Chapter 56

Xiaopingtou didn't understand, wasn't he just talking about the history of the Dragon Race and Kassel College?Why is this turning point so big?Start discussing treatment?

Li Hao was very serious, sat upright, and began to introduce himself.

"I am No. 17 Road, a traverser, I was [-] years old before crossing, and I don't know how old I am now.

In the decades of studying in another world, I have made outstanding achievements in many fields such as martial arts research, martial arts creation, Chinese herbal medicine, and human body transformation."

Speaking of this, Team Leader Zhang interrupted him, "This is too outrageous! Didn't you travel through the ancient martial arts world? Where did you get the body modification?"

Li Hao rolled his eyes at him, "Martial arts is also about science. In order to better learn how to perform martial arts, what's the matter with making a transformation? Isn't it normal to have a long tail, a few more eyes, or even a change in personality? Superficial!"

Li Hao went on to introduce himself:
"My latest innovation is self-exploded in Nobo Martial Arts, and won the honor of 'the greatest progress in Martial Arts in a century'.

In addition, I was the number three person who was the biggest rebel in the ancient country where I lived. Before I traveled back, we had actually controlled more than one-sixth of the land and tens of millions of people in that country. towards"

Li Hao paused, looked at Xiaopingtou who had already had a bad expression on his face, and asked sincerely:

"Team leader Zhang, how much salary do you think I can get? Can you give me an allowance? Career allowance is also fine. At least five social insurances and one housing fund must be paid to me, right?"

Silence is the tea house at this time.

Even the think tank on the other side of the small communicator that Team Leader Zhang hid in his ear didn't help.

You are a high-end talent who can transform the human body, study martial arts, and fight against thousands of people with martial arts. If you don't think about ruling the world and destroying the world, you actually want to make arrangements with us?

This is really great!

"Mr. No. 10, you have joined the job! 20 a month, no, [-]. If you have a salary, you can be a consultant in the special affairs team!"

Xiaopingtou is overjoyed, a million dollars a year like to mention a hunk who is estimated to have an S-level level and also works as a part-time scientist, blood earning!
"How much do you work? How much do you take? Overtime work requires extra money! Outside work requires extra money! Research results need to be paid extra."

"How about three days a week and four days off? This is negotiable, and it's no problem to add money!"

Comrade No. [-] Mingfei nodded in satisfaction, "Yes!"

At this time, one of the think tanks over the earphones said with emotion:

"If I had two hectares of land in Luoyang, would I be able to embellish the seals of the six kingdoms? The ancients never deceived me!"

This sentence was so light that Team Leader Zhang only listened to the general idea, but Li Hao answered immediately:

"That's right! Who wants to rebel if they have nothing to do?"

Team Leader Zhang's originally enthusiastic face immediately froze, and the other side of the earphone was also completely silent!

He can hear it all the time!That starts with meeting.
The clown is ourselves?

Seeing that the beating effect was good, Li Hao immediately gave the chicken a sweet date and pulled the chicken out of the cage.

"Come on, come on, Team Leader Zhang, look at my chicken, isn't it big?"

Xiaopingtou managed to squeeze out a smile,

"It's quite big!"

Li Hao began to blow, "My chicken! It's not ordinary, it's a mixed race!"

"What?" Xiaopingtou asked suspiciously.

The think tank didn't give any instructions, so Xiaoping's golden pupils lit up, and he said directly:

"In the other world, mixed race refers to people like me who have dragon blood and can speak spirits!"

Li Hao patted Ji Kun's wings, and its eyes lit up, brighter than Xiaoping's. Then he sang loudly, and a water glass on Xiaoping's table shattered.

"Have dragon blood, can speak spirit, besides dragons, there are only mixed races, right?"

Xiaopingtou still couldn't accept it, but the chicken's golden pupils were actually brighter than his own, and there were bursts of noise from the earphones!

Within 2 minutes, an old man with white hair and beard opened the door and rushed in, shouting:
"Let me see! Impossible!
It is impossible for other dragon beasts and deadpools that have been polluted by dragon blood to speak their spirits except for hybrids!This does not conform to the second law of dragon bloodlines! "

Li Hao patted Ji Kun twice to comfort it, and then let the white-haired old man watch Ji Kun's words again.

The white-haired grandfather collapsed!
"Can I study it?" After being shocked, the old man looked at Ji Kun frantically, as if seeing a miracle.

"This is Mr. Lin, an academician of the Academy of Sciences, a master in dragon biology!"

Yo!Also caught a big fish!

Li Hao pretended to be casual and said:
"What's the matter! This is just the first modified chicken. It's a prototype. When it's mass-produced, I'll give you a few!"

Transformation?Mass production?

They immediately thought of Li Hao's behavior of buying chickens in the vegetable market in the morning. Because he was afraid of being discovered, he didn't follow him, but he bought a lot of chickens and then went into the hotel. The special incident team knew about it.

"Is this chicken just an ordinary chicken in the morning?" The white-haired old man asked tremblingly.

"Yeah." Li Hao spread his hands, and said, "This one survived in ten or so, and the success rate is not high. Now it has wisdom and a name, called Ji Kun."

Mr. Lin kept turning around Ji Kun, amazed, and heard that Li Hao's Versailles was running wildly in the wilderness again, so he hurriedly took out the medicine from his pocket and took two pills.

You can control the dragon beast!

How many countries and organizations in the world have been researching for at least decades or more than a hundred years, and there are no significant results. You can produce something that can be mass-produced in one morning?Can you still speak your mind?
Mr. Lin has been obsessed with studying the biology of dragons all his life. Today he saw the beast for the first time, and he was even more excited than waiting for his girlfriend in a hotel for the first time when he was in college!
With tears in his eyes, the old man grabbed Li Hao's hand, "Mr. Lu! Please join me. No, please let me join your team!"

Li Hao was a little uncomfortable. It was too inappropriate to show his cards and abduct the old man in his [-]s and [-]s. Xiaopingtou next to him tried to dissuade him!
The old man was heartbroken, he laid out the score, and angrily scolded Xiaopingtou: "If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!"

After Xiaopingtou remained silent, the old man turned to Li Hao and played with changing face, his face was full of joy:
"Mr. Lu, there is something I haven't told you!
In fact, your parents are S-class members of Kassel College. As their children, a potential high-level hybrid, we have always kept some protective surveillance on you.

I'm so sorry!Then I'll have them take the surveillance off.Please let me learn from you! "

Li Hao rolled his eyes, he removed the ones that are easy to be found, and replaced them with higher-level ones that are harder to find, right?

The stimulation given today is almost enough, let them slow down, and then think about it day and night, sleep and eat, so that they will cherish what they get.

Old man Lin wanted to say something else, but Li Hao had already stuffed the chicken back into the cage, lifted it up and said:
"It's getting late today, so I'm leaving!
Mr. Lin, just learn from me, everyone has the opportunity to study and discuss together; Team Leader Zhang, remember to give me and others my entire ID card! "

After finishing speaking, Li Hao took the cage and left, leaving the two of them in the house feeling lost.

Chapter Eleven: Chicken-Human Interaction
When Li Hao walked away, because they didn't know how sensitive his hearing was, both of them remained silent.

After a while, a person came up to report that Li Hao had gone far away, Xiaopingtou took out a magnifying glass and tweezers, and searched everywhere for the place where Li Hao had sat.

After searching carefully for a long time, Xiaopingtou still found nothing.

"Old Lin, there is no skin flakes. I'm afraid it's because of his martial arts."

"let it go."

Elder Lin said with emotion:

"It's no wonder that Angers paid so much to reserve him. Now it seems that there is a big secret in this man!"

Xiaopingtou asked: "Although the No. [-] road is very true, I still don't believe it! It's such a thing to cross."

"Who can tell for sure?"

Mr. Lin arranged: "No matter what, these Mr. Lu and Ms. Lu who have traveled back have great opportunities! Since they agreed to Angers back then, it is not easy to break the contract now."

Speaking of this, Mr. Lin smiled slyly, "But I promised to give it to him at the beginning, but I didn't say how much I would give him!"


Li Hao sat in the taxi back to the hotel, brushing Ji Kun's smooth feathers, closed his eyes and meditated.

"I still want to teach Shuanzi some martial arts. Ordinary martial arts takes decades to condense true energy, and the effect is too slow. You can't just teach him the sunflower magic?"

Thinking of this, Li Hao had a flash of inspiration and came up with an idea.

He grabbed the chicken's neck and carefully probed its urinary and endocrine systems with his true energy.

Ji Kun didn't know why, but he still obediently lay on his stomach and let Li Hao do whatever he wanted.

Very good, very powerful!Very sunny!

The source of dragon blood in the body represents the lust of the seven deadly sins.

Adding two and two together, Ji Kun's original source is sufficient, just like the chicken in the chicken.

Sunflower Collection Ji Kun will definitely not be able to practice, the physiology and meridians are too different between humans and chickens, but simple stimulation of Yang Qi does not require any exercises, just use dry medicine.

Ji Kun's spiritual wisdom is now close to that of human beings, and his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary birds because of the dragon's blood. He only needs to pass on a simple method of external and internal training to him, and then he can work from the outside to the inside, and then combine with the source of inspiration... …

A Dragon's Blood Cutting Chicken Sunflower Budo Chicken was born!
This method works!Martial Ancestor Li Hao's enthusiasm for making meritorious deeds was completely stimulated.

The jade girl's heart method is cultivated to the highest level, and there is a method of combining kung fu and double cultivation, which connects the meridians of both parties, and then combines the two people's kung fu to quickly improve their cultivation.

This method modification can also be used to connect the meridians of the rooster...

Ordinary martial arts, it takes 30 years to condense true energy, no way!
Sunflower martial arts, a quick cut but no longer happy, no!

Practicing with the palm of the dragon's blood chicken who practices sunflower martial arts, it doesn't need to be cut, and it can be done quickly, very good!
Li Hao has roughly designed the prototype of this exercise:
The simple and easy-to-understand external exercise and internal training method after the dragon blood chicken is combined with the yang qi stimulated by the dry medicine, and the "dragon blood cut chicken true qi" can be quickly practiced.

After training the true qi, the "human-computer interaction" is mainly carried out with the dragon blood chicken, and the "longhua cutting the chicken true qi" is used to open up the meridians of the double cultivators regardless of the cost, and accumulate true qi for them.

Finally, when one dragon's blood chicken is squeezed out and exhausted, just replace it with another dragon's blood chicken.

Isn't this just supplementation?
Li Hao felt a little guilty looking at the well-behaved Ji Kun, how could I be so bad!
As expected of me! (òó)
When the taxi arrived at the hotel, Li Hao paid the money and hurried into the room, while the other Ming Fei didn't come back yet.

Such a quiet time is a good time to create meritorious deeds.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Hao probed Ji Kun's body little by little with his true energy, stroking its feathers with one hand, causing Ji Kun to hum happily from time to time.

After a long time, Li Hao had almost deduced it, so he used his spiritual consciousness to convey his meaning:

"Kun, how much can you do for me?"

It is ecstatic, is the Lord's test coming?

"Lord! For you, even if I am eaten by thousands of wolves and suffer endless torture after death, I will have no regrets."

It was the most vicious incantation its barren brain could conceive.

Li Hao showed a mysterious smile.

Since wolves are not afraid of eating it, cutting a small piece of meat is just a piece of cake, right?

He used his spiritual knowledge to teach him the "Shenji Exercise" which he had just created in less than 10 minutes, and then used his energy to guide Ji Kun to exercise.

Ji Kun is a quick learner, and within half an hour can directly stumble into various postures of external skills.

"Very good!" Li Hao smiled kindly, turned his fingers into a sword, and gave Ji Kun a quick cut with Gengjin Sword Qi.

Ji Kun rolled all over the ground in pain, whining endlessly.

"Lord! Lord! What have I done wrong? Are you going to punish me like this?"

It seems that we need to give it a little power!

Li Hao thought about it for a while, and with the method of ecstasy and ecstasy, he used his energy to simply construct an illusion.

A seven-story mountain.There are so many chickens on it!So many beautiful ones!So much, so much.
Ji Kun fell into an illusion.

Li Hao added phoenixes, celestial chickens, tung flower phoenixes, and many other strange birds he had seen in the Kyushu Realm to the illusion. Of course, a large number of handsome hens were also indispensable.

Half an hour later, Ji Kun woke up leisurely, but his focus was not on his newly scabbed body, but asked Li Hao in a confused way:

"Lord! What is that place? Can you take me back?"

Li Hao saw that the effect of the illusion was good, so he started to fool around.

"This is the Seventh Layer Chicken Mountain of Chicken Paradise!

You should suffer seven levels of suffering in the human world, so that you can be crowned in the Chicken Paradise after death, happy for thousands of years!

Everything here is like a dream and an illusion. You are suffering now, and you will be happy after you die! "

Of course Ji Kun believes in the great 'Chicken Maker', how could he possibly cheat the chicken?
Ji Kun felt that his body was no longer bleeding, so he immediately endured the pain and began to practice the 'body training'.

Li Hao praised this spirit quite a lot, so he went downstairs and bought a strong veterinary gonadal hormone for it, which was three times the weight of an adult boar. Ji Kun with dragon blood should be able to bear it, right?
no problem!It works harder!Go up four times next time.

"We're back!" No. [-] Lu Mingfei was full of energy, "We even picked up No. [-] and came back together!"

Number two hung his magic hat on the hanger, revealing his messy hair, "Why did you buy a big rooster? Are you going to make soup?"

Li Hao shook his head, and pulled the No. [-] boy who was downcast at the end to Ji Kun:

"It will be your partner from now on!"

"Shuangxiu? A chicken?" X4
The four Mingfeis fell into a daze at the same time.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Li Hao smiled evilly:

"This chicken is a mixed breed that is purer than Chu Zihang's bloodline! What's more, it's not the kind of dual cultivation, it's just using it to cultivate."

Bad boy sighed:

"Even so, it's too much. Can I not practice?"

Li Hao hugged the number zero boy, and pushed him down on the sofa:

"Master thought for a long time before he created this fast and good exercise. You must practice it today!"

Unable to resist the tyranny of No. [-] Wuxia Road, No. [-] can only listen to him with tears in his talk about this "Rooster-Man Interaction Double Cultivation Dafa".

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(End of this chapter)

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