People in Hongwu, from heavenly master to emperor master

Chapter 132 Move the capital, where to move?

Chapter 132 Move the capital, where to move?

"This is..."

Zhang Yi lowered his head, thinking whether to satisfy Brother Huang's curiosity!

After a while, he nodded.

Anyway, about Zhu Biaozhi's death, he also knew about the same thing, and it's not bad to know a little more, or a little less.

He has known Huang and his father and son for several months, and the two get along very well.

Zhang Yi asked Deng Zhongxiu to make a pot of tea, and the two were still in a familiar place.

"His Royal Highness, when it comes to his death, there are only three words, which is hard to understand!
He left too many regrets..."

Zhu Biao put down the cup in his hand and looked at Zhang Yi calmly.

After discovering that he would die, he experienced confusion, sadness, fear, and the joy of obtaining allicin, and finally became the tranquility at this moment!

There is still a trace of curiosity!
"Actually, you don't have to worry about your sweetheart, His Royal Highness will die many years after she dies!
His Royal Highness died 24 years later, in the 25th year of Hongwu, when he contracted a cold while on a parade for the emperor in Shaanxi, and died in response to the sky! "

"After 24 years?"

24 years is a very distant year, and Zhu Biao is only a 13-year-old boy now.

After confirming the date of his death, his mood relaxed again,

The so-called knowing the destiny at fifty, he seems to know his own "destiny" at this time!
37 years old, in this era where the average life expectancy is only in the 30s, this does not seem to be an unacceptable longevity.

Even if he has a few days to escape, in 24 years, he can still share a lot of worries for his father, and he can also take good care of his children, wife and children, and even if his death is necessary, he can also arrange for the aftermath.

All in all, Zhu Biao heaved a sigh of relief after he really confirmed the date of his death.

Zhang Yi was also pleased to see him like this.

He told Zhu Biao the date of the prince's death, which also had a sense of exhortation, after all, you can't be a licking dog for a lifetime.

Twenty-four years later, if Zhu Xiongying hadn't died, Chang's probably would have become a grandmother.

The frivolity of youth will eventually pass.

"Then, about the life of His Royal Highness, can I ask a few more questions?"

Seeing him relax, Zhang Yi was also in a good mood, and nodded slightly.

"Throughout the whole life of His Highness the Crown Prince, he is gentle, refined, honest and kind. He may not have the martial arts of the emperor, but he has the generosity that His Majesty does not have today. However, his generous temperament does not mean that the Crown Prince is weak. He also does not lack the determination to kill!

It's a pity that everything came to an abrupt end in the 25th year of Hongwu, which also reversed part of the Ming Dynasty's national fortune! "

"What exactly?"

Zhu Biao took a deep breath. He felt that what Zhang Yi would reveal to him today must have a far-reaching impact on the future of Daming!

"Move the capital!"

Although he had heard Zhang Yi's prophecy many times, Zhu Biao was still terrified when he heard these two words.

As Zhu Yuanzhang's son, Zhu Biao can know many things that Zhu Yuanzhang has never said to the outside world.

Among them, moving the capital, the emperor once told him that Jinling City was not his first choice at that time, but the power in the north was too strong, so Nanjing was regarded as the capital.

At present, I am afraid that only the crown prince and a few close officials know about this matter.

No matter who knows about this matter, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Yi to hear it anyway. He kept his composure and asked:

"Why did His Majesty move the capital? Where does His Majesty want to move?"

Zhang Yidao: "The metropolis will be destroyed this year, but His Majesty will not consider the metropolis. What His Majesty really considers is Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty, and Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. This is the capital city of his dreams!

And Prince Zhu Biao died of an illness only after visiting Chang'an. This incident had a profound impact on Daming!That's why I always say that it's difficult to describe His Highness the Crown Prince!

His death has two effects. One is that he was originally the only heir candidate in the emperor's heart. Before his death, he was the most powerful prince in the world and the deputy emperor of Ming Dynasty. His death made His Majesty unprepared. The plan for the inheritance of the empire has also been disrupted!
Second, the move of the capital is closely related to the civil and martial arts of His Majesty as I said, bridging the north and the south... The most important thing is to let the people in the north return to their hearts!
Daming is the imperial court in the south, and the team is all southerners. Most of the officials after the imperial examination in the future will also be selected from the south!
In fact, at that time, the hearts of the north and the south were surging, and it had reached a very serious level!
If the emperor moved the capital and placed the capital in the north, it would have a strong soothing effect in itself!
It's a pity that once the crown prince died, His Majesty had no intention of moving the capital, and this historical process was completely interrupted..."

Expel the Tartars and bridge the gap between North and South
It was Zhang Yi's evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang's two major achievements, but Zhu Yuanzhang did it by expelling the Tartars. He did work hard to bridge the north and the south.

It's just that this matter was not done well. Zhu Yuanzhang himself was aware of this problem and tried to solve it.

But as soon as Zhu Biao died, Lao Zhu's attention immediately turned to other things, and he no longer cared about this issue.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until the year when he died, when the North and South List broke out.

It's a pity that at that time, his time was running out, and he could only sit back and watch the problem erupt, but he died helplessly.

These are just two consequences caused by Zhu Biao's death, not to mention Jing Nan, Lao Zhu killed heroes in order to pave the way for Zhu Yunqi, and the development of the Southwest will not stop...

Therefore, the death of the crown prince had a far-reaching impact!

Calmly listening to my time, and the impact on Daming after death,

While Zhu Biao was sad, he also fell into a special emotion.

From Zhang Yi's eloquent words, he read Zhu Yuanzhang's despair at his own death.

His father had really given him the best things in his life, and he was ready to be a good emperor, but he never thought that God would make such a joke on him.

Just in response to Zhang Yi's words, it's hard to understand!

In a special way, God gave the father and son each a knife.

And now.

Zhu Biao looked at the glass bottle in front of him, and the flame in his heart ignited.

Now that the number of days has changed, he will never let these regrets happen again, and he will work ten times, a hundred times harder than before, to repay his father's trust in him!

This great Ming should not be limited to the world.

At this point, Zhu Biao completely let go of his fear of death.

The first thing he asked after he calmed down was:

"Then, in your opinion, Kaifeng or Chang'an, who is more suitable to be the capital?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"None of them are suitable for..."

"Chang'an has actually squeezed out all its potential since the Tang Dynasty, the sea has changed, and the nearby land is not suitable for farming!
If there is not enough food, it will not be able to carry too many people. Is it true that the emperor still needs to transport food from the south of the Yangtze River, so what method should be used to transport it, and what is the cost? "

Zhu Biao couldn't answer Zhang Yi's questions.
Zhang Yi continued:
"Another Kaifeng city has the same problem as Xi'an, that is, the economy is not good!
In fact, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, the world’s economy has long been transferred to the south. Even if Kaifeng is the capital, it still needs money and food from the south. Compared with Xi’an, Kaifeng’s mansion is relatively better, but Kaifeng also has Kaifeng’s problems...

There is no danger to defend... Brother Huang, think about how Song died back then..."

Zhu Biao asked:
"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, so where do you think it's okay!"

"The future Yuanda is good!"

Zhang Yi was grinning, seeing Zhu Biao's unconvinced face, he added:
"I'm talking about the great stability of the world. The capital of the Mongols after the royal court was broken, isn't it now..."

Zhu Biaohui: "If you say Dadu, I think it's not as good as Jinling City!"

"Naturally, Jinling City is better than Jinling City. It is rich and prosperous here, and it can also be located on the Yangtze River. However, if the capital is located here, His Majesty will not be able to win the hearts of the people in the north. Even if His Majesty cares about this, it is imperative to move the capital to the north!

In a corner of the south of the Yangtze River, it is impossible to guard this great river and mountain! "

Hearing this, Zhu Biao was thoughtful, but Zhu Yuanzhang actually said similar things to him.

After Zhu Biao's death, Lao Zhu lost his determination to move the capital, so the question about the north has not been resolved.

After Zhu Di succeeded to the throne, there were still constant rebellions in the area of ​​Hebei, his base camp.

The real bridging of the north and the south is still after Zhu Di moved the capital.

Dadu, Kaifeng, and Xi'an are all good, and it is most suitable to move to the north, but where to move to, Zhang Yi, as a descendant, of course he chooses Beijing.

But he also knew that Yuan Dadu at that time could not be chosen by the emperor at all. Even if the forces of the Yuan Dynasty in the north were driven out of Mongolia, they still had enough strength to fight back!

Since the failure of the Northern Expedition in the fifth year of Hongwu, Daming missed the opportunity to deal with Beiyuan in one go.

In the next 20 years, Bei Yuan was a confidant!
But 20 years later, the future Shuntian Mansion has the possibility of establishing its capital.

"We have to accept the fact that the economic center of the world has been completely transferred to the south of the Yangtze River, so even if the capital is moved, the operation of food and grass is the most important thing. Compared with Kaifeng and Xi'an, most of them have a big advantage, that is, from The waterway from south to north is smooth..."

"Although the canal built by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty is almost useless now, it can still be used after all. If we build a canal here, it can completely solve the problem of food transportation!

And a canal, the surrounding cities can be revitalized along the way...

This is obviously a more cost-effective business! "

Anyway, it was Jianzheng, and Zhang Yi got excited talking, so he simply drew a sketch of the Central Plains for Zhu Biao, and drew the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal built by the emperor in later generations!
As soon as the river was painted, Zhu Biao suddenly felt enlightened!

It seems that Zhang Yi's answer is the best solution!

Although sea transportation is not very good, it can also be used as a supplement for food transportation! "

Zhang Yi pointed to the coastline again.

Sea transportation, in fact, after Lao Zhu banned the sea, this route has not stopped, but there is not much food transported by sea!

Zhu Biao looked at the coastline as if struck by lightning.

Zhang Yi said that he didn't do anything else, and the coastline reminded him of his father's Xuanwu army.

The Xuanwu Army is the seed left by Lao Zhu and others for the Daming Navy after they stabilized the Quartet. Since it is a seed, it will definitely not have much development at the beginning.

But you left a serial number, and you have to train your troops to form a navy!

Zhang Yi's inadvertent figure seemed to have found another reason for him.


Zhu Biao looked at the city on the map that did not belong to Ming Dynasty, and his heart was crazy!

"I'm so thirsty!"

After Zhang Yi had a hearty chat, he finally lost interest in chatting. He took a sip of water and hiccupped!

That naive image can't make people connect him with the kid who pointed out the country just now.

"By the way, when I came this time, I almost asked you about another serious matter. Speaking of it, I have to thank you, brother Huang..."

"How to say?"

"Don't you know, the emperor issued an imperial decree today, counting students into the imperial examination..."

Before Zhu Biao left the palace, the emperor's imperial decree also arrived at Zhongshu Province.

Mathematics entered the imperial examination, and with the decree, everything settled.

Zhang Yi's expression was a little dazed, did he succeed in influencing history again?
Although Zhang Yi had already made preparations, when this day really came, he also felt as if it was a lifetime away.

"So, I came to you to learn arithmetic at the first time. By the way, I heard that your teacher's life is not easy recently?"

Zhu Biao quickly brought the topic to Xu Cunren!
(End of this chapter)

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