Chapter 32 Spending money for a while
Alley Church looks very different.

The original Alley Church has almost no roof, surrounded by ruins.

Today's Ailey Church is reversed, and the roof has been repaired to form a large canopy to keep out the wind and rain.

The huge roof is supported by four large columns, but the walls have been demolished, so the internal structure can be seen at a glance.

Four large flags hung from all sides of the roof, with a circular coat of arms of a soft-boiled egg painted on it, and a bald head inside the coat of arms.

Sign the letter: Paqi old shop.

Businessman Kalie leaned on a big pillar, sitting cross-legged beside the donkey, with many commodities in front of him.

And not far from Gale, the anvil clanged.

A man in armor wields a hammer, repairing a faded weapon.

The blacksmith in armor twitched the bellows of the stove, and the flames in the stove were extraordinarily fierce, tempering the weapon to become tougher and sharper.

The fader handed the weapon to the blacksmith, and after turning around, he could talk to Gale to buy goods.

The first item purchased was the pile of bone fragments placed in the most conspicuous place by Ka Lie.

Return bone chips are quickly gaining favor among faders because of their lightness, ease of use, and quick response.

This kind of teleportation device is faster and does not need that kind of cumbersome teleporter. Even if the faders are chased by a strong enemy, they can escape smoothly as long as they look at the reality.

"You saved my life." The fader sighed, paid generously, and equipped himself with a return bone fragment, "This thing is so useful."

"It's not enough." The blacksmith talked to the fader while forging the iron, "Now the returned bone fragment can only be fixed back to our Ailey Church. It would be more useful if you could freely set the returning location."

"Satisfied," said the faded one, "just in time to come back for some supplies."

The blacksmith handed the finished weapon to the fader:
"Young people must have dreams. Sooner or later, we will spread the teleportation arrays all over the border and create a teleportation network so that everyone can travel safely and conveniently."

"Then I wish you success." The faded man took the weapon, blessed them, and left Patch's old shop.

The Fader left, and the Church of Alley fell into a brief silence.

"It's really busy." Ka Lie leaned on the donkey, "I've never seen so many guests, they keep coming."

"I'll be even busier in the future." Wuming put down the hammer, and there seemed to be no discomfort next to the stove.

There are such good things as returning bone fragments, combined with the unknown forging process, the customers of Ailei Church are increasing.

Many faders have heard of Ire Church and made a detour to see it.

The faded people really appreciate the meticulous and considerate service of Patch's old shop, but they still don't take it seriously when Wuming claims that the Alley Church is the new round table.

Apparently a store that's nowhere close to being a mecca for faders.

When Wuming talked about this situation with Ka Lie, he couldn’t help feeling: “This is called brand effect, and people yearn for that kind of bad service.”

Curie said: "You really plan to sit shoulder to shoulder at the round table, that's where heroes gather."

"And we are a place to cultivate heroes." Wuming said with great pride, "One day, people's sense of belonging will belong to this place, not the round table hall where many faded people are kept away and the service is still poor. "

"The idea is very good, but let's solve the problem at hand first." Ka Lie pointed to the booth in front, "The returned bone pieces are going to be sold out."

The nameless pride melted away immediately, and he walked out with drooping shoulders.

The popularity of the returned bone pieces was as expected, but the cultivation of the blood rose was not satisfactory.

The mixed-breed hunting team slaughtered the hunted pigs and sheep, and poured their blood into a field.

But there is only one flower bone at present.

Without the flowers, there would be no payment to Van Leigh, and no new returning bone fragments.

Simply put, the capital chain is broken.

Wuming knew clearly that even if the returned bone fragments were sold later, it would be better than selling half of them out of stock.

This is not a precious thing, nor does it allow customers to form a habit of using it.Once out of stock, many customers will choose to give up instead of waiting.

At present, only the returned bone fragments are unique to the Church of Ailey, and the nameless blacksmithing and cooking techniques are just icing on the cake.

"I need to pick some wild blood roses first..." Wuming thought, "Damn it, it would be great if there were more things that could attract faders, our competitiveness is not enough."

Wuming left the flower field and walked aimlessly.

"Before I said that I would teach magic in classes, I wonder if I can attract some people..." Wuming said to himself, "But I still have to forge, and I don't have enough time to teach..."

Nameless suddenly felt a little regretful.

If you move to Lienia, there won't be so many things.

Don't worry about Fan Lei's arrears, and it is close to the Rhea Lucaria Academy of Magic, so you can definitely hire some magic teachers.

Of course, this is just a fantasy, ignoring the benefits of returning the bone fragments brought by Fan Lei, it is like a castle in the air, which is unrealistic.

Wuming quickly put away his complaints and concentrated on finding his target.

He was looking for wild bloodroses.

But Wuming didn't know where there were flowers or blood, so he could only ask passers-by along the way.

Perhaps it was because Wuming acted and dressed like a businessman. The people on the road didn't treat him well. Most of them were indifferent and arrogant, and no one gave reliable information.

Nameless and not annoyed, just asked one by one.

It really gave him a clue.

"You want to find a place with many flowers?" A knight holding a big sword said playfully, "I know a place."

"Really? Where is it?" Wuming asked.

"It's not far ahead, walk along the road." The knight pointed to the road under his feet, "There is an abandoned post station, and there are many wild flowers in it."

Wuming thanked the knight, but the knight didn't respond, just left with a titter.

It was only after Wuming walked to the abandoned inn that he realized why the knight was smiling like that.

There are indeed flowers here, many, very large.

Rather a bit too big.

Wuming looked up at the two-meter-high giant flower twisting its body and spewing out poisonous mist, feeling once again the vitality of this world.

Several corpses lay beside the giant flower, and the roots of the flower dug out of the soil like earthworms, binding the corpses and extracting nutrients from them.

Nameless took a few steps back to check the way he came, but there was no one following him.

The knight with the big sword asked him to come to this dangerous place, obviously not for the sake of money and death, but pure and undisguised malice.

"But at least we found it." Wuming looked at the root of the giant flower.

Around the corpse, several bright red roses were blooming.

This place is suitable for flowers to grow, and there is blood from corpses. It is really a place suitable for blood roses to grow.

Before Wuming could figure out how to pick the flowers, Hua took the lead in challenging him.

The stamens of the giant flower trembled, and a huge amount of pollen was released, like a thick fog.

Wuming covered his face shield to prevent the pollen from entering, and a shock erupted from under his feet, sending him flying.

Wuming looked down and found that the ground had been broken into many small holes.

The roots of the big flower have long been all over the ground, like exploding bean pods, launching some substance from the roots to form a ground thorn trap.

The burst of impact still had a certain angle, causing Wuming to fly towards Dahua.

The stalk of the big flower seemed to be overwhelmed, the flower stalk suddenly bent, and the huge torus corolla fell towards Wuming.

Juhua completed an excellent smash, and flew out like an unknown shell, smashing a bad wall.

Wuming got up, and spat out the dirt in his mouth:
"If it wasn't for the fear of accidentally hurting Xue Qiangwei, I really want to burn you."

Wuming was a little sad and angry, if he hadn't had to pay back the money, he wouldn't have to suffer this grievance.

"The lesson is not to take out loans." Wuming confessed.

The flower couldn't understand what Wuming said, and released the substance on the rhizome again, turning Wuming's feet into a trap.

Feeling the turbulence of the soil under his feet, Wuming had no choice but to retreat.

With this retreat, he stepped into the basement stairs.

Only then did Wuming discover that the inn had a basement, surrounded by a high wall.

He smashes down the wall, just to reveal it.

Wuming made a decisive decision and went straight to the basement to avoid the limelight.

Wuming, who was sheltering from the limelight, suffered a blow to the head.

There was another person in the basement, wearing a pumpkin-like helmet, roaring furiously, delirious.

Pumpkin head held a sledgehammer and threw it at Wuming.

Wuming didn't dodge, and approached with a sledgehammer, reaching out to grab the huge pumpkin head.

With a slap on the ground behind him, the pumpkin head was planted upside down in the ground.

Nameless clap your hands:
"There are no blood roses under your feet."

At the end of the basement, there is another closed door.

Nameless looked back, the berserk big flower hadn't stopped yet, and was still spitting out poisonous mist.

Seeing that Dahua couldn't calm down for a while, Wuming walked deep into the basement.

"Let's explore after a long time." Wuming moved his hands and feet, "I don't know what arduous and long adventures and treasures are waiting for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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