Chapter 193: Having both ends
King Ruyang's words made Zhuo Lingfeng feel unhappy.It's not that he just owed Zhao Min, but he felt that the words of Prince Ruyang and his son seemed to have other meanings. When he looked at Zhao Min, she also had a thin eyebrow and a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

Zhao Min's eyebrows trembled, he bit the corner of his mouth, and said quietly: "Father, today in front of you and your brother, my daughter will kneel down and kowtow to you together with Brother Feng. This is regarded as a wedding ceremony!"

When King Ruyang and Wang Baobao saw Zhao Min like this, they immediately felt sad in their chests, and they didn't know whether they were happy or sad for a moment.

Zhuo Lingfeng's actions throughout his life were always to satisfy everyone to the greatest extent possible. Now that he saw Zhao Min talking about the wedding ceremony, he couldn't help but feel a little sad and felt a chill down his spine.

He was struck by the Xuanming God's Palm and was somewhat injured, but because of his strong internal energy, others thought he was fine.In fact, he never had time to resolve this cold air.

But Wang Baobao was very sad and said: "Sister, my father has devoted his whole heart to you, and I have never owed you anything. You like your brother-in-law, and my father has tried every means to accomplish your good deeds. Now you are actually suspicious of me and my father. It's really disappointing." .”

"How can you know about my worries?" Zhao Min replied in a low voice, his eyes wandering: "What I'm most afraid of now is that he will do something to make himself famous..."

Suddenly I felt something was different in the atmosphere. I looked up and turned around to see Zhuo Lingfeng acting strangely. Her father and brother looked at her with surprise on their faces, and suddenly remembered that they had told the biggest secret in their hearts.

His face immediately turned red, he twisted his clothes and looked down at his toes.

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at her daughter's coquettish expression, but his heart was agitated. He knew that Zhao Min was worried that he would do something earth-shattering, so that the reputation value required for the collection of fortune beads would be met, and he would be sent away.

He immediately patted the back of Zhao Min's hand gently and said, "I have also considered what my uncle just said."

After a pause, he said: "For this reason, I hope you and your father-in-law can return to Mobei!"

Wang Baobao's expression changed and he said with a smile: "Why did my brother-in-law say this?"

Zhuo Lingfeng said calmly: "There is a saying in the Book of Changes: If you know how to advance and don't know how to retreat, if you know how to survive but don't know how to die, if you know how to gain but don't know how to lose, you are the only one who is a saint? If you know how to advance and retreat, but don't know how to lose, you are the only saint?"

Zhao Min explained: "This means that before doing something, you must think about advancement, but also retreat; you must know that you will live, and you must know that you will die; you must know that you can win, and you must know that you can lose. Of course it is good to win, It doesn’t matter if you can’t win, it doesn’t matter if you lose, you will never let yourself go to a point of no return!”

Her voice was soft and pleasant. Ruyang Mansion's father and son looked slightly confused, but Zhuo Lingfeng nodded repeatedly. This is the principle in the Book of Changes and the most fundamental principle of the "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon".

Then he continued: "Minmei is right, I have clouds and winds that last forever, and rains that last all day. The power of nature is great and powerful. If it is like this, let alone human power!

Just imagine that a big ship, when the wind is smooth and the water is smooth, and the sails are full and the ship is sailing forward, it is easy to hit the rocks and capsize. What's more, it is a broken ship and encounters strong waves. If you don't jump out of the ship as soon as possible, the ship will inevitably be destroyed. People die! "

The truth in these words is the essence of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, but the three heroes of King Ruyang all heard that these words were in response to the current situation in Mongolia, but Wang Baobao was very dissatisfied and sneered: "No To think that my brother-in-law is so knowledgeable in martial arts that he also understands national affairs?"

"I don't dare." Zhuo Lingfeng said calmly: "In this world, everything is the same, and the truth is the same. I have to implement this important military matter step by step, and I can't do it well, but it is extremely simple for me to talk about it on paper. !”

"Okay." Wang Baobao smiled slightly: "Then tell me why Mongolia will definitely lose!"

Zhuo Lingfeng said: "I may not be able to fully explain why Mongolia was defeated, but a hundred years ago, Mongolia swept through hundreds of tribes and dominated the world. Its territory was unparalleled! But after strength, there must be weakness."

“During the period from Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan, the Mongolian Khans were wise and powerful, and they had many famous generals under their command. With everyone united as one, the army was invincible!

But now, the emperor is fatuous, natural disasters are invading, internal strife continues, and civil unrests occur outside, and it is no longer possible to effectively control the political situation. Does even the Mongolian cavalry, which you are most proud of, still have the majesty and invincibility that dominated the world a hundred years ago? "

Zhao Min's face was full of admiration. Wang Baobao was secretly angry and dissatisfied. He smiled slightly and said: "Our Mongolia is certainly weak, but you Han people, haha, in the Song Dynasty, we were bullied by the Khitans and Dangxiang people successively, and later became women. The real person and I were destroyed by the Mongols!"

"So what?" Zhuo Lingfeng said: "Back then, the Zhao and Song Dynasties had an unfair and corrupt country. They had no soldiers and no generals. They were treacherous and sycophantic. They were rampant in the government and the public. The loyal ministers and good generals were suppressed. It is the destiny of this kind of dynasty to perish. !

But what is the difference between the Yuan Dynasty now and the Song Dynasty back then?
Back then, Yue Wumu, Han Shizhong, Meng Gong and other famous generals shed blood and sweat but could not save the Song Dynasty. Now, even if you and your father are spilled on the battlefield, you can't save the great cause of the Meng Yuan Dynasty! "

Wang Baobao was silent for a moment.After a while, King Ruyang suddenly burst into laughter, glanced at Zhao Min with approval, then looked at Zhuo Lingfeng, and said slowly: "Although your reasoning is right, it is all for you Han people.

If this king returns to Mobei, the imperial court will definitely be dissatisfied and will quarrel with me, and you Han people can take advantage of this opportunity and sneak in.

Our Yuan Dynasty has indeed entered into decline. If this is the case, it will naturally be difficult to resist the enemy!hey-hey……"

Zhuo Lingfeng sighed and seemed a little lonely. He was silent for a moment and said thoughtfully: "Zhang Yue, before this, I thought that your retreat to Mobei was really just for the sake of my Han family.

After all, you and your uncle are among the few famous generals in Mongolia today, but you are all close relatives of Min Mei, that is, my relatives, so I don't want you to reach a dead end.

You must know that when things in the world reach their peak, they will decline next.

What the "Book of Changes" emphasizes is 'whether the ultimate will come, whether the ultimate will come'.The Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms of the Beggar Clan have not yet reached their peak, so they are prepared to retreat. This is the martial arts that leads to victory and no defeat.

Even if we are really going to lose, it doesn't matter, the energy we have left behind is still very deep.This principle also applies to your Mongolian situation! "

King Ruyang, Wang Baobao, and Zhao Min have a rare insight in the world. After hearing what he said, they all knew that the move back to Mobei was to prepare an escape route and preserve their vitality. This is not wrong!

King Ruyang was greatly relieved, but he hummed: "What a child's talk. This king has fought in the army all his life and has been invincible. Who can do anything to defeat me!"

Wang Baobao was well aware of his father's habits, and he also had his own thoughts. Hearing this, his expression changed, and he shook his head repeatedly: "Brother-in-law, you are a bit alarmist. Although Mongolia has declined, its vitality has not been lost. We have hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers under our command, and our gold There is an abundance of silver, and there is no shortage of food and grass.

Even if you Han people are large in number, haha, if you couldn't take back even one of Yanyun's Sixteen Prefectures back then, how can they still overturn the world from my Dayuan hands? "

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at Wang Baobao, smiled for a while, and said, "Brother, do you know the fundamental reason why Mongolia was so invincible back then?"

Wang Baobao was stunned and said with a smile: "My prince is dull by nature, so I ask my brother-in-law for advice!"

Zhuo Lingfeng glanced at him and said lightly: "Mobei is a bitterly cold place. When the weather is cold and the ground freezes, it will cause livestock to die and affect the livelihood of the Hu people. Therefore, from the time of the Huns and Turks, they have been treating me The beautiful rivers and mountains of the Central Plains are eyeing the tigers, and the southward heart has never left. It can also be said that in order to occupy these beautiful mountains and rivers, everyone is willing to risk their lives!

Therefore, although we have the Great Wall in the Central Plains, it is of no use.

You draw strong bows, gallop on horses, dance with sharp swords, and travel thousands of miles. You are unstoppable, but..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking, his eyes passed over the face of Ruyang Wang Baobao, and continued: "Proudness comes from wealth. The Mongolian cavalry, which used to be invincible in the world, has long since lost all its energy and majesty in this colorful world of the Central Plains. Except for They only oppress the people and seek pleasure, and there is no comparison at all with the Mongolian cavalry that roamed across Eurasia a hundred years ago!
This is human nature and the way of heaven! "

Having said this, he looked solemn and solemn, and said solemnly: "You just said what happened to the Han people in the Song Dynasty. They did often fight against the Khitan, Dangxiang, and Jurchens, which resulted in the fundamental cruelty of the Mongols. Not enough knowledge!

But today's Han people are different. They are classified as the lowest class of people, suffering from oppression by the Mongols, without any dignity or human rights!

The inner hatred accumulated for two or three generations is now like gunpowder. If there is a fuse, once it breaks out, it will burst out with great power that changes the world. This is definitely not comparable to the Han people in the Song Dynasty!
This is the principle of rebounding from the bottom, and it is also the way of heaven. It is beyond the power of human beings to resist! "

When his words came to the ears of King Ruyang and the three of them, they couldn't help but admire and be frightened at the same time.

Wang Baobao frowned slightly and said: "As my brother-in-law said, once we return to Mobei and go back to the days of eating in the open air and drinking blood, we will regain the bloody nature of a hundred years ago without even one generation, and we will still covet the Han family. country."

He paused slightly and then said: "Are you not leaving a lasting hatred for you Han people?"

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at King Ruyang and said sternly: "My father-in-law, what my son-in-law said today is not only about the relationship between our father-in-law and his life and death, but also about the direction of the lifeline of the world in the future.

You Mongols can't destroy the Han people, and we can't destroy the Mongols. In other words, no one can afford the price of having their wives and children separated and their flesh and blood exiled.

And I am just a mortal. What I say does not mean that I am brilliant, but that many people do not have a chance or a platform to be heard by those in power.

As an old saying goes, no matter how big a country is, if it likes war, it will perish; no matter how peaceful the world is, if it forgets to fight, it will be in danger.

If everyone thinks that I am the best in the world and enjoys myself as much as I can, even if there is a benevolent king and capable ministers who can govern the world into a beautiful place, sooner or later the country will be ruined and the family will be destroyed!
How can there be an eternal dynasty in this world? The king's flag will change on the city wall, and it will be the same in 1000 or 2000 years!
What ability do I, Zhuo Lingfeng, have to completely eliminate the war of weapons that has existed for thousands of years?All I can do is see what’s in front of me and start what’s in front of me!
As the saying goes, "Be innate and follow the will of heaven, and the day after tomorrow should be in accordance with heaven's will."

Heaven is nature. The so-called "innate" means that there are no flaws in the opponent's actions yet. We have to see them first.

This means that the enemy plane will be the first to attack the flaw that is about to be exposed.If he has already exposed a flaw, then don't miss this opportunity, let alone attack his weakness! "

His words seemed ordinary, but after he said them, Ruyang King Zhao Min showed an air of admiration.

Wang Baobao smiled and said: "Brother-in-law thinks that my father and son are Yuan Ting's flaw, and my sister is my father and son's flaw. You are really capable!"

Zhao Min frowned, with anger faintly showing on his face.

"It's true that Minmei is your weak point." Zhuo Lingfeng nodded, but then shook his head: "But you are not Yuan Ting's weak point!"

"Even if my uncle is determined and still works for the Yuan Court, we can wait and see. In the end, he will only end up with a serious injury and have to return to Mobei. What's the point?"

Wang Baobao said coldly: "You possess unparalleled magical skills and are proficient in strategy. A man should not be subordinate to others. Now we are a family. In my opinion, when the people in the martial arts world are rescued, you only need to lead the Beggar Gang." Climb high and call, the situation is established, my father and I will help secretly..."

Zhao Min interjected: "Brother, please stop making bad ideas here. Are the people in the Beggar Clan all fools?
Brother Feng expelled us Mongolia, so naturally everyone admires him, and everyone in the Beggar Clan looks up to him, but if he is with us...

How can we mobilize the troops!
The so-called beauty of using troops lies in one mind. If the mind changes, how can the strength of the army remain unchanged?
Today's general trend in the world is that all Han people want us Mongols to withdraw from the Central Plains! "

"Well said!" Zhuo Lingfeng clapped his hands and praised: "These words of mine are just words of advice from a son-in-law to his father-in-law and uncle. If you think they make sense, just listen to them. If you think I am exaggerating, just forget it.

"The Book of Changes" says: "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement." "Now that the Mongols have returned to Mobei, it will be of great benefit to both the Han and Mongolian families. You Mongolians will be able to regain their blood within one generation."And if we, the Han people, were incapable of defending the country at that time, what would we have to say!

But if you still don't give up until you reach the Yellow River, it will ultimately be of no benefit to anyone. After all, the number of Han people is dozens of times that of you Mongolians! "

There was silence in the hall for a while, and then suddenly a clear female voice was heard from outside the door: "Get out of the way!"

Zhao Min said happily: "My mother is here!" He ran out.

Zhuo Lingfeng couldn't help but be stunned. He thought Zhao Min's mother was dead. After all, it seemed that she had never appeared in Yitian.

Soon I saw Zhao Min supporting a middle-aged beautiful woman walking in. Her whole body was wrapped in pearls and gems, with indescribable brilliance. "Mother." Wang Baobao took a step forward and saluted.

Zhuo Lingfeng also bowed, but did not address her. He didn't know whether she was Zhao Min's biological mother or aunt.

"Your Majesty!" The woman looked coldly and saluted King Ruyang.

King Ruyang frowned slightly: "Why are you here?"

The beautiful woman said coldly: "You have already found a son-in-law for your daughter. It is reasonable and reasonable for me, a mother, to take a look at it?"

Zhuo Lingfeng saw that she also had a fierce and heroic spirit. Zhao Min followed her mother, but she seemed to be at odds with King Ruyang.

The beautiful woman turned her eyes and looked at Zhuo Lingfeng intently.

Zhao Min said: "Brother Feng, this is my mother!"

Zhuo Lingfeng bowed again and said, "I've met my mother-in-law."

The princess snorted and said, "I heard that you tied up my daughter and threatened the prince?"

Zhuo Lingfeng's face turned red and he didn't know what to say, "Mom!" Zhao Min shook the beautiful woman's arm.

King Ruyang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, there is no peace in the world. Since you are here, it is better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Taking advantage of the fact that there is no war for the time being and I am still in the capital, I will preside over your marriage here to fulfill Minmin's wish. .”

"Ah!" The princess was very surprised and said angrily: "Are you crazy?"

King Ruyang's actions shocked Zhuo Lingfeng, and he thought to himself: "Returning to Mobei is a big deal. King Ruyang must think it over carefully, how can he make a decision so easily!"

While thinking about it, King Ruyang waved his hand: "Come on, come on, let's stand side by side and use your Han wedding ceremony!"

He said to the princess and patted the side: "Sit over here!"

King Ruyang is a veteran on the battlefield, commanding thousands of troops. There is an irresistible majesty in his voice.

Although the princess was dissatisfied, she had no choice but to sit over.

Zhao Min wished this was the case and pulled Zhuo Lingfeng.

Wang Baobao said: "I worship the sky!"

Zhuo Lingfeng knew in his heart that Zhao Min was afraid that he would suddenly disappear, so he tried his best to avoid the possibility of being in the limelight. He had no choice but to stand side by side with Zhao Min and bow toward the door, which represented worshiping God.

"Two prayers!"

Zhuo Lingfeng and Zhao Min bowed to Prince Ruyang and his wife.

"Bye husband and wife!"

As the two of them bowed to each other, they got married in the study room of Prince Ruyang's Mansion.

The two served tea to Prince Ruyang and his wife, and Zhao Min said in a seductive voice: "Father, mother, my daughter is unfilial."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red a little bit.

"You child." The princess couldn't help but shed tears: "I heard that your father was captured by the husband you were looking for, so I came here to take a look." She wiped away her tears and sighed: "Who knew, it turned out that Let my good daughter have a hasty ceremony!"

Tears welled up in Zhao Min's eyes, her body was shaking slightly, and she seemed to be trying her best to hold back from bursting into tears.

King Ruyang also sighed sadly: "Okay, don't cry!" He looked at Zhuo Lingfeng and said slowly: "This king only has a daughter, Minmin. You must treat her well in the future. If you dare to betray her, Don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Zhuo Lingfeng kowtowed and said, "My son-in-law doesn't dare!"

King Ruyang smiled, waved his hand and said: "Minmin, you go and make arrangements first. The martial arts people can be released, but don't let them kill my people. Then Minmin followed Feng'er and left Dadu temporarily. .”

Zhuo Lingfeng and Zhao Min looked at each other.Even though Zhao Min was reluctant to give up, he knew that this was the only way he could do it at this time.

The two of them left the study. It was getting late, the red sun was setting in the west, and there was a faint glow on the horizon.

Zhao Min took Zhuo Lingfeng's arm and whispered: "Brother Feng, we can become husband and wife now!"

Zhuo Lingfeng said with embarrassment on his face: "Mei Min, you didn't even tell me about your mother. I almost made a joke."

Zhao Min smiled and said: "My father has many concubines, and my mother often gets angry with him because of this!"

Although Zhuo Lingfeng has the advantage of being a prophet, he is not meticulous about everything. In the original trajectory, Wei Yixiao sneaked into the palace and stole King Ruyang's concubine Han Ji to frame Luzhangke.As a result, the woman was beaten to death by Fan Yao.Zhang Wuji was very embarrassed and apologized to Zhao Min.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Min said this was a good thing. Han Ji was a vixen and she couldn't stand it. Her mother knew that Han Ji was beaten to death and was very happy about it. She also wanted to thank Zhang Wuji!
The two discussed their action plan and then acted separately.

Zhuo Lingfeng followed the contact code and found the Beggar Clan and the Ming Cult members. As soon as it got dark, he started taking action.


That night, Zhuo Lingfeng, Zhang Wuji, Yang Xiao, Miejie Shitai and other masters let out a loud roar as soon as they entered Wan'an Temple.

Because of Fan Yao's internal response, he gave the antidote of "Shixiang Ruanjin Powder" to the masters of Shaolin, Kunlun, Kongtong, and Huashan sects during the day. By night, most of their skills had been restored, and when they heard the roar, they They swarmed out of the pagoda together.

In order to be realistic, King Ruyang started a fire in the palace. The guards of Wan'an Temple immediately came to rescue the palace. The warriors of Wan'an Temple were unable to defeat him. Even Princess Shao Min was captured by a group of rebels!
The heroes left Wan'an Temple and went straight to the West City Gate to disperse the officers and soldiers guarding the West City Gate. A few miles outside the city, Zhangbo Longtou had led the Beggar Clan disciples and drove mules, horses and carts to pick up the injured disciples of each sect.

Zhuo Lingfeng followed Zhao Min's advance arrangements and asked everyone to head northwest to avoid the pursuit of King Ruyang.

After traveling for more than fifty miles, the group of heroes rested in a valley. Palm Bowl Dragon Head had already purchased everything, including dry food, wine, and meat.

Zhuo Lingfeng placed Zhao Min aside to avoid the embarrassment of meeting this group of people.

When the heroes talked about how they got out of trouble, they all said that they relied on the Beggar Gang and the Ming Cult to rescue them.Master Kongzhi of Shaolin is the general leader of the six major sects besieging Guangmingding, and he and Zhuo Lingfeng met each other.

Zhuo Lingfeng saw that he had a miserable look, like a short-lived ghost, but unexpectedly he was one of the four great monks of Shaolin. Kong Zhi said: "If it hadn't been for the rescue of Zhuo Gang of the Beggar Clan, Zhang Zhang of the Ming Cult and everyone else, we, the six Central Plains Sixth Monk, would not have been saved." The luck of the great faction is hard to describe.

I won’t say thank you for the great kindness. For the present plan, let’s ask Gang Leader Zhuo and Leader Zhang to tell us what we should do. "

Zhang Wuji said: "I don't know much about this, so if you have any ideas, besides, this matter is all due to Gang Leader Zhuo's planning, so I'd better ask Gang Leader Zhuo to give the order."

Zhuo Lingfeng had already promised Zhao Min that he would step down as the leader of the Beggar Clan. He also knew that many of the Ming Cult members were capable people who conquered the world, so naturally he would not steal the limelight from Zhang Wuji and the Ming Cult, and would give in again and again.

Shaolin, Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan and other sects were rescued by Fan Yao. This was an act of repaying evil with kindness. They all made it clear that they would resolve their grudges with the Ming Cult in the future and they would drive out the Hu barbarians together. Only Miejie Shitai Qudao had no problem with resisting the Hu barbarians. But some grudges can be put aside temporarily, but they cannot be resolved.

The people in the six major sects were also right. They were captured by Zhao Min and suffered some casualties. Master Kongxing, one of the four great monks of Shaolin, was killed by Ah San. The Shaolin Temple naturally wanted revenge.

But it was heard that this person had been beaten into a cripple by Zhuo Lingfeng, and that Zhao Min had a close relationship with Zhuo Lingfeng, and was accepted as a registered disciple by Zhang Sanfeng. How to take revenge, various factions were discussing, and it was difficult to reach an agreement.

Zhang Wuji walked up to Zhuo Lingfeng and whispered: "Brother, please take a step to speak!"

Zhuo Lingfeng followed the instructions and walked aside. Zhang Wuji bowed and said, "Brother, I have something to ask of you!"

Zhuo Lingfeng hurriedly supported him and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhang Wuji's face darkened and he said, "Brother, to be honest, big things have already happened here. I want to take this time to pick up my adoptive father and return to China.

The adoptive father was originally worried that there were too many enemies in the Central Plains and that he would not be able to cope with them after becoming blind.At this time, the martial arts heroes are united to fight against Hu, and all personal grudges should be resolved.

Besides, as long as I stay with him, no one else can touch him.

Only Master Miejie hates evil and her brother died at the hands of my adoptive father. She will never give up!
I really don’t know how to deal with her, but the eldest brother’s sect has a close relationship with Master Miejie, and she loves you very much. I just hope that the eldest brother can mediate between them! "

Zhuo Lingfeng saw the troubled look on his face and smiled slightly: "You don't know how to deal with this, what did you say?

Didn't you just say that as long as you are with your adoptive father, no one else can touch him? "

Zhang Wuji's face turned red, he scratched his head and said, "She is Miss Zhou's master. If she is determined to avenge her brother, I...I..."

Seeing his embarrassment, Zhuo Lingfeng stopped joking and said, "Well, as far as I know, Master Miejie is not an unreasonable person!

At this critical moment of fighting against the Yuan Dynasty together, she will not hold on to your adoptive father, and there are some things that you can be more courageous about. You now have a high reputation in the martial arts world. Whatever you do, Master Miejie will see it. , maybe some things are not as complicated as you think! "

Zhang Wuji looked hesitant and asked tentatively: "You mean, let me start with Miss Zhou?"

"I didn't say that." Zhuo Lingfeng waved his hands hurriedly, sighed again, patted his shoulder, and said seriously: "Brother, there is no real way to have both worlds in this world. Brother, I have been looking for it. I searched for it, but I couldn’t find it either!”

After saying that, he turned and left, leaving Zhang Wuji alone and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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