Chapter 201

Campsite, between shots.

While the film crew was setting up the machine, Su Ye and Jiang Baizhi came to the sand pile next to the campsite, ready to fulfill Jiang Baizhi's dream of taking pictures.That's right, Jiang Baizhi specially bought two sets of simple space suits online this time, and took them with her all the time, planning to leave a set of photos in this place that looks like Mars.

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

But at this time, the sky was dark, the sunset was precarious, orange light shone on Jiang Baizhi's body, Jiang Baizhi stretched out her hands, and beneath her feet were endless sandstone landforms of different heights.

I have to say that this scene is really beautiful, and it will make people feel like they are on Mars.

"Is it all over?"

"Wait a little longer, the scene is very good at the moment."

Jiang Baizhi turned her head and saw Su Ye lying on the ground. She couldn't help but chuckle. Maybe Su Ye is not the most professional photographer, but she is definitely the most dedicated.

"Don't move, your back is very beautiful."

Jiang Baizhi maintained her posture for a while, seeing that Su Ye didn't stop, she felt a little helpless, and couldn't help brushing her hair, "Is it still okay?"

"Don't move, you look really good when you flick your hair."

Jiang Baizhi gave Su Ye a helpless look, I look good in any way, right?

"Are you lying to me?"

"Absolutely not. You are right to come to Erboliang, and the photos are really special." Taking advantage of the gap between his words, Su Ye exposed his head from behind the phone.

Jiang Baizhi smiled without saying a word, she didn't come to Erboliang, she obviously came with you.

In the movie "Send You A Little Red Flower", Wei Yihang has been having a dream. In the dream, there is a particularly beautiful lake. He has always wanted to go here, but he doesn't know where it is.Later he finally found this piece of lake in XZ, and there was a girl who was willing to go with him, but unfortunately the girl had an accident.Later, he went there alone, and he saw the lake that he was thinking about, but without that person, the lake seemed to be like this
Erboliang is indeed the place Jiang Baizhi wanted to come to, but if she didn’t come with Su Ye, it would probably be the same, but fortunately she is luckier than Wei Yihang.
Not far away, a red dot glowed faintly in the wind. Xu Qingyuan was wearing a white shirt, hunting, and he was smoking a cigarette, very chic and melancholy.Can you not be melancholy, everyone came to record the show together, the lonely smoke in the desert, but you brought your girlfriend to love each other.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who was depressed, but also Ma Xi, who was over half a century old.

This depression is well-intentioned, not jealousy, just helpless why I don't have it.

"Old Ma, thank you for being here."

Ma Xi snorted, at the moment he was thinking of other ideas.As a native of the capital, he has been mischievous since he was a child, although he is much more stable as he gets older.But his bad side actually remained. He saw Xu Qingyuan's depression, and a bad idea had gradually matured in his mind.

"Old Xu, I remember you are still single."

"Old horse, don't carry any pot without opening it."

"Why don't you fall in love?"

Hearing this, Xu Qingyuan's expression suddenly became proud, "Love is always too short, but forgetting is too long, joy is too shallow, but pain is too deep. There are many beautiful things in this world. Why do we have to fall in love? Is it because the book is not good, or the movie? Isn't it pretty?"

Ma Xi chose not to reveal it, but just stared at Xu Qingyuan, "I'll just ask you, are you depressed now that you're looking at my little brother Qingqing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I remember that before we set off, you specially loaded two cases of beer into the car." Ma Xi was like a devil, persuasive, "It's shameful to show affection, how about we get our little brother drunk tonight?"

In fact, Ma Xi didn't mean anything malicious, she just thought it was fun and wanted to tease Su Ye. A man's happiness is so simple and unpretentious.

"Isn't that good? I drink wine in the hope that we can talk to the point where we can express our feelings. Think about it, in the lonely desert, under the boundless starry sky, how romantic is it that we sing to wine?"

"Isn't that also drinking? The reason is not important, the important thing is the result."

Xu Qingyuan shook his head, "I still don't feel very good."

"Don't you want to see what the little junior brother looks like after being drunk? I heard that people with good tempers and good personalities are more likely to let go of themselves when they are drunk. Don't you wonder what the little junior brother looks like after letting go Isn't it? You are not particularly interested in the little junior brother, don't you want to deconstruct him?"


Xu Qingyuan was a little moved by what he said, but he was still sticking to his bottom line.
At this moment, Su Ye called their names from afar, and Ma Xi and Xu Qingyuan walked over after hearing the words.

"Two senior brothers, which one of you is better at taking pictures, Bai Zhi and I would like to take some photos together."

Ma Xi glanced at Xu Qingyuan, meaning: This love is already in sight, why don't you do it?

Xu Qingyuan avoided Ma Xi's gaze, but he was still very kind, "Let me come, I like photography on weekdays."

"Then please trouble Senior Brother Xu." Jiang Baizhi went to the countryside to do as the Romans did, and shouted after Su Ye. Ever since she was with Su Ye, there have been a lot of Senior Brothers.

"How do you two want to shoot, do you have any requirements?"

Jiang Baizhi didn't look outside, "Brother, I saw a picture of the sunset in the middle of the two on the Internet, I want to take that kind of picture."

"It's simple, just find a good angle." As he spoke, Xu Qingyuan had already arranged the positions of the two of them, and quickly achieved the desired effect, "Okay, just get closer."

At this moment, Jiang Baizhi pouted. Seeing this, although Su Ye was a little embarrassed, she also pouted in order to make Jiang Baizhi happy.

Everyone in Xu Qingyuan was dumbfounded, he thought what Jiang Baizhi said was that the two embraced each other, and the setting sun happened to be in the middle behind them.But I never expected that this middle is the middle of the two kissing.

To be honest, he is a little shy, after all, he has never tasted the sweetness of love in middle age.
"Brother, can we do this now?"

Su Ye's question interrupted Xu Qingyuan's meditation, "It still needs to be adjusted, Su Ye, your distance should be a little further back, and your waist should be lower."

At this time, Ma Xi wandered to Xu Qingyuan's side at some point, and whispered, "I can bear this? How about bullying single dogs? Do you want to do it?"

There was a flash of struggle in Xu Qingyuan's eyes, but he glanced at the two people in the camera and gritted his teeth, "Do it!"

This is too bullying an honest person, we must let the junior brother know the dangers of society!Know the pain of being single!
At this moment, Su Ye didn't know about the conspiracy between the two, because he only had Jiang Baizhi in his eyes.

The sunset is so romantic, Jiang Baizhi is so beautiful at this moment, the most important thing is that her soft waves are full of him, even if he has not drunk, he is already drunk, drunk under the sunset, drunk in the endless desert In the wind, drunk in Jiang Baizhi's love.

With Xu Qingyuan pressing the shutter, this scene was preserved forever
(End of this chapter)

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