chewing dragon

Chapter 101 Angry Crane

Chapter 101 Angry Crane
Qi Jingzhi walked slowly to the edge of the stone platform, lowered his head and looked down, there was no one in sight at the bottom of the valley, most of the flames that formed a circle before had been extinguished, and the rest was extremely faint, like a candle in the wind .

He turned around and looked up again, and saw that the corpse of the strange snake that had been used as a rope was still hanging on the stone wall, and the end of the snake's tail was still a few feet away from the stone platform.

Old Wei has passed away, and no one will move the cloud, snake, and fog tiger to help him cross the void.

Qi Jingzhi pursed his lips, only to feel a slight heat in his eye sockets, and a bad breath was stuffed in his chest.

"The blue sky is high, the yellow earth is thick, the moon is cold and the sun is warm, let's fry life!"

The inscription on Jian Renshou Dao appeared in his mind: "Life is not eternal, and the sky does not have holiday years! In the world of heaven and earth, not only will you be worn away by the cycle of the sun and the moon, but you will also be plagued by all kinds of disasters! Seeing this, what should we do? "

"What should I do when I see this?"

Qi Jingzhi withdrew his gaze from the snake corpse on the mountain wall, and glanced at the deep and dark cave in front of him again. Suddenly, his feet kicked hard on the ground, and his body sank and floated suddenly, and he jumped three feet out of thin air. More than enough!
At the beginning in Xiaosong Mountain, he climbed to the top of the ancient tree while practicing boxing, and he was ignorant and unaware of it afterwards.

He had just fallen into a dream in his pillow, and at the last moment he held the knife in his hand, soared into the sky, and leaped into the sky.

Up to this moment, Qi Jingzhi suddenly realized in the turbulent mood, but he didn't feel half joy, only full of bad breath and lonely anger.

"Qi Jingzhi, do you still remember why I gave you this name?"

"Students remember! Qi Jing means solemn and respectful. The master named me Jingzhi to encourage students to be sincere, respect heaven and the ancestors, behave properly, and be worthy of admiration!"

"The student's knife head is bloody, and he has no shame in his heart!"

The question and answer between the teacher and the student suddenly reverberated in the young man's mind.

Before today, what Qi Jingzhi valued the most was the last word "Worthless". He didn't realize it until now. Be worthy?

"I like to think a few more steps and try to be thorough when I encounter problems, so I think I have the plan. I am always complacent about being thoughtful and intelligent. I don't know that these are the last details, and the most important thing is sincerity! Hu Chan, isn't that what you expect from yourself?"

"The road ahead is long and long, and only with sincerity and righteousness can we have no distractions and be brave and diligent!"

"Then, what is the sincerity? What is the righteousness?"

At this time, Qi Jing's upward momentum was over, he did not raise his hand to grab the corpse of the strange snake not far above, but stretched out his foot, kicked hard on the stone wall in front of him, and his whole body rose rapidly again, very quickly Soon it was higher than the cliff.

"I see that in this great Qi, no matter mortal monks, ghosts or demons, they are all involuntary, ups and downs with the world, with the sun and the moon on the top, and the misfortunes and blessings of the day and night. The so-called gods also have the day when they die and the temple collapses!"

"The moon is cold and the sun is warm, let's fry people's life! If you can't really transcend it, then the world, mountains and rivers, and all phenomena in the world are nothing but an upside-down dream for all living beings! How is such a short and illusory life different from the dream in a jade pillow?"

Thinking of this, Qi Jingzhi seemed to have something breaking out of the ground.

"To prove the truth, the only way is to make great strides on the road of practice, and cut off all falsehood with the knife in your hand! Be it ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, or monsters of mountains and rivers, anyone who disturbs my mind and blocks my way, there is only one word to kill!"

"In the future, I can do things arbitrarily, follow my own heart, and be upright! What I should do is what I want to do, what I do is what I want, and the rest is nothing!"

With a bang, this idea suddenly exploded, dispelling the fog and haze in Qi Jingzhi's mind.

Indistinctly, something suddenly appeared from the bottom of his heart, and Xiongfei raised it high and whistled.

Qi Jingzhi tried his best to distinguish, but felt that it seemed to be a piece of feathers with reddish white, or a pair of wings with white body and blood-red tip. Finally, the true appearance was revealed, it was a pair of ordinary straw sandals with stained soles. The shoes are covered in mud and blood, just like... the crane shoes that Jiao Yulang mentioned in the story!
"Is this the fairy throwing shoes and stepping on a crane to fly?"

"This is the heart shakes like a dancing crane, and the bone sticks out like a flying dragon?"

"This is... my heart?"

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Qi Jingzhi's eyes, his whole body's strength, qi and blood suddenly penetrated, and his body with nowhere to rely on suddenly seemed to have a pair of wings, and it was raised several feet out of thin air, far higher than the cliff on the top of the valley, and then Just like a piece of light feather slowly falling down.

Standing in mid-air, he raised his eyes and looked around, only to see the moon hanging high, the mountains towering, the wind blowing mightily, and the sea of ​​forests throbbing with waves.

The next moment, a high-pitched and agitated cry of cranes went straight into the sky!

Compared with the past, there is obviously more hostility in this cry of rage and fighting against the world.

This is an angry crane!

What you should do is what you want to do, what you do is what you want!Angry cranes are on their feet, flapping their wings soaring to the sky!
This is Qi Jingzhi's core!
Maybe it is extreme, maybe it deviates from the original elegant and unrestrained spirit of "The Crane Sutra", and the so-called "Dancing Crane", and even more or less has the shadow of the young Taoist priest in the dream in the pillow.

"Birth will bring disaster to the country and the people, and death will make everyone happy? Lu Qiyun, maybe you really are another me."

"It's just that although our temperaments are similar, what we do and what we wish are completely different. After all, the dream is just a dream!"

Qi Jingzhi floated to the ground, suddenly drew Jian Renshou with his left hand, and slashed at the small cypress tree tied with the corpse of the strange snake.


Frying in the direction of Renshou's long knife, Jiao Yulang emerged with a loud exclamation, and had to roll on the spot, narrowly avoiding the blade's edge.

"Brother is so fast and ruthless!"

Xiaowazi got up from the ground in a panic, and patted the dust off his body while complaining.

Qi Jingzhi ignored him, and swung his knife fiercely again, cutting the small cypress tree to its roots and breaking it, and then kicked out, kicking the tree and the snake off the cliff together.

Jiao Yulang was dumbfounded, and immediately reacted, yelling: "Old Wei hasn't come up yet! He has old arms and legs, and he can't stand it with a red gold knife!"

Qi Jingzhi looked at Xiaowazi quietly, with a gloomy expression, and shook his head slightly.

Jiao Yulang closed his mouth immediately, his eyes wandered, he swept across the white snake corpse wrapped around Qi Jingzhi's body, and then looked at the jade pillow in his right hand.

"Old Wei has brought back the birthday present of the Ni family's aunt, so you can send the jade pillow back to Peng Zeshui Mansion for him."

Xiaowazi didn't answer, but turned around and rushed to the edge of the cliff, looked down silently for a while, and then asked without looking back: "Did Lao Wei die down here?"

"Well, he died. I burned his body and buried it with stones in the cave below. Before he died, he smiled and said that he used the mountain as his coffin, and he looked like a king."

Jiao Yulang seemed to be nodding his head, his voice was a little low: "Where's the saintess of the Baixian Sect?"

"This white snake on my body is it."

Qi Jingzhi's tone was calm, but he suddenly changed the subject and asked: "How many white-clothed immortal servants are there who preside over the ceremony? Where are you now?"

"There are two fairy servants in white!"

Jiao Yulang turned around abruptly, a look of sternness flashed in his eyes: "After the Fa conference, they guarded the two valley entrances below, and no one was allowed to approach. I saw that they didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. There was no movement for a long time, so I took a detour and climbed up."

"Stayed at the mouth of the valley?"

After a little thought, Qi Jingzhi realized that the two so-called white-clothed fairy servants seemed to have a lot of status, but they were far less trusted than the two demon snakes ambush at the top of the valley.

He took a closer look at Jiao Yulang, except for a fierce look in his brows and eyes, he didn't show any sadness, so he handed over the jade pillow in his hand.

This time, Xiaowazi trotted over, took it with both hands, and gave Qi Jingzhi a big smile at the same time.

"Brother, don't be offended! I was born in a family of military lords. From the relatives of each branch and house, to the guards and grooms in the mansion, there are always some familiar faces around me who suddenly disappear. This is life and death. The more you see things, the harder your heart will inevitably harden."

Jiao Yulang explained a few words lightly, and then his tone became solemn: "Old Wei has found the jade pillow, whether it is my Chaozhou Jiao family or Pengze Shuifu, I will give him an explanation!"

Back in the ancient temple of Xiaosong Mountain, Qi Jingzhi felt that Jiao Yulang's temperament was a bit extreme, and now it seems that there is a reason for it.The so-called aristocratic son, what he saw and thought since he was a child is indeed different from that of a mountain boy.

Qi Jingzhi saw that Xiaowazi didn't need to worry about himself, and he had entrusted him with the jade pillow. He nodded immediately, turned around and walked down the mountain: "I'm going to take care of those two fairy servants, and I need to ask them about the inside story of the Baixian sect. ask."

Jiao Yulang hurriedly followed, turned his head to look at the corpse of the white snake on Qi Jingzhi's body and asked, "I never thought that the so-called saint of the White Immortal Sect is actually a snake! Whether it's the black donkey spirit, Li Huang or that Jin Yuanwai, they all keep talking about it." He said he saw a woman."

Qi Jingzhi kept walking, nodded slightly and said: "When I first saw it, it really looked like a woman. Its illusion skills are so high that even Old Wei has been fooled."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered the day trip to the mountains that he met earlier. It seemed that the Yin God couldn't see through the true appearance of the saintess of the White Immortal Sect, saying that it was because of the protection of some righteous god and divine power.

When Qi Jingzhi just entered the cave, he did indeed see the layer of white smoke outside the naked woman's body, but it disappeared without a trace after breaking out of his dream. Otherwise, with the strangeness of the white smoke, it is unlikely that Old Wei would entangle the white snake.

Hearing this, Jiao Yulang opened his mouth, and finally sighed: "A good swimmer drowns, a good rider falls! Old Wei is also an expert in illusion, and he will eventually meet someone who is more ruthless. This is the name of a charlatan. One big shortcoming is that once the external objects you rely on and the thaumaturgy you practice are disobeyed or restrained, you will not be able to live and die independently."

Xiaowazi seemed to be thinking about something wrong, and never asked about the whereabouts of the Chijin Saber. Even when talking about Old Wei's illusion at this time, he still avoided mentioning that strange thing.

"Before he died, Old Wei asked me to send the Chijin Saber back to Liaozhou, and I will leave when things are over here."

Qi Jingzhi briefly explained, and then told a general account of what happened in the cave while he was on the road, except for a few secrets involving himself.

Jiao Yulang followed and listened quietly, without interjecting a word, but he opened his mouth and never closed it again, his face was full of disbelief.

After Qi Jingzhi finished speaking, Xiaowazi raised the jade pillow in front of his eyes, turned it over and over and looked carefully: "Brother, something is wrong with this! I have never heard of such a rare treasure in Pengze Water Mansion, even if there is, Qinghong The Duke is willing to take it out, and he will only dedicate it to the Lord of Jiangshui. How could it be given to my aunt?
Qi Jingzhi frowned slightly: "You mean, this jade pillow is very precious and rare?"

In his eyes, aside from the fact that it can lure people into dreams, from the appearance alone, this jade pillow is more valuable except for its material, and there is nothing unusual about it in terms of workmanship or style. Bao's appearance is better than the small bronze mirror, but it is limited.

"It's not just precious and rare, it's simply a priceless treasure!"

Jiao Yulang was still full of disbelief: "Speaking of which, things that can soothe the mind and help sleep are not uncommon in this world, but they just make people sleep more comfortably. No matter how rare, there are indeed things that can induce sleep. It can help people organize their thoughts and calm their minds, which is beneficial to practice.”

"This kind of rare treasure is mostly used by Gao's family to cultivate those talented younger generations, so that they can take advantage of it to be one step ahead and achieve success. I heard Lao Wei mention the jade pillow at the time, and thought it was this kind. But it can be done To the extent that what elder brother said, it can make people reborn as human beings and refine their minds in the world of mortals... It is simply unheard of, I am afraid that even the king will be tempted if he sees it!"

When he said this, Jiao Yulang looked at Yuzhen obviously eager to try.

"This thing is a bit weird, it's better not to try it lightly." Qi Jingzhi quickly reminded Xiaowazi.

Jiao Yulang felt a little resentful, but still nodded, "I just thought it was fun! I've just started my life, and I haven't understood it yet. Why do I need to reincarnate in a dream to train my mind?"

Seeing that his eyes were clear, Qi Jingzhi nodded and asked, "Since your family has a good relationship with the Dajiang Shui Clan, do you know what a qiu is?"

Hearing this, Jiao Yulang withdrew his gaze from the jade pillow in his hand, turned his head to stare at the white snake's corpse, his expression became very complicated: "I've been so busy looking at the jade pillow, I almost forgot about it! If this white snake is really the legendary Qiu Qi, this matter is a bit complicated, maybe there is no future trouble, maybe it is a big trouble!"

Xiaowazi didn't give a shit, and immediately explained: "Qiu is a very special kind of white snake. The blood of the dragon family is extremely strong, and once the yin and poison in the body are refined into pure yang, they can be transformed into horned dragons in one fell swoop."

"Qiu 褫, the word Qiu does not need to be mentioned. The word 褫 originally means to take off and deprive."

Qi Jingzhi understood it: "You mean, Qiu Yu looks like a snake, but in fact it is a dragon species with noble blood, and most of them are backed by the Dragon Clan Shui Lord? Then you have heard that the descendants of the Dragon King Is there any qiu?"

(End of this chapter)

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