Chapter 414
Seeing that Chen Shu was sincere and unaffected, and he didn't even cover up the plastic surgery, Jiang Changsheng still reminded him: "Your state of fine-tuning is just right now, don't use the knife again, it's too late.

If you do it again, the stiffness of the face will be heavy.

As for the body shape, everyone has different innate conditions. I think as long as you are healthy and exercise a body that suits your body, you are the most beautiful.

There is no uniform standard for this thing.

Don't believe Lao Jiang's nonsense, what the most perfect body is, it's all about talking. "

Hearing this, Jiang Wen said seriously: "I like to talk about some things, but I really praise your figure, it is definitely a work of art."

Jiang Changsheng immediately scolded with a smile: "Fuck you, disgusting or not, my orientation is normal, don't mention this in front of me in the future."

At this time, it was approaching midsummer, and the temperature in Yanjing was still relatively hot. Jiang Changsheng was wearing a simple black T-shirt, which was loose and he could not see his figure.

Only the exposed arms have slight muscular lines.

When everyone talked about this, they couldn't help but take a few extra glances at Jiang Changsheng, and even Gong Li looked at him with great interest.

Jiang Wen said with a smile: "What's the matter, we are all actors, liberating our nature is the first step.

Look at Liu Ye, a big straight guy, when he was filming Lan Yu, he was shirtless with Hu Jun.

Qin Hao and Chen Sicheng's orientation is also normal. They have not been together recently, and they filmed a movie with a homosexual theme.

Hey, what's the name of the movie, I forgot! "

Qin Hao immediately said: "The night intoxicated by the spring breeze was filmed by Director Lou Ye."

Chen Sicheng also wanted to take the opportunity to say a few words, but his mouth moved, and finally held back.

He was able to come to the party today because of Qin Hao's favor. The two were filming in the same crew and attended the alumni association together. He came here with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao is very much appreciated by the fifth generation directors, and he is familiar with Jiang Wen, so he was able to attend this party. However, Chen Sicheng's current development is not good.

In this life, because Soldier Assault was produced by Tianya Entertainment, he didn't get the role of Chengcai, so he is not very famous now.

Jiang Wen patted his head, and suddenly realized: "Yes, yes! I don't like this name on a night intoxicated by the spring breeze. It's too soft, too soft, and has no personality!"

Jiang Wen has always refused to admit his identity as a fifth-generation director, mainly because he doesn't like the film styles of some directors who are alongside him.

Obviously, Lou Ye's literary style does not meet his taste.

Jiang Wen took a sip of tea and said excitedly: "If I come to make a movie about homosexuality, I must find a man with a good body and run around the roof naked!
When the man is running, the light flickers on and off, and his body is also faintly visible. Such shots and scenes are meaningful and tasteful. "

Everyone didn't understand Jiang Wen's strange thoughts, but no one argued with him.

Jiang Changsheng could guess one thing. Jiang Wen likes metaphors, so the roof, the running and the naked man must symbolize something.

His brain circuit is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

When Jiang Wen said that he didn't like Lou Ye's movies, Qin Hao didn't refute, but with a gentle smile on his face, he suddenly said to Jiang Changsheng: "Mr. Jiang, are you free recently?

Director Lou Ye has always wanted to treat you to a meal. "

Jiang Changsheng was a little surprised, he said truthfully: "I've been very busy recently, I have a lot of sports in hand, and there are things about the Olympics.

What's the matter?If you don't need to keep it secret, you can say it directly today. "

Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, and said: "Our movie, A Night Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze, is a literary film, and it is expected to be finished by the end of September.

What Director Lou meant was that he wanted to send the film to Cannes next year. "

Before Jiang Changsheng could speak, Jiang Wen laughed and scolded: "Lou Ye is really big-hearted. This year's Cannes is not over yet, so he's thinking about next year."

Qin Hao chuckled and stopped talking. After all, there were so many people on this occasion, he could stop talking. He knew that Jiang Changsheng could understand what he meant.

Jiang Changsheng also really understood that Lou Ye wanted to build a relationship in advance and prepare for the Cannes trophy next year.

Because of the relationship with the sacrificial officer, Jiang Changsheng wanted to increase Yu Feihong's popularity, so recently Tianya Entertainment sent Yu Feihong a lot of drafts and news.

It just so happened that Cannes started to be held these days, Tianya Entertainment not only released some publicity that Yu Feihong won the best director in Cannes, but also "revealed" that Yu Feihong would become a jury member of the next Cannes Film Festival.

This news is not groundless. In February this year, Yu Feihong was indeed invited by Cannes officials to be a member of the jury at this year's Cannes Film Festival.

It's just that Yu Feihong was busy with Fengsheng's post-production and publicity work, so he pushed this matter away.

In order to praise Yu Feihong, Tianya Entertainment exaggerated the news report a bit. It was written that Cannes wanted her to serve as a judge for two consecutive terms in order to show the importance it attaches to Feihong.

The fact is that next year's Cannes Film Festival's jury is completely absent, so there is no invitation.

Unexpectedly, Lou Ye believed this news report, and wanted to say hello in advance and ask for care.

This news was half true and half false. It was also true that Cannes had sent an invitation to Yu Feihong, so everyone in the circle was shaken.

Jiang Changsheng was not disgusted with Lou Ye's request. He also found the relationship between Wang Jiawei and Zhang Ziyi when he won the prize in Cannes back then.

We are all from China. At overseas film festivals, as long as there is not too much difference in ideas, it is also appropriate to help each other.

It's just that Yu Feihong will be a judge at the next Cannes International Film Festival. This news was originally false.

Even if Jiang Changsheng was willing to help, there was nothing he could do.

Jiang Changsheng had a lot of dinners these days, and he didn't bother to attend such dinners that were destined to have no results.

So Jiang Changsheng said: "It's too early to talk about next year's Cannes, let's talk about it later.

Tell senior brother Lou that I'm not free recently. "

Lou Ye is also from Beiying, so Jiang Changsheng politely called him senior brother.

Qin Hao stopped talking after hearing what Jiang Changsheng said.

When the food and drink were ready, everyone stopped talking about work and started pushing and changing glasses.

Jiang Wen didn't know what to think, so he picked up the wine glass and charged Jiang Changsheng, but unfortunately he was vulnerable, Jiang Changsheng was a little more serious, and he was on the verge of collapse.

On the contrary, Xiao Taohong has a very good drinking capacity, and she drank a few more glasses with Jiang Changsheng.

Gong Li is a person who has both a capacity for alcohol and a good strategy, so drinking is actually not interesting.

Fortunately, Chen Shu is more generous, and he drank a lot with Jiang Changsheng. With two beauties, Jiang Changsheng ate and drank happily.

(End of this chapter)

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