Chapter 37 Prawns
The pass between Lienia and Nimgfor is the city of Stonewell. Besides, there is a hidden path.

But the trail was in the Storm Hills, and they were quite rightly lost.

Wuming was not so lucky this time, without the help of Helelu to break through the storm, the three of them just fumbled in the endless sandstorm for an unknown amount of time.

When Wuming woke up, it was already late at night.

The moon of Lienia seemed even brighter, high in the dome, juxtaposed with the golden tree.

Wuming sat up and saw a bonfire rising beside him, and the werewolves Blazer and Dave lay on the side, not waking up yet.

Seeing the pile of bonfires, Wuming was in a daze for a moment.

But the trance is quickly destroyed by the aroma.

A woman with short hair is grilling fish in front of a fire.

She looks young, wearing a smart travel suit, her left eye is closed tightly, and she has a dragon wing tattoo on her upper eyelid.

"Every woman here is blind." Wuming opened his mouth and came.

"I'm not blind." The woman replied.

Wuming checked his body, the package on his body was intact, Blazer and Duff were both neatly dressed.

The ground in the Lake District is always covered with puddles of water, and they are padded with leaves and branches to keep them dry and clean.If it has been soaked in water, half of the body may rot.

"You saved us?" Wuming asked.

When the woman heard this, she poked her forehead and sighed helplessly:
"Three people can all faint from hunger. Is this Torret's vision?"

Torret is the name of the Duffling horse, not much is known about it.

"Are you Melina?" Nameless said, "The witch who faded away?"

Tuff often spoke of her witch, the girl who had given him the grail and the spirit horse, the girl with whom he had promised to go to the foot of the golden tree.

The woman nodded slightly, as an admission.

"I've always heard him mention it before, but I've never seen it before." Wuming observed Melina with novelty, "It's strange that it's common, your body doesn't seem to be real."

"I'm just a lonely soul." Melina's voice was ethereal.

"Who isn't?" Wuming said.

As he spoke, he unceremoniously picked up a grilled fish, turned his back to Melina, lifted the mask, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Come back to life." Wuming rubbed his stomach and let out a long breath.

He held out his hand to Melina:

"Thank you for your hard work. Let me bake, and you can go and rest for a while."

Melina shrank her body subconsciously, avoiding the nameless hand.

"Oh, by the way, Tufu said you don't like me." Wuming responded, "Why?"

"I don't know," Melina said, "I just don't like it."

"Then there is no reason." Wuming said, "We must learn to overcome this inexplicable emotion."

"I believe that emotions have a reason and a source," insisted Melina. "You give me a horrible feeling."

"Probably because you are a soul." The nameless hammer held the palm, "Do you feel the attraction from my soul? No way, it's too attractive."

Melina flinched again, and the disgust on her face showed that she wasn't flinching for unknown reasons this time.

Melina backed away, but Wuming pressed on step by step, rushed to Melina's side step by step, and put the shield in front of her.

The strong water bombarded the shield, and the scattered spray was deflected along the slope of the shield, smashing the surrounding trees to pieces.

"It's so powerful." Wuming shook his hand.

The lobster, which has always been bigger than a giant bear, stood in the distance, exuding an aura comparable to that of a giant dragon.

"Meat!" Wuming yelled, and rushed towards the lobster with the shield on.

But the water flow hit again, it was a water arrow ejected from the lobster's mouth, the impact was extremely powerful, although Wuming used it, he was pushed back several meters.

The lobster raised its two big claws and aimed at Wuming.

"What is this for?" Wuming was curious.

The pincers closed instantly, and at the same time, a mass of air visible to the naked eye pressed towards Wuming, overturning him and the surrounding soil.

"It's too much, isn't this a move you should know as a shrimp?" Wuming rolled on the ground to defuse the impact, but the result of the previous charge was also in vain, and now he is standing with Melina again .

Melina took another step sideways, quietly away from Wuming.

"Don't hold on to your emotions at this time, okay?" Wuming said, "My shield is only this big, and I can't protect you if you are far away."

"They haven't woken up yet, you go to protect them, only your shield can protect them." Melina said.

"If it's just defense, the shield won't be able to support it, it can kill us." Wuming said.

"I'll solve it." Melina said, raising a dagger and rushing over.

Melina circled around, away from Tufu's nameless direction, and then, with the help of the barrier of the big tree and the concealment of the falling leaves, she kept approaching the lobster without showing her figure.

The lobster never spewed out the violent water flow from its mouth, but the head of the lobster was precisely facing Melina's direction.

Wuming noticed that there were ripples on the water-stained ground.

The lobster has several legs stuck in the mud, feeling the slightest change in the water.

"Be careful, it will locate." Wuming shouted towards the hidden forest where the leaves were falling.

But it was already too late, sharp water arrows burst out from the lobster's mouth, more powerful at close range, directly piercing through the tree trunk, and shooting at Melina behind the tree.

The trees shook violently, pieces of wood flew across, and leaves fell one after another. Among the fallen leaves, a petite figure floated out, unscathed.

Only then did Wuming discover that Melina's quiet sideways movement was actually quite light, and she moved a considerable distance with almost every step, sticking to the water surface, only causing some ripples when she landed, and the ripples still receded. Melina had already drifted elsewhere.

Neither the water arrow nor the big claw's hand cannon could touch Melina, and the corner of her clothes fluttered in the wind. Melina flew close to the lobster, and cut off the eyes on the protruding tentacles.

The lobster thrashed about in pain, jumped high, tried to hold down Melina by virtue of its size advantage, and cut Melina to pieces with its opponent like a guillotine.

But Melina took off with the lobster, and she grabbed the lobster's remaining eye.

Melina pulled apart, and the other eye of the lobster was also torn off, and she used her strength to jump higher than the lobster.

Under the moon, Melina twisted her waist and raised her knife, as if she was about to wield some huge and heavy weapon.

A round of golden knife light was thrown from her small dagger, embedded in the junction of the lobster's head and body carapace, and severed in two.

Melina dragged the decapitated lobster back to the campfire: "Your meat."

Wuming applauded Melina:

"Good skills, are all witches as strong as you? Now I understand why this boy, Tufu, can still walk in the junction."

Melina accepted the compliment with a blank face, and put the dagger back on her waist.

Melina said: "I'm still observing. If he doesn't have the determination to challenge powerful enemies, become a king, and the potential to grow, I won't entrust myself to him."

"The throne is empty, but food is real." Wuming grilled a giant lobster familiarly, "If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to become a king."

Wuming's craftsmanship is obviously much higher than Melina's, and after a while, Blazer and Tuofu smelled the fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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