Chapter 246
Alex returned to the sofa and continued to watch the news about the crash. At this time, a simple animation was being used on the TV to simulate the sequence of the plane's explosion location.

Seeing this animation, his eyes suddenly widened!
Among the seven people who survived, Todd's seat should have been the first to die, followed closely by Terry.

They were also the first two people to be attacked this time.

Based on this inference, he drew a diagram of the explosion sequence.According to the information displayed in the chart, the next target is-Teacher Yoo Dun!

Luke, who was watching the whole process, naturally also learned about this sequence, which he didn't know whether it was correct or not. However, to him, this sequence did not have much value.

After all, in his current state, he has a different perspective from ordinary mortals or even extraordinary beings. Whether he is focusing on one person or paying attention to 100 people at the same time, the energy consumed and the effect achieved are the same.

Even if he knows the order of death, his will is to pay attention to the six surviving people at the same time and be impartial. Even if they are attacked by death at the same time, Luke can still divide himself into six threads to think, act, and save simultaneously.

After feeling that he knew the pattern and order of death by the God of Death, Alex rushed out of the house and went to Teacher Liu Dun's house.Along the way, he observed the movement behind him.Sure enough, the crows that had been standing quietly on the branches outside my window now flew out together, as if they were protecting me.

Before he could walk out of the courtyard, a dazzling light suddenly reflected on a nearby mirror, attracting his attention.

A line of words flashed past the mirror. Although the stay was brief, Alex still noticed the content of that line of words at a glance: "Take care of yourself."

What do you mean?
After the strange journey of the past few days, Alex has clearly understood that there are indeed supernatural phenomena in the world, and naturally he will not regard what he just saw as an hallucination.

"Take care of myself?"

He guessed in his mind, am I also in danger? Does that mysterious existence prevent me from going out to remind others and find a safe shelter for myself first?

Just when he stopped, the crows flapped their wings and caught up with him, stopping in front of him as if blocking his progress.

Alex turned around tentatively and walked towards home.Sure enough, the crows spread their wings to follow and stood back to their respective positions.

really!I'm in danger too.

Alex's heart tightened, safe house!You must make a safe house first!

He quickly returned to his room and completely cleaned his room before the death attack came.

Put out all sharp objects and anything that might hurt you, check the power supply and wiring, and even the corners of the table are wrapped with a thick layer of newspaper.

Now, it should be safe.
In the next few days, Luke used his tricks to resolve the attacks of the will of the world on the survivors one by one.

The lives of these survivors are a bit chaotic. Either the gas cannot be turned on, or there is a sudden power outage at home, or they are drenched in bird droppings as soon as they go out. They can be considered extremely unlucky.

Of course, the most unlucky one is Carter.He is the kind of impulsive and grumpy person who always wants to go out for a spin in his car. Wouldn't he take the initiative to get someone killed?

So every time he drives, Luke will damage the car parts in various ways, making it impossible to start the car. He can be called a car destroyer.

But good words can't persuade the damn ghost. He couldn't stand it at home and couldn't drive, so he went out on a mountain bike.

Oops, the will of the world happened to kill everyone in a circle without killing anyone, and it caught up with him again.

Then a truck pulling a large pile of steel coils passed behind his bicycle, and he arrogantly turned and changed lanes at will on the road, blocking the direction of the truck.

As the saying goes, if you die of poverty, you will not be in charge, and if you are hungry, you will not be in charge.What I'm talking about is that when pulling steel coils, the casualty rate is too high. If there is a sudden braking, sharp turn, or even a slight bump, the steel coil may roll out and roll out, crushing something.

Although the truck driver behind Carter was experienced, he had laid a layer of wooden boards on the bottom, and the sleepers and ropes that fixed the steel coils were also tied very firmly.But unable to withstand the butterfly effect created by the will of the world, small turns and bumps one or two gradually loosened the shackles of the steel coils.

So, when Carter forced the large truck to brake and slow down, tragedy happened.

Although the driver of the large truck braked gently enough, the inertia still caused the steel coil to break free from its restraints and roll forward.

Fortunately, the truck driver was indeed an experienced driver, and he already knew something was wrong when he felt the unstable vibrations of the vehicle.He pushed the driver's door skillfully and forcefully, and at the same time, he unbuckled the seat belt with his other hand and jumped directly into the car to save his life.

As soon as he jumped out, the steel coils rushed over, completely flattening the cab, and then quickly rolled to the front of the vehicle, turning Carter, who was showing off his driving skills in the middle of the road, into a Carter cake.

Although Luke had foreseen the danger, there was really nothing he could do to save him this time, and the mentally retarded kid felt that it made no difference whether he was saved or not. Even if he was saved this time, he could always use various other ways to commit suicide. He might as well use his Death once again reminded others that his death was not in vain.

After several days of games, Luke and the will of the world have understood each other.

After two successes and more than ten failures, the World Will figured out the details of Luke and mastered the secret of killing people - just do it without saying a word.

Slowly designing death through several ingenious accidents, it can always be destroyed by Luke at some point, and everything will be lost.Only rough surprises like half-hanging and protruding faces, without giving any reaction time, will have the best effect.

Luke also understood the killing process of the World Will. It really carried out the killing plan in the order calculated by Alex.However, what Alex did not calculate was that the will of the world would only attack the same person three times in a death process. After evading three death designs, it would be skipped and the next person would enter the process.

Of course, skipping is only temporary.

After all the remaining survivors pass the death design, the next round of accidents will continue to happen in sequence.

Damn it, after all the death designs in the first round were safely passed, Luke originally thought he had won easily.But after interrupting three of Claire's attacks, Terry was killed again.This made him suddenly realize a blind spot——

The bet is about protecting at least one person from the world's will to survive.

But!There’s no fucking time limit!
Accidents happened one after another like this. Even if Luke could protect them flawlessly with his hands and eyes, Luke still had to practice and kill monsters to level up.We can't waste all our time on this matter, dragging it out until the end of time, and dragging it out until a few people die.

Got fooled!
Luke originally thought that it was shameless for God not to admit his defeat and play again after he lost, but he didn't expect that the will of the world would be even more rogue.

However, world consciousness itself does not actually have a clear consciousness. This is probably due to the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages and the experience of cunning people who have died for thousands of years.

But what to do now?Deep in the world, Luke scratched his non-existent hair with his non-existent hands in distress.

The two old men are so arrogant that they really can't think of a solution. At worst, I will flip the table and stop playing!Anyway, we can still play a second game, so the worst thing is that we will lose. Anyway, I didn’t place any bets.

He browsed through his divinity over and over again, looking for solutions that might be useful.At the same time, it was not destroyed, but it was still protecting the remaining five survivors with all its strength.

However, after the World Will mastered the correct killing skills, its efficiency obviously increased.

Alex and Claire, who have grasped the truth, are better off. They know that they are being chased by death, so they are cautious in everything they do, and try to only stay in the safe house they made.The will of the world was not so frantic as to launch earthquakes, Boeing 747 Iai, and nuclear bombs to kill the two of them. With Luke's help, they all survived the three attacks relatively easily.

But the others were in dire straits. They were not cautious enough and were continuously and directly attacked by the will of the world.

Luke cut off the power in time to prevent Liu Dun from being hanged by the blades of the hotel's large fan. Immediately afterwards, the boy carrying the casserole in the Chinese restaurant accidentally fell and threw the hot casserole into her face. superior.

Liu Dun, who was severely burned, fell to the ground in pain, and then a fork happened to be inserted into his eye.

Even so, she did not die immediately.However, the ambulance encountered a heavy traffic jam and was delayed. People fled the tragic scene, and no one dared to come forward to help. It was already an hour after the ambulance arrived, and she had already lost her breath.

Number of Survivors: 4
Current survivors: Terry, Billy, Alex, Claire
After Liu Dun died, Billy was next. In terms of the increasingly rough and skillful methods of the world's will, Luke felt that it was difficult for him to protect Terry and Billy. Even Alex and Claire were very dangerous. .

However, at this moment, Luke finally thought of a potentially effective way to break the situation!

The divine "mirror" was activated, and he once again gave a prompt on the mirror in front of Alex: "Go to Claire."

After continuous renovation and upgrades, Alex and Claire's rooms have become extremely safe. Alex is relatively normal because he lives at home, and Claire, who lives alone, has been living in the garage for a long time.

The garage she transformed was like the "double-standard interrogation room" that Luke had heard about in his previous life. There were soft bags everywhere, including the walls. There were no hard or sharp objects in the whole room, and there was no electricity or door. The most durable mechanical switch ensures that it will not be locked and unable to go out.

In short, everything highlights a safety.

At this time, Billy has not been attacked yet, and Alex is in a safe period. Taking advantage of this time, let him go out quickly.Otherwise, who knows if he will be hit and killed in a serial car accident while walking on the road when the death plan takes his turn.

In both rounds of death designs, Alex sensed Luke's help.Therefore, after receiving Luke's reminder at this time, he left the house without hesitation and came to Claire's safe house.

Because of the previous crash and the frequent accidents in the past few days, although Alex's parents didn't quite believe what he said about the God of Death, they were still a little frightened, so they allowed him to renovate the house and provided some support.

No matter what, even if all this is his delusion, it must be because he was under too much pressure from the news of the plane crash and the deaths of his classmates. At this time, all his family needs to give him is support and tolerance, even if It's okay if he acts a little weird.

Looking at their son who was running out of the house in a hurry, Alex's parents looked at each other with worry and distress on their faces.

Claire's safe house.

Alex knocked on the door and shouted, "It's me, Claire."

Just as the first shout came out, before there was a second knock, there was a rustling sound of metal sliding in the house. Claire opened the door and welcomed him in.

Her eyes were like a lake with no bottom, staring deeply at Alex: "Lord Guangming has new instructions?"

"How do you know?" Alex asked in surprise.

Claire chuckled: "I said, there is telepathy between us. Of course, it's just me who telepathizes with you."

Alex's expression instantly became awkward and awkward.

"Don't worry, it may only sense your situation when your mood fluctuates abnormally. It's not mind-reading." Claire added.

"That's good." Alex breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "He asked me to come to you, but he didn't say what to do."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luke once again used the divine "dream" to drag the two of them into an illusory dream.

Seeing the big ball of light again, Alex was no longer as nervous as the first time. He took a step forward and asked softly: "Is there anything you need us to do?"

The big ball of light, Luke, flashed brightly, and a voice came out: "It's not for me, it's for yourselves."

"The pursuit of death never ends. No matter how careful you are, you will not be lucky enough to escape every time."

"There is a way, maybe you can try it."

Hearing this, the boy and the girl were happy, and asked at the same time: "What can I do?"

Although the safe house was built, the god of death was pervasive, and they almost died many times. When they heard that there was a solution, it felt as if a heavy stone had been lifted from their hearts.

Luke did not answer directly, but began to ask: "Alex, how do you feel about Claire?"

Before Alex could answer, he asked again: "What about you? Claire, how do you feel about him?"

What is the problem?
Alex was hesitant and speechless, but Claire was generous and said directly: "I think he is very good."

"What about you?"

"I think Claire is pretty good too."

"Okay! In that case, you two have a crush on each other, so why don't you have a child."

(End of this chapter)

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