Chapter 75
There was a long silence in the combat conference room.

The commanders stationed here in rotation, except for a small number of recruits to train, the others should be more or less veterans, and they are already very familiar with the defense line of Winter Springs.

And Xia En suddenly put forward such an opinion, not only to enter into Winter Spring City, but also to transform the defense line, making it a tool to penetrate Winter Spring City...

Although, this can protect all the soldiers, but if it doesn't work...

Except for a few capable people who might be able to escape, all the rest will only end up buried in this line of defense.

There is no other possibility.

The commanders were all silent, or stood looking at the sand table, or simply closed their eyes, and some observed Xia En, Mendez and Irene, but they failed to gain anything.

At some point, Irene took out her long sword and was currently wiping it gently, looking ready to fight at any time.

Mendes, on the other hand, just stood there, staring at the skylight not far away, as if seeing the future.

"Let's put it more simply... If we choose to retreat now, we will leave some of our people to die in these lines of defense. And when we return to the camp, we must transfer immediately without any hesitation."

"If you choose to attack and advance the front line, then the only option left is to transform the defense line and go straight to Winterspring City."

"Other than that, there is no other possibility."

In this overly suppressed atmosphere, Xia En spoke again, clarifying everything.

"Either sacrifice some people and save others, or let everyone take risks together so that everyone has a chance to survive."

"I think at a time like this, coercion will only cause dissatisfaction among everyone. Why don't you commanders, as well as me, Irene, and Mendez, come to a simple vote."

"Those who are willing to retreat, raise your hands." Sean supported the sand table with both hands, and slowly looked at the commanders around him.

They hesitated and feared, but no one raised their hands.

"Xia En, you don't need to test anymore, no one will raise their hands right now." Someone in the commander suddenly spoke.

Sean looked at the source of the voice, and found that it was the commander he first met, Crome.

"Almost all the people here were rescued by you and the leader leading the team...Just talking about prestige, no one is willing to disobey you right now."

"Mendez is also in charge of leading the team..."

"But the most critical part of the real battle is done by you, Shane." Crome interrupted him without hesitation, "Everyone can tell the difference, and Elder Mendes will not tolerate People who can’t say these words.”

Sean subconsciously glanced at Mendes next to him.

Good guy, Crome really dares to say it.

And Mendes actually recognized it without saying a word.

"As for what's in my heart..." Crom actually sneered when he said this, "Everyone here has experienced the feeling of facing desperation, and no one wants to experience it again, and no one wants to be left behind. "

"So, instead of letting some people be 'sent to death', why don't we 'send them to death' together? Maybe the plan will really succeed?"

Before Xia En could answer, he saw Mendes' gaze refocused, "Although the plan is too dangerous, the choice of abandoning subordinates, soldiers, and friends...I don't want to do it again."

"Once is enough."

Mendez's tone was calm, with some long meaning.

I don't know how much regret and hatred are hidden in it.

"What about the others, and Irene?"

"If you need to stay behind during the retreat, I will stay." With the sound of "clang", the long sword in Irene's hand was sheathed again, and the voice echoed in the combat conference room.

"That's what I said... Then how can I run away? I have to stay with you." Xia En laughed and shook his head for a moment, "What about the others?"

"I want to stay, damned beast, I have long wanted to let these beasts have a taste of it!"

"I want to stay too. With the leader, Elder Mendes and Shane, I have confidence!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it!"

The voices of the commanders around him changed from one or two voices, to one after another, and then to so noisy that it was difficult to distinguish.


The meeting dispersed, and everyone returned to their respective places.

Xia En followed Irene all the way back to her room.

It's just that this time, after the girl opened the door, she didn't even have time for Xia En to enter, and closed the door directly.

Sean was shut down solidly once.

And this is the treatment he rarely received during his previous adventures.

"Irene, are you still angry?" Standing outside the door, Xia En sighed helplessly.

In the previous situation, it was a prepared and helpless move for him to take the risk, and the worry that caused the girl...he could only go on alone.

No sound came from the door.

In the room across the door, the girl was leaning on the door behind her, listening to Xia En's words.

When she was engaged in the battle to withdraw the line of defense and held a battle meeting, the emotions in her heart might have been washed away by these complicated affairs.

But now, once she returned to the quiet environment and had a one-on-one conversation with Xia En, the fear and panic in the girl's heart would uncontrollably surface.

It filled her heart, making her feel powerless even as a Sequence Seven ability user, a "victim" who had long been prepared to sacrifice for Xia En.

In the past three years, the memory of dreaming of Xia En in the middle of the night and suddenly waking up, accompanied by such a sense of panic, came to my mind.

As a result, the girl couldn't hold on any longer, she leaned against the door and slowly fell down, kneeling on the ground.

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry..." She muttered to herself, her eyes slightly out of focus.

She didn't know what happened to herself at that moment.

Are you angry?

Maybe, otherwise she wouldn't have stretched out her hand and slapped Xia En.

But back to the present?Where is her anger?

She was just afraid, afraid that the scene three years ago would continue again.

She was just afraid that Shane would leave her again.

"Irene, whether you are angry or not, you can always let me in, right?" Xia En's helpless voice came from outside the door, "Several commanders walked over just now, seeing me standing in front of your door like this Look, the look in your eyes is so strange... If it really doesn't work, why don't I come back later and you sleep first?"


can't let him go...

This thought flashed through the girl's mind, causing her to stand up again, trying to stand still, and opened the door.

"Irene?" Xia En was a little puzzled and surprised when he saw the girl who appeared behind the door, who seemed to be in a strange state.

The next moment, he saw Irene reaching out and grabbing his skirt.

Then, Shane was grabbed into the room.

Only the bang of the door closing echoed in the corridors of the trench.

(End of this chapter)

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