Chapter 15 I Like Chatting With Him

A long time ago, there was an advertisement for OPPO mobile phones that said, no matter how big the world is, it is no bigger than my 36 and a half footsteps.

But it turns out that the world is still big enough. An hour later, Jiang Baizhi chose to enter a western restaurant.

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Baizhi flipped through the menu skillfully.

Su Ye said naturally, "I seldom eat western food, and the steak needs to be mature, and you can arrange the rest."

"You're really good at throwing your hands away."

Su Ye smiled slightly, but didn't take Jiang Baizhi's joke to heart.Once upon a time, taking the initiative to enter a relatively well-decorated restaurant was a test for Su Ye.It is a kind of embarrassment that is unconscious even if the wallet is sufficient, and it is an embarrassment of the soul.

But now, Su Ye can say frankly that he has never eaten western food.

In fact, this is not a big deal, and others will not care about it, but only Su Ye understands the cultivation in it.

For a moment, Su Ye also thought that the beginning with Jiang Baizhi might not have been a bad thing. At that time, he was not confident enough, but now it is just right.

"Bai Zhi, what story is your new play telling?"


Su Ye nodded. In fact, he is very concerned about Jiang Baizhi. Su Ye has seen almost all of her works. If she is only playing a university professor, with Jiang Baizhi's acting skills, it should not be a problem at all. Even if she is dedicated, it does not need to spend a month. Time to experience life.

"I thought you only knew how to study academics, but I didn't expect to pay attention to film and television works."

"Then you are one-sided. In fact, I like watching movies, especially old movies." Su Ye said, "A movie usually contains the director's view of the world or some kind of thinking, but it is very natural. Expressed in about two hours, in my opinion, a movie is a world, and it is worth savoring carefully."

"Okay, I'm one-sided!" Jiang Baizhi looked defeated, and then said seriously, "The new movie is probably a farewell story."

"how to say?"

"The hostess is a university professor. After a big fight with her husband and daughter, she found that she was already in the terminal stage of the disease, with only three months left to live. The hostess did not become hysterical after knowing the result, nor did she do anything crazy. .

Knowledge and decency made her accept this result quickly, and then she began to bid farewell to her children, husband, and parents in her own way.But until one day, she suddenly realized whether the unilateral farewell was too selfish. She chose to tell the results of her illness to those around her. She believed that as long as there was enough time to prepare for the farewell, both parties would have no regrets.

At this moment, the people around me understand the abnormal behavior of the heroine some time ago. Some people want the heroine to continue treatment, and some want to help the heroine fulfill their wishes, but in the end they all choose to live the last days and say goodbye with the calm attitude of the heroine. Say farewell enough, then leave without regret."

Su Ye took a deep breath, this is a great story.

"How's the story?"

"Very well, there are almost no films of this type in my country. There are three kinds of education that have always been very scarce in our country, namely love education, death education, and sex education. We are ashamed to express love and regard death as pain and unknown , both genders are taboo. If this movie is released, I even recommend that many adults take their children to see it, and tell the children that death is just a peaceful farewell."

"After you say that, it seems to be true. I suddenly feel that this movie is very meaningful."

Su Ye nodded, "This will be a meaningful movie, and similar stories, as we all know, there is "Coco" in the United States, which tells us that the real death is that everyone forgets you. There is also a story in Western Europe that has been A long story, from Denmark, called "Grandpa Becomes a Ghost", the little boy's grandfather died, and he couldn't understand death.

His mother told him that grandpa had become an angel and went to heaven, but he couldn't imagine what heaven was like.

Dad told him that grandpa would turn into mud and disappear slowly, but he couldn't imagine how grandpa would turn into mud.

The book says that if a person forgets to do one thing while alive, he will become a ghost after death.One night, Grandpa came back as a ghost and told the little boy that he forgot a very important thing.

Then the little boy helped his grandfather try to find memories, looked at old photos, traveled all over the town, went to many places he had been, and recalled many beautiful things in the past.Finally, grandpa told the little boy, I forgot to say goodbye to you."

It took a long time for Jiang Baizhi to withdraw from Su Ye's story. She is actually a very emotional person, let alone such a beautiful story.

"I don't know how to describe my feelings, but if I have children in the future, I would love to tell this story to my children."

"In the future, your movies will also have this effect."

"Why, I'm suddenly stressed."

Su Ye shrugged innocently, "I'm just expressing the best wishes of a friend."

Jiang Baizhi snorted pretending to be angry, and then proudly drank the red wine in the glass, "Look well, I will definitely perform this play well."

When I got home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Baizhi threw her shoes on the ground casually, and walked towards the wine cabinet barefoot. In fact, she drank a bit too much tonight, and she is a little tipsy now, but she still doesn't feel satisfied.

Shaking the red wine glass, sipping the red wine into his mouth, leaning against the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the busy traffic in the distance, Jiang Baizhi suddenly felt very comfortable.

Cozy is because of being happy, and the reason for being happy may be because I heard a very good story?
The vibration of WeChat broke Jiang Baizhi's meditation.

"Jiang Jiang, what are your plans for tomorrow? Do you want to go paragliding that you wanted to go?"

Jiang Baizhi was stunned when she saw the news. There were two reasons for this stunned, not only because she forgot about it, but also because she didn't want to go paragliding tomorrow.

"Wan Ning, I have work to do tomorrow, so I can't go."

A series of question marks were sent directly on WeChat, representing the inconceivable mood of the other party.

"I have to experience life tomorrow, I don't have time."

"Jiang Jiang, do you think this reason can convince me? So what if you miss a day?"

"I want to keep my word and I don't want to let Professor Su dove."

The Jiang Baizhi who said this was a little guilty, and made several typos and revised it before sending this sentence.

For some reason, Zhao Wanning on the other end of WeChat suddenly remembered a line from Farewell My Concubine, one day less, one hour less, one minute less, and one second less than a lifetime.

She drove this strange idea out of her mind, and typed teasingly, "Then should I ask Professor Su to go with me, and you can't always follow Professor Su to experience life, let him experience life with you."

"Is that bad?"

Zhao Wanning in the bed made a strange cry, and she knew something was wrong!But at the moment she is too lazy to expose Jiang Baizhi.

"What's wrong with it, it's still lively when there are many people playing."

"Okay, then I'll ask Professor Su if he wants to go."

When Jiang Baizhi sent a text message asking for an inquiry, within a second, Su Ye responded with a good one.

Jiang Baizhi is even happier. At this moment, she can be sure that her happiness is not because of that story, but maybe because of chatting with Su Ye. She is looking forward to tomorrow's chat.
(End of this chapter)

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