order to resolve the martial arts turmoil, who would dare to make irresponsible remarks? "

Immediately afterwards, he said in a condensed voice: "Yue Zhang, that boy Linghu knows the Dugu Nine Swords, you must understand what it means, the god religion is clear, and he is not afraid of the old man!
But you should also understand what kind of temperament that old man is. Would he stand up stupidly and stage a show where one person stands up to thousands?He will secretly take revenge on the Divine Cult, how much will the Divine Cult suffer?
Now that you have just mastered the God Sect, and your heart is still unstable, if you suffer such a dull loss, and the heart of the Sect will be heartbroken, can you bear the risk? "

Zhuo Lingfeng's words were only heard clearly by Ren Woxing, Ren Woxing's face changed again and again, and he also gathered his voice into a line: "But I have said everything, how do you want me to step down?"

Zhuo Lingfeng said: "You continue to scold me angrily, my son-in-law will definitely give you a step down, so you won't lose face."

Everyone saw Weng and his son-in-law staring at each other. They haven't decided yet, and everyone is waiting for the result.

Suddenly Ren Woxing patted the chair, stood up abruptly, and said angrily: "I let Woxing rule the world, but I am not afraid of threats. I insist on destroying the Huashan faction. What do you want?"

Zhuo Lingfeng said loudly: "Yue Zhang, the so-called 'one thought for a thousand eons, one thought for a thousand eons'.

It is human nature to seek profit and fame in the arena, but is it really worth it?
I don't know how many people sacrificed their lives for this, and the wings of the mandarin ducks were broken, and the branches were cut off. In the end, the fight was in vain.

Life is too short to rule the roost, what can you do?
Gold and silver treasures are piled up into mountains, rich and princely, so what?

No matter how high the martial arts are, once the one-hundred-year limit comes, it will all be nothing!

The so-called "Long live the name, lonely things behind!".

Those emperors through the ages were supremely honored and called the wind and rain, but at the moment of dying, they couldn't take anything with them.

Their hearts are definitely more lost, more painful, and more frightening than ordinary people!
Only then did Qin Huang and Han Wu have the delusion of wanting to live forever, are you right? "

Zhuo Lingfeng talked eloquently, greatly diluting the tense atmosphere.

No matter how arrogant and rebellious a person is, there is always a look of contemplation on his face.

Yingying stared at Zhuo Lingfeng with pretty eyes, the strange brilliance in her eyes kept flickering, only she knew how much Zhuo Lingfeng gave up for herself.

He really gave up his dreams and aspirations.

Even the heroes have feelings in their hearts, let alone others!

It was the Zuo Lengchan I saw today.

The majestic leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, the head of Songshan Mountain, he has been majestic all his life, fighting for his whole life, but today he failed to make a good move and died in Songshan Mountain.

His own life and the glory of the sect are gone.Whether his wife and children can survive is still a matter of two opinions!

After all, how many enemies Zuo Lengchan has made in his life, who knows?
No one would dare to mess with him while he was alive, and when he died, his son was useless, either lost to everyone, or killed by his enemies.

What the hell did he get?
A little older, the founding king of the dynasty is so powerful, but after death, some people can't even protect their wives and children.

This is still the case without a change of dynasty.

When there is a change of dynasty, what's more, there are people whose bloodlines have been exterminated!
And when Zhuo Lingfeng said these words from the bottom of his heart, the sense of loss in his heart was stronger than anyone else.

Rao Ren Woxing was already dispelled by Zhuo Lingfeng's words to kill the Huashan faction, and he was stunned for a while after hearing this.

Because he is also a person, not the disabled person who lost one eye in order to regain the position of leader in the original track, and he is not so twisted and perverted in his heart.

And Zhuo Lingfeng is not Linghu Chong, his background and reputation are much higher than that, but he respects Ren Woxing very much.

Especially under the watchful eyes of everyone, he didn't insist on a word, but followed him, which made Ren Woxing feel very satisfied.

What's more, Zhuo Lingfeng's words were moved with emotion and reason, among which there were eight words "Mandarin ducks break their wings, connect broken branches" which resonated with Ren Woxing.

He couldn't help but think of himself, he was also young, and he once had a peaceful love life.

His wife is young and beautiful, and she has high martial arts skills. She envies the universe and envies others.

The two of them fly side by side, stay together day and night, and love each other forever. They also sailed in the sea, paddled side by side, leaned against the mountain, sat and watched the clouds rise; slept in the forest spring, and the earth was their bed...

However, one day, I also tasted the taste of mandarin ducks breaking their wings and straightening broken branches.

As the head of a sect, he can have as many women as he wants, but he has no other women except Yingying's mother.

However, without her, I have a high position and authority, and I am also a proud person in life, so it is inevitable that I will act a little willfully. I only know myself in my heart, but I don't know anyone else!

The consequence of doing whatever you want is accumulating grievances and insults, more and more enemies, and fewer and fewer friends!
Later, Dongfang Bubai finally took over the position of leader.

If he hadn't been too arrogant back then, how could Dongfang Invincible have easily succeeded?

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned Zhizhu around, and said unhurriedly: "If I make up my mind, you must help me destroy Huashan personally, what should you do?"

Zhuo Lingfeng couldn't help being stunned, why didn't this old man play his cards according to common sense, now you should just go downhill.

Ren Woxing's complexion changed, and he sternly said: "Answer me, if I insist on destroying Huashan, even if there is any legacy of Quanzhen, the seniors come out of the rivers and lakes again, the old man will still go to war with this so-called righteous martial arts, what are you going to do? ?”

Zhuo Lingfeng hadn't opened his mouth yet, but seeing Yingying looking at the major masters on the Fengchan Stage, Yingying said in a voice: "All of you are well-known masters of the Zhengdao sect who are famous all over the world. Facing this Martial arts disputes, could it be that you just rolled your eyes and watched... Mr. Zhuo is here alone, working hard for everyone?
Do you have to let us fall apart for you to be satisfied? "

She was angry in her heart, even though she was directly blaming these heads, she still spoke gracefully, but she was feeling sad, and her eyes were already filled with tears in her crystal clear eyes.

Yingying knew that Linghu Chong in the original track faced this situation and chose to let her father die.

No matter what Zhuo Lingfeng would choose, she was unwilling to listen.So she couldn't let that happen.

Her sudden attack made everyone on the scene startled.

"Yingying, this is a matter between men, it has nothing to do with your daughter's family."

After being scolded by her father, Yingying took two steps back subconsciously. She stared at her father, her face was completely drained of blood, and she was trembling.

Seeing Ren Yingying's reaction, the others were stunned.Jun thought: "What are you afraid of?"

Ren Woxing looked at Zhuo Lingfeng and said slowly: "Or your master is very quiet and wants to dominate the rivers and lakes, calling on the Quanzhen Legacy to unite with the righteous way of martial arts to destroy my god religion. I want to know, what will you do?
In your heart, is your teacher or Yingying and I more important? This answer is more important to this old man than to destroy Huashan Mountain. "

Zhuo Lingfeng frowned, and gathered his lines again into a voice: "Yue Zhang..."

Before he finished speaking, Ren Woxing saw two sharp arrows that seemed to be shooting straight into his heart. Ren Woxing interrupted: "I am very curious about the answer. You are a hero in the world." face, there must be an explanation.

After all, just because I can let others go, doesn't mean they can let me go. If there is such a day, who will you help? . "

Although his tone was neither urgent nor slow, his tone was extremely tough and there was no room for change.

Zhuo Lingfeng understood that Ren Woxing could let the Huashan faction go, but he still cared a lot about where his heart was.After thinking about it, he sighed, "I will definitely do my best not to let this happen."

Ren Woxing waved his hand and said, "Don't change the subject, what I'm saying is, you have no ability to stop, how would you choose."

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at Yingying, and saw that she had tears in her eyes, let out a long breath, and said with a wry smile: "Zhuo Lingfeng is a young teacher, if this is the case, if I help you dominate the world, it will be against my teacher for many years." Earnest teaching and painstaking cultivation are unfilial.

In order to achieve personal ambitions, it is injustice to work for a tiger. Disputes start.

He glanced at the upright sect leader with his handsome eyes, and said: "If I help the sect and the righteous way, I will definitely turn against you, father-in-law, and it is difficult for Yingying to be in the middle.

For this reason, I abandon her, it is unrighteous; if I do not abandon her, but deal with you, it is unfilial.

Fighting against you with the righteous way will also not change this meaningless struggle. Those who are still dead will still die, which is also an act of inhumanity.

How can an unfilial, unrighteous and unkind person like me have the face to face the world, stand under the bright world, and don't feel bad in his heart? "

Speaking of this, he said bitterly: "With this scene, for a person like me who can't have both, besides death, is there a second way to go? Yue Zhang!"

Zhuo Lingfeng's martial arts are superb, his appearance is dignified, he is really like a jade tree and a flower, and his expression is shining, but at this moment, his face is gray and his lips are pale, his eyes are dull, he looks like a living ghost.

Anyone can see that this meaningless questioning has broken the heart of this honest, kind, bright-hearted young knight!

Ren Woxing is no exception!
Zhuo Lingfeng did not pretend to do this.

He doesn't even want to pursue longevity, but he still has to choose between the teacher's sect and the devil's religion. What else can he do besides die?
Kill the master or kill me?
No matter who the person who provoked the incident was, I had no choice.

Some people's crimes cannot be judged by everyone.

The concealment of relatives and the avoidance system in the law are to avoid things that violate human relations.

Seeing Zhuo Lingfeng's pained face as white as paper, Yingying stood there as if she was about to collapse, she couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed down her cheeks, she couldn't help scolding the heads of the sects, and said anxiously: "You people Normally, everyone has a good face, everyone has the determination to go to hell if I don’t, but everyone only cares about their own prosperity, if there is no explanation today, I will not let you and your family members go!"

She was really afraid of the day her father would say.

After all, her father has changed, she has witnessed the process with her own eyes, and Zhuo Lingfeng's incomprehensible master, who can guarantee that it will not change?
If his brain gets hot, he comes out and raises his arms and calls out to destroy the Demon Cult, wouldn't he be forcing his lover to die!

What Ren Yingying said so well, many people fought a cold war in Lingling, and their faces were ashamed!

The heroes also awakened to the situation of each of them, and understood even more that if one side of this matter comes true, the lifelines of all martial arts sects will be lost.If I want to be alone, I'm afraid I'm thinking too much.

Master Fangzheng folded his palms together and said: "Miss Ren blamed it rightly. Hero Zhuo must die to alert the loved ones on both sides, but the benevolent heart that prevents the world from causing disasters, dare you not be admired?
On behalf of the Shaolin Temple, the old man begged the leader Ren to take back his order, so as to restore peace to the martial arts world, right? "

Chongxu followed and said: "Master Ren, if your son-in-law has such a broad mind, you and I can turn our fights into treasures, that will benefit the martial arts world, and it will last forever, so you should accept it?

Pindao also begs you to calm down the desire to win, right? "

After Chongxu finished speaking, Xie Feng also said: "Master Ren, you and your son-in-law are both first-class heroes in this world.

But a hero from the past who is admired by the present and admired by future generations must be a person who benefits the people and loves living beings.

Killed a lot of people, but not necessarily a hero.

With the strength of your teaching, if you are a hero in the world, the people will respect him like a god, and there will be no devil name! "

Seeing Yingying's two words, Zhuo Lingfeng inspired Shaolin, Wudang, and the Beggars' Gang to subdue Ren Woxing, and valued his clever wife very much.

Xiang Wentian said: "Guys, don't talk nicely.

If someone seeks revenge from my teaching in the future, or calls my teaching a devil, what should I say? "

Master Fangzheng looked solemn, and took out a short Zen staff from his sleeve, and raised his fly whisk to Taoist Chongxu, and Xie Feng also raised his green jade staff. The three of them united their weapons and said in unison: "If the sun and the moon teach Don’t start quarrels with me in the orthodox martial arts world, and don’t do evil in Jianghu, if someone dares to provoke the Sun Moon Sect and call them a devil, Shaolin, Wudang, and the beggar gang will all punish those who disrespect them!”

As he said that, he looked at the other heads and said: "Everyone has different opinions, why don't you raise them now?"


"Great move!"

All the leaders expressed their views together.

No one is stupid!

The three leaders of Shaolin, Wudang, and the Beggar Clan made an oath in public, and everyone knew the meaning of the righteous martial arts, and the meaning of the martial arts was clear.

Who is not crazy?

Chongxu suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun understood what he meant, and said with great emotion: "What you are doing before your eyes is a great blessing to those in the world, and it is a beautiful thing that will go down in history.

If the leader Ren can agree, it is indeed better than jumping on the beam and poisoning the martial arts. Yue is willing to apologize to you and your son-in-law! "

As he spoke, he bowed deeply and fell to the ground.

Ren Woxing glanced at him coldly, without making a sound.

Zhuo Lingfeng stepped forward to help him up, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Mr. Yue doesn't need to be like this. Besides, you have some words, which are reasonable. Your martial arts knowledge is courageous, and I, Zhuo Lingfeng, are actually very I admire it.

Except for a few people in today's martial arts world, there are few people who can compare with them. They are just some so-called schemes, which are actually unnecessary!

Back then, Quanzhen Sect had [-] Taoist temples and [-] disciples, and they didn't have the heart to dominate the world, let alone escape the hatred of losing their ancestral home.

It is not easy for you to accumulate your reputation. The disciples of the Huashan School are actually taught very well by you, at least there is no big problem with their character.

If you keep doing this, you will be able to stand upright in the world, and you will be a person who rejuvenates Huashan. There is absolutely no problem at all!In the future, if individual talents appear, it may not be impossible to achieve the reputation of being the world's number one master.

You need to know that the root of martial arts lies in the cultivation of internal strength, and the internal strength of your Huashan sect is actually from the same source as the internal strength of my Quanzhen sect. The most important thing is character, followed by aptitude, and lastly is hard work. You have to understand this. "

Although Zhuo Lingfeng has not become a monk, he is deeply influenced by the Taoist principles of inaction and the impermanence of life and death.

This is also very sincere, without any sarcasm.

Seeing him at this moment, Yue Buqun is still giving himself face like this, and has no intention of taking advantage of the victory to pursue it, it is tantamount to repaying virtue with hatred.

The gratitude in his heart is hard to express. Until now, he finally understood why Zhuo Lingfeng had such high martial arts and internal skills at such a young age. Due to its nature.

He has practiced for one year, and he is better than others for ten or twenty years. How can he not be strong?

Although he was called "Gentleman's Sword", he was far from this young man in life. He couldn't help bowing down again, tears welling up in his eyes.

Master Fangzheng, Taoist Chongxu, Xie Feng and other decent leaders saw this scene, and they also secretly praised it.A word arose in my heart at the same time: "Even if the first half of the world is suffering, how can it disturb my innocent heart!"

Only such a person can reproduce the feat of the Chongyang real person who crushed the martial arts that day.

If he didn't have such a noble personality, how could he have cultivated Taoist martial arts to such an extent.

There is a kind of great compassion in his bones, even if he is the best candidate to practice Zen and Taoism, he finally understands why such a noble person as "Fuyangzi" is willing to include him as a disciple!
Yingying ran to her father, grabbed his sleeve and said, "Daddy, they've all made concessions here, so why don't you give me a word?"

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled slightly, and said: "Yue Zhang, if you resolve your suspicions together, it will be an unworldly achievement, and your reputation will be beyond the reach of the gods of all ages!"

Ren Woxing remained silent, his eyes fluctuating, he sighed for a long time, and said quietly: "You have to join my god religion, and there are some things that I can't do what I want."

Zhuo Lingfeng nodded and said, "As long as there is no war, I will join the religion immediately!"

"Clang" sound.

Ren Woxing drew his long sword out of its sheath, with the horizontal sword on his chest, and said: "The Patriarch of the Divine Religion is on the top, disciple Ren Woxing will fight with the Central Plains Wulin today, and if no one offends me, I will not offend anyone!
If you violate this oath, you will be killed by yourself. "

"The leader is wise!"

The members of the Sun Moon God Sect shouted loudly together, it was deafening.

Don't they know that "for thousands of years, to rule the rivers and lakes" is a fool's dream?

Besides, people who are righteous in martial arts don't know how to kill people?
It's all just a last resort, now who doesn't feel happy when they don't have to sacrifice their lives for this idiotic idea?
As soon as Master Fangzheng let Woxing not say anything about the ten-year agreement, it is obvious that he will last his life, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy.

Smiling directly, he narrowed his eyes, and said with a beaming smile, "Okay, Master Ren is really a great virtue."

Taoist Chongxu said: "Hero Zhuo also deserves great credit!"

Thousands of people in the arena saw that the four people's alliance had been fulfilled, that the catastrophe was gone, and that future generations could enjoy the blessings. They were all overjoyed and ecstatic.

Zhuo Lingfeng said to Ren Woxing: "Yue Zhang, no one in the world likes to work hard! You are so happy to see that the teacher loves you from the bottom of his heart. Your prestige has long surpassed Dongfang Bubai!"

Ren Woxing was also aware of it, but after hearing this, his complexion changed immediately, and he turned around and stared fiercely at Zhuo Lingfeng with two cold sword-like eyes, but he didn't allow him to attack.

Yingying quickly took it over, and said with a smile: "Nonsense again, Dongfang Bubai's prestige has never been higher than my father's!"

Zhuo Lingfeng touched the tip of his nose, and said awkwardly: "My son-in-law is so happy, he has been a little outspoken, please forgive me, Father-in-law."

Ren Woxing snorted: "From now on, you are not allowed to mention this person again, and you are not allowed to have the shadow of this person in your mind. What does he look like, you..."

Having said that, seeing her daughter by her side, she had no choice but to shut up.

Both Zhuo Lingfeng and Xiang Wentian Yingying understood what he meant.

At this time, Master Fangzheng came over and said to Zhuo Lingfeng: "Hero Zhuo, the three of us still have a merciless request, and I hope to accept it."

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled and said: "It's okay to talk about anything, but the word "hero" must not be mentioned again!
From now on, I have to guard my daughter-in-law and live a good life. It is good to be able to guard righteousness. I don't think there will be any more chivalry. "

Dao Chongxu said humanely: "Hero Zhuo Yuntian is so righteous. After today, everyone in the world knows it, and everyone in the world knows it. You are the only one in the world who deserves this word of chivalry!"

As he spoke, Zhuo Lingfeng had a strange expression.

It turned out that Yingying had a thin skin, seeing that he was out of shape in front of the most prestigious person in the martial arts, her face blushed, and she stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh around his waist.

Zhuo Lingfeng didn't dare to resist luck, and frowned in pain.

The three of Fang Zheng smiled slightly, looked at each other, and said in a hurry: "You must agree to this matter first, and I will explain it later."

Zhuo Lingfeng groaned and did not answer, and looked at the three of them, fearing that he would be fooled by them by accident and should face some embarrassment.

Yingying is so smart, she will help her future husband out of trouble, and said: "What's the matter with the three seniors, I promise you, you just say it's okay."

Chongxu smiled and said: "Miss Ren has agreed to this matter, but there are too many things to do, and Hero Zhuo must personally agree to it."

After hearing this, Yingying tapped Zhuo Lingfeng's forehead, and said angrily, "Are you telling me, do I count on what I say?"

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "That must count."

Chongxu smiled and said: "Okay, with that said, we will see in a month."

Yingying's expression was serious, and she said: "Master Chongxu, what are you going to do? You tricked us into agreeing but you didn't say anything."

Chongxu smiled and focused on Fangzheng.

Fang Zheng clasped his hands together, lowered his eyes and said, "Buddha's day cannot be said."

He is the greatest Buddha in the world, so if you don't talk about it, don't talk about it.

The three walked away hand in hand with a smile.

Although the two were full of doubts, the corners of Yingying's mouth curled up: "Is it so rare? If you don't say it, then don't say it." (End of this chapter)

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