Chapter 214
Inside the magic circle, in Selena's room next door, several familiar AT-4 rocket barrels protruded from the roof.

Outside the door, several muscular men were moving out some seemingly dangerous equipment, setting up the recoil base, and installing three cannons shining with steel light.

"Baiyan's latest product, the Pulverizer, has a caliber of 155mm and can carry many different types of shells, including high-explosive shells and armor-piercing shells. It is very suitable for fighting extraordinary creatures, especially large extraordinary creatures."

After the introduction, the high-explosive bombs were installed.

Luke went to the artillery position through the crow [Transformation] and said, "There is no one else, let's attack."

With an order, the cannons were fired, and the rockets flew out together.

With this situation, Lu Ke became very excited about poetry, and immediately recited half a poem "The cannons are firing, hit his mother!"

I heard that your place of evil spirits is very hanging?

A world of its own?


Then crush you directly from the outside!

Stupid and old-fashioned evil spirits, feel the power from the crystallization of human wisdom!
The high-explosive bombs and rockets passed through the air together, drew a well-proportioned trajectory, and went straight to Roy's house.

Annabelle quickly sensed that the attack was coming. Although she didn't know how she was exposed, it was obvious that she was being targeted.

After the land of evil spirits is selected, it cannot be canceled for a moment. She can only pour more power of evil spirits into the territory, trying to resist human attacks.

Soon, the bomb fell.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Dazzling sparks exploded in front of my eyes, earth-shattering sounds came one after another, destructive energy was released instantly, and huge shock waves spread from the center of the explosion to the surroundings.

The huge fireball produced by the explosion instantly flooded the entire area, turning everything around it into ashes. The impact of the explosion made the ground tremble. Buildings, trees and rocks were destroyed and exploded in an instant. Luke's house next door was only slightly affected. It has already collapsed in half.

After the flames dissipated, the room of Roy's house was still intact on the ground, with a strange deep purple light flowing on the wall.

A sorcerer from the Lie Yan School who came over to guide and sell was red-eyed instantly!
Damn it!
No reaction at all, no damage at all.

How can this follow-up order come?
What do we eat without an order?What to drink?What do you use to buy materials for research?
I'm still waiting for my superiors to approve the funds to buy a batch of red flame tree branches to complete the casting concept of the new spell. What I'm waiting for is this batch of large orders.

Cut off my money, right?

Gritting his teeth, he shouted: "Three more rounds! Cover bombing!"

In an instant, black smoke filled the air, flames danced, and a pillar of fire tens of meters high rose into the sky, turning the sky red.

It is not clear whether the land of evil spirits has been destroyed, anyway, Luke's family is completely gone.

After the gunpowder smoke that shrouded Roy's house cleared and the current state of the house was revealed, the mage of the Raging Flame School finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There were no rooms left, only bare ground and deep pits.

However, he was happy. On the other side of the cannonball, Annabelle's eyes turned red with anger.

Bullying honest people, right?
With a scream, she whipped up a strong wind and flew towards the artillery position.

Well done!
Luke was waiting for her to come.

In your territory, you have to listen to you, but when you are out of your territory, then you have to lie down obediently.

Although Annabelle's speed is already lightning fast in the eyes of ordinary people, sparks and lightning all the way, but to Luke, it is still not enough.

He directly locked Annabelle's trace with his mental power.

The thunder came in a flash, and it was inevitable.

Annabelle was hit by the lightning and fell directly from the sky, her face was burnt and her hair was blown up.

Enemies meet, especially jealous!
After discovering Luke who shot her down, the obsession left by Carter in Annabelle's soul began to churn.

"you die!"

The exquisite hand-made doll issued a vicious curse, lost the blessing of [Evil Spirit Land], and there were no other evil spirits or other aliens around for her to drive. Annabelle's strength was nonexistent, and she summoned Out of the body of the evil spirit.

A pure black shadow overflowed from her body, completely covering her figure.

Her body is composed of dark energy and distorted shadows, her body lines are thin, like a shriveled corpse, lacking the breath of life.

Its arms are long and slender, without muscle swelling, only a layer of skin clinging to the bones, as if it has been decayed for many years, its fingertips are like slender daggers, and each finger seems to be able to easily penetrate the real thing.

Annabelle, who had completed the transformation in an instant, opened her mouth and screamed at Luke with hatred. Every tooth that was exposed was different in shape and uneven, and the only common feature was sharpness and sharpness.

The originally exquisite and gorgeous cute doll has become a dark and weird demon, the level of seductiveness is -100, and the level of unbearable beating is -100.

Facing this ugly monster, Luke let go of his love for exquisite figures in his previous life, his fighting power soared, and he took the initiative to attack.

The bluish-white thunder was born from the gem on the top of the staff, and flew away like a dragon.

Boiling magma with viscous bubbles also gushed out from the ground, trying to pull the pitch-black demon into the lava hell.

A little further away, Harpy led the crows to condense arrows of smoke composed of [Fear Fog], attached them to some reinforced feathers on his back, and fired them out, raining arrows all over the sky , The black mist filled the air.

The evil Annabel just waved her sharp claws and used the surging black-purple energy to block the violent thunder. Before she could recover, her feet were empty and she fell into the magma, and her ankles were completely submerged. .

She tried her best to explode the power of the evil spirit, pushed away the magma sticking to her lower body, flew into the air to avoid it, and avoided the lava hand that continued to surge and pursue.

Annabelle, who was still in shock, hadn't even breathed a sigh of relief when her body was pierced into a hedgehog by dense arrows of fear.

As an ancient evil spirit, he was not intimidated by some of the power of fear contained in it, but his soul defense was actually weakened.

[Hoarse cry] and [Mirror Image Curse Kill] followed.

While Annabelle endured the infinite pain like being stabbed by a knife, she was frantically attacked by Luke's "Mirror Man" in the mirror. The vitality of her soul decreased visible to the naked eye, and the black and purple evil spirit power on her body began to appear faintly. Use your fingers like you did at the beginning.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Luke shot again decisively, and the fastest thunder fell on the evil spirit first.


The blue-white thunder exploded, completely tearing apart the body of the evil spirit outside Annabelle's body, and most of the black-purple body withered away like rotten wood, revealing the delicate doll inside.

Under the distraction of the severe pain in her soul, Annabelle's dodging speed was greatly reduced.

The giant lava hand shot up to the sky, grabbed the doll in the palm of his hand, put his five fingers together, and tightly grasped it, and then the whole thing turned into a ball of lava, which swirled and squeezed inward.

The soul and the body were attacked at the same time, Annabel was unable to struggle, and was directly consumed by the hot magma.

After the doll made of human corpses was completely reduced to ashes, the evil spirit in the core lost its possession and was exposed.

Flames, thunder, hissing and the man in the mirror attacked together, and the evil spirits were instantly torn apart and turned into nutrients for the growth of the ability tree.

Experience value +8%, the current experience value is level 14 (45%).

Almost halfway through, the future can be expected!

Luke silenced the thunder, dispersed the lava, and recalled all the crows to the mirror.

The crisis is over, and the peaceful days will resume.

Unfortunately, the house was blown up.

Fortunately, the room next door that Selena bought is still intact.

During this period of time, I can only live under the fence, and I can't even pay the rent.

Because the landlord doesn't want money, she only wants that one drop that is comparable to ten drops of blood.

In order to be able to pay the rent in time, Luke can only strengthen his control over the divinity of "reproduction". Can't stop.

After a few days of miserable life of not being able to pay the rent and being despised by the landlord, Luke learned from the pain, made up his mind, studied hard, and finally mastered the side effects of "reproductive" divinity (probably), and then severely Fill up the landlords who came to collect rent, feel proud, and start a new life.

In addition to paying rent, Luke's main energy is spent on meditation and raising crows.

After a week of meditation, his mental strength has increased to 420 points, which can only be considered a slight gain.

Crows have mixed results on this front.

After being catalyzed by the two extraordinary items [mutated highly enriched uranium crystals] and [indescribable pieces of meat], the progress of the mutation of the crows is like driving from a bumpy dirt road to a high-speed highway, bang bang speeding, too fast .

It's too soon to die, just ga.

In just one week, 50 of the 43 radiated crows died, and only 7 remained alive.

Among the seven, two alienated crows had no appearance at all.

The feathers fell off, and the whole body was rotten, but he was hanged by the power of the [indescribable piece of meat], as if the death power radiated from the body and the resurrection power of the meat piece had reached a strange balance.

Authentication gives the following message:
【Radiation Crow】

The crow is full of extraordinary radiation. The body that should have died long ago is being healed by another kind of energy full of vitality. The stronger the vitality, the more radiation it absorbs, and the more radiation it absorbs, the stronger its vitality.But once this dynamic balance is broken, the radiation in its body will burst out instantly.


Although there are no skills, their existence is a skill in itself.

As long as they are under the influence of the two energies, the radiation in the body will continue to accumulate, until it reaches the peak of the influence of the two radiation sources.

After that, it's just a matter of removing some kind of radiation source, or, simply throwing them out of the mirror world.

[Radiation Crow] The dynamic balance in the body will soon be broken.

Then, the crow dies and the radiation bursts.

Uh ~
The extraordinary version of the disposable radiation sapper, or the non-explosive version of the extraordinary dirty bomb.

This thing, if used well, is really useful.

Except for the two [Radiation Crows], among the other five surviving crows, there are two with the same mutation path.

These two painting styles are much more normal. On the whole, they look like crows that have been magnified four or five times. The feathers on the body have become hard, and the sharp claws seem to have a steel-like color. The sorcerer has changed his job to become a pure man warrior.

The identification capabilities are given as follows:

【Giant Crow】

The mutated crow, born from the combination of extraordinary radiation and extraordinary recovery ability, has become stronger based on the ability of [Dread Crow].


[Radiation Body Forging]: The giant crow can continuously improve its physical strength by absorbing radiation energy.

[Radiation Claws]: The claws of the giant crow contain powerful radiation. When attacking the enemy, it can pour radiation energy into the enemy's body, continuously weakening the enemy's body.

There were also two crows, neither of which had changed much in size, but had turned a musty green in color.

【Radiant Crow】

The alienated crow, which is full of green radiating evil energy, possesses a strange spellcasting power.


[Radiation Exposure]: The fel crow actively releases the radiation in the body in the form of light energy, attacking the enemy from the cellular level.

This crow has only one skill, and even lost the original fear ability, but judging from the skill introduction, it is much stronger than the previous crow.

I just don't know how harmful the so-called attack launched from the cell level is.

The last surviving crow is not quite like the others.

It looked as though it hadn't changed at all, but obviously, no change is the weirdest thing to happen with such a dose of radiation.

However, if you look closely, above the middle of the two eyes of this crow, similar to the position of the human forehead, a half-open eye is faintly visible under the cover of hair.

Sure enough, the identification ability gave the result.

【Three-Eyed Raven】

Radiation mutation and the power of the old gods are unified as the energy for evolution. Under the influence of the world of "Wanhua Mirror", the magical crow has unearthed the power hidden in the gene.

[Alienation Immunity] The Three-Eyed Crow is immune to all nuclear radiation and old god pollution.

[Seeing the future] The three-eyed crow can briefly predict the future through the coordination with the power of fate of the "Wanhua Mirror".

I won!
The 50th consecutive ssr has been drawn!
Obviously, this three-eyed crow is an existence that can be encountered but not sought after. Is this the first draw bonus?

After the 50 crows were exhausted, Luke filled up the shortfall again, and drew another 50 consecutive draws.

Another week of quiet and peaceful time passed. After the meditation was over, Luke felt that since he traveled to this world, it seemed that he hadn't had such leisure time for a long time.

Gone are the days when extraordinary events one after another would take the initiative to come to your side.

Luke apparently hadn't heard the iron rule among night doctors—don't be idle.

Half an hour later, Luke was about to go out to relax, when the phone rang.

After his home was destroyed, in order to prevent acquaintances from looking for him, Luke re-installed the phone in the house that Selena bought, and it was still the original number.

But this number has not been dialed for a long time, so I don't know who it is.

He walked over and picked up the receiver.

A tired, slightly familiar voice came: "Luke, we need your help."

 good news!I've had chest pains for 9 months, and I've been on the therapy lamp four times in four days, and it's gone, pain free.

  Why the hell didn't I go to the province to see a doctor sooner... nine months!I was in pain for nine months!
  The doctors in the county have been treating me according to the fracture...

  I'm going to fuck!
(End of this chapter)

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