Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 1065 The strong make the rules and the weak abide by them!

Chapter 1065 The strong make the rules and the weak abide by them!
Manhattan two months later,

Black Heavy Industries has already been established.

After announcing the start of production, Lu Yan specially invited Byrne, a group of congressmen and mayors to attend.

In order to demonstrate the strength of Black Group,

Looking at the people holding cups and cups, Lu Yan stepped forward and said with a smile: "The situation in Europe has been getting worse and worse recently. Sparks can burst out at any time, everyone!"

Hearing what Lu Yan meant, Bo En smiled and said, "Tang, isn't this exactly what you want?"

"Mr. Byrne is out of touch when he says this. We are in the same boat!"

With a smile on his face, Lu Yan raised his wine glass and said, "Have a drink to celebrate?"


Looking at Lu Yan, Bo En's face was also full of smiles.
Because in this Black Heavy Industries, their democrats can own 15.00% of the shares,

Once war breaks out in Europe, Black Heavy Industries in New York will immediately use all means to obtain export procedures.
After all, the profit from selling arms is a "happiness" that ordinary people can never imagine.

Carl Steel Group was also reintegrated and renamed Black Steel, becoming a member of Black Group.
After receiving such a generous "remuneration", Byrne and many democratic people considered Lu Yan to be "one of their own".
After all, no one can refuse any friendship in the face of interests!
After a day of hustle and bustle,

Lu Yan put a hot towel on his face and said, "Sima Xiu, how are you doing what I asked you to do?"

"Boss, there are too many missing people recently. Sheriffs are patrolling everywhere, so it's hard for us to take action!"

Looking at Lu Yan with some embarrassment, Simujia knew very well how many people had mysteriously disappeared from New York with his words.
Taking off the hot towel, Lu Yan looked at Simujia and said, "Are you kidding me? In a city as big as New York, I ask you to find two thousand people and you can't do it? Even if it doesn't work here, what about other places? As long as you have money, anything can't be done ?”

As he said that, Lu Yan picked up the rotary phone beside him and made a call.

"Take over the city bureau!"

"Okay, sir, I'll transfer you right away!"

Just as Lu Yan finished speaking, a sweet voice came from the other side,
Not long after, when a slightly rough voice sounded, Lu Yan said with a smile: "Mr. Kane, have you heard? The security in New York seems to be a little too strict recently!"

"That's true, Don, but there are too many missing people, and there's nothing I can do about it!"

Kane spoke with a headache. As the director, Kane also looked melancholy.
In the past two months, for some reason, the number of missing people has doubled.
If it were a white person, there would have been a huge quarrel long ago.

But it happened to be those black slaves who liked to cause trouble, so he didn't want to care about it and had to deal with the trouble.

"I will publicize it for you in the newspaper tomorrow. How about giving you a small gift then?"

With a smile on his face, Lu Yan secretly asked Kane to relax his patrol.
After hearing what Lu Yan said, no matter how stupid Kane was, he thought that these disappearances were probably related to Lu Yan.

But does he care?No, he doesn't care about this!
As long as Lu Yan can handle public opinion, he can even take the initiative to let the police chief patrol when he is out "doing things" for him.
"Of course, let's have a drink sometime!"

After hanging up the phone, Kane spread his hands indifferently.

In the luxurious manor, Lu Yan put down the phone and said, "You can go do your work now. If I don't see those damn miners arriving in another month, I will ask you to dig iron ore for me! "

"Yes, boss, I understand!"

Seeing Lu Yan finish the patrol with just a few words, Sima Xiu couldn't help but wipe his sweat away.

He has only been in New York for a short time and already he has this kind of strength?
Lu Yan: The strong make the rules and the weak follow them!

After settling the issue about the miners, Lu Yan started to deal with the steelmaking plant.

After all, workers need quite a lot of wages, so what should we do?Of course, we need to lay off people and deal with the thorns on a large scale.
If you want to play with Lu Yan to raise your salary, he will dare to play with you and you will be blessed. Misfortunes never come singly.
As for the trade union, let alone trying to show up in his territory.

Anyone who dares to instigate a strike will have his whole family set on fire the next day.

Although things sometimes reached the point of a parade, Lu Yan could always find a few "crazy people" to carry out "negotiations" with bombs strapped to their bodies!
It is precisely because he never accepts compromise that the factory can work so smoothly.

For big things, Burn will take care of them, for small things, Sima Xiu will take care of them.
He just needs to control the direction,

In the era of "cannibalism", whose rise is not stained with blood?He just has so many "hundred million" points more than others!

Afterwards, if he makes several charity investments, everyone will call him a great "philanthropist".
Oh, this is really great!
Indiana, deep in the mines near Lake Michigan,
The black slaves who were transported are enjoying the beatings from hell,

"We are not slaves, you cannot imprison us illegally! This is illegal."

"Yes, you can't do that!"

"Damn you bastards, you will be punished by God!"

While the black slaves below were gathering together, the man who stepped forward picked up his gun and said: "From now on, I will count to three, and everyone will get in and mine. If no one reaches the quota today, I will make your life worse than death! Do you understand?"

"I do not."


A gunshot rang out, and when the black slave who came out was about to say something, the man in the distance shot him directly.
The people who came out from all around set up their Maxim heavy machine guns, while the black slaves retreated in fear.

"Get in there and work! Damn bastards, unless you want to die!"

Roaring angrily, a Chinese came out and spoke loudly,
Not long after, when the cowardly black slave walked into the mining area, the Chinese said: "Watch these bastards, if they dare to leave, kill them! The boss will not care about the loss! He only needs ore, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing what the other party said, the workers who were summoned nearby chuckled.

They were originally workers in this mining area, but now, they only need to watch these people work, and they can also get generous wages according to the quota every month. It is really great.

As for those kind companions, those who pitied the black slaves, they would not appear here at all, feeding the wild beasts in the mountains and forests behind!

You alone can offend the interests of a few people, but once you offend the interests of everyone, I'm sorry, you will not be their "companion", or even not a human being!
The villages and farms nearby all developed with the help of the mining area. Once a black slave escaped, they would even take the initiative to capture him.
After all, if one person is missing, they will lose one point of income.

If there is a reduction in production in the mining area, how will it develop here?

As for the local Sheriff?Here they are the largest "group" in the area,
Standing on the hill, a few people were chatting.

The Chinese looked at the several police officers and said: "The losses have been serious recently. I have already told the boss that if you can catch someone, he will be willing to give you a large sum of money!"

The Chinese man standing nearby looked at the police chief and said with a smile on his face,
"Thank you Mr. Black for your kindness, I will find a way to solve this problem!"

Taking off his hat and thanking him, the Sheriff then rode away with his subordinates.

Watching the Sheriff leave, the man said from behind: "By the way, my friend, the boss only wants black slaves. After all, these guys are durable! And they won't cause trouble!"

"Don't worry, sir, we won't make a mistake!"

Turning around and smiling, the Sheriff's smile looked very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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