The Ring: Sell Dung Beetles in Junction

Chapter 42 The King's Power

Chapter 42 The King's Power
In Irene Church, Haida sat on the wicker chair, cherishing her moment of rest.

After two months of Rune strengthening, these festering and emaciated immortals have begun to look like humans, the rot on their bodies has also healed, and the pus and the smell of corruption have been contained.

Haida's working environment is much better now. The witch's blood that Fan Lei needs is one-time. She no longer needs to continue to draw blood, and the immortals are no longer so stinky and corrupt.

She lay comfortably on the wicker chair, completely relaxed, and suddenly felt so happy.

She turned her head slightly, and glimpsed the light of a lamp in the distance.

The light flashed across the tip of her heart, causing a burst of vigilance.

My mission should be to convey the thoughts of Three Fingers and bring the world back to chaos...

Haida became vigilant, but felt a little tired.

She is blind, the world is always in darkness, only the lights on the other side and the king is the only light.

Because of this, the light will always be in her sight, even if she wants to ignore it, it is impossible.

A person who can see nothing but the lights is as tired as a person who always keeps his eyes open looking at the candles.

It was a kind of exhaustion that finally climbed into bed and was repairing a tired body, but found that there was still some work to be done, and it required more willpower to get up again.

I'm actually tired of my mission... Haeda suddenly panicked.

Lighting should be my belief, my only pursuit and belief, why do I feel tired?
At this moment, a sound of footsteps approached.

Haida was very familiar with this sound, it was the sound of the immortals approaching.

Haida propped up her tired body, and stretched out her right hand without saying a word.

But this time it wasn't the rough hands that were stuffed into her hands, judging from the feel...

It seems to be a bouquet of flowers and plants.

The refreshing smell spread to the tip of Haida's nose, and the fresh breath relieved a lot of fatigue, and the heart that was originally blown up by doubts and beliefs also eased a lot.

"Miss Haida, thank you." In the darkness, the immortal who couldn't see his face was full of joy, "My hands are no longer festering, and my joints are no longer tingling."

Another voice said:

"Here are the hypa weeds we picked and a water lily we found, together with blood roses and Miranda flowers, for you."

The third immortal said:

"You can't see it, but it smells good."

Haida held the invisible bouquet in her hand, feeling a little nervous.

She heard the sound of people leaning over, and felt the immortals kissing the back of her hand.

There is no pus and rancidity, a clean and refreshing hand kiss.

Haida opened her mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say.

She didn't say anything until the Eternals left to go out and continue to pick wild khappa, leaving Haida alone to rest.

She stroked the bouquet quietly, feeling the shape of the flowers.

She didn't feel any pricks, and every thorn on the stem of the blood rose seemed to have been carefully disposed of.

The neighing of horses broke the silence of Alley Church.

Kaidan mercenaries rode tall horses and carried sabers, galloping from the coast of the sea.

These savages who came from the snowy mountains in the north, even when they arrived in warm areas, their clothes still kept a lot of fur.The tough fur also gives them another layer of defense.

These Kaidan mercenaries set their sights on the Church of Ailey and plundered the merchants here all day long.

Because they are good at riding horses, they are very mobile. Even if Irene Church entrusts the faders to fight back, they often escape and retaliate even more.

In fact, this group of Kaidan mercenaries were eyeing Patch's old shop not only because of the businessman's surplus, but also because they were hired by Greg.

Grek killed the captain of the guard the night he got the dragon head, but he still hasn't forgotten the captain's proposal.

Greg did not incorporate Kaidan mercenaries into the city, but provided them with funds and weapons, and asked them to do some dirty work in the border area that he was inconvenient to expose.

Getting in trouble for Patch's old store is one of them.

Although the Blood Dynasty was unwilling to let him make a move, Greco, who must take revenge, was still unwilling to do nothing at all. He asked Kaidan mercenaries to harass the church of Ai Lei.

Just blackmailing the caravan, even without risking their lives, Kaidan mercenaries have no pressure at all, and their work is easy and happy.

On this day, Kaidan mercenaries came galloping again.

The outpost took the lead and rushed to the vicinity of Ailey Church to observe whether there were ambushes and resistance forces inside and outside the church.

But today's Ailey Church is a little different. The weeds that originally covered the church have been cleaned up, and the view is unobstructed. You can clearly see the internal and external structures of the church from all around.

No troops were seen in the church, and everyone stayed in place peacefully.

"It seems that they have given up resistance." The boss of the Kaidan mercenary judged upon hearing the report from the outpost spies.

The mercenary leader and a few mercenaries got off their horses, while the rest stood guard and looked into the distance.

The mercenary leader carried a heavy saber and walked into the Church of Irene:
"This week's Luen, are you ready?"

Patch, the owner of Patch's old shop, did not hide this time, standing in front of the tall mercenary leader, looking up at him:
"The boss is coming back soon, he has a lot of money on him."

"Immediately?" The mercenary leader put a big knife across Patch's neck, "How long is it?"

"It's next to the hero's cemetery. He said he wanted to go dig some gold so that I can pay you." Patch said.

"Gold?" The mercenary leader slapped Patch, "What I want is Rune, what's the use of gold?"

"Gold is still very useful, it can be used as an excellent stable medium for the magic circle..." Tops spoke weakly from the side.

"Where the hell are you from?" The mercenary leader glared at him.

Tops shrank his head and stopped talking.

The mercenary leader looked at Haida sitting aside:

"It's okay to wait, just ask that girl to accompany us. It will keep us from being bored, so we'll just wait."

"This...isn't right," Patch said. "She's sick."

"What disease?"

"Blowing fire disease, my eyes are all rotten." Patch whispered to the mercenary leader.

The mercenary leader is unafraid:

"What's the matter with the fire, I thought I had never seen a more powerful fire? I came down from the snow mountain!"

He grabbed Heda's hair and dragged her out of Irene's church.

Several long-lived people who stayed in the church rushed forward and tried to push Kaidan's mercenary's hand away, but were cut off in half by a knife.

Warm blood splashed on Hedda's face.

The body that had become full was bleeding, and the immortal still howled and grabbed the hand of the mercenary leader.

Their long-term painful experience makes them have a high tolerance to pain.In order to die, the immortals would run into the sea and drown, would attract flying dragons to eat them, would be willing to be inserted on the cross, and howl every night just to beg to regain their blessings and die correctly.

Now that the saber is slashing on his body, he feels the intense pain on his body, which is proof of his life.

"Fucking lunatics." The mercenary leader swung the Immortal who rushed forward.

"Crazy..." Haida laughed suddenly, "Is this also considered crazy? You guys are so timid."

Compared with those trembling patients who gouged out their eyeballs and offered grapes for themselves, the deeds of these immortals can be considered crazy?
Hearing Haida's slightly contemptuous tone, the mercenary leader was taken aback for a moment, and then became a little annoyed.

But before he had an attack, Haida turned her head and looked at the immortals who were pulling her.

"Let me go," said Hedda calmly.

"Miss Haida, you..." The immortals were puzzled.

"Let me go." Hayda repeated.

The immortals let go of their hands hesitantly.

Haida stood up straight and slapped the mercenary leader's hand away.

"I can go by myself," she said.

Haida stood up straight, her blood-losing pale face carried a trace of poignancy and awe.

The mercenary leader nodded appreciatively: "Strong."

Haida walked away from the mercenaries and said:

"You want to pass the time?"

"What are you going to do?" the mercenary leader asked.

"Stay away from me," said Hedda.

The mercenary leader hesitated: "You don't want to commit suicide, do you?"

Heda chuckled lightly:

"Suicide? Are you still afraid of this? You really committed suicide. Can't you entertain yourself with corpses?"

This body is not Haida's, she is the soul parasitic on the corpse, so naturally she will not taboo about this.

This speech shocked the Kaidan mercenaries, and the reckless people from the snow mountain rarely encountered such a wild woman.

They fell silent and waited for Hedda to perform.

Haida slowly groped for a position and let the mercenaries stand in front, waiting for her performance.

Haida clasped her hands in front of her belly and remained motionless.

"Why haven't you started yet?" The mercenaries were a little impatient.

Haida said, "There's no time."

The mercenaries froze for a moment.

There was a rumbling sound, and the mercenaries quickly drew out their sabers and pointed them in the direction of the sound.

The voice came from the high platform on the side of the Church of Alley, in the direction of the underground hero cemetery.

The mercenaries drew out their sabers only to realize that the thing making the sound was not something their knives could deal with.

A huge golden chariot crashed into the gate of the hero's cemetery and sped over from the high platform. The dazzling light curtain reflected in the sun made everyone's eyes hurt.

The two wheels of the chariot are knife wheels with sharp spikes on the axis.The golden chariot rushed out of the high platform at a galloping speed, and with a beautiful parabola, it just hit the mercenaries in front of Haida.

Haida stood there calmly. The passing carriage drove a hurricane, and Haida's dress danced wildly.

Hai Dali let down her messy hair crazily, staring at the fiery figure.

She could only see two groups of light, the lights on the other side, and the nameless that was as dazzling as the sun.

Even through the dark underground cemetery behind her, Haida could lock on to the nameless location.

She could see what direction Wuming was heading for, where she was galloping, and when she could walk out of the hero's cemetery.

She just needs to bring the mercenaries to that location at the right time, and stay in a safe place by herself.

Her king will deal with these barbarians.

The chariot ran over several Kaidan mercenaries, and these mercenaries turned into flesh without even screaming.The lucky ones were knocked out and vomited three liters of blood.

Only those mercenaries on horseback had time to escape and were not dismembered by the carriage.

The carriage left two deep ruts on the ground, and gravel was flying all over the sky.

"Wahhahaha, the car is in hand." Wuming stood on the carriage, laughed wildly, and then looked around condescendingly, "Where is my horse?"

The surviving Kaidan mercenaries were frightened and furious, and immediately prepared to charge.

Several Kaidan mercenaries rushed out, but found that many mercenaries did not follow them.

So the Kaidan mercenaries immediately reined in their horses, turned around and roared, "What are you doing?"

Those companions were all staring at the insolent armored man on the carriage, no matter how much they scolded him, no one moved.

They unanimously dismounted, unloaded their weapons, and raised their hands in surrender.

"What are you doing?!" Kaidan's mercenary was furious.

"I can't beat it." The Kaidan mercenary who surrendered replied in a muffled voice, "We have seen that guy in the snow mountain."

"Don't fight if you can't fight?" Kaidan's mercenary was furious, "Coward!"

"If there's no chance of winning at all, it's just death." The Kaidan mercenaries said, "Why do you think the boss went down the mountain?"

The last sentence stunned the mercenaries who were on the horse, and some of them hesitated, and got off the horse after hesitation.

The Kaidan mercenaries who surrendered led their horses to Wuming, bowing their heads to express their submission.

Wuming didn't care about the sudden surrender of the Kaidan mercenaries, waved his hand, and accepted the horse happily.

Wuming jumped down from the carriage and asked the Kaidan mercenaries to tie the horses to the carriage, while he walked up to the Kaidan mercenaries who did not surrender:

"You are the ones who stole my money? Where is your boss?"

The Kaidan mercenaries looked at one position together.

Under the carriage, a puddle of meat paste was slowly oozing blood.

"Oh..." Wuming said, "What about the money?"

"You killed our leader, and you still want to get the money back?" The mercenary couldn't bear it any longer, and swung his saber and slashed towards Wuming.

Under the power of the horse, the huge saber slashed at Wuming's shoulder armor, knocking him flying.

Wuming flew to the other side of the carriage and saw Haida.

"Why are you here?"

"Catched by them." Haida replied with a smile, she bowed to Wuming, "Don't bother the king, you punished them."

After finishing speaking, Heda turned around casually and returned to Irene Church, holding her head high as she walked.

Then he tripped over a stone splashed by a carriage and fell into the mud.

The immortals rushed forward and hurriedly helped her back to Ailei Church.

Wuming looked at Haida who was tripped and injured, turned his head and said solemnly to the Kaidan mercenaries:
"Look at someone getting hurt."

"It's none of our business!" the mercenaries yelled.

Wuming didn't listen to the mercenaries' excuses at all:
"And why did you bring this little girl here? You must want to do such and such evil things, dirty! Shame!"

"Fart." The Kaidan mercenary spat wildly, "Don't insult us, do you know that many people don't have that ability at all?"

"Is that so?" Wuming asked those Kaidan mercenaries who surrendered, and got a shameful but positive answer.

The decline of the golden tree is reflected in many aspects, and the decline in fertility is also a manifestation.Even Kaidan mercenaries, strong and rough barbarians who like to play with women, seldom leave any more children.

"I can understand you." Wuming sympathized with them, "I am also constipated, so I miss the smell of feces."

"This is not a matter of one level at all!" Kaidan mercenaries charged again angrily.

But this time they failed, Wuming bowed slightly and blocked the shield in front.

The huge shock came from the saber in his hand and spread to his whole body, and the Kaidan mercenary was directly dismounted.

The mercenaries in the back were also affected by the abnormality in front, and fell one after another.

The nameless shield remained motionless, returning all the impact.

He put down his shield and walked up to the fallen mercenary:
"What about the money?"

"It's spent." The mercenary stared back unwillingly, "If you want money, you need to die."

Wuming looked at the mercenary's body:
"He's in good shape, quite strong."

"What are you going to do?" The mercenary suddenly felt a chill.

"Work and pay back, count me as a chance for you." Wuming said, "Work for me."

The mercenary smiled: "You deserve it too. Those cowards are afraid of you, but I am not afraid. If you kill me at worst, you will return to the tree anyway. If you lose your head, it will only have a scar the size of a bowl."

Hearing what the mercenary said, Wuming turned around and left, entering Ailey Church.

"What is this for..." The mercenary was stunned.

The original companion took advantage of this moment to lower his voice and say:

"Run quickly."

"Hey, I don't believe it anymore. You said that the boss went down the mountain because of him. Why can't I see that he is so powerful." The mercenary's neck was very stiff.

After a while, Wuming came out again, holding an immortal in his hand.

That was the long-lived man who had been hacked by the mercenary leader before. He was dying and his consciousness was blurred.

Wuming walked out with the head of the Immortal in one hand, dragging it on the ground.

"Are you really their boss?" The mercenary was suspicious, "It's not like that."

Wuming ignored him at all, and stretched out his other hand, pressing down on the mercenary's face.

Red light flashed from his hand, and a dark red swirl emerged from his hand, wrapping around the mercenary's head.

The mercenary suddenly lost his original arrogance and arrogance, twitched and struggled, screaming and begging for mercy.

Wuming remained silent, allowing the mercenaries to punch and kick him.

Soon, the mercenary lost his movement and collapsed on the ground.

Haida pulled an immortal next to her:
"what happened?"

The Immortal then told them in detail what had happened.

The immortal described the scene in front of him:
"...The mercenary didn't move, he should die—Huh?"

The mercenary twitched, then got up from the ground again, covered his head, and looked around blankly.

The mercenary saw Heda in the church, his eyes lit up, and he ran over:

"Miss Heda, it's great that you're all right..."

The mercenary said so, and then covered his mouth after speaking, looking a little surprised.

Hearing that voice with an unfamiliar tone but a familiar tone, Haida felt a turmoil in her heart.

Stirring the fire can bring the world back to chaos. There is me in you, and you in me. All things return to the great one, ending all contradictions and disputes.

Therefore, people who have been baptized by fire can be reborn again through the body of others.

For believers who are overwhelmed, it is very common to lodge their souls in different bodies.

The immortals have not been baptized by fire.

But his soul was transferred into the body of the mercenary under the unknown force...

"Is this the king identified by Lord Finger..." Haida muttered,
"The King of Fire..."

(End of this chapter)

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