Chapter 165 Jade Girl Heart Sutra
With Du Yu's help, Yang Xiaoqin opened up hundreds of acupuncture points on his body, broke through dozens of entrances, and became the third person in Yitian World to practice the Nine Suns Manual.

Feeling the endless zhenqi in her body, she looked at Du Yu and smiled slightly.

"Brother Du, what cheats do you want to exchange?" Yang Xiaoqin asked.

Du Yu pondered for a moment. In his eyes, Yang Guo, the Condor Hero, had already learned all the other valuable inheritance except the Dugu Nine Swords. Inheritance of Sword Demon.

At this moment, Yang Xiaoqin suddenly said: "Brother Du, in fact, the Ancient Tomb Sect still has a unique skill. I wonder if you are interested in it?"

"Miss Yang, let's listen to it." Du Yu said.

"I wonder if Brother Du has heard of the Jade Heart Sutra?" Yang Xiaoqin asked.

"I've heard it a little bit, but doesn't that require two people to practice together?" Du Yu asked.

Yang Xiaoqin blushed up to his ears, but he still said: "Brother Du, this technique is the highest martial art of my Ancient Tomb Sect. Unfortunately, I haven't practiced it because I don't have a suitable training partner. After two years of getting along I think Brother Du's character and martial arts are impeccable, so I am willing to share this magical skill, I don't know what you think."

Du Yu was overjoyed when he heard it, and thought in his heart that there was still such a good thing. How could he refuse to practice this top-level exercise, so he said, "Of course I am willing. Miss Yang, I can exchange the Taoist Inner Alchemy from Erxian Mountain."

"Okay, that's the deal." Yang Xiaoqin said.

She was also very happy in her heart. When she was 26 and seven years old when she was concentrating on practicing martial arts and waiting to leave the customs, it was too difficult to find a suitable partner with her martial arts and spirit.

She had also been tempted by Zhang Wuji before, but she didn't want to get involved when she saw that there were many women around Zhang Jiaozhu. She thought she would die in the ancient tomb, but she didn't expect Du Yulai to fall from the sky.

Du Yu was about the same age as her, with good looks, and good martial arts, so she left him as a guest in the tomb of the living dead for the first time, and stayed there for two years.

In the past two years, the two exchanged their experiences in practicing martial arts, and learned a lot from each other. During the contact process, they inevitably developed a good impression, especially in the process of helping her get through all the veins this time. , so she wants to go further.

Although she has never practiced the Jade Girl Manual, she has read the cheats countless times, not to mention memorizing them backwards.This exercise must be practiced by two people to assist each other. When practicing the exercise, the whole body is full of heat. It must be practiced in an open and deserted place, so that the heat will immediately disperse without a moment's blockage. Otherwise, it will turn into stagnation in the body, and it may cause serious illness or death. .

This internal skill is difficult every step of the way, and it will go astray every moment. If there is no help from others, you will have to go crazy. Only you help me, I help you, and the strength of the two can overcome the danger together.

Yang Xiaoqin's original intention was to achieve something good by practicing this skill together.

Since Du Yu was in middle school, he secretly read martial arts novels in class. Isn't that one of Jin Lao's works by heart, so he can hide this from him.

This guy had admired Yang Xiaoqin for a long time, and was worried that he couldn't find a chance, now that she took the initiative to send it to his door, how could he let it go.

He pretended that he didn't know how to exchange the Nine Suns Manual with Yang Xiaoqin, and he wished in his heart that he could start to double practice the Jade Heart Sutra right now.

Of course, cultivation also pays attention to timing. Now that Yang Xiaoqin has just mastered the Nine Suns Manual, it will take a while to settle down.

Du Yu was not in a hurry, and simply passed on all the inner alchemy methods taught to him by Master Luo, and asked her to use Taoist cultivation methods to strengthen her foundation and temper her mind.

After finally getting through three months, both sides are ready.

Du Yu and Yang Xiaoqin just came to an uninhabited valley in the back of Zhongnan Mountain, where they planned to practice the Jade Heart Sutra.

This technique was created by Lin Chaoying, the founder of the Ancient Tomb Sect, to counteract the martial arts of the Quanzhen Sect. The first step of training is to master the various martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and the second step is to learn from the Quanzhen Sect. Martial arts, the third step is to practice the Jade Heart Sutra that restrains the Quanzhen School of martial arts.

Both Du Yu and Yang Xiaoqin are masters of the Nine Suns Manual, so whether they are learning the Quanzhen martial arts or practicing the ancient tomb sect's martial arts, they are very fast.

Take Zhang Wuji as an example. When Yang Dingtian, the former leader of the Ming Sect, died, he could only reach the fourth level of the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and it took only one day for him to practice the Great Teleportation of the Universe to the sixth level.

It was because of this that Du Yu learned the Eight Desolation and Liuhe Self-respecting Kungfu and the Nine Yin Scriptures before, and he was able to achieve great success in just one year. Otherwise, how could it be so easy to achieve that level of martial arts.

Now learning the basic martial arts of the Ancient Tomb School and the Quanzhen School, both of them can be used at hand.In less than a day, both of them had laid a solid foundation and could start to practice.

Yang Xiaoqin went through the mental method in his heart, and then began to mobilize his true energy according to the exercise route of the Jade Heart Sutra, and Du Yu did the same.

Since both of them are people with deep foundations of internal energy, their cultivation speed goes hand in hand, and soon they reached the first level, and their true qi suddenly became dry, and their whole bodies were steaming with heat.

Yang Xiaoqin opened his eyes and glanced at Du Yu who was beside him, and then put his mind on running his inner strength to get through his pulse.

Du Yu's body was hot, and it felt a bit similar to the situation of excessive Yang Qi when practicing the Nine Yang Manual, but it was different in subtleties.

After calming down a bit, he suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to practice the Jade Heart Sutra earnestly, using the majestic zhenqi to push the zhenqi along the meridians.

As time passed, the two of them broke through numerous entrances, and in less than two days, they pushed the technique to a small success.

The "Jade Heart Sutra" is a martial art that combines yin and yang, and with the improvement of the skill level, the two began to cooperate with each other, using their own true energy to urge each other's true energy to form a cycle.

At the beginning, they were a little reluctant to let go of their hands and feet, but later they all realized that practicing is the most important thing, and they immediately became in harmony with each other, and gradually cooperated with each other.

On the evening of the fourth day, the two finally succeeded in practicing the Jade Heart Sutra.

After a few days, they helped each other and helped each other in the same boat. The two had long thought of being together in their hearts, and they looked at each other for mutual affection.

The next day, the two left the valley hand in hand and returned to the tomb of the living dead. Yan Ran looked like a couple of gods and gods, and the servants who watched were stunned and didn't know what happened.

After returning, Yang Xiaoqin ordered Xiaocui and others to arrange a banquet to celebrate the happy event.

The maids and women in the tomb of the living dead naturally obeyed her orders, and at the same time felt happy for their master from the bottom of their hearts.

In a day's work, a sumptuous banquet was held in the tomb of the living dead to celebrate the great marriage of the master.

After the banquet, the two walked through the wedding process and went to the Yang family's ancestral hall to worship.

Afterwards, they entered the bridal chamber to perform the ceremony of Duke Zhou.

Du Yu finally had his wish come true. Not only did he learn the inheritance of Yang Guo, the hero of the carving, but he also brought this outstanding Yujie into the harem. It can't be said that he is a playboy, after all, he only has Yang Xiaoqin in the Yitian world. wives.

After getting married, the two of them sang in harmony and practiced all kinds of martial arts cheats collected in the tomb of the living dead every day. With the blessing of the Nine Suns Scripture, the two of them will learn more and more martial arts and their realm will rise higher and higher.

However, what the two of them are most willing to practice against each other is the Jade Girl Suxin swordsmanship. The husband and wife share the same mind, and they use it together like clouds and flowing water, and the coordination is seamless.

I believe that with his and Yang Xiaoqin's level, the Jinlun Fawang might not be able to endure a few rounds in the world of the Condor Heroes, and it definitely won't be as strenuous as when Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv were back then.

Because Du Yu was indulging in martial arts to improve his own strength, it was inevitable that he would stay in Yitian World for more time. During this period, apart from taking advantage of Yang Xiaoqin's deep sleep to send back to Water Margin World or Hong Kong Comprehensive World to deal with some necessary matters, he had to repair almost every day. Learn martial arts and Taoism.

The rewards for such hard work are also very rich. He and Yang Xiaoqin successively entered the innate realm and became masters like Wu Yazi, Wu Xingyun, and Li Qiushui.Compared with Lin Chaoying, the ancestor of the Ancient Tomb School, and Wang Chongyang of the Quanzhen School, he was in a higher realm.

Du Yu thought about it seriously, and realized that in the world of Yitian, except for Zhang Sanfeng, who had already reached the master level, no one should be his opponent.

"Do you want to go to Wudang to confirm it?" ' he thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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