Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 1071 The correct way to use Thomson!

Chapter 1071 The correct way to use Thomson!

The mining area near Lake Michigan,

Cars can no longer be driven in outside, so we can only find a way to take the rail car that transports ore.

When Lu Yan and Qiong came to this isolated mountain interior,
The world in front of me suddenly became brighter.
Under the huge mountain peak, the ore is being carried out by black slaves.

Seeing Lu Yan's arrival, many people hurriedly came forward to greet him and said, "Welcome, Mr. Black!"

Nodding with a smile on his face, Lu Yan waved his hand and said, "To thank you all for your hard work, I specially bought you some small gifts. Don't refuse!"

Just as Lu Yan finished speaking, the people behind him hurriedly brought all kinds of food and drinks up.
Seeing this scene, many supervisors cheered.

You know, although working here makes a lot of money, life is not to mention hard.
1912!Do you think that in a free country, all roads lead to Rome?
Don't be kidding, if it weren't for the rail car, Lu Yan would probably have to ride in!
The black slaves in the distance saw the overseers each holding a bottle of beer and burgers, looking like they were enjoying themselves, and they immediately showed unwillingness.
Because they are the ones who work hard!Why should these people be allowed to enjoy it!
And there are also some black slaves who were bought from the prison. They were sold by the warden just because of minor crimes!

It is impossible to leave this mining area in this life!

But they believed it was true and they could go back as long as they worked here for three years!

Lu Yan: If you can live for more than three years, I will change my career and become Captain America!
"Hey, that's not fair, we need wine and burgers too!"

"Yes, we also need to rest and enjoy! This is not humane at all!"

"We need equality and freedom!"

Just as a certain black slave roared loudly, the surrounding miners also looked towards this place.
The originally dark complexion, with the blessing of iron ore, became like a ball of coal, and it was completely impossible to tell whether it was a human or not!
Seeing this scene, the Chinese manager in charge of the scene immediately roared: "Damn slaves, didn't I let you eat? Go back to work, or I will kill you!"

"Don't be so angry. Let's talk if you have anything to say!"

After comforting the manager, Lu Yan stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "Does anyone want to eat a burger?"

"I want!"

"And I!"

"Are you the boss? These damn worms have been greedy for your money, and they don't even eat the animals they give us to eat every day!"

"Yes, they are simply a bunch of demons!"

Just when many black slave miners raised their weapons and roared, Lu Yan turned around and said: "Qiong, go get Thomson!"

Looking at Lu Yan, Qiong turned and left without saying a word.

Not long after, when a brand new Thomson appeared in Lu Yan's hand, he looked at the manager and said, "Remember, next time we deal with it this way, we must let them understand who is the master!"


Thomson's magazine loaded,

Many black slaves have noticed that something is wrong, while the supervisors are stunned on the spot.

Why does the boss look more cruel than them?
"Da da da"

Thomson roared and spit out a series of bullets in an instant, knocking down the black slave in front of him.
Looking at this scene, everyone ran around frantically, fearing that they would be hit by submachine guns.
But at this time, Lu Yan roared angrily: "Damn bastards, who do you think you are? Get back to work!"

As soon as Lu Yan finished speaking, the black slaves immediately fled back to the mine, not daring to come out at all.
After firing a round, Lu Yan directly changed the bullet and aimed at the black slave who was still alive to seal the mouth.

After finishing everything, he turned around and threw Thomson to the manager. Lu Yan looked at the supervisors and said, "Next time, if anyone dares to disobey, hang him up! Use this to teach them a profound lesson, do you understand?" ?”

"Yes, boss!"

With burgers in their hands, the overseers couldn't eat at all at this moment.
This Mr. Black is so cruel!Unparalleled!
Picking up a bottle of whiskey, Lu Yan said with a smile: "I wish you a better tomorrow!" "I wish you a better tomorrow!"

They raised their wine bottles in unison, and everyone looked at Lu Yan as if they were seeing a monster.
How could such a guy appear in this world?

After spending a few days in the mining area,
Lu Yan's arrival not only made the black slaves more obedient, but also provided dozens of more execution methods!
In the past, supervisors would only use whips. If they had no choice, they would threaten them with guns.

But now, Lu Yan told them that anything that is useless can be regarded as loss.
Get ill?Bury!

be lazy?Bury!

do not want to work?Bury!

There are vast and deep mountains nearby. Will there be less place to bury "you"?

He looked for black slaves because they were of high quality and cheap and could be discarded at any time.

Once what happened here is discovered, Lu Yan will "bury" everyone without mercy.
If they were compatriots, Lu Yan would not let them enter the mine.

Today's production environment is too dangerous. Mining accidents and collapses can happen at every turn. Once an accident occurs, it means dozens or dozens of lives. He can't afford to take the blame!
Black slaves are better, they are cheap, they are durable, and they don’t feel bad if they are gone, just dig a hole with your backhand, and they can also add fat to nature!

Lu Yan: Seeing such a kind boss like me, God has to salute me!
"Congratulations Mr. Black!"

The moment Lu Yan stepped onto the rail car, the manager and the supervisors bid farewell with "joyful" expressions on their faces.

Even the black slaves cheered loudly!

Because now they understand that it is not the managers and supervisors who are ruthless, but the boss behind them!

At the very least, they won't solve this guy just because of a small problem, but Lu Yan will!

With blacks from the South pouring into cities such as Chicago in large numbers, would Lu Yan be afraid that no one would have a job?
After leaving Lake Michigan, Lu Yan embarked on the road to his "hometown".

After a long journey by train, he finally arrived in Portland, Oregon!
After some searching, Lu Yan finally arrived at her hometown, her mother's hometown!
After setting foot on this land, Lu Yan felt that the "alpha wolf" characteristics in his body were being constantly stimulated.
Sensing Lu Yan's abnormality, Qiong asked, "What's wrong with you? Something seems wrong?"


With a smile, Lu Yan asked Qiong to buy a car, and the two set off.
Arriving at Fox Town, Lu Yan walked to the local autonomous zone.
Just after Lu Yan appeared, a very serious middle-aged man in front of him said: "Hey, outsiders are not welcome here!"

"My name is Don Black and my mother is Arianne Black!"

Stepping forward, Lu Yan opened his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

After listening to Lu Yan's words, the middle-aged man stepped forward and said, "Are you Ya Lian's child?"

"Yes, my mother passed away after giving birth to me in Britain. She once told me that her hometown is here!"

Speaking calmly, Lu Yan looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Who are you?"

"You can call me uncle because I am your mother's brother!"

Walking forward, the man looked at Lu Yan and said, "Are you Chinese?"

"My father is Chinese!"

After listening to what the uncle in front of him said, Lu Yan explained,
"Your mother was really a rebellious girl back then, but forget it, forget about the past, let's take you to see grandpa and grandma!"

Seeing his uncle complaining about his mother as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Yan was also speechless.
Looking at Lu Yan, Qiong was shocked because this was the first man whose boss did not dare to refute him. He was so handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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