The Ring: Sell Dung Beetles in Junction

Chapter 46 Timely Stop Loss

Chapter 46 Timely Stop Loss
The blue-robed noble was also stunned:

"Then where did you get this chariot? Isn't this a chariot that only Rodel knights of the Golden Tree can drive? These patterns and carvings..."

Obviously, the blue-robed nobles are very familiar with the influence of the Golden Tree, and they are also very familiar with the decoration and artistic style of the Golden Tree.

Wuming said: "Oh, I dug a hero cemetery and got it."

The blue-robed nobleman gasped.

He looked at the demi-human under the bridge, and then at the armored man in front of him, not knowing which one was more vicious.

What is the hero cemetery?

The man in front of him actually dug the hero's grave.

The blue-robed nobleman rubbed his forehead and let out a long sigh:
"How did this happen? I didn't expect to be a sub-human first, and then a robber."

"What kind of robber." Wuming was unhappy, "I came to save you, is this your attitude?"

"Didn't you just say that you want 800 million rubles?"

"Do you really give it?" Wuming said, "If you really give it, then I can just be a robber for a while."

"No, I have no money." The blue-robed nobleman said.

Nameless was a little disappointed:

"Burke also said you were a nobleman."

"I'm a nobleman." The blue-robed nobleman was a little anxious, touching his chest, "I'm Kenneth Hyde."

"I don't know, who is it?" Wuming asked.

"The city lord of Hyde Fortress, the eldest son of Lord Nimgoff." Hyde said.

"Lord Ningmgfu..." Wuming rolled his eyes, "Are you Gregor's son?"

Hyde was even more anxious now, his face turned red:

"What is Gregor, I am my father's son!"

"Of course you are your father's son." Wuming looked at him like a fool, "Are all nobles like you?"

Hyde choked for half a second, suppressed his excitement, and regained his calm tone:
"There are many lords in Ningmgfu, not all lords are lords who command the whole domain. There are also many kings of small countries who are independent on this land."

"So you are the son of the lord of Hyde Fortress?" Wuming understood.

"No, I am indeed the son of Lord Nimgfor," Hyde said, "I am a descendant of the orthodox regime of Nimgef."

"Then what are you talking about about the king of a small country?" Wuming said.

"I am such a little lord now." Hyde said, "Greek is in charge of Stonewell now."

"So are you Gregor's son?" Wuming returned to the original question.

"No." Hyde said, "Greek didn't become the lord of Stoneville from the very beginning. He escaped from the royal city of Rodel. It's just that he came from a famous golden family and brought a group of remnants of soldiers to drive my father away. Get off the throne and seal it to such a remote town."

"Oh, that's right." Wuming understood.

"That's right." Hyde was relieved that he finally understood.

"Then do you have the money to thank me for saving your life?" Wuming hit the nail on the head.

Hyde looked at Wuming cautiously:

"Saving people in pursuit of profit is not the right way."

"But appropriate rewards for good people and good deeds can motivate people to do more good deeds." Wuming said.

"You're right..." Hyde pondered.

"So..." Wuming stretched out his hand, twirling his fingers.

"No." Hyde spread his hands. "All my things were robbed, and there was a riot in the city. I have nothing left."

"So it's a poor ghost." Wuming was a little disappointed.

He turned and left, leaned on the wheels of the carriage, and prepared to get on the horse and leave.

"Aren't you going to save me?" Hyde was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, I will take away the group of Asians below."

Wuming turned over and jumped onto the carriage.

Burke held the lure pot and approached the howling demihumans.

"What are you doing?" Burke stepped forward and asked.

The demihumans were startled when they heard Burke's voice, and then looked at Burke with a bit of hostility.

Although Burke is also a demihuman, his appearance is very different from ordinary demihumans, which is why he is often unpopular among demihuman groups.

But the two sides are of the same race after all, communication is not a problem.

With anxiety and impatience, the demihumans told Burke why they wanted to besiege the people on the bridge.

After hearing this, Burke suddenly understood these demihumans.

Burke is weak and weak, unable to wield a big stick, and can only learn sewing from his mother. He has a cowardly personality, and he cannot follow other demihumans to block the road and rob.

But he still has one thing in common with other demihumans, there is something to empathize with.

They were all born to their mothers.

As a group of demihumans, their dependence on their mothers and leaders is quite high, which has formed their special culture.

They will be demoralized when their leader is defeated, and they will be driven into madness when their mother is taken away.

"You said that nobleman lied to you and kidnapped your mother?" Burke was taken aback.

The demihumans roared, expressing their conviction with extreme emotion.

The demihumans became more and more excited as they talked, their eyes turned red, as if they were showing signs of losing control.

A cloud just passed by, blocking the light of the golden tree and casting a shadow on the demihuman.

The eyes of the demihumans instantly became redder. They became violent, took out the rope from their bodies, picked up the stones on the side of the road, tied the rope to the stone, and threw it onto the bridge.

The ropes were attached to the edge of the arch bridge, and the demihumans began to climb up along the ropes.

Many of the ropes were so weak that the demihumans fell as soon as they climbed them, but the berserk demihumans, oblivious to the pain, continued to throw until the ropes just snapped into place stable enough to support their weight.

Burke was also taken aback by the madness of the demihumans:
"Calm down, I will tell the master..."

Several demi-humans grinned at Burke, as if there was a disagreement and they directly acted.

Burke didn't dare to speak anymore, he tightly squeezed the lure pot, and didn't stop the Asians anymore.

Just when the last demihuman was also on the rope, and was about to climb up vigorously, Wuming also got on his horse.

Eight fat and strong horses, a golden chariot, and a dozen subhumans.

The arch bridge, which bears the unbearable weight of life, finally failed.

The high cliff on one side of the arch bridge suddenly cracked, and the stones shattered. The arch bridge immediately tilted to one side, and slid down the cliff, making a harsh collision sound.

The mountain shook for a while, the arch bridge slanted towards the ground, dust was flying, and the sky was full of gravel.

After the shock wave passed by, the falling rock finally stopped on the ground, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

The dust dissipated, the clouds drifted past, and I saw the dozen or so demihumans sitting on the ruins, staring blankly ahead.

This change was too big, and it forced their fury to disperse.

In the middle of the arch bridge, Kenneth Hyde also walked out of the gravel with a cough, looking at the road that had been covered by the gravel, calming down his beating heart after the rest of his life.

When the demihumans saw Kenneth Hyde, they became agitated again. They screamed a few times, climbed up from the ruins, grabbed their sticks, and approached Kenneth Hyde.

Kenneth Hyde also panicked, taking two steps back:

"Help me! I don't have anything now, but when I regain my fortress, I can give you benefits—"

He didn't even see where Wuming was, but while promising benefits, he turned back and looked for Wuming.

"Shut up, everyone!" An angry yell rang out from the audience, causing Hyde and the demihumans to stop.

This angry shout dispelled the last bit of smoke and dust, revealing the figure in the center of the ruins.

Wuming stood there blankly, staring at the things in front of him.

In front of him, a wheel of the golden chariot had been twisted into a piece of pancake half spread on the edge of the table.

Two of the eight fine horses were also wounded, and blood flowed from their strong bodies.

"My baby!" Wuming wanted to cry but had no tears.

His voice was choked, as if he was suppressing infinite pain, and he was crying for it.

Hyde felt a little sorry after hearing this, and couldn't bear to say:

Wuming looked at him suddenly, his eyes were full of resentment:

"Sorry? It's not your horse that was injured. Do you know how hard it is for me to get these mounts!"

Nameless covered his heart:

"Can you feel the pain of an injured mount!"

Hearing this, Hyde silently looked towards the edge of the ruins.

There was a wagon that had been broken up, and a dead horse that had been disemboweled.

Nameless looked over, paused for two seconds, and said:
"You are only one horse, can you compare with me?"

Nameless crawling on the wheel in pain:
"Ah, Xiaoqiang, how can I live without you. I worked so hard to bring you up, if it wasn't for saving such a poor man, I wouldn't be sending a white-haired man to a black-haired man..."

"I will compensate you, okay." Hyde couldn't help it, "Both the carriage and the horse will compensate you."

"It's settled." Wuming immediately got up and shook hands with Hyde.

"The white-haired person..." Hyde shook hands with Wuming, looked at the eyes in the mask, "So you are a faded person."

"What's wrong with the fader?" Wuming glared at him, "You won't lose money for the fader?"

"Of course not." Hyde shook his head. "The law has never stipulated that faded people should be inferior. You saved me, and I will repay you."

"That's fine." Wuming looked at the two injured horses distressedly.

When he fell, he felt that something was wrong, but he tried his best, but he didn't have time to protect all the horses.

"Why is this broken bridge so weak." Wuming was a little annoyed, "Who repaired it."

"It's not a bridge," Hyde said, "it's just a ruin that fell from the sky and fell between the cliffs, and no one came up like you on eight horses and a golden chariot. The gold is heavy. "

"It's not to save you." Wuming glared at Hyde.

He also cast his fierce eyes on the demihuman by the way.

"Don't think I didn't notice you." Wuming looked at the demihumans who were about to approach Hyde, "You just want to climb up after throwing stones on the bridge, right? Let me tell you, you are all responsible, and you have to pay me money! "

The demihumans looked at each other, unable to comprehend the scene in front of them with their IQs, they just subconsciously sensed the ferocity of Wuming's words, so they immediately prepared to attack.

Seeing this, Burke hurried to the middle of the two sides:
"Master, these demihumans did not attack this nobleman for no reason. They were deceived by this man, and their mother was also taken away by him. That's why they attacked this man."

Wuming heard the words, looked at Hyde, narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were gloomy:

"So the cause of everything is because of you."

Hyde waved his hands again and again:

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense. I didn't lie to them, and I didn't take their mother away. It wasn't me who took the mother away."

Nameless said: "Listen to you, do you know who took it away?"

Hyde sighed:

"I just want to have a good relationship with the demihumans, and have some business dealings with the demihumans. Those things are done by my knight commander."

"Your knight commander, isn't that still your problem." Wuming said.

Hyde was wronged: "It's none of my business. This knight commander came from Stonewell just two months ago. Greg forced him to come to my fortress and take over the barracks. Crazy, and launched a rebellion, driving me out of the city."

"Greek again?" Wuming was furious, his teeth itching with hatred, "It seems that the store should have a sale."

Hyde watched those demihumans still approaching him, a little panicked:

"Do you want to convince the demihumans to give up this blind pursuit of revenge first?"

Wuming put Hydra behind him:
"Burke, explain it to them."

Burke hurriedly comforted the demihumans and repeated Hyde's words.

The demihumans were still agitated after hearing this, and were not satisfied with this statement.

"Don't be impatient." Wuming said, "I know you may not believe it, but I will take you and him to that place together. If what he said is true, you will naturally meet the real murderer, maybe It can also save your mother. If what he said is false, I will tear him apart with you."

Nameless looked at Hyde:

"You said your territory was taken away by the knight commander, right? Even if you don't help you take back the city, you can't compensate me, right?"

Hyde nodded.

"Lead the way ahead." Wuming directed Hyde, "I want to stop the loss."

Hyde Fortress, the domain of Kenneth Hyde, on the top floor, a Knight Commander Greik is wielding a knight sword.

Around him, there were countless corpses, including demihumans and ordinary humans.

Many demihumans timidly went up and down the lower floor. They surrounded the lower floor, but they dared not go up.

In the open space of the fortress, the huge corpse of the demihuman mother lay on the ground, her blood was almost dry.

The mother's tragedy made the demihumans angry, and the hordes of corpses on the upper floor made them fearful.

Caught between the corpses, they were in a dilemma.

There were already no enemies around the knight Grek, but he was still waving the big sword in his hand.

A layer of worm-like bright red blood surged on the original knight's great sword, making it look even more monstrous.

The knight danced wildly among the corpses, and the corpses and his own hands spattered blood at the same time.

He was intoxicated by it.

Although he is still Greik's knight, his heart no longer belongs to him.

During that month, he witnessed the strength of the Blood Dynasty with his own eyes, saw the incomparable Gregor lose all his arrogance in the face of the Blood Dynasty's blood fingers, and saw the elegant and beautiful figure of the Dragon Knight.

From then on, his heart was captured by the cursed blood, and he willingly became a supporter of the Blood Dynasty.

With the help of Fan Lei's relationship, he contributed enough blood, successfully shared the power of the blood king, and obtained the combat skills of the blood alliance.

Feeling this powerful force, the knight just wanted to have some more powerful enemies, and let him experience this beauty well.

The feeling of blood passing by his fingertips made him intoxicated.

"Who else can beat me!" the knight was excited.

He couldn't hold back anymore, rushed down from the upper floor, and took the initiative to attack those demihumans.

Fear overwhelmed anger, and the demihumans fled.

The knight fought vigorously, and followed behind the demihumans, each sword pulled out a long blood blade, tearing apart a demihuman's body.

The knight rushed out of the city gate all the way, and found that the demi-humans had already scattered and fled.

In the distance, several horses are galloping.

Headed by a knight wearing an unknown style of armor.

The knight recognized at a glance that it was the businessman who had deceived Gregor.

The knight had seen Nameless subdue Nefeli, and knew that this was not a weakling.

He immediately became excited.

The feeling of killing a powerful enemy is more wonderful than killing a demihuman.

"Come on, let me cut off your fingers!"

The knight raised his sword and shield, and faced the galloping horse with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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