Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 68 The Twins' Arms Plan

Chapter 68 The Twins' Arms Plan
In terms of understanding of Hogwarts, no one in the school is more familiar with them than the two of them. After leaving the auditorium, the twins took Harry to a clean and tidy hidden room that had been cleaned not long ago.

The layout here is a bit like a restaurant, the entrance is only ten meters away from the Hogwarts kitchen, and the amazing thing is, as a Hufflepuff who visits the kitchen every day, Harry doesn't seem to have heard anyone in the college mention this. place.

"We think this should be a small secret room left by some old Hufflepuff. When we first found it, there were still a lot of old dishes on the table, at least here. For two or three hundred years, maybe he didn't like eating in the kitchen, so he got a room nearby?"

Fred briefly introduced Harry, and when he talked about the content of the Hogwarts quest, his face was proud.

"Would you like a cup of butter beer, my respected leader, the Three Broomsticks special offer, brewed by the charming Mrs. Rosmerta, you will never find a better butter beer than this."

George took out a small oak barrel, which they had prepared very well.

"Well." Harry hesitated for a moment, then reached out his hand to feel in the black dragon leather backpack, and took out two wine bottles written in Russian, "I went to the Soviet Union to participate in the hunting competition on Christmas, and the championship reward includes ten A box of 35-year-old Fountain of Life, do you want to try it, I think it tastes pretty good."

He unscrewed the bottle cap and pursed his lips to Harry who took a sip. To be honest, the 96-degree Fountain of Life is not something people drink, but for some reason, after eating the heart of the Frost Tyrant, Harry always wanted to Drink some drinks that can warm your body, and take a sip of strong wine, and those undigested manic magic powers seem to be appeased.

Seeing Harry drinking so boldly, the twins quickly took out two small cups, "Is this vodka? Captain, do you want ice hockey?"

Fred pulled out his wand and pointed at the glass, and the empty glass was filled with water. George used the Freezing Curse to freeze the ice, and then deftly used the Transfiguration technique to make an ice ball, without changing the nature of the material. Under the circumstances, simply changing the shape will not trigger the restoration of the transfiguration, after all, it is just carving with magic power.

"You two are very skilled. You steal your father's wine a lot at home, don't you?"

This skilled technique is definitely an old habitual offender.

"We just accidentally found a half-drunk bottle of Dragon's Blood at home."

"What's the matter stealing father's wine? It's nothing. We just want to not waste it, so we will do it for you."

"But in the end, Charlie drank almost all of the wine."

"We can only lick the cup, who told us that the sum of the two of us is not enough for him to hit with one hand."

While spitting, the twins poured wine into the glasses happily. The strong smell of wine made them frown. They glanced suspiciously at Harry, who had already finished half of the bottle of wine, and seemed to be muttering in their hearts. What.

They were a little careful and only took a sip, then raised their glasses to Harry:

"Here's to a well-concluded Christmas holiday!"

"Congratulations to the head of the team for winning the Hunter Championship!"


The reddish-faced Harry clinked glasses with them, then gulped down the last third of the wine in one gulp, belching lazily.

“If only there were peanuts”

"Pfft~" X2
Harry, who was still thinking about the appetizers, didn't finish his sentence. The twins who turned their heads and sprayed all over the floor let go of their cups and grinned for a while. Dragon's blood whiskey is generally around 96 degrees, which is acceptable to the two of them. , can be [-] degrees of the fountain of life
The twins who immediately rinsed their mouths with butter beer took a while to recover. After studying the bottle for a long time, they raised their heads in distress.

"96 degrees"

"Captain, you are becoming less and less human."

"Who makes it so that England does not have a winter of minus forty degrees?"

Harry spread his hands innocently, "It's freezing, you have to drink something to warm up, right?"

"Although it's a pity that the wine didn't finish, but do you have something serious to tell me?"

"A very serious thing."

The twins looked at each other and put on serious expressions.

"We've got a little inside information, absolutely reliable."

"It's just that, for some reason, we can't tell you everything, head."

"It's not that we don't want to, it's that we can't."

"It would be great if you were two years older, leader. We can only tell you part of the content now."

The somewhat troubled expressions on the twins' faces did not seem to be fake, and after hearing this, Harry immediately guessed the problem.

"It's something that only third graders can get into, right? History of Magical War?"

"You actually know?!"

The twins with a hint of surprise on their faces froze for a moment, but soon, their expressions returned to their original expressions.

"If you are the leader, it seems that it is not incredible to know."

After sensing that the magic contract hadn't been triggered, the twins immediately felt relieved. They might not be able to tell other junior wizards, but Harry was an insider.

"This is great, we are still thinking about how to explain it to you without violating the rules."

The twins exhaled and relaxed a little.

"We got a letter from Charlie at Christmas. He disappeared for a long time after graduation. He originally wanted to be a dragon trainer. We always knew, but in the end he didn't go, he went A very mysterious place."

"Dad knows, but he doesn't say it. We secretly overheard his conversation with my mother when we were still at home. Charlie went to a secret department, a department related to the Ministry of Magic, but not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic at all."

"At first we thought it was cool, but after seeing Charlie's letter, we thought more about it."

"After he learned about Percy, he wrote to us and told us that this might be some kind of warning. He said very vaguely that the wizarding world would soon be in chaos, perhaps in the past few years, and that Hogwarts Being targeted by some guy, he wants us to pay attention in school, and we must learn something useful, potions, herbs, transfiguration and powerful spells, these four must be proficient in one, just get NEWT Certificates are simply not enough."

"We have never heard Charlie say these things to us in such a serious tone. We know our brother, if it is not really very, very important, Charlie would not do such a thing. He always chooses to let himself go. Carrying the burden, then turned to us with a relaxed smile."

The twins took a deep breath, "We can be sure that the secret department Charlie went to is related to the demons, and the future turmoil in the magic world is bound to be related to the demons, but it's not just that, there are guys in the magic world who want to let them The world is in chaos."

"Although this is a school, this is also where Dumbledore is. If you want to make England mess up, Principal Dumbledore is an unavoidable goalkeeper. Charlie used them in the letter, not just them."

"What are we going to do? Although the exam is not what the two of us are good at, hands-on is our strong point. We are practical."

"Our dream was to open a joke shop, just like Zuko's joke shop. We worked so hard to find Qiu Dunniao just to raise initial funds."

"But after reading that letter, we changed our minds, just like Charlie who was going to be a dragon trainer. We changed our minds. We wanted to do something more meaningful. One day, maybe we can not only help ourselves, but we can help more people."

"The Ministry of Magic is unreliable. Harry, you don't live in the wizarding world. You don't know what kind of trash Fudge is."

"I really don't know how he became the minister in the first place. This is a disaster for the Ministry of Magic. A different dog would do a better job than him."

"The wizards in the Ministry of Magic even forgot how to recite a qualified Iron Armor Charm. My father told us a joke before. The Ministry of Magic had caught several stowaways, including a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Arrested and imprisoned in the temporary custody of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"One of the underage kids didn't go straight to a cell, there were some sick Madonna whores in the ministry who said it was inhumane, they thought the kid was just deluded or something, so guess what?"

Fred smiled sarcastically: "The kid tricked them into getting their wand back, and then, after seriously injuring three people, let the group out, they took hostages, and Fudge's way of dealing with it was 'Let them go!' Then suppress the matter and act as if nothing happened."

"My father's description of that day was probably that the useless wizards in the ministry were no better than an orangutan wielding a stick. Apart from screaming and running around, they even forgot how to cast spells. The three people who were seriously injured Two of them almost killed themselves because of the wrong spell, and only one was hit by the child's spell and blinded in one eye."

"While it might not sound like a good way to say it, that's what we intend to do."

"We're going to make a fortune for the future war. It's impossible to expect them to protect themselves. It's better for them to give us Garen in exchange for something that can save lives."

"Although we now have the ball to escape the bird, but we still need more help."

"Please help us, Commander!"

The twins looked at Harry hopefully. Hogwarts did not lack the materials they needed for their research, but for those who could get these materials, Harry was the best and only solution they came up with after hard thinking.

Do you understand what is the gold content that Hagrid prefers!Hogwarts is the only one like Harry.

"Let me think about it."

Harry didn't answer in a hurry, but for his new battle group, there was indeed a lack of an equipment department.


It’s 3:3 or [-]:[-] when I finish overtime and start coding. It’s only [-]K. I’m too sleepy and I’m in a bad state. Let’s take a look. When I wake up in the afternoon, I’ll make up a serious [-]rd update.

(End of this chapter)

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