People in Hongwu, from heavenly master to emperor master

Chapter 348 Calling Mr. Gong, tortured into a trick

"How to do?"

These Jin Yiwei, who had been monitoring Zhang Yi for a long time, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jin Yiwei has never been the only one to take people, and I have never seen anyone take Jin Yiwei.

After being stunned, a wave of anger rose from his heart.

The person in charge of the monitoring hastened to order his subordinates:
"Go and report to Lord Mao!"


This incident happened so suddenly that they themselves were confused.

"Go to someone who is acquainted with Li's mother and daughter, first go to comfort the child, and then report to Zhang Yi!"

Many Jinyiwei have been monitoring Zhang Yi ever since Zhang Yi established this concept of pure heart.

They pretended to be ordinary people and lived here.

People's hearts are fleshy, and Xiao Mengyao's cuteness is not only popular in the concept of pure heart.

So someone is going to appease Xiao Mengyao first.

At the same time, another person went to the city to report.


"What, Li Qingmo was arrested?"

Yingtianfu, Guanhai Bookstore.

When Mao Xiang received the report from his subordinates, his face changed drastically.

People from the Yingtian government office dare to arrest Jin Yiwei. Only Jin Yiwei arrests others, and others take the initiative to provoke?

Mao Xiang was angry:

"Go, go to the prefect's yamen to ask for someone!"

He also lost his mind for a while, but someone stopped him.

"My lord, no!

Those officials and old strangers could be beaten to death by themselves, but he chose not to fight back, why is that, my lord thinks carefully..."

When Mao Xiang heard this, it was like cold water poured down immediately.

Although he is young, he is not a brainless person.

As the person in charge of the part of the navy in Jinyiwei, who is the highest target of these people is Zhang Yi!
Guarantee that Zhang Yi will not have an accident, and ensure that the identity of the emperor will not be recognized by Zhang Yi.

Lao Mo doesn't say anything, as long as he exposes Jin Yiwei's identity,

Not to mention those official errands, even the magistrate of Yingtian Mansion has to serve him obediently.

Lao Mo would rather go to jail than expose his identity, this is to carry out His Majesty's order.

But if he rushed into the government office, he would be rescued, but if Lao Mo's identity was exposed, it would be tantamount to exposing Zhang Yi and the emperor.

"How about we make a case and take the prefect of Yingtian Mansion first?"

The subordinate's proposal was exchanged for Mao Xiang's cold stare:
"If you don't want Jin Yiwei to be wiped out by His Majesty tomorrow, it's best not to think about it!"

"Then what should we do, my lord?"

"Tell me what happened..."

After a while, Mao Xiang roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"So, this matter is mainly about the Meng family fighting for property with the Li family?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Then slowly, don't rush, I will write a secret note and report it to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Mao Xiang's other leading boss is the prince.

But after the emperor went north, Jin Yiwei and the prince also lost contact.

Zhu Biao supervised the country, but because he was still young, Li Shanchang actually took on the responsibility of assisting him.

Mao Xiang also knew that the crown prince was related to the state system. Although the emperor let him take part of Jinyiwei's power in relation to intelligence, he didn't want outsiders to know that the prince was too close to an institution like Jinyiwei.

Zhu Yuanzhang has paved the way for Zhu Biao, and he does not allow too many stains on Zhu Biao.

Since this matter only concerns Li Shi, Mao Xiang is not in such a hurry.

Zhang Yi is Zhang Yi, and Li Shi is Li Shi.

One Li Shi, ten Li Shi, if they die, they won't cause any disturbance to her.

"Find someone and go to the Confucian Mansion to inform Zhang Yi!

I'm afraid Lao Mo will suffer a little bit, but there's nothing he can do about it. We'll make plans after we ask the prince for instructions. "

After all, Mao Xiang gave up his plan to use Jin Yiwei to interfere with Yingtian government office...

Kick the ball into the palace.

A memorial was quietly sent into the palace, but they didn't expect that Zhu Biao didn't even read it.

In other words, Zhu Biao hadn't watched Jin Yiwei's secret performance for a few days.

After replacing the emperor and supervising the country, although Zhongshu Sheng helped him deal with most of the things, even a small part made him almost suffocate.

Only when the emperor left his side, could Zhu Biao deeply realize how many government affairs his father, who almost always sat in the imperial study, had to deal with every day?
The position of king means both authority and responsibility.

This was the first time he felt the weight of this burden.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for your pointers. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't know that my thinking has so many shortcomings!"

"Your Highness, you have done a good job. When Your Highness is so young, I still don't understand anything!"

"But this palace is still too far behind my father..."

In the imperial study room, he rubbed his brows and discussed with Li Shanchang.

He couldn't help feeling tired looking at the memorials which were still stacked high.

"Not everyone is His Majesty. It is better for His Majesty to combine work and rest. The old man will come back later, and His Majesty can rest first!"

Li Shanchang is very satisfied with the prince.

Zhu Biao may not be as talented as Zhu Yuanzhang, but he is hardworking and humble enough.

He believes that Zhu Biao will inherit the Great Treasure in the future, and he will be an emperor more suitable for keeping the world than Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Biao gritted his teeth and wanted to persist.

But he found a figure sneaking around the door of the imperial study.

He recognized at a glance that the other party was his younger brother Zhu Di, so he nodded:
"Mr. Li, I will trouble you!"

Personally sent Li Shanchang out of the imperial study, and when Li Shanchang walked away, Zhu Biao had a stern face:

Zhu Di laughed, ran out from behind a cover, and stood obediently in front of Zhu Biao:

"The fourth brother has met the elder brother..."

He is not called Prince, but Big Brother.

Zhu Biao knew that this little guy definitely wanted to play the emotional card.

Sure enough, Zhu Di pulled Zhu Biao's sleeve:
"Brother, I also know I was wrong, so why don't you let me leave the palace?
The second brother and the third brother have fun with Mr. Chang every day, and I am bored to death in the palace alone! "

Zhu Biao glared:

"Who made you open your mouth? It's okay for you to say the wrong thing, but do you know how much trouble others will cause because of your words?

Those ministers in the court can't wait to eat Zhang Yi!

If there is something wrong with him, it is your responsibility! "

Zhu Di was not convinced:
"Little Daoist is a man among gods, even Yang Xian can't defeat him, so why is he afraid of all the court officials?"

Zhu Biao was a little speechless at the words of this great cleverness.

Zhang Yi's reputation is indeed great, but he also understands that his skills are probably not above spells.

He sighed and asked:
"Daoist Zhou back then was thrown away by your father to feed the fish?
Even that little Taoist priest, as you said, is miraculous, but standing behind him is Longhu Mountain!

Could it be that the top and bottom of Longhu Mountain are all gods?

If they are affected, you have to bear the cause and effect?

Fourth child, it's not that I'm talking about you, right is right, wrong is wrong!
You are that real friend, but your behavior is flawed and unrighteous!

Could it be that he is powerful, and this is the reason for your peace of mind? "

Zhu Biao's words made the smile on Zhu Di's face gradually disappear.

The so-called elder brother is like a father, Zhu Biao is also a similar role in the hearts of their brothers.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong!"

Zhu Di knelt on the ground and seriously admitted his mistake.

Zhu Biao was very pleased to see him so obedient.

"Brother, I want to admit my mistake to the little real person personally, big brother, let me go out!"


Zhu Biao was so angry that he shouldn't have trusted Zhu Di, a cunning little guy.

"It's not too late for you to apologize after the rumors have passed!"


With his head down, Zhu Di's eyes are full of various ideas.

On Zhu Biao's side, the discussion about Zhang Yi ended, and he was once again engaged in busy government affairs.

On the other side, Confucius Mansion!

When Zhang Yi saw Meng Yao crying and running towards her, he was in a daze.

"Brother, little landlord..."

Meng Yao threw herself into Zhang Yi's arms, just crying.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yi looked at the person who was with Meng Yao, and he had some impression that this person seemed to be a neighbor near the Taoist temple, but he was indifferent and had no intersection with this person.

"Small real person, something happened to you pure heart view, this child's mother was taken away by the officials of Yingtian Mansion Yamen..."

"The prefect of Yingtian?"

Zhang Yi's face changed slightly when he heard the words, why did the magistrate of Yingtian Mansion make things difficult for an ordinary woman?

At this time, the chief officer of the magistrate's yamen is not Ying Tianfu Yin after the restructuring next year, a third-rank official, but even an ordinary fourth-rank official is unlikely to handle a small case.

A fourth-rank official went to arrest Mrs. Li, why?
Zhang Yi's face has been changing for 100 years, but he calmed down.

"By the way, Master Xiaodao, I see that your servant has also been arrested, and they say he is an adulterer..."


Zhang Yi thought more. He asked about the situation at that time carefully, but he roughly understood something.

The magistrate's yamen took people because of the 1000 taels of silver.

Zhang Yi regretted for a moment that he caused this incident for 1000 taels of silver. After all, in his opinion, 1000 taels of silver and a troublesome matter, he would rather cause less trouble.

It's just that this thought turned around in my mind, and then disappeared.

The 1000 taels of silver were not silver, but the justice in his heart.

"Go, go to the magistrate's yamen!"

Since Ying Tianfu wanted to cause trouble, he could only go and see for himself.

"This gentleman, thank you!"

Zhang Yi thanked that Jin Yiwei, took Xiao Mengyao and went out.

"Zhang Yi!"

Kong Na grabbed Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi turned around:
"Brother Kong, please prepare a car for me!"

"Are you sure about going here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi shook his head.

"Pindao can't figure it out, even if the Meng family can sue the yamen, what is the magistrate's yamen?

The Jiangning county government is already in charge of matters in Nanjing city, how could the magistrate's government take care of such trivial matters.

Xiaodao felt that the Meng family had invited a giant Buddha to force the mother and daughter under the Five Fingers Mountain! "

Zhang Yi patted Kong Na on the shoulder and said:
"I'll go and see the road. In the Hongwu Dynasty, black can't be called white...

If the government office of Yingtian government really only caused trouble for 1000 taels of silver, even the poor can sue! "

After he finished speaking, he took Meng Yao out, and Kong Na quickly asked someone to arrange a carriage.

It's not far from Yingtianfu Yamen on Confucian Road, but the market is already busy at this time, and the carriages are not moving fast.

Zhang Yi closed his eyes, thinking about this matter in his mind.

From Lao Meng's funeral, he already felt that the Meng family wanted to embezzle Mo's property, so he made an explanation in advance.

But he didn't expect that the Meng family would report to the magistrate's Yamen.

This is by no means a place that ordinary people can touch, unless there is someone behind it to push?

But, this time, who is the one pushing it?

Is the person they want to move really Li Shi?

Zhang Yi hugged Xiao Mengyao and was stroking her head. The conversation between him, Liu Ji and Huang He flashed through his mind.

Zhang Yi suddenly told Meng Yao:
"Meng Yao, if someone asks about your relationship with me, don't call me Brother Little Landlord..."

"What's that called?"


Meng Yao's eyes widened. Although she didn't know about men and women, she knew enough about the meaning of these two words.

A very complicated emotion welled up in her heart, and she wanted to know why?
Zhang Yi whispered something in her ear, and she nodded obediently.

He said some more words to Meng Yao, although Meng Yao half understood, but obediently remembered it.

At this time, the carriage stopped at the gate of the magistrate's yamen, and Zhang Yi got out of the carriage.

Outside, there is already a circle of people around, discussing a lot.

"It's an adulterer!"

"Still greedy for people's money, deserve it..."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, he pulled Meng Yao, and took advantage of the two of them's small size to squeeze them in.

After he went in, he saw that there were yamen servants beating Lao Mo with sticks.

"Are you recruiting or not? Li Qingmo, do you have an affair with Mrs. Li? Is it because you have co-opted Meng He's inheritance?"

Li Qingmo was beaten to pieces, but he just looked coldly at Yingtian Zhifu on the high platform.

"I'm just a servant who closely follows Zhang Yi, and I have nothing to do with Mrs. Li!
The grown-ups came up to ask without asking, but just listened to one side, and you will convict me?
Is this the law of Ming Dynasty, or did His Majesty teach His Majesty to judge cases like this?
Could it be, what the Meng family said.What do you believe in? "

A servant dared to confront the magistrate in public, and the magistrate was so angry that he blew his beard and stared:
"Call me, I don't believe you are stubborn!"

He asked people to continue beating Lao Mo, then stared at the pregnant Li Shi, and asked:

"Li Shi, let me ask you, why did your husband die?"

Lee replied:

"Beating to death!"

"Why were you beaten?"

Every word of the magistrate was tearing open the wound in Li Shi's heart.

Li lowered his head and said:

"It was the women who were molested, and my father was beaten to death to protect the women!"

"It turns out that it's a beauty..."

"Looking at her watery face, you know she's not a good person!"

"This woman, Kefu! If I were her, I would die for love, and I still have the face to live..."

"Probably because of having children!"

"I don't know if that child is the seed of that unlucky guy."

The three become tigers, and they all talk about gold.

These comments reached Li Shi's ears, and her body was already trembling.

Zhang Yi saw it and didn't sigh.

At this time, the prefect master continued to ask:

"Your husband died, why don't you live in your hometown and be a widow for your husband?

Instead, he went to a Taoist temple?That Taoist temple is full of men, how can you survive as a woman?
Looking at you, the government clearly hangs around the outside world and doesn't obey women's morals!

Your husband is dead, you are orphaned and widowed, you should pay attention to your reputation!
Follow the arrangement of the elders of the clan, and end the rest of your life! ,

But you are out of money, so make another choice!

I advise you, hurry up and recruit all the recruits! "

The magistrate turned his head and glanced at Li Qingmo.

Lao Mo was beaten again by the yamen servant, but he didn't say a word. This guy's toughness far exceeded his expectations.

In his plan, he could somewhat find a breakthrough from Li Shi and Lao Mo.

Then pour the dirty water on Zhang Yi, and Longhushan can be dragged into the water.

But when things didn't go well, he had to work harder.

This is related to his future...

"Since you don't get in, don't blame the government for using torture...

Come on, let's go to prison! "

Zhang Yi was furious when he heard that the magistrate even used punishment.

The reason why he didn't jump out immediately was because he wanted to observe the magistrate.

His position is too clear.

Now, he did not hesitate to beat him up in court.

"Dog officer, do you dare?"

Before Zhang Yi could move, Lao Mo scolded him angrily. (end of this chapter)

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