My secret love for Bai Yueguang turned out to be my blind date

Chapter 25 If It Was You, You Shouldn't Be Fearful

Chapter 25 If It Was You, You Shouldn't Be Fearful

Night, nine o'clock.

The fire in the fireplace was very bright, reflecting Jiang Baizhi's blushing face. At this moment, she was curled up on the sofa in a comfortable posture, her expression focused, and she wrote something from time to time. She was thinking about her own biography.

That's right, according to Jiang Baizhi, although the script has already described the plot, it is more like a general framework, and there are still many details that need to be filled in.Take the class scene as an example. Different professors have different habits. They may strictly follow the textbook or be unconstrained. This is just a lecture. What about some personal habits?For example, will you take a thermos cup during class, and what clothes will you wear?
These are the room for the actors to play, and what Jiang Baizhi has to do is to add details to make the character complete. When the script study meeting is held, she will communicate with the director, and make the character as full as possible while conforming to the director's overall concept. as vividly as possible.

As for Su Ye, he was also reading a book, not a professional book on philosophy, but a leisure book for relaxation - "Little Women".

Little Women is a book about the lives of four sisters in an ordinary family in the United States in the 19th century. The four sisters in the book have different personalities. The eldest daughter Meg pursues true love and is still optimistic even in the face of poverty.The second sister, Qiao, is independent, dreams of becoming a writer, and takes action for it.The third sister, Beth, is kind and responsible. She takes the initiative to take care of her family and is full of compassion for the poor. The youngest daughter, Amy, pursues art and persists even in the face of ridicule.

The reason why he looked up at Jiang Baizhi was because Su Ye happened to see the part where his second sister Qiao worked hard to create a manuscript in the bell tower, and he thought it was very similar to the Jiang Baizhi in front of him.
"I noticed that you have been in a trance for a long time, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Baizhi kicked Su Ye's foot lightly with her foot. The woolen socks felt so good to the touch, so good that Su Ye, whose soul was out of his body, went out of his body again.

"I saw a passage in the book, and felt a bit like you." Su Ye straightened up and handed the book over.

Jiang Baizhi picked it up, and when she saw that Qiao was conceiving the novel in the bell tower, she smiled knowingly, isn't this just herself now?

"Stop writing biographies?"

"I can't think of more for the time being." Jiang Baizhi nodded, "Would you like to take a look for me and give me some advice?"

"I just heard you describe the general outline of the story, and it's hard to get a glimpse of it." Having said that, Su Ye still took Jiang Baizhi's notebook honestly.

"Just watch, I don't necessarily listen to your opinions." Jiang Baizhi closed her eyes, with a smile on her lips.

Su Ye smiled softly, and looked down, Ruyan, a very beautiful thin golden body, as expected of the person he likes.

"She is in her forties, close to 50 years old. She is used to ironing her clothes straight. Her home should be neat and tidy. She is full of heart, and she should have a little hobby, maybe drinking red wine or coffee. It doesn't take much because she's just enjoying life and being alone with herself."

After reading this, Su Ye paused, "I think this should be coffee, hand-brewed coffee would be better, you need to grind and brew it yourself."


"When I saw this, my first reaction was to think of Zhang Ailing. Zhang Ailing loved drinking coffee all her life, and coffee shops often appeared in her works. In her later years, her face was aging and her life was difficult. She would still drink coffee in her small The room grinds coffee beans by itself, and brews coffee with a small stove and a large iron pot. Coffee is not a drink at this time, it is a symbol, not petty bourgeoisie, but her love of life.”

Speaking of this, Su Ye paused, "The above is my impression of the symbolic meaning of coffee, and combined with your biography, the age of the heroine happened to be in the 80s of the last century. For intellectuals, the imported coffee should have a different meaning. After all, Western restaurants were a rarity at that time. Red wine is not inappropriate, it will make the characters look more chic, but in the semantics of the Chinese environment, there is relatively no coffee in the reception. Appropriate."

"Mr. Jiang, what did I say?"

In fact, when Su Ye saw Jiang Baizhi's sparkling eyes, he had the answer, but he just wanted to say it from Jiang Baizhi's mouth.

But how could the cunning teacher Jiang easily follow someone's mind, "It's just so-so, keep reading and analyze."

Su Ye shook her head and smiled, but she did not insist, "She has her own independent aesthetics and cognition, which makes her very attractive and special, but sometimes it will also become a manifestation of stubbornness, and may also Because of this, there will be some conflicts with the family.”

After reading this, Su Ye stopped, and when Jiang Baizhi quietly pricked up her expectant ears, Su Ye said, "I think your writing is very good."

Although it was somewhat unexpected, it still aroused Jiang Baizhi's interest, "Please use at least [-] characters to start the story."

"We look at the world with a prejudiced eye, because our cognition is limited. Unless there is an Almighty God, no one will be able to see it comprehensively. Receiving a higher education will allow us to see things more comprehensively , but to some extent we are also deceived by knowledge, we believe too much in our own knowledge, as you said, we become stubborn."

Su Ye didn't stop, he enjoyed the process of communicating with Jiang Baizhi very much, so he wanted to say a lot, "But I prefer your non-avoidance of collisions, even the non-avoidance caused by the heroine itself, because there is no such thing in this world. perfect person."

"Isn't this a very normal thing, everyone is imperfect."

"How should I put it, in fact, I was once afraid of marriage."

Jiang Baizhi seemed to have heard some great gossip, and immediately sat up, "Please start your story."

Su Ye smiled helplessly, "I don't know if you have watched the movie "The Troubled Family". In the movie, a couple who have spent most of their lives want to divorce because the wife can't stand the husband farting in bed, sleeping Don't wash your feet. I have a lot of feelings for this movie, because I can't imagine how many collisions will happen after two people who have never lived together live together, such as whether they will squeeze toothpaste from the head and the tail Shout out."

"I think you simply think too much." Jiang Baizhi is very serious, "Life habits can be adjusted, eating and drinking is normal. Don't give your partner too big illusions, we are all mortals."

"That's still different. You're a fairy. If I marry someone like you, I won't be worried. I'll be happy every day."

"Stop joking around here, I'm serious."

"I know, don't love abstract people, but love concrete people."

Jiang Baizhi was satisfied after hearing this.

"Let me share with you another story about getting married. Li Dan wrote it in his Books and Jokes. The little monk asked the master: Why did I hear someone setting off firecrackers at the foot of the mountain in the morning. The master replied: Someone is getting married at the foot of the mountain. The little monk asked again: Why do you set off firecrackers when you get married? Master replied: It must be to embolden yourself."

Who knew that when Jiang Baizhi heard this, she gave Su Ye a straight look, "You still say?"

Su Ye immediately surrendered with this big white eye. He just wanted to liven up the atmosphere.

"Continue to read the biography!"


Su Ye already had a premonition of his future family brother, but he was full of expectations
(End of this chapter)

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