Chapter 67
Gregor feels bad.

An inner, sustaining force was gone.

A full range of pain ensues.

It's more painful than a fire burn, it's from the inside out.

The originally docile limbs seemed to no longer listen to his command, and became a burden growing on the body, just a shaped tumor.

Greg began to swell all over, and each limb made him more painful, as if the soul of the original owner of the limb stayed in the limb, resisting his domination.

The most serious ones are the dragon head on the back and the shrimp head dragon head on both arms.

Even if a hero holds a dragon feast ceremony, long-term consumption of the dragon heart will be alienated and gradually transformed into the shape of a dragon. Grek directly connects the dragon's head to the limb, and the backlash at this time is even more fierce.

Gregor's ugly body, which was already full of pustules, became even more swollen, pustules burst one after another, and various juices flowed out.The muscles formed by his limbs began to melt, joining together, gradually turning into a meat ball.

Wuming, who was sneaking out of the city with a sack, noticed Greco's sudden change, and wondered if he should go up and kick him in revenge.

But thinking that he was acting like a thief, it was still a bit inappropriate to run directly in front of the city lord and make a face-off, so Wuming sneaked away anyway.

He dragged a sack bigger than himself, and left Stone City around Gregor.

Wuming wanted to return along the original road, but when he went out, he found that the scenery along the way was very different.

A large area of ​​the storm hill was vitrified, and the hut where they had rested had been turned into flying ash and disappeared, and the endless white ash stretched to the far end of the line of sight as far as the eye could see.

Wuming scratched his head and could only use his sense of direction to find the right path that was originally a valley and now turned into a river of magma.

Wuming stood on the cliff, climbed high and looked into the distance, looking at the avenue of ashes, his scalp was numb.

"I won't burn down the store too..." he muttered.

Wuming felt relieved when he returned to the beginning of the guide and saw that the familiar church in the distance was still standing upright.

Watching, Patch galloped towards him on horseback.

"You are back, welcome." Patch smiled all over his face.

Wuming looked at Patch suspiciously:

"Welcome, what are you doing with a large shield and spear?"

Patch smiled awkwardly and didn't answer, but he didn't put away his big shield either.

He looked at the clear eyes behind the nameless mask:
"never mind?"

"What can I do." Wuming said.

"How did you torment Stone City? How did you recover?" Patch asked.

"I don't remember at all either." Nameless said.

"Corruption disease, let's play with amnesia." Patch didn't believe it.

"It's normal for a person like me to lose memory." Wuming laughed.

Paqi froze for a moment, remembering that Wuming really couldn't even remember his own name.

Patch no longer struggled, and nodded seriously:

"Alright, memory is the root of pain, it's a blessing if you don't remember it."

"I don't think it's a blessing." Wuming said, "Don't talk about that, how is the store?"

Patch walked to the church with Wuming, and Patch explained the situation to him.

"The employees in the store are fine, the horses are fine, but the blood pool where the blood roses were planted was destroyed. Lake Yakir and the woods were also burned, we couldn't fish and hunt animals and carry out picking operations, and the dung beetles in the fields It's dead too."

Nameless opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Patch continued: "One more thing, because the Dragon's Breath ruins are too close to here, the teleportation array there was also destroyed, and our way to Galeide's mine was cut off."

Patch concludes:

"Business has been devastated."

He squinted at Wuming:

"It's all thanks to someone."

Nameless is extremely indignant:

"It's all Gregor's fault!"

Patch nodded: "Ah, yes, it's all Gregor's fault—then what about the store now?"

Wuming froze, stopped in place, hesitated for a while, and began to change the subject:
"Let's not talk about that, I still have good news, which is great for our new round table!"

Patch waited suspiciously for the nameless performance.

Wuming loosened the pocket of the sack and rolled it down.

A blood-stained pair of fingers with only one finger left was exposed.Standing upright in the sack, the fingers drooped and bent, just like a normal pair of fingers.

Wuming stretched out his arms, and proudly showed Patch the two fingers in the sack:

"Da da—our new round table has its own two fingers!"

Before he finished speaking, the two fingers in the sack lost their balance, and fell limply on the ground like a dead loach.

Wuming straightened his two fingers, and raised that finger up.

But within two seconds, the fingers went limp again.

Wuming was so angry that he kicked his two fingers:
"Don't give me face."

Two fingers ignored him.

Nameless looked at Patch:

"Lend me your spear."

Patch looked at the two fingers in a daze, and subconsciously handed the spear to Wuming.

Wuming put his two fingers down, found a good position from below, and thrust the spear in.

With the support of the skeleton, the two fingers stand straight, like a sharp sword pointing straight at the sky, and like the straight limbs of a dead person.

Wuming put on a show pose again:

"Brother, you are crazy." Patch threw the big shield to Wuming, crouched down with his head in his arms, "Did you kill Two Fingers?"

Nameless pondered for a moment:
"I can't remember. I just remember that his blood was all over me. It may have been suicide."

Patch couldn't believe it: "Do you know the status of two fingers?"

"I don't know." Wuming admitted honestly.

"This is the culmination of the belief in the borderland, and it is the spokesperson of the supreme will!" Paqi said.

Patch saw that Wuming still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, and said:

"Do you think what would happen if you killed the Pope?"

Nameless hesitated: "Wonderful?"

Patch raised his forehead: "Then let me change the metaphor, what will happen if someone kills your idol?"

Wuming immediately overflowed with murderous intent: "Kill him."

"That's right," Patch said. "Now do you understand where we're at?"

Wuming thought for a while: "But there must always be someone with two fingers in the round table."

"You don't have two fingers either!" Patch went crazy.

"It's more about our destiny." Wuming said, "One finger means uniqueness!"

Nameless patted Patch on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, you think everyone has seen two fingers. Let me tell you, ordinary people can't understand the language of two fingers. It takes a dismemberment witch to understand. As long as we don't tell them, no one will know that it is dead."

Patch looked at the blood on his two fingers, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Are you sure?"

"Just deal with it."

Wuming said, put his fingers in the sack, and turned to the nearby Yakir Lake.

After several days of recovery, Yakir Lake has accumulated some water.

Wuming took out his two fingers, dipped a sack in water, and wiped the wounds on his two fingers.

Wuming burned a jar with clay, screwed the blood into the jar, and after a while, his fingers were clean.

Wuming meticulously filled the wound on the two fingers, and filled the unbalanced part with soil to ensure that the fingers remained in the middle and appeared harmonious.

Wuming stood up, admiring the brand-new fingers, and nodded with satisfaction: "Perfect."

Patch only felt two fingers pointing at him.

He didn't know what to say anymore.

"You think you can really get through this?" Patch asked.

"Don't worry, I have my way."

In this way, Wuming really returned to Ailei Church with two fingers.

Originally, Wuming came back, and the mood of the employees was complicated.The boss almost destroyed them, but the boss is extremely powerful, which is a good thing for them.

But the arrival of Two Fingers dispelled the worries of the employees, and they were very excited to welcome a Two Fingers to the new round table.

The reason why the employees can accept it so easily is because Wuming used some tricks.

Haida took the lead in accepting this "Master Finger", as the Finger Witch, and she was a kind and gentle witch, and her opinions were generally accepted.

In addition, Wuming also put a layer of illusion on the two fingers.

Using light magic, he made an illusion of the dynamics and behavior patterns of the two fingers before they were alive. First, let the employees feel at ease, and then find a chance to remove the illusion.

Just say that Master Two Fingers suddenly didn’t respond, and it would take hundreds or even thousands of years to communicate with the Supreme Will, and we ordinary people would not understand it.

Back at Ailey Church, Wuming found that although there were a lot of bad things, there were still many good things.

Topps' theory was successful, and now they can build a magic circle covering the entire church to protect the safety of all merchants and teachers.

With this magic circle, it is also possible to attract those wandering merchants who are threatened by bell hunters.

The surrounding fish, shrimps and beasts disappeared, but the nameless fire did not burn to the foggy forest after all, and Hyde could provide them with a lot of supplies.

His fortress was the first to be harmed by Gregor, but it was also a blessing in disguise. He did not participate in the siege of the cuckoo, and was the first to start recruiting troops and resume production.

Greck was completely down this time, and Stone City was half-destroyed, and the situation in Ningmgfu suddenly became erratic and chaotic.

The lords gathered by Greck happened to have a lot of troops in their hands now, and without the control of Stone City, they would soon clash.

Hyde has a keen sense of smell, and has noticed that Ningmgfu's ups and downs are about to come, so he decides to cooperate deeply with the New Round Table, and the two sides provide each other with supplies and combat power.

This gives the Alley church a lot of opportunities to also continue to do the fader business.

These faders will also throw themselves into the ensuing strife for their livelihood.Without Greg, maybe the nameless business would be even better.

What surprised Wuming the most was the change of the falling star beast.

The falling star beast's eyes were clear again, but it was more docile than before.

"This is... completely domesticated?" Wuming was pleasantly surprised, "Why are you suddenly so obedient?"

"That thing is intelligent." Patch said, "I and two magicians were not the only ones who saw your power."

Patch said: "If you realize that there is no hope of escape, you can't resist, you can only enjoy it."

"Really?" Wu Mingle asked, "Why are you so familiar?"

Patch pouted in the direction of Haida:

"There are lessons learned from the past."

Haida now changed her position, next to the two fingers, and continued to transform runes for the immortals.

She seemed to feel the nameless gaze and smiled at him.

She is one of the insiders of the two-finger secret, which gives her the joy of sharing the secret.

Haida believes that this kind of secret between two people can bring the relationship closer.

Haida couldn't see Patch next to Wuming, and she didn't know that there was a third party in the secret between the two.

Wuming nodded to Heda, and told Patch about the future plan of the new round table——

Portals to re-establish and Galeide's Tunnels are a must, as the large amounts of ore there are very useful.

The nearby woods have disappeared, and the immortals and hybrids have lost their jobs. It is necessary to provide them with jobs again and ensure the supply inside the church.

The most important thing to pay attention to is the impact of Greg's loss of power. It can be predicted that Ningmgfu will be precarious in the future. It is still unknown where the new round table will go and what role it will play in it.

There was a more pressing problem: the Blood Pool was destroyed, and they couldn't make deliveries to the Blood Dynasty.

Not only the issue of delivery, but also the issue of loyalty of the Blood Dynasty.

Patch said: "I suspect that the Blood Dynasty was involved in Gregor's attack. Van Ray hasn't been in the church for many days."

Wuming and Patch were both a little distressed.

The returned bone fragments were all provided by the Blood Dynasty, and they were important partners of the new round table.

But on the other hand, they never let down their vigilance on this partner.

Both of them knew that the Blood Dynasty and the New Round Table were using each other, not an unbreakable alliance.

The Blood Dynasty was suspected of participating in Gregor's attack, which put the threat of the Blood Dynasty on the table.

The two had to confront the question head-on and start weighing the risks.

Tops' magic circle enveloped the entire church, and the easiest way to break him was to send the enemy directly into the church by returning the bone fragments.

Whether or not to keep this teleportation center has become a problem that the two must face.

Returning bone fragments is a skill they can't let go of, and they are stuck by the blood dynasty.

Wuming approached Se Lian and asked her if she could solve it, but she was unable to do anything.

"I thought you knew everything." Nameless said.

Se Lian shook her head: "I just know what I have learned. I have also studied the teleportation array of the Blood Dynasty. It is not my system. It looks very old."

"You don't always say that astrology is the oldest." Wuming said.

"Astrology is the oldest," said Cerlian, "but some of it is long lost."

She took out a scroll with her Rubbing of the Blood Dynasty teleportation circle on it:
"It's a bit like the Ulu Dynasty - an ancient civilization that has long been lost. I don't know much about them."

Seeing that Se Lian could not give more information, and that the New Round Table could not decipher the mystery of the Blood Dynasty's teleportation array, Wuming asked Se Lian to play with the Falling Star Beast.

"There are so many things." Wuming sighed.

"Most of the time you brought it on," Patch said.

Nameless smiled indifferently:
"But we have two fingers, and it's a fresh start. The problem will always be solved, and we will be more abundant."

Wuming weighed this new round table:
"Two-fingers, witches, teachers, blacksmiths, merchants, warriors... basically everything you want."

Patch said: "Think about the blood dynasty first, don't be distracted."

Nameless but never stopped:
"But there's a career missing, someone who might be able to solve the problem."

"What occupation?" Paqi heard that Wuming had a way, and his eyes lit up. "Quickly, I can help and find such talents together."

Wuming looked at Patch, showing a playful smile:

"That's what you said."

"What the hell is it?" Patch found Wuming's attitude strange.

Nameless said slowly:
"It's your favorite—priesthood."

 Tomorrow, I will be on the shelf, use this paragraph to wrap up, and then I will give a testimonial to explain in detail
(End of this chapter)

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