Chapter 196 The Circle
During this period of time, Du Yu focused his energy on the Water Margin world and dealt with the structural problems of the army.

After 'taking' the military power from the hands of many old brothers, those young men began to step on the stage, and at the same time, they also avoided possible hidden dangers in the future transfer of power.

Although he changed the history of the Song Dynasty in the Water Margin world, he still did not cover up the brilliance of those generals in the real history. The most popular people now are Yue Wumu and the famous anti-gold general Wang Zhi who make people sigh.

The Wei Dynasty under the leadership of Du Yu has a relatively open atmosphere, never looking at his background but only his talent, especially in the army, he has never hesitated to promote generals who are 'capable of fighting'.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Yue Fei, who has repeatedly made military exploits in the army, was promoted from a commoner to a military marquis in more than ten years.

In particular, as a Yue fan, Du Yu's appreciation and love for Yue Wumu comes from the bottom of his heart. Of course, there are restrictions on him while delegating power, but the purpose is the same as that of those old brothers, so as to avoid unpleasant troubles in the future. The monarch and his ministers are at odds.

After close contact, he found that Yue Wumu was not as politically minded as people said, on the contrary, he was a very smart person who knew the basics of advances and retreats.

This made Du Yu suspicious of the historical evaluation, and began to believe that Wanyan Jiumei was cybernetic. For this reason, he went back to modern time and space to check the information.On the Internet, there is the content of Zhao Gou's personal letter to Yue Fei, which is collected by the Wanwan Provincial Museum, all of which show the intimate relationship between the two.

It's hard to say what happened later, but it has nothing to do with Du Yu's Great Wei. He just needs to know that Yue Fei is a trustworthy and smart person.

Despite certain restrictions, Yue Fei still has great power in the army, and he is now appointed as General Zhengxi to prepare to fight against the tribes of Tubo.

Taking into account geographical factors, the war is still in the preparation stage, but some vanguard troops have already gone to Shu to make early preparations.

Du Yu asked him, Wang Teng and other young officers to go to Youzhou to learn new combat modes. With the support of the industrial base, the Wei army had already begun to transform into firearms.

Of course, due to the lack of productivity, the level of firearms in the army is somewhat similar to the level of the Qing army in the early Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War, and the deployment rate is between 60-70%.

Only the emperor's direct guard is a 100% modern firearms unit, and all of them are equipped with weapons such as rifles and artillery.

After these important matters are settled, Du Yu is considered to be free, and has time to deal with many matters in the harem.

To be honest, when this guy first became the emperor, he was really a bit flustered. For several consecutive years, the number of draft girls expanded the harem, resulting in a flood of children. Now he has more than [-] sons and more than a dozen daughters.

In addition, he often disappears while playing, and some children just memorize their names, and they really spend very little time with them day and night. Fortunately, Cui Kuo helps manage the harem so that they can be at peace.

Of course, thanks to modern technology and ubiquitous cameras, there is little privacy in the harem. It’s not that there are people who make troubles, but they are often dealt with by Jiao Ting, the black-faced boy behind the scenes, on the next day.

Both the eunuchs and the palace maids have followed the rules a few times, and they dare not go beyond the slightest. It is impossible for a powerful eunuch to bully a concubine like in a TV series.

Although Du Yu didn't have much affection for the other concubines except Cui Kuo and a few others, he still loved those children very much.

At least treat them equally in education, not only invite celebrities to teach them poetry etiquette, but also learn modern knowledge to arm their minds.

For this reason, he also deliberately 'hired' dozens of famous teachers from the Hong Kong comprehensive world, and specially set up a royal school to train future generations.

Well, the children of people like Xu Guanzhong, Han Bolong, Lu Zhishen, etc. are also eligible to study. After all, they are essentially a relationship where one prospers and the other loses.

In Du Yu's words: the Great Song Dynasty shared the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, and the Great Wei Dynasty shared the world with the military meritorious officials.

The difference is that Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing belonged to feudal dynasties, while the Great Wei was transitioning to a constitutional monarchy system, and the different systems treated the people in different ways.

But the ass determines the head. After he sits on the throne, he also thinks about the future generations, but he has the technological dividends of industrial development and the heart to conquer the world, and he will not be as ruthless to the people as the feudal dynasty.

After making a plan for several years, Du Yu sent him back to the main world on the grounds of retreating.

Even though he has been in the Water Margin world for nearly a year, only a month has passed in modern time and space, and he often comes out to brush his face, so he is not afraid of being found strange.

Moreover, he found that Wang Yurou, his girlfriend, was covering him up, which made it easier to explain than when he disappeared at every turn.

Du Yu first got to know the situation, and the monthly activity of "King of the Sky" has reached a new level, and it has become the favorite of manual brick movers without any plug-ins. More and more people are playing, and the turnover has repeatedly hit new highs.

The procedures for Rainbow Bridge Company, which he was most concerned about, had already been completed. With the help of Tang Lin, he negotiated a cooperation agreement with Guangming District of Haicheng, and allocated a piece of land in the industrial zone for him to build a factory.

It wasn't until then that he sat down to discuss the investment ratio with Tang Lin.What he didn't expect was that Kang Songjie from Haifeng Group was brought in through her matchmaking.

Du Yu didn't object to this. He originally wanted to recruit a few powerful partners to carry the thunder for him, especially those with relatively close relationships.

Although Kang Songjie is not familiar with him, he is from Haicheng after all. It is normal for businessmen in the same city to form a group, and they do have strength and funds.

The three of them sat in the VIP tea room of the Datang Hotel, discussing ways of cooperation while chatting.

After some discussion, the three reached an agreement. The initial capital injection scale of Rainbow Bridge was set at 10 small targets. Invest in 4 small targets each accounting for 76% of the shares.

According to the agreement, when conducting the second round of financing, the equity in Du Yu's hands will be diluted, and the two will increase capital according to the corresponding proportion.

The three parties reached an agreement, and after the contract was ready and signed, Du Yu could truly enter the Haicheng commercial district.

Of course, in essence, he didn't care, but with the help of Tang Lin and Kang Songjie, many things went very smoothly.

The factory building was designed at the fastest speed, and Party B was negotiated to start construction at the first time.While building the factory building, Rainbow Bridge Company began to open up recruitment to the outside world to form a company team.

It has to be said that there are many benefits to being mixed into the circle. Du Yu didn't need to bother, and a headhunting company sent him a bunch of high-quality resumes for him to choose from.

This is in stark contrast to when Xinghai game was first created and had to run by itself, and the level of talent it came into contact with was also different.

Soon he selected a group of outstanding talents and built the general framework of Rainbow Bridge Company.Now that you have spent a lot of money, you don't need to do things yourself to run the company.

On the contrary, Du Yu has entered a rare period of leisure, and he can foresee the busy future, so he plans to solve life-long affairs during this period to reassure his parents.

This 'diamond' Wang Laowu wanted to get married, and Wang Yurou had no reason not to agree.

In fact, she originally only wanted to live the life of an ordinary person, but she didn't expect that her life would change so much after meeting Du Yu that she felt like falling into a dream.

As she got to know more about him, the pressure in Wang Yurou's heart became more and more intense, and she was even a little worried about her gains and losses and was afraid of losing this marriage.

She is rational and understands that she is just an ordinary girl and the other party's wealth is astonishing. There is no essential difference between those rich people changing their girlfriends and changing their clothes. How can she not be under pressure.

Now that Du Yu brought up the matter of getting married, the pressure in her heart dropped sharply, and she agreed to his arrangements one by one, and even seldom put forward her own opinions.It was he who took the initiative to ask, and Wang Yurou made some requests.

With the cash cow "King of Sky and Sky", he is very rich now, and he satisfies her requirements one by one.

And with the help of Tang Yanlin, the eldest brother, he doesn't have to worry about the wedding hotel at all, which saves worry and effort compared to others.

This is the change brought about by the difference in status and status. As Brother Bo said, when you are weak, there are many bad people around you. When you are strong, you are surrounded by friends.

Du Yu has such an experience now, especially after becoming partners with Tang Lin and Kang Songjie, it seems that the entire business district in Haicheng is full of friends.If you want to do anything, someone will come to help.

He couldn't help but feel emotional, people still have to have strength.

(End of this chapter)

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