Chapter 70

"Why give up?"

Harry asked softly, looking at the debris on the ground.

"We are just students, we can't grasp such a dangerous thing."

"Maybe it's valuable, but it's worth more than we can afford."

The twins shook their heads in unison, "What's more, we can't wait until he is used by bad guys to regret it. Maybe we don't have the ability to save the world, but we can't become the bad species that will make the world worse."

"Azkaban is not the place we want to go, Harry." Fred waved his hand with a smile on his face.

"That's right, the only thing worse than a dementor is Fred's stinky feet. If we are locked together, under such double torture, I will definitely not live to see the sun tomorrow." George squinted Looking at Fred, he probably thought of some unhappy memories.

"I wash my feet every day! How could it be smelly?!"

"The last time you threw your stinky shoes in the attic, the ghouls vomited!"

Fred, who was speechless, turned his head away pretending nothing happened. He cleared his throat, and changed the subject rather bluntly.

"Ahem~ah~Harry, you seemed to think we shouldn't give up on its research just now?"

"Captain, if you have something to do, Harry is right." Harry took out another bottle of the Fountain of Life from his backpack and looked at Fred with a smile, then nodded affirmatively, "Of course."

"Your research is indeed dangerous. It is a double-edged sword. Didn't Professor Grindelwald tell us in the first class that when you cut your hand with a knife, what you need to do is not to seal it up, but to It's about finding the right way to use it."

"Black magic is evil in the eyes of most people, but why doesn't Professor Grindelwald, who is recognized by everyone as a master of black magic, become a chaotic and twisted lunatic?"

"He found out how to correctly hold the double-edged sword of black magic, so people respect his wisdom while fearing his power. I think this is the biggest difference between him and Voldemort."

"Can you just stop saying that guy's name"

The twins, who were startled suddenly, spoke with some resentment. The two of them, who were born in the era of Voldemort's ravages, were often frightened by the devil who couldn't even mention their names when they were young. This is what the childhood shadow said.

"Okay, let's not talk about Voldemort." Harry rolled his eyes. He felt that he should take the "NC War Crimes Record" back from Hagrid and show it to the twins. He didn't know if Hagrid had finished reading it. In this book, when Harry occasionally mentioned Voldemort, Hagrid didn't have the same big reaction as before.

"Actually, I have already guessed before that the magic world is now facing some kind of war, an upcoming war, and this is definitely not a trivial matter, but a major event that may affect the entire magic world."

"In England, in Hogwarts, we don't feel much change, but there have been changes in the wizarding world outside."

"I had a chat with Professor Grindelwald when I established the war group. He hoped that I would go to Durmstrang to learn real magic and see the brand-new magic world. He told me that in his In the area controlled by the Witchcraft Party, the magic world has already begun to change, and it started decades ago."

"And this time I went to the Soviet Union. Apart from seeing an inhuman battle there, I also saw something different. The wizards there did not discriminate against Muggles. Instead, they had established quite a close relationship. I can boldly guess whether the two completely different power systems, wizard magic and Muggle technology, have collided with sparks of wisdom outside of England?"

"What drove the cooperative connection between the two? If there was a reason, it was because they had a common goal."

"Before the industrial revolution officially started, Muggles did not have the possibility to fight on the same stage as wizards, but now? Technology has developed explosively. In just a few hundred years, Muggles who were once looked down upon by wizards have become Equipped with the power to destroy themselves, they can turn the earth into the scorched earth of purgatory, and let a thick radiation cloud cover the earth for hundreds of years."

"I believe that the reason why Professor Grindelwald changed his mind was not only because of Professor Dumbledore's persuasion, but also because he saw the spectacular art depicted by the mushroom cloud."

"1945 was the day when Grindelwald and Professor Dumbledore dueled, and it was also the year when the atomic bomb was detonated for the first time."

"The war is coming, a war that requires wizards and Muggles to fight together is coming. This may be the invasion of aliens, but it is more likely to be the change of the abyss."

"Professor Flitwick told me that the world has been peaceful for too long. Although he didn't continue, the next sentence is not too difficult to guess."

"The battle group I established is not just for playing Quidditch. To be honest, even if you are super strengthened, if I go all out and get serious, you should be hanged or beaten."

Harry said unceremoniously, everyone is making progress, so can he just stand still?No!He'll just go faster than everyone else!

"I want to prepare for the future abyss war in advance. I want to find a group of partners who can fight side by side with me in advance. Whether it is war or fighting, it is impossible for one person to do it."

"The day when I officially name the battle group is the moment when I raise the battle flag and charge!"

"When the time comes, I will let the world remember my name and our names!"

Fred and George were silent. They never thought that Harry was thinking like this. A boy who had lived with Muggles for 11 years had just entered the wizarding world in just a few months. I found the truth in the middle, and started my own plan without hesitation.

This keenness and determination made the twins a little frustrated. They were mischievous and mischievous, but as members of the Weasley family, they were also proud in their hearts.

"Leader, have you never thought about what to do if you guess wrong?"

"What if the war does not break out? Then your preparations are not enough."

"I have money."

Harry said lightly, "I can't spend the inheritance left by my parents in several lifetimes. I went to the goblin to insert a list. There are several million Galleons alone. Even if it's a waste, it's a big deal. Just being a prodigal, is it possible that they can crawl out and beat me up?"

After hearing this inhumane speech, the twins silently touched their shriveled purses, turned their heads and looked at each other tacitly.



"I'll rub your shoulders."

"I'll beat your legs for you."

"From now on, we will go wherever you say!"

"Fred and I have more than 200 catties of meat, you can give me a price."

"How about giving you a half price for George's share?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I will give you a fracture for Fred's share, and the physical one is also fine."

Looking at the two people who were busy bickering and bickering while being courteous, Harry slapped their paws away dumbfounded.

"Go, go, I won't find some beautiful sisters with black silk and long legs if I want a massage? Why are you making fun of it? This is what you two should do?"

"I understand what you mean. I will prepare a sum of funds for your research and provide some resources that I can provide. But once you make up your mind, you have to be prepared."

"Nothing is free in this world."

"There is no love without a reason in the world."

Fred and George put down their previous laughter and spoke seriously.

"For us, this is an opportunity to realize our dreams, and we have already prepared in our hearts what we will pay for it."

"If there is a war, it is our desire to be able to contribute something to it, and if it does not happen, our efforts will not be in vain."

"As long as you don't become the next mysterious person, leader."

"Then we'll be happy to help you."

"Since you are ready." Harry nodded lightly, "I will draw up a magic contract as soon as possible, and set up an equipment research and development department under the warband."

"Let's let it go and do it together. No matter what happens at the time, at least this time of hard work is worth remembering and savoring for a lifetime."

"By the way, speaking of Voldemort, I had a dream the first night I came to Hogwarts, and there was such a dialogue in the dream."

"Voldemort was chatting with a mysterious voice. The person asked Voldemort, how many people did you kill? Hundreds, Voldemort replied. Oh, what about yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" The twins widened their eyes in horror, "What kind of hell joke is this?"

They shuddered, Hogwarts no!There should be no such inconceivable evil in the world, right?


Hiss~ Writing is too slow, it’s three o’clock, and it’s probably dawn again when I write another chapter, I’ll wake up early tomorrow to make up for it, it’s too uncomfortable to stay up all night, please wait a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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