Video: Collectors Flying in the Heavens

Chapter 1737: Grab the best! 【2400 monthly tickets plus more updates! 】

Chapter 1737: Grab the best! 【2400 monthly tickets plus more updates! 】


In a brightly lit bar somewhere,

Thorin is leading Aaron here to relax,

Although Thorin still doesn't know the purpose of his coming here, this is a big customer after all!

Think about the tens of millions of dollars they earned this year, but basically all of it came from Lu Yan.

Don't think that foreigners don't know that cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

They are more explosive than the humble Far Easterners,

For example, the last time two containers of "goods" were lost at the port, Solin had people go to the customs to rob them.

At home, we pay attention to etiquette first and then toast three glasses of wine.

But here, if you dare to touch my interests, I dare to let you see the true face of God!

In the bar, looking at the hot dancer, Aaron motioned for him to take him to the box above to discuss business.

After all, he didn’t come here to “win glory for the country”!

When I came to the box upstairs, there were a few people inside, including Solin's collaborators.

After lighting his cigar, Aaron said: "The boss wants a brand new motorcycle production line!"

"Motorcycle production line?"

Looking at him suspiciously, Solin said with a blank expression on his face: "You don't want the car anymore?"

"No, no, no, this is just to expand business! We also need cars, and the demand is greater than before, do you understand? My friend!"

Looking at Solin, Aaron handed over a bank card and said: "The ten million on it is the deposit given to you by the boss, and there will be another ten million afterwards! Because we not only need the production line, but also the production of motorcycles. People, and you have to find a way to make them "volunteer" to work with us! Do you understand, my friend!"

After Solin got the bank card, he handed it to the boy next to him.

When the other party left, Thorin frowned and said, "This kind of thing is not easy to handle!"

As a notorious group, if you ask him to help you plant a bomb, he might be able to do it right away, but this kind of work doesn't seem to fit in with their business!

Looking at Thorin, Aaron bit his cigar and said, "It's difficult. Is it difficult to prove it?"

"No, no, no, it's not difficult. Believe me, we do things very quickly. Just like the order you need, it will be placed and shipped immediately. There will be absolutely no trouble!"

Hearing that Aaron seemed doubtful, Thorin quickly explained,

You know, in these days, other than contacting "washing powder", what business is more profitable than "Wilmano"?

It’s just a car, everywhere on the street,

In order to meet the demand for the next order, Thorin even asked people from various regions to mark it and tow it away immediately.

It’s a business without capital, what’s worse than doing it?

"Now let's discuss whose production line we need!"

Looking at Thorin with a smile on his face, Aaron raised his eyebrows and spoke.

But looking at Aaron, Thorin touched his chin and said: "Since we need a production line, then choose the best one. I guess the boss thinks so too, right?"

Looking at Thorin, Aaron said in disbelief: "Oh, Thorin, you are such a genius. The boss will definitely be very happy to hear you say that!"

Thinking of Lu Yan's past style, Aaron decided that Solin would definitely satisfy him this time.

"Boss, the money is right!"

When the younger brother came back and came to Thorin, he whispered,

He immediately smiled and said: "I will make arrangements now, and it will be done in no more than three days. Please don't worry!"

"Okay! I believe in your strength!"

Standing up, Aaron and Thorin held hands, and the two parties parted contentedly.

Back to the hotel,

Aaron looked at the bustling streets and immediately couldn't help but pick up his wine glass and said: "In such a beautiful city, it would be a pity not to set off some fireworks!"

He doesn't know when he started, but he felt that he shouldn't be a lawyer, but should find a more exciting career, such as a gangster!

Lu Yan: Shouldn’t it be the police? Chen Jiaju!

Aaron: After meeting you, I can’t even think about it!

But just when Aaron didn't know how to escape the lonely night, the dark ninja appeared next to him and said: "Robbing a bank?"

Looking at the black shadow ninja in shock, Aaron couldn't help but asked in astonishment: "When did you come?"

"The king asked us to protect you!"

Looking at Aaron with scarlet eyes, the shadow ninja whispered: "Are you ready?"

"I don't have a weapon! This..."

Looking at the black shadow ninja awkwardly, Aaron spread his hands helplessly.

But at this moment, the shadow ninja on the side came out, holding a pocket in his hand and said: "Choose for yourself!" Opening the pocket, Aaron looked at the weapons and equipment inside, and immediately said in shock: "Isn't this the boss's thing? ?”

"Don't worry about the details. When the time comes, just bring the money back and he won't blame you!"

Encouraging Aaron, the shadow ninjas smiled ferociously,

If Aaron hadn't taken the lead, they would definitely have been imprisoned in the Shadow Kingdom and faced the wall.

But if Aaron proposed, as "protectors", they would have to be "forced" to take action!

Black Shadow Ninja: Jackie Chan, this time it’s all up to you!

Lu Yan: Uncle Long takes the shadow ninja to rob a bank? Which episode is this?


Seeing such well-equipped weapons, Aaron smiled evilly,

But after listening to Aaron's words, the shadow ninjas looked at each other, and they took the bait!

But just after picking up the weapon, Aaron couldn't help but ask: "Can't you go by yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense, get dressed and go!"

Turning to look at Aaron, the black shadow ninja drew his sword and stared at him,

What a risk, I was almost exposed!

In the early morning night, there were only a few police cars patrolling.

When a Ford arrived outside the HSBC Bank, Aaron looked around and said, "It's better to choose here, be more familiar with it!"

HSBC: Forget London, you’re already in Florida. Wouldn’t it be better for you to switch to a local one?

Local Bank: Danger

Picking up the gun, Aaron stepped out of the car and directly put Tang Seng's baby head on.

Pulling out their ninja swords, the shadow ninjas walked around one after another.

"You grab it slowly, don't be in a hurry, just leave before dawn!"

Showing a ferocious smile, the black shadow ninja looked at Aaron and said,

"Do you have so much time?"

When he spoke in confusion, Aaron became sluggish.

"Of course, because we haven't been this excited for a long time!"

Turning around and leaving, the black shadow ninja yelled: "Guard the intersection, come and kill each one!"

Suddenly hearing these words, Aaron's scalp went numb and he said, "No, I've become a bait!"

The next morning,

When Aaron returned to the hotel with a frosty face, he was surrounded by money bags.

After wiping the blood-stained ninja sword clean, the black shadow ninja looked at Aaron and said, "What should be said and what should not be said, do you understand?"

"I see!"

Nodding tremblingly, Aaron was about to cry but had no tears at the moment.

I originally thought that I was taking them for excitement, but I didn't expect that it was them who were taking them for excitement!

At the crossroads, all four roads were penetrated by this group of people.

As he drove out, Aaron could see the crashed helicopter on the roadside.

These people are simply crazy!

"We will take the money back. Don't worry, there were no survivors last night!"

Patting Aaron's shoulder, the black shadow ninja slowly disappeared into the room,

But looking at this scene, Aaron took out his mobile phone, dialed a certain number and said: "Boss, I seem to be in trouble!"


Holding the phone in confusion, Lu Yan was still watching the cartoon Havoc in Heaven!

But after listening to Aaron's explanation, Lu Yan was shocked and said: "Do you dare to believe what they said? You are crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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