Give Douluo a little technological shock.

Chapter 354 "Douluo 1" can defeat all soul masters with ordinary people's skills

Chapter 354 "Douluo 1" is a technique that can bring all soul masters back to ordinary people.
  After thinking over and over again, Chen Fu finally chose not to move his position, but instead began to spend his energy on renovating the hillside where he was located. This was the house left to him by the Wolf Mother's family!
  The hillside where Chen Fu is located is technically located in the northwest of the Star Forest, relatively close to the core circle, and is rarely visited by soul masters.

According to Chen Fu's knowledge, less than ten kilometers away from him, there is a mining area [-] meters underground that is rich in minerals that was discovered in later generations. Although he doesn't know if the same is true in this world, Chen Fu is still planning to go. have a look.

The Divine Power of Order, one of the three basic abilities he possesses, is still very weak, but it is still possible to help him build some auxiliary soul tools. The source of Chen Fu's mental power is the divine core in his body, and the source of his vitality is also the divine core, so his 'blue bar' and 'blood bar' are universal. At least the starting point is much better than the original Kubi body.

After spending a week upgrading the wolf mother's cave from ancient times to the Stone Age, Chen Fu wore his handsome wolf-skin outfit and walked towards the nearby mining area.

Breath is a mysterious thing, but smell, an objective and real thing, is within Chen Fu's control. Under the control of the Divine Power of Order, Chen Fu will not emit any smell. Therefore, to those soul beasts that rely on their sense of smell, Chen Fu is an invisible person, unless he is unlucky enough to be hit directly.

The wolf mother was like this. She didn't actually feel the aura of Chen Fu who had just broken out of the ground, but her two eyes watched Chen Fu pull out of the soil like a white and tender ginseng that had become sperm. It felt good to bump into it. With luck, it went directly over and ate Chen Fu as a plant soul beast.

"What I'm curious about is, is there Di Tian and the others under the Lake of Life in the center of the Star Dou Forest?"

The colorful Chen Fu stood in front of a plant soul beast, pulled off a leaf, put it in his mouth and chewed it, thinking secretly in his heart.

In front of Chen Fu was a green-gold sword-leaf vine, a ten thousand-year-old plant soul beast. It was sensitive to smells. Its disadvantage was that it had no vision. The leaves had a unique smell and had a body-building effect.

Chen Fu used his mental power to project a virtual mental map with many red dots marked by him, and then marked the Evergreen Golden Sword Leaf Vine on it, preparing to wait until his skin became thicker and thicker to mark these by himself. The precious plants were transplanted home.

"According to the information in the knowledge treasury, there should be no way for this world to evolve into the divine realm. Therefore, the Silver Dragon King will not exist, and the likes of Emperor Tian will not exist either."

"But that's fine. When the time comes, we'll get two Emperor Heavens, two Silver Dragon Kings, two God Kings of Destruction, etc. It's troublesome just thinking about it."

Chen Fu waved his little hand, and the Divine Power of Order turned into an invisible knife under the stimulation of his mental power. After cutting off a few leaves again, he said goodbye to the Evergreen Sword Leaf Vine that was trembling in place.

The invisible blade of the Divine Power of Order directly destroys the cell membrane of the leaves and stems of the Lapis Lazuli Sword Vine, causing it to 'actively' drop the leaves on its own. In addition, Chen Fu has no aura to emit. It is as if it has encountered a ghost and can only silently remain in the darkness. Feeling that I am being dismembered bit by bit
  After climbing over mountains and mountains, Chen Fu finally found what he wanted in a beautiful mountain stream.

"The soil contains trace amounts of mithril element No. 7, gold element No. 3, and iron element No. 1."

Next to a clear mountain stream, Chen Fu uncovered the lush green grass on the ground, dug a shallow pit of about half a meter with his hands, twisted a little soil, put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully. His mental power is not strong enough to directly detect the void, so he needs to use his evolving extraordinary sense of taste for assistance.

The Star Empire has discovered a variety of mineral elements with the same element and different properties, so it will sort them into the same element.

"The types of minerals have slightly changed, but after all, there is a time difference of tens of thousands of years between the two, so that's okay."

Chen Fu suddenly stopped talking, then turned to look at the two tooth marks on his feet.

  With a sweep of his consciousness, he instantly discovered the culprit in the dense grass - a small green-spotted snake with brilliant colors.

The green-spotted little snake was spitting out snake messages to him in the grass in the distance. It was nine feet long and glowed with three weird and gorgeous colors.

"A nine-thousand-year-old green snake with colorful scales?"

The Colorful Scaled Green Snake is a super spirit beast that is small in size, good at sneaking, and contains terrifying poison that can melt its prey. It is not known to the outside world due to its size and ability. Each level and one foot, each realm and color, is the most poisonous and precious snake in the Star Dou Forest.

"Then here I am"

  Chen Fu took a few steps forward with a look of joy on his face, and then with a pop, he fell to the ground, unconscious. The blood vessels on his body had begun to be covered with dense black blood!
  The green snake with colorful scales raised its head slightly and spat out snake messages repeatedly to Chen Fu who fell to the ground. Then it settled on his body and began to wait silently for the human being to turn into blood in its venom, and then it finally sucked it. While devouring the essence of flesh and blood, the venom must also be recovered. The reason why this precious snake is cherished is that the path it takes is very extreme. If the poison doesn't kill the prey, it will be half dead.

The sun was setting in the west and the stars were shining brightly. The green snake with colorful scales entrenched on Chen Fu began to spit out snake messages uneasily. It stared at the dark-faced Chen Fu with its cold vertical eyes and kept making hissing sounds.

The human's body temperature was getting higher and higher, so much so that it finally stopped clinging to its back.


As time went by, the green snake with colorful scales became more and more uneasy. Even if it was a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, after being attacked by it like this, within half a moment, its flesh and blood would have turned into water. How could this human child be like this? Can you resist?
  As night falls, the fog condenses, but thick fog is rising where Chen Fu is, showing that the temperature here is very different from the outside world.


Staring coldly at Chen Fu's face that was slowly returning to color, the colorful green snake finally made up its mind and chose to give up.

It's leaving. This prey is too weird and it doesn't dare to stay any longer.

But just as it turned to leave, it suddenly heard a penetrating buzz from behind!
  The green snake with colorful scales suddenly turned its head, and then its vertical eyes suddenly tightened!
  Behind the human boy, it saw a green light wheel with complex and mysterious runes carved on it blooming instantly!

The dazzling light made the mountain stream full of insect buzzing in the night silent for a moment!
  The mysterious fluctuation instantly exploded from the blue divine wheel, and the vegetation within a radius of several hundred meters began to tremble instantly!

The green snake with colorful scales began to panic in its heart and wanted to turn around and run away, but its weak body was unable to move at all under the lock of that inexplicable will!
  Then it saw the most terrifying thing it had ever seen in its thousands of years of life!

  I saw a green light sweeping across, and a round of green light suddenly retracted from a distance like an echo hundreds of meters away!

And those stupid plants and trees that were swept by the cyan halo withered instantly!
  All the vitality was instantly concentrated into the body of the human boy in the middle, like wheat being harvested.

At this time, in the center of a dead plant land, the terrifying human boy stood up slowly, illuminated by the mysterious blue light wheel, and opened his deep eyes as vast as the sea of ​​stars!

Extraordinary first-level wood, extraordinary body, completed!
  Standing under the Milky Way, Chen Fu looked at the green snake with colorful scales that was weak and had begun to shrink in his hands with an expression of surprise. Chen Fu's body structure was destined to prevent him from being poisoned, but what surprised Chen Fu was that the venom of the colorful green snake contained extremely strong venom and energy.

The strong snake venom continued to promote his physical evolution, and during this period, his body in turn absorbed the super strong energy in the snake venom. Chen Fu directly entered the first level of transcendence two or three years ahead of schedule!
  This is simply a gift package of novice experience given to him for no reason!

  Chen Fu looked at the highly venomous snake in his hand that had been declared extinct in the memory of ancient soul beasts in later generations, and many great ideas suddenly came to his mind.

Chen Fu tied the green snake around his waist as a belt, looked at the sky, and then began to level the land, build simple tents, and build simple metallurgical equipment in this deserted place.

The plan changed, and Chen Fu decided to start metallurgical work here directly after picking up the novice experience gift package for nothing.

After officially embarking on the path to transcendence, Chen Fu's physical data changed greatly. His energy consumption accelerated, his physical strength increased, and his facial features also completed a transcendent transformation.

He is still just a teenager, but his strength has already reached the level of a thousand kilograms, and will continue to grow, and he can break through ten tons before the second level.

The Colorful Scaled Green Snake gave almost half of its snake life to Chen Fu for nothing. Chen Fu would not treat it badly. He locked it in an iron box that he had made through preliminary metallurgy, and then put it in the box every day. Throw various female snakes.

At the same time, Chen Fu will also prepare a variety of pharmaceuticals that can prompt snakes to enter the breeding period, trying to help the colorful scaled green snakes expand their own tribe.

But most of the time, the various types of female snakes that Chen Fu put into the snake box would be swallowed by the green snakes as food, and the eyes that looked at Chen Fu were very cold, and Chen Fu was not annoyed by this.

This is true of any research. It is difficult at the beginning, but once you get on the right track, it will be much easier.

Chen Fu decided to conduct a large-scale screening and breeding of snakes that can produce "high-energy venom", so as to cultivate a biological machine with specialized "poison refining" skills.

Finally, we have reached the kind of special medicine that can improve the physical fitness of the person who ascends to the gods with just one injection.

Dilute it and give it to ordinary people, and it can also improve overall physical fitness.

Snake rights? That is an issue that others should consider. Chen Fu is only responsible for submitting technology.

dang! dang! dang!

Just like that, this valley, which has never been inhabited by humans, began to ring with the sound of gold and iron knocking day and night!

It started with manpower, then developed to water power, and firepower. It was not until Chen Fu spent a year using his mental power to slowly carve soul power inscriptions, and finally created a solar soul power conversion plate, that the technology of the valley where Chen Fu was located Climbing up an era again.

Compared with the development path of the main body, which has always been based on the Ark Core, the divine core in Chen Fu's body is the most advanced core. He does not need the Ark Core, so his skills jump very quickly.

Unknowingly, Chen Fu had been metallurgizing in this valley for three years, during which time Chen Fu made a major discovery.

That is, the colorful-scaled green snake turned out to be environmentally transsexual and had two sets of reproductive systems. When he caught it, the green snake was in the stage of transition from male to female.
  No wonder the Green Snake's eyes when looking at Chen Fu were so cold. It's because the Star Dou Forest on the other side of the main body has no records of this extinct snake!

However, Chen Fu reacted and began to prescribe the right medicine (really), and finally harvested the first batch of snake eggs and successfully hatched them.

A strange thing happened in the past three years. A lost low-level soul master accidentally entered Chen Fu's Metallurgical Valley.

When Chen Fu found the other party, the man had been bitten by venomous snakes that were everywhere in the valley and had fallen into a coma.

Worried that the other party would find some elder ancestor and disrupt his research career, Chen Fu carried the person over several mountains, then threw the person into a somewhat similar valley area and injected him with the serum. After watching the other party wake up and leave, he returned to his Metallurgical Valley.

However, after that guy returned, he wrote a travel journal about the soul guide Snake Valley similar to Peach Blossom Spring, which caused a burst of ridicule among the soul masters. This was something Chen Fu didn't know.

Chen Fu is the kind of person who doesn't care what's going on outside as long as he finds something to do. Of course, if the outside environment disturbs him, he will choose to make the outside world quiet and then do his own thing.

As for how to be 'quiet', Chen Fu currently has one in his possession: wholesale colored scaled green snake soul rings.

Let the soul masters all over the world fall into a chain of soul ring suspicion. Do you dare to bet that the poisonous snake's green snake soul ring with colorful scales is not included in the opponent's soul ring? He has it but you don't, do you dare to fight him? That was a snake venom for which Chen Fu had not found any antidote so far!
  But he has it, you have it, and I have it. After everyone has poisonous soul rings, do they still dare to fight?
  The venom of the Colorful Scaled Green Snake is a very special kind of 'energy poison'. The higher the energy intensity, the more poisonous it is. Its destructive logic is to use the energy in the toxin to 'burn' the host's body. No poison can invade this kind of thing. Even the vitreous body cannot stop the 'burning' of the colorful scale snake venom!
  The logic of being invulnerable to all poisons is that the cell membranes in the body have a layer of resistance that does not react or exchange with venom, and the venom can enter and exit as it pleases. But the colorful scale snake venom is the kind that insists on finding trouble with you, and wants to confront you head-on.

Unless the energy intensity in your body is very high and the content is amazing, it can offset the venom of the colorful scale snake. Otherwise, it will be melted directly by the snake venom. Except for the evolutionary path opened by the ascension system, which can directly copy the back path of the colorful scale snake venom, swallow and absorb the high concentration of energy behind the colorful scale snake venom, and become addicted to the snake venom, the soul master system cannot do it.

What we talked about earlier was the venom of the Colorful Scaled Green Snake. Speaking of the Colored Scaled Green Snake's soul ring, although it is not as terrifying as the snake venom, it can still add a little poison to the soul master's soul skills and burn the opponent's soul power.

If you are strong, your current soul power will be burned away. If you are weak, the upper limit of your soul power may be burned directly after the soul power shield cannot protect you, which means you will lose your level!
  Just imagine that after a fight between two soul masters, both of them fell down. Then what else would they fight for? Let's all return to the time of ordinary people?

The construction of a civilized society in Douluo Continent is just around the corner!
  However, the Star Dou Empire brought everyone into the age of soul masters, and you brought the Douluo Continent in another world back to the age of ordinary people. Chen Fu felt that it was a bit difficult to get along.

Therefore, although the new achievements in Chen Fu's hands can have a devastating impact on the outside world, at the moment, he just wants to be a blacksmithing machine and level up silently.

Of course, the premise is that the idiots outside don't mess with him.

He just wants to quietly upgrade and expand his technical achievements. After establishing plane coordinates with the Guixu Realm, he will be able to prove his uniqueness and the value of his existence with his own technical achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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